haHAA nice meme
HaHAA nice meme
you have to go back
Why won't you include the site's name in your crop?
>can't buy violent video games at Walmart anymore
>but I can go an buy r rated movies and and a gun
Why would you?
>can't buy violent video games at Walmart anymore
Fake news. They stopped putting up video game promotional matetial that included violent videogames
>but I can go an buy r rated movies and and a gun
Damn right, faggot
Because I want to know who's paying you.
Thank goodness. Wouldn’t want to encourage more white people to commit mass shootings
Fortnite is pretty lucky that it got to do it's world championship before the shooting.
Twitch emotes outside of Twitch are the biggest meme. Fuck off.
Don't be so hard on yourself, shill.
Im not OP ya cunt
potential mass murderers on heavy damage control rn
Good. Boomers don't deserve to watch our video games on their unironic cable subscriptions.
>Drumpf bad
>Somehow Wallmart, ESPN and more agree
WTF bros i thought he was in the wrong. Are those bussiness willing to lose money?
>Big Corporations are the ethical and political paragons of our culture
Good, esports are cancer like the normies that play games like this.
you can buy games tho,it's just adds that get taken down?
>ESPN mostly parrots what the democrats say
>by not airing the video game event they confirm what the gop and the NRA (evil!) are saying that video games cause mass shootings
What's going on, fellas? Could it be that these swine are all the same?
why the FUCK would espn air video games in the first place?
>Two party system
Must suck to be a mutt
What shooting? the fucking car backburn? lmao
>A hand full of people are killed once in a full moon
>1/4th~ of all deaths in the US are caused by heart disease
Walmart is a company and they can do what ever they want :^)
sports channels now show esports to appear diverse, even though it just pisses off people that regularly watch them who go on twitter to complain "get these virgins playing video games off my telly"
When will we stop blaming video games and start blaming our terrible mental health programs, standards for raising children and school systems?
how can you shill something if you don't reveal what you're shilling
are you retarded?
Southside Chicago sees widespread shootings every week, but ESPN never does this kind of shit for them. Fucking disgusting.
I thought Oneangrygamer fucking hated this game tho
I play a game that has a band of SomethingAwful holdovers and they say this every game. What's the significance of it?
>be me be literally me
>drive any car with two step
>watch Americans freak and Obama get down
Thanks mass shooters
piss off wanker