No seriously why did they change it?
No seriously why did they change it?
i heard he's gay and sucks dick for fun
because it literally doesn't matter what they change anything into when everyone uses a texture pack anyway
It looks better
I hate this youtuber's face and voice
Minecraft texture packs tend to look like shit
Because the old texture looked shitty. That's not even the one they use right now, pic related is.
>gay and sucks dick for fun
That's redundant. Only gays suck dick for fun. Women do it for exchange. Straight men would only do it for grievous exchange, like having a gun on their head. Gays are the only ones who actually like penis anywhere around their mouth.
This board has so much eceleb shit on it i thought you were complaining about his intro, or some kind of censorship.
t. virgin
plenty girls like sucking dick
>for fun
What a casual.
Sure, they tell you that. What kind of good woman doesn't tell their man that they enjoy doing something that does nothing for them.
Actually, I take it back. I'm sure some women learn to enjoy it because of a genuine desire to pleasure their partner.
This is accurate.
t. Married with kids
Stuff like this is usually a result of people having pointless jobs and trying to prove that their job has a point so they don't get fired
>not “Married with Children”
an ex of mine actually really thought it was fun and would sometimes just do it even if she was on her period and I didn't ask. she genuinely enjoyed it
Nice rp virgin
jesus what a miserable virgin you must be. the concept of a girl enjoying pleasuring her significant other is outlandish for you?
Good for you, user. Like I said, my statement was more blanket than anything. Gays have a desire to pleasure their man that comes from empathy and knowing how it feels. Some women do enjoy it though, so I stand corrected.
fucking ZOOMERS
>not having a girl that wakes you up by sucking you off
>not having a girl that will suck you off in secluded, yet public places knowing you can't do anything in return
>not having a girl give you road head
All of these scenarios offer nothing in return for them other than the standard relationship bullshit you'd be doing anyway. Half the time she doesn't even play with herself. I also used to meet this girl working night shift at her job and she'd just come to my car, suck me off, and go back to work. Once or twice we banged it was usually just the head.
Anyway anyone have any good tips on finding diamond? I just moved from java 1.7.10 to the latest bedrock version and I can't find it for shit. I'm guessing the algorithm or whatever changed. I got a decent amount of iron, a shit ton of obsidian "veins" but no diamond. Been all the way down to bedrock, explored natural caverns, but nothing.
how to get minecraft gf
love and marriage
Your grass is wrong
This is the most underage thread on Yea Forums right now
I'll be q
Why did they never add more types of ore to the game?
I'd imagine people would complain. Picture the scenario -
Another ore is another tier of tools.
Why should this tier of tools be important? I suppose it'll be used to harvest some new tier of items.
>people complain about bloat and stretching out the same gameplay
And you just know it wouldn't be done right.
Instead of making carbonized iron or even steel, they'd just fucking add "new aetherium :^)"
CutieCraft is kawaii!
how to hurt someone 101