>it's completely normal to be able to buy guns from a grocery store
>no one sees a problem with this and would rather remove ads for video games
what the actual fuck is wrong with americans? how did guns end up being sold in a grocery store?
It's completely normal to be able to buy guns from a grocery store
Other urls found in this thread:
>company virtue signals for a few months to get good boy points and then goes back to what it was doing
Fuck gamers desu
Americans are inbred
>Grocery Store
It's a warehouse, not a grocery store
how does that change anything lmao
No no, we said "shart in mart", not "shot in mart"
>console-fags get their violent videogames cucked away
PC wins again
walmart isn't a grocery store it's a supermarket
grocery stores don't sell videogames
No, Walmart is a cult
Why are Americans like this?
"Walmart Inc. is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969."
guns don't kill but video games do
Move them goalposts.
bigger question is why are video games being sold in a grocery store? they aren't household cleaning supplies or whatever.
it's almost as if firearms are typically bought without violent intentions in mind
who'd have thought
Because removing instore advertisement is nothing and media, including retards like yourself, are givibg ghem free advertising. They are pretty smart desu.
>sell guns
I thought that was a meme
How will banning video games change that?
>western pig trash will die in your lifetime
How many rapes have to happen before you cut off your dick, incel?
Do you literally not know what 'and' means?
I don't ser anything wrong with this
Advertisement should not exist at all
>what's wrong with Americans
With Boomers? Early age lead exposure and lead in their bones that slowly and constantly leeches into their blood making them retarded.
>how did guns get sold at walmart
People want guns, Walmart has guns and the money to get whatever licenses it wants to sell anything
Have we come full circle?
I remember back when the right wing was the bad guys video games were being attacked and the left wing defended it.
Then the left wing became the bad guys and the right wing started caring about freedoms.
But now the right wing hates video games again and seem to be becoming the bad guys.
Are the left actually becoming the good guys again?
You're right, unlike video games which are exclusively bought for the purpose of committing atrocities.
That's not an argument. It's part of an amendment.
Rightists have always been the bad guys, they've just become better at PR.
>country has more guns than human beings
>it must be the videogames!!!
kek, america is fucked
>tfw you have to go in to work in 10 minutes and we're having a recital today
>devices with the exclusive purpose of inflicting damage to living beings are bought without violent intentions
what the fuck? do americans also buy video game consoles to go on Yea Forums on them?
>t-they aren't coming after my games, just weebshit garbage
I used to work at a shop called meijer and I would have to go over to the hunting department a lot to unlock the bullet case to get people their bullets
>inb4 actually they were probably pellets or air soft or something
No they were real bullets some dude bought like 10 boxes of em
>tool to kill
>no violent intentions
Ah yes the horrible intention of not getting robbed. Better ban knives too while we're at it.
>people still believe gamers arent oppressed
Pretty sure walmart stopped selling guns a couple of years ago. At least they did near me, and I live in a red state
Dumb post
Nope. Not stores in the city, but small town stores still carry shotguns, bolt rifles and ammo. Inner city stores stopped selling guns years ago. And company wide they stopped selling "tactical" rifles a few years ago.
t. Overnight manager
>how did guns end up being sold in a grocery store?
they're called department stores. when stores get large enough in a first world country they'll have different departments that sell different things. there's the grocery isles, there's clothes, electronics, car parts, paint, hunting and fishing, etc.
No. The right never stopped being the bad guys, the left just joined them. All authoritarian ideologues will eventually try to ban everything you like.
unlike video games
OUTCH Next time I'll vote democrat
4 years later
OUTCH Next time I'll vote republican
>twitter feminists are the left
love this meme
Firearms are bought solely with violent intentions. The only reason you buy a gun is be ause you want to kill something, or someone.
>b-but its hunting
You're still killing an animal, even if it needed to be culled amd what you're doing is for the natural habitat's benefit
>b-but its for self defense
Even if you hope to never use it, you still bought it with the intent to kill someone should it happen
Stop coping.
Yeah, and when I bought Resident Evil 2 I was just salivating at the thought of using it as some sort of virtual simulator to make myself prepared to shoot up some place. Or perhaps I was just looking forward to play a game and check out Jill’s butt. Which seems more likely?
It’s almost as if jews are the problem
>right and left
Mutts are braindead retarded and deserve more shootings.
About time alt right gamers realize they were all time just useful idiots.
There was some dumb senator from california who went on a crusade against violent video games back in 2006 and then in 2014 he was arrested for selling rocket launchers to terrorists on the black market.
