GOG has existed since 2008...

GOG has existed since 2008, if developers honestly believe Steam is a monopoly then why didn't they switch to publishing on GOG instead? They've had over a decade to do so.

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probably because of the politics surrounding gog and cd projekt

>if developers honestly believe Steam is a monopoly
no one with triple digit IQ actually does
anyone who claims that is either a shill or pretending to be a shill for (you)s

Attached: 1513204557005.png (235x240, 95K)

Nobody with a double digit IQ believes it either. That's just a shill buzzword.

Because GOG is DRM free, and publishers have an autistic need to put DRM into every game they possibly can to secure their precious first few weeks of sales.

No matter how stupid a statement, there exists someone stupid enough to believe it

1. gog releases are all no DRM
2. the people who buy from gog are a small fraction of the people who buy from steam
3. you're a moron

A lot of publisher are now on GOG and are slowly bringing their games over.
>Blizzard is now on GOG too

nobody worth anything in the industry believes Steam is a monopoly, lad

well, I guess 75 iq brainlets like rami ismail do, but they mostly parrot that in hopes of epic stuffing their money covered dick down their throats

>the people who buy from gog are a small fraction of the people who buy from steam

also true for epic store, though. and it's not something that has any chance of changing in less than like, what, 5 years?