If you had 1000 extra bucks a month to do with as you please, how would you spend it?
If you had 1000 extra bucks a month to do with as you please, how would you spend it?
by working less or even stop working so I can live for myself
Not on video games thats for sure
Stop working and keep on playing games and shitposting as long as I want. 1000 dollars is easily enough to sustain myself
i'd save it
fuck staying inside
thats antisemitic
Blow 8% on luxuries then spend the rest on food/bills and save whatever is left.
thots and coke, then kill myself
Quit my job in favor of one with far less hours, so I have time to go back to university and have a chance to achieve what young me was too dumb for.
What's the most you have spent on computer hardware, Yea Forums?
why? I would still spend money by consuming stuff
isn't that what welfare's all about?
Take money from the ones who might save it and give it to them who will spend it
>all these underages who think u can live on 12k a year
Uhhh 20k is poverty line retards
I would buy a few extra movies and save the rest
Giving whores and sluts creampies
I don't live in the US so i can live off 1k USD for 3 months without any worries :)
I've been living on less for nearly 10 years now
Doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable at all just ur bearly have enough to get by
not everyone likes overpriced shit
You see the more stressed out I got from work the more money I spend on bullshit to keep me sane.
Now I either work part time or nothing at all.
>is it enjoaybale?
I'd say it's more comfortable than working my ass off an stressing over unimportant things 24/7. It's not like I would achieve a better life anyway
Cost of living varies from place to place. In some places, 1k/month is enough to live on if you just sit inside all day and never buy anything.
is this the yang thread
i'd pay off my credit cards
then i'd...... use $200 for lvidya and stuff, and 800 to pay the rent
what a fucking retard
>800 bucks for rent
where you living at, mate?
where I live 1000 bucks is a high end salary so I'd be living pretty comfortably
this right here
I live comfortably in Australia on 18k a year. Although I did save money all through my teen years to make paying off a house easy.
Not him but the renting market in America is pretty shit unless you're splitting rent, live in the middle of nowhere, or are renting a literal basement. He probably lives in a city or even a suburban neighborhood.
My rent is $850, but it's two bedroom so it's implied you'd split it. Which I do.
This. I pay 1200 in rent and utilities for a nice 1-bedroom apartment with a view in the downtown of a second-tier city.
For the OP, I'd like to say I'd save most of it, but realistically I'd blow it on a cutting-edge VR setup. Tried War Thunder on a Rift S and I want more.
I've heard a ton of anons talk about the absurd renting prices in america. I'am living in a big city in europe with shity prices as well, but it seems you guys have it still worse than us.
Working less. I could work part time at a nicer establishment instead of full time at a more volume driven spot. And I'm sure I would still have more money than I make now so I'd add to my investments and save for frivolous purchases. I live fairly simply and within my means but being poor is still a drag.
tranny hookers
>how would you spend it?
I would save it and travel when I had time.
Also, I would start to do sexual tourism.
expected from a mentally ill tranny
I love me some honest user
I'd stop working, get a gym subscription instead and use all that free time to read and play video games.
$1000 is about how much I save every month so double that would be awesome. I never want to be broke in an emergency.
>$1000 a month is enough
know how i can tell you guys either don't pay bills or don't have jobs?
of course $1000 is a lot when ypu currently have nothing
It's more than enough if you're not some adhd kid who needs to go out every day and buy expensive shit that won't make him any happier
Students with live with that much in Germany (perhaps less actually) outside of their parents home
thread's about 1000 EXTRA bucks a month you fookin' speed reader
Not everyone lives in "first world" USA and has to spend 5000 freedom bucks every month for a shitty 1 bedroom apartment, while complaining he is poor when he continues eating out every other day.
start saving it up and buy car parts every other month.
only in big cities
i pay 550/mo for a studio in a nice (read: less than 1% black) neighborhood
>live in my own house inherited
>dont have car leases because i'm not a retard
>cook my own food
>don't buy unneccesary shit or shit I don't research
>keep my phone until it breaks so about 5 years
>drive a midengined sportscar
>do side jobs for fun
1 grand is plenty.
>legitimately inherited a house
>thinks he can talk about finances
based retard
I'm getting an entire apartment building to split with my cousin and we're going to let out apartments and start air bnb.
Yeah I'm from a wealthy family doesn't mean I haven't lived off a sub grand wage for all my life and learning how to be poor very comfortably.
It takes skill not to be a retard with money and waste it all constantly. Sold my other car half a year ago and ended up having more money on my account than i've ever had.
Guess what 70% of that is still there cause im not a retard.
now I want some of that sweet money
shut the fuck up faggot
go die in a fucking fire
Dump it all into my Edward Jones account and cashing out when the time is right
Like I'd waste my money on a lighter i dont need shitheap.
built my pc for 2500 2 years ago but at least I'm not a tranny
>I can live for myself
expand on this. what exactly would you do differently that would allow you to live for yourself?