People are fucking stupid ass hypocrites and whoever are the most outspoken about something are usually trying to distract from their own malice.
>they tried to do this in the UK when they opened up ASDA (subsidary of WM, I believe) around the country
>they were told to fuck off
>No they were real bullets some dude bought like 10 boxes of em
Thats not alot.
in case de gooberment gets uppity
Finally. Someone understand this.
Americans are all mentally ill, all of the pioneers were society cancer needed to flee on the other side of the world and this cancer founded its constitution on degeneracy.
This is why the average american is a stubborn aggressive loud stupid mutt, the genes of their criminal ancestors still linger within them.
The march of freedom
i hope you can still take the high road after you or your family can't defend themselves from violence, at least you'll know you didn't use a gun!
It is the entire argument.
My right to bear arms and protect my private property and my life shall not be infringed. Even if some faggot in a suit decides that "its finally time." He can personally come and take it from me.
>in mind
>I can't chew a steak so that means you shouldn't be allowed to have it.
When do we nuke eurofags?
guys, dont fall for the gun ban meme
i live in a "gun free" country and i can guarantee you criminals will not stop acquiring guns because of some law, gun ban only prevents good citizens from having a way to defend themselves
you at least have the chance to protect yourselves against nigger robberies
That meme is very mean, context?
Yeah, that’s exactly why we have the 2nd
It’s literally to kill tyrants and bootlickers-and that’s a good thing!
politics will always be a waste of time, sadly
Yes. I will kill if necessary. There is no cope, that is the truth of it. To see it any other way is to negate the entire purpose of carrying a weapon. My intention, if I have to use it, is to kill.
holy shit, someone is still actually mad about losing two revolutionary wars!
The constitution isn't some sacred text. It's just a set of laws that everyone in the country has follow and a guide for law making.
>Honey, did you forget to buy the ARs again?
>liberals and euros so booty blasted about US gun laws they have to come to Yea Forums to vent and shitpost because any other board will laugh in thier faces
uK is a fuckkng joke
>oh m8 u were stabbed
>here yah go
>yah have this here koitchen knoife
>alrooght hove a g’day m8
>concealed carry protects you from a bullet to the back of the head
love this meme
Damn... better disarm our military and police too. After all they only exist for violent intentions.
>Walmart is just for groceries
It's the same here in the UK. People are so fucking arrogant about our semi-socialist policies but the reality of it is that we're a living disaster.
Shitskins will grab guns regardless of bans, the only people denied access are innocents.
More like federal spooks and their bots
This, the problem is Americans being mentally ill, cold killing machines. Watch Bowling for Columbine, everyone.
Gun nuts and the NRA need a scapegoat again, so good ol' video games it is. Tried and true.
>Fucking Americans being degenerates by copying all of our philosophers
I don’t use guns so it seemed like a lot most people just bought like a few boxes
All he said is that using a gun for self defense is still buying it with the intent to kill
Why are you triggered about that statement?
Do you believe in the shooting the legs meme?
I just dont lie to myself to sleep at night, but not living in the ghetto helps too
Switzerland has similar gun laws than the USA. Difference is Swiss are european and germanic and USA, well, it´s 56% and shitskins
>Yea Forums would rather abandon their only method of protection instead of just limiting the forms of entertainment they have
Yeah it's got a shit quality version everything you need.
To be fair most of those people purchasing legally are only doing it for sport, it's not really a cause for concern. Real criminals typically use pistols and purchase illegally. The number of long arm guns deaths per year is almost equivalent to the number of people who die by fist. Take a look at pic related and note how few people actually die by shotgun or rifle each year, it's all pistols and knives. The whole "assault weapon" scare is a boogeyman.
Are we seriously back on Jack Thompson bullshit? Thought we left that behind a decade ago
This but unironically, I’m for gun control. Just start with the military, the police, and the rich. There’s no point otherwise for trading civilian violence with state violence
Its the single greatest experiment in the history of man, a set of guidelines on how to build a civilization based on individual rights and freedoms. Its not perfect, but there's a reason why the right to bear arms immediately follows after the freedom of speech. Marcus Aurelius had this shit locked in hundreds of years before.
This doesn't even happen anymore. Politics in America have been so infested with "Us vs Them" mentality that finding someone who votes bipartisan is like finding a unicorn. Just look at how demonized the word "centrist" has become. You might as well tell someone you torture animals if you tell them you don't vote on party lines
>it's almost as if firearms are typically bought without violent intentions in mind
That's literally what a gun was designed for.
who needs protection when you can lock yourself away in a room playing vidya
I could care less what They did with it
>How were we supposed to knoooooow?
