If Metal Gear Solid V takes place in 1984, why do the hospital staff have ID cards issued in 1979?
If Metal Gear Solid V takes place in 1984, why do the hospital staff have ID cards issued in 1979?
Highest IQ post on all of Yea Forums
Not an argument.
A game takes several years to develop, they probably issued the cards when they started to develop the game.
she started at the hospital in 79, buddy. that's when she got her id. now you can sleep at night.
You being a retard who can't comprehend simple logic is very much an argument.
Here's your argument: IDs aren't reissued every year, you get them once when you get your job. No go be low IQ somewhere else
>the Metal Gear audience
Alright, fine. If you insist on me humoring this retarded post.
The reason it's not labeled 1984 is because in most cases, employees are provided ID at the time that they're hired. Not every single year. This leads one, with a working fucking brain, to safely assume that the employee was likely hired in 1979 and has been working there since.
I can't believe I'm actually explaining this. I know it's a fucking troll.
in case you're actually retarded, you don't need to get a new id every year
I don't understand what the problem with that is.
The current year is 2019 but my credit card expires in 2022! Explain that gamers!
It would be a problem if the ID was issued in the future. Possible timeparadox. But as it stands, I don't know what the problem is
the size of the brain in this post is beyond comprehension, I'm literally dying rn
OP is a massive retard.
Why would she have been issued an ID card in 1979 when the game takes place in 1984?
You're a time traveler.
Why would you be issued a drivers license last year when its current year?
its a hallucination like the whale
Why isn't the best by date on food the day you buy it? Why wait to eat it? Checkmate atheists.
If you couldn't tell OP was baiting the moment you finished reading his post, you are a massive retard and probably a tourist.
We aren't talking about a driving license, we're talking about a reconstructive surgery issuance.
For the same reason The Final Countdown is used even though that song didn't come out until 1986.
Kojima is a brainlet faggot.
It's the same damn principle. You aren't reissued an id every year. Now I guess you could argue since this is some super secret hospital designed specifically for Medic Snake and BB so ID's may be reissued every year but I feel that's looking too into it.
You underestimate how unbelievably stupid and the MGS fanbase is.
MGS5 demon edition soon guys, how hype are you?
>The current year is 2019 but my credit card expires in 2022! Explain that gamers!
I can all i need is your card number the three numbers on the back ant the expireson date
I work in a Hospital and I've had the same ID card for 6 years despite them saying it would expire after 2 years and I'd have to get a new one. It even says the expire date on the actual card. But I can still open every keypad lock with it just fine.
Tell me your grossest hospital story.
>tfw the only video game character from my country is that person
I'm not a Doctor or Nurse so don't have any gross hospital stories desu.
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>I'm not a Doctor or Nurse
Jannie are you ok
I work in recruitment.
I once had to wipe an elderly man's ass but his balls were so big and droopy and he kept moving that they would plop against my hand.
a big part of me really wants to believe, but at the same time, you can't really trust somewhat-baseless leaks.
still pretty fuckin hype and browsing mgs threads tho
I see your point. Computers weren't invented until the 80s, so they had no way of printing ID cards.
At this point I'm not sure whether this board is one big satire or it's genuinely filled with absolute retards.
Fourniers gangrene, actual maggots in a purulent foot ulcer, vomiting actual shit because of a longstanding bowel obstruction, a suprapubic stoma shooting urine with the velocity of a water fountain, and just generally some very fat, gross people. might actually get to leave it all this year pretty stoked :)
And giant mechs have yet to be invented. MGS was never a series meant to be taken seriously.
worm holes. unironically
>Computers weren't invented until the 80s
>What is ENIAC?
>I...I was only pretending to be retarded
Why do "gamers" use this stupid word instead of just saying baited.
Same meaning but two more letters to type.
>tw*tch subhuman
checks out
The Russian soldiers mention that the 1984 book came out 30 years ago. Book came out in 1949, 30+1949 is 1979. Fake Bibo passport has 1979 stamped into it in blue which is the truth, and 1984 stamped in red, which is a lie.
You could've used this example OP. This is the most blatant piece of evidence on top of the IDs
Sony Walkman also came out in 1979. But yeah, the soldier thing is your biggest piece of proof there
>Kojima just ripped off a old American movie using the same motif of an American soldier getting plastic surgery in a coma and waking up 5 months later and telling him that 5 years has passed to trick him into thinking the soviets won the war
Name of movie is 36 hours btw
I have a University ID issued in 2014, does that mean it’s still that year faggot?
I had a military buddy who used to be fat but had excess skin left over from losing fat too quick to get in. he had surgery to get it removed. during his recover in the hospital a nurse offered him sex. she got pregnant and my buddy couldn't believe it took a paternity test after the child was born who had heart condition. it was his. he couldn't stand her because she was crazy so the relationship didn't last long. the child support she receive from him she was using it on herself to buy shit.
tl:dr don't fuck with crazy.
why did everyone actually take the bait?