Truly you are of hearty stock user.
Live well and prosper feggit.
800 on valve index. Before that it was 900 for a cintiq.
i'd tell you to hang yourself but you'd probably get a fancy funeral with your inherited good boy points
it's okay to inherit shit, just dont be a fag acting like you know what living hand to mouth is like when you come from a rich family
Food and utilities, which now cost $1000 more.
>28 yo old
>already make 7000$/month
feels good man
if Yang loses I am legitimately going to kill myself.
instead of wasting my time working a job I hate for people I dislike, I would either use that time to work on myself or at least waste it doing stuff I enjoy.
tl tr: live a selfish simple life
Ive literally lived close to hand to mouth without spending anything on anything but rent and food and i still managed to save up a 100 at end of each month.
I just lied about my wage to family constantly.
It wasn't that bad. Kinda depressive but okay.
Why dont you change jobs? Go for somewhere you like and people you don't mind?
Same. Can't wait to make $8000 a month.
I mean fuck I still dont buy shrimp or avocado cause the price makes my eyes water and when I eat bread I bake it myself cause its way cheaper.
You sound really dumb and spoiled in this post. Just so you know.
Buying frozen fish is a much more affordable solution. Making cous cous and fish bowls with tomato and spinach is a nice quick/cheap meal.
I' ve changed my job a few times, quit the last one 1 month ago. I dont really have anything special I want to do. Right now I just want to waste all this precious time with being alone and coming up with a plan for my future.
Gotcha, how old are you?
R30 000 is Jan this Year
Which is 1 979,50, excluding my 1060 which I already had
PC gaming in Africa is a whites only passtime due to costs
As straight white cis male I would use my $1000 neet fredom deposit to pay beautiful brown girls to touch my pee pee
Straight into my savings account? I'm not struggling where I am now, so that would be the best move. Sorry it's not the Epic Gamer answer you were looking for
Good age to start realizing what you wanna do.Best of luck my dude, hopefully you land at a more desirable job soon to get a jump start on your path
12k is about the average room+board for a college student, you just can't live on it with kids and while working 8 hrs a day.
>i live in a house that i inherited
>i spend money on rent
Pick one and literally only one.
For the record, so I don't sound like a bitter poorfag, I save about 40% of my monthly income. Never got a penny from my folks. In fact, they still think I make more than I actually do just because I'm so careful with what little I make.
I'd just put it in the bank desu. I don't spend much or have any interests or hobbies. I only buy maybe 4-5 games a year.
Well i live with my brother and my dad so we would quit our jobs and use that money to pay for everything we need.
thanks mate
find the most suitable way to live comfortably with the minimum amount of work possible.
fuck being rich and "successful" just leave me alone and let me be at peace.
what state do you live in?
frozen ones are still really expensive, I just buy tuna and eat it with sticky rice and flavor tuna with pepper and ginger. Surprisingly good.
Invest $500, save $500.
>changing your living situation is impossible
I take home shit and I save 30% of my monthly income because everything else goes on fuel and food. It's not what you take home what makes you poor there are people who make 2 tmes what i do and its a great wage here and they never have any money cause they are irresponsible with it.
Just cause I live in a house I dont have to pay rent for doesn't mean I'm an entitled richfag I still have less than people who don't have a house but work higher paid jobs.
Proving the point u can’t comfortably live on 12k a year u will barely being getting by and never get anything
to treat urself
>if u don’t do anything but pay ur bills and eat off the dollar menu it’s totally fine
400$ flat, 200$ food and save the rest living in neetdom
working a dead end job and getting drunk every chance because you can't take it anymore is neither comfortably nor enjoyable
What classifies as dead end job? I work for PWC in Business Analyst role and I hate it. Does that mean its dead end job?
Take a break from work to sort out personal business
Buy a new bed
your flat now costs $1000 because when everyone has more money it leads to kikes raising prices
Honestly, I tried VR for the first time the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. Played Superhot for 30 mins and had a lot of fun with the bullet time shit.
Was considering trying to snipe a full HTC Vive system on eBay for like $700 but idk. I would probably need to upgrade my GPU as well.
a job that holds no future prospects in your eyes
That does sound like a problem. Thankfully we can just give everyone $2000 a month to gently correct the issue.
U know a 1000 doesn’t go far right that isn’t gunna help with that at all
I'd find a less stressful job.