Didnt realize Muhammed was germanic
fucking this
>live in glasgow
>if the police even suspect you're not a good bootlicker you get your license taken away
>meanwhile every ally is filled with subhumans who will stab the shit out of you for 2 pence.
not according to american logic
Killing isn’t inherently bad.
user, killing someone in self defence is still violent intent.
Some people will buy a few to go to the gun range, stock up ect. But if your gonna go with a few friends and make a day out if it you end up shooting a damn lot.
Stop treating the Constitution like the a sacred text. It's not. There were plenty of republics before the US.
>Ban guns
>defensive retards grab onto their guns in protest, probably killing more in a retard frenzy
>gun bans protect you from some nigger with a knife
love this meme
Your meme aside, I'll clear something up. British folk don't need firearms because we don't have the same vulnerability in our government in the USA. Your well regulated militias are a counterbalance to the possibility of government tyranny. You can rise up against a tyrant because you are armed. In Britain we don't need this system because our armed forces do not serve out government, they swear an oath of loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen instead and thus acts as a safeguard against some elected tyrant trying to upheave the system. We really don't need guns.
And living isn't inherently good judging by the average Yea Forums poster
its pointless arguing gun laws with people who believe the brainwashing that they never need to question their laws
>Muh protection
>Not a single one of these shooters has ever been stopped by some amerimutt hero with a gun.
You have a gun? Give it a good use and blown your brains out, faggot.
But a rolling pin to the head will kill you just as well as a knife will.
Indeed. Civilizations, republics come and go, but this is MY republic. I'll do whatever I want.
>Stop treating the Constitution like the a sacred text. It's not
Lol get fucked PUSSY
>there are millions of people in America who believe this
Centrists were always hated. We had the same shit almost 30 years ago in the UK where someone who agreed with parts of spectrum were seen as demons since you're either with them, or against them. And it didn't got much better since then.
I have the fucking RIGHT to fucking OWN guns, and nothing is gonna change that.
must suck to be you lmao
The royal family consists of sadistic pedophiles
>concealed carry protects you from a knife in the back
love this meme
>He thinks the monarch actually throws out orders for the military
>He thinks oaths mean literally anything
>He thinks the monarch can't also turn tyrant
Why are people so mad about this?
Less exposure of violent games means less kids and normalfags playing them.
That's great news.
>Your well regulated militias are a counterbalance to the possibility of government tyranny.
to be fair this isn't a thing, if a state has a militia its usually a bunch of wing nuts who are being watched by the feds in case they turn radical.
the thing that really works in the spirit of the idea of "regulated militias" is that every citizen has the right to purchase a firearm, with no limit on how many they can own.
I love how mutts think they can compete with the military. Your civilian 9mm won't do jack shit if the government decides to turn your backyard into a warzone
>parts of spectrum
parts of both spectrums
There are also millions of Americans who prove this.
A 9mm can kill a corrupt official plenty good
>a bunch of puritans and jewish foreskin snippers
>"our" philosophers
take some responsibility in your sad existence
>gun bans protect you from a knife in literally any direction
love this meme
>he doesn't walk down the street spinning in tactical circles.
Sutherland Springs Church shooting
Do you NEED a gun though? Seems like a waste of money to have one just because you can
It's like taking up cigarettes the moment you turn 18 just because you legally can
Let me guess, you also don't need self-defense, right? I hope some guy breaks into your house, rapes and murders your family, and you have to just sit there because if you accidentally broke his arm you'd go to jail too.
>A 9mm can kill
We got a real comedian over here
>civilian 9mm is different from military 9mm
can it shoot down fighter-bomber jets too?
Ah yes, I remember when Obama and Hillary were killed.
>all of this leftypol countershilling on Yea Forums
>one thread of this on the front page for the last week
Yeah, that's a big yikes from me, user.
I'll keep my lovely Garand and my video games.
>this entire post
You really are fucking braindead, aren't you? The military isn't preventing the government from enacting any of the totalitarian policies it already has in this nation, it's utterly useless when concerning domestic and small scale matters.
We used to have guns, did you know that? Their reclamation was planned because our oligarchical system has planned the deconstruction of this nation from the beginning of the 20th century. Read Orwell, and I don't mean 1984.
>proceeds to choke on his steak and dies
Americope, lmao
Based time traveling user
Does anyone here even own guns? Just me?
If I want to buy cans of spam and crossbows and crotchless panties and rifles that’s my business you freedom hating person.
>It can’t happen here!