Still have to pay for utilities and internet and stuff retard
>1600w titanium rated PSU for a system that draws perhaps 400 watts
>9900K underclocked
>280mm AIO for underclocked 9900K
>$750 graphics card for a machine that needs no discrete GPU
>two different 4K capture cards
>a top-end overclocking motherboard for an underclocked CPU
>1000w PSU for a machine that draws perhaps 250w
>$150 gaming mouse for OBS encoding PC
>$700 monitor to look at chat
This is your mind on HRT
Only in large cities because landlords take advantage of everyone wanting to be in cities because that's where 90% of (good) jobs are. If you're willing to live in a flyover state, you can easily rent a 3+ room apartment/house for the same price one room apartments cost in the city.
>400 to savings a month
>200 on split rent
>About 100 combined on gas and hygiene products
>150-200 for food
>100 free left over for whatever comes up or whatever I want to buy
I draw $780 neetbux a month and I'm comfortable. I actually have $600 left over each month.
I don't see how people with jobs struggle with money so much. Perhaps it's because they have no free time, so instead of doing things like preparing themselves cheap and healthy meals they just go out and eat $50 avocado toast? And spend a lot of money on alcohol etc. to deal with job related stress?
>the currency sign after the numerical value
nice monopoly money you got there, brit.
Most people are bad with money. Women the most.
Maybe that's why jews pushed so hard for women to start working. Free consumerbux.
you gotta go back to the real world.. you dont belong here.
stressing over work and other people makes you vulnerable to advertisment and spending money gives you good feelerinos
I inherited 300k from my grandpa. You will run out of things to spend money on eventually. Just invest in your favorite shit coin or go back to school.
Or more likely, people start their own flats, and flat renting gets far more competitive.
Of course you *can*. A human being could probably live on 5000 dollars in a year in the U.S. But you would probably look gaunt and emaciated and it would be a shit life.
Probably on health-related stuff, plus I'd probably support the creators I like.
If I had $1k a month? I would save it.
If everyone had an extra $1k a month? Everything would go up, from food, rent, games, movies etc. So nothing.
Wrong, it's actually 30k.
what a faggot
traveling of course
I'd buy more guns, in Minecraft.
Invest until I can live just from owning stuff.
>women influence anywhere from 60-85%% of consumer spending depending on source
>almost all material, short-sighted consumerist garbage
>no reason for Jews to not just push this even more, which can be seen in every day life
I just want to play videogames, why can't they just leave my autistic antisocial ass alone.
probably buy whatever I want over the next couple months, then start saving it? There's really not that much that I want. Eventually I'd like to get a new car, maybe get a nicer apartment, but i'm pretty content with my life as is, any extra money would just go to further luxuries that aren't necessary, and saving up for emergencies.
Increase my streamer donation budget
In this order, it would be applied to:
Student loans
Engagement ring
Vacation/travel to somewhere new
Wedding plans
New car
>Engagement ring
>Vacation/travel to somewhere new
>Wedding plans
My rent is 1300, 850 is not even a lot
hahahaha. this has to be bait
>600 for vacation?
What shit hole do u live in that u can live off 180 a month?? What
Having inherited a house is a substantial advantage, but still, don’t you have to pay taxes/utilities/maintenance/upkeep?
USA. I live in a nice neighborhood surrounded by elderly disabled people.
I'd start the snowball on my student loans and knock them out in way less time.
180 a month affords you housing?
Yes, it's section 8.
U wouldn’t understand because ur family pays for everything u fucking retard
>nice neighborhood
>living off 180 a month
Wana know how ur lying
good luck buying a flat from $1k/m
It's not welfare its additional. It could people the extra bit they need to purchase something like that.
Spend it all on drugs and alcohol.
Awesome, when you come out of your stupor you can use the rest to get the help you need.
There is no help in this endless hellscape.
My rent is $400 a month for a spacious cabin in a rural area. I already only make $1500 a month, but I feel like I could easily live off $1000. Feels good not being a citycuck.
>$1000 isn't enough
Get out of the city.
I would buy gold.
Half of all jobs will be automated in 5-10 years. There won't be enough jobs to go around when it comes to retraining. There needs to be a cushion in place.
Become a robot.
Stick that $1000 directly into index funds and proceed as normal.
Nothing changes besides that.
it's antisemitic because you're not making me more money while spending the money i gave you to buy the things i made
> putting money back into the economy
What's wrong with all of you.
>Why yes, I do sexually identify as a robot so now you can't fire me.
I would donate it all to charities, primarily for sick children and mental health.
Investment in shitcoins
Yeah because that's exactly what this world needs, ill retards not dying off when they should.
Pay off my debts and suddenly have $2k a month to do with whatever the fuck I want.
Do not finance a car you can't pay off in a year at most, fellas, it's not fucking worth it. I still owe $13k on a Sonata. $5k in credit cards that I consolidated. $1k in dental bills. I haven't been to a doctor in years so I probably have some kind of cancer brewing for all I know.
found one
>that stream/encoder PC
did he just partpicker the most expensive shit that came up and bought it?
Probably put $800 towards debts, and pocket the other $200/use it for fun.