It’s literally happening right now you dumb cunt
>Grocery Store
The only war America ever lost was against civilians
>Implying the military would just turn on their own people because the government said so
>Implying the US would be able to attack civilians on their soil without getting the rest of the 1st world involved
wtf now I want to beat people up in real life now?
Alt right shitubers are a cancer of society. You can bet none of those hypocrite faggots will make a video about games being blamed because "muh Trump said so" like the tools with no ideology they are.
In all honesty, what can be done without infringing constitutional rights? Either we allow for a strong government intervention or just accept mass shootings to be a norm.
You're either a newfag who doesn't understand meme arrows or illiterate. Ether way, you have my sympathies.
>Dude you can't beat the government lmao
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
It literally states that guns have to be well regulated. The first three words in the 2nd amendment is “a well regulated”.
Yeah buddy no one ever thought of following a text someone wrote hundreds of years ago before the US
The moment a civil war broke out in America, Russia and China would pounce on the opportunity like hungry dogs and then divide up whatever was left
Not a single person with a gun bought it without violence in mind.
are you claiming one can only protect oneself with a semiautomatic assault rifle?
>He thinks oaths mean literally anything
It means a lot actually. Chain of command is literally the thing that allows an army to be an army rather than a group of people with guns.
Unless individual COs defect to the side of a politician the oath matters, and honestly do you really think the army would side over some politician instead of their friends and family and countrymen?
And yes, a monarch could turn tyrannical. Sure. If that happens we're fucked. But let's face it's it's not fucking likely since you don't elect new monarchs every 4 years.
Are you comparing the porn block to martial law?
Just get your wanking license and you won't have to complain about it any more.
Good, fuck video games and praise guns.
This post is unironic by the way, I'm serious.
It is a general store and thusly carries everything.
>0.014% of overall homicides even counting the endless 3+ casualty black on black gang shootings as "mass shootings"
based retard assuming that language from the late 18th century equates to current language
The point of the second amendment in modern terms is that you cannot remove guns without destroying America. Yeah you can drone and whatever, but keep in mind that lots of the US police force and military would support the second amendment. And if you do drone everyone out of existence, you’d be taking thousands of innocents with you. There wouldn’t be a country left to rule.
>In Britain we don't need this system because our armed forces do not serve out government
The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned officers are as follows:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
our military are defenders of the constitutions first my dude, but does this sound familiary?
Never let them take your guns, Murricans.
>I don't know what "well regulated" means in the context its used
Based retard
John Oliver said it's 2019 and it's about time guns gotta go.
Sorry, alt-right trump supporters, us gamers will defend freedom and liberty peacefully.
based retard mind
Stop covering mass shootings. Entirely.
I can’t wait to apply for my video game license
It doesn't say guns you fucking retard, immediately after that it says militia. I don't know if you are baiting or this is the power of europoor education I have heard so much about
>it's almost as if firearms are typically bought without violent intentions in mind
Do you know what guns are for? You fucking retard.
Cannot kill the people you wish to govern
Cannot glass the country in an attempt to control your populous
All productivity within the country halts
Governments attempting to control their people often lose. In America, its almost assured that the civilians would win in an uprising. Its why the Civil War was such a vital war in our history, or in any nation's history.
that's what they're saying.
the idea is to give abusers a less-than-lethal weapon.
you can't remove all knives or they'll go for the pin, so you put fake knives in the drawers so the stabs won't kill.
>we don't have the same vulnerability in our government in the USA
>We really don't need guns
you're right. your government is too incompetent even trying to handle one guy with a knife.
High quality vidya discussion thread
>amerifats giving a shit about self defense and dark alleyways when they sit around in their basement all day
best meme yet
>immediately thinks of porn
No helping you lad
Dont worry, they'll never take them over the dead school children's bodies
Close the border.
China and the EU. Stop overrating Russia. They want you to think they have much more power than they do. They are a poor nation that is extremely divided.
Knife is unironically a fantastic self-defense tool (as long as nobody has a gun). Everyone knows that even a little girl with a kitchen knife will fuck you up, regardless of whether you also have a knife. There are no winners in a knife fight, only losers. It's baisically a pocket ICBM, nobody is stupid enough to start a nuclear war.
How can you be so arrogant while also being so ignorant?
By that logic the whole constitution is null and void cuz it’s “18th century”. It says it should be regulated and you know they didn’t anticipate automatic rifles to be sold in every Walmart when making the constitution. Our country is a joke. Vote those fuckers out. Trumps shit approval rating is only going to get shittier.
How did videogames end up in grocery stores?