Why does it look as bad as a ps3 game tho?
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UE4 was a mistake
wow, look at this heavily compressed screenshot
There was a time where Square made the best graphics.
That was in the PS2 era.
Graphics have hardly advanced from PS3 to PS4. It's just a bunch of people jerking off over meme video resolutions now.
yeah, it seems like they're always playing catch-up these days. they don't innovate anymore, they're either behind the curve or completely ignoring their core fans.
for me MGS 2 still holds up it look like Nier on low settings and thats impressive for a ps2 game
Because FF13 had the comfort of not having to render a bunch of shit because 99% of the game was skyboxes and hallways.
We probably won't even see a brand new FF game since it would take another decade and FFXIV is what matters the most to them.
How could SE even fuck up FF7R this badly? They had their work cut out for them, they couldn't even do something as simple as that
I don't get it either a FF7R was a guaranteed success for them in case everything else went wrong they still could get back to remaking the same game in HD and id sell like hot cakes
Now they completely turned their fandom off with decisions like changing the gameplay and episodic bullshit that it seems like it will end up pleasing nobody as in neither the old fanbase nor zoomers asked for this mess
How does FFXV a three year old game still look better
If switch is as powerful as a ps3, why cant it run FF13 Collection
Because it has quality control
13th post best post
this is a funny post
Toddlers detected
>quality control
>trying to shit on a game whil posting a heavily compressed 750x398 comparison pic
>defending SE lazyness
They shouldve made it next gen only ps4 outdated tech is what holds them back
This nigga got bootyblasted he mad lmao
You guys know that's not even the same game anymore right? That's from a 3 year old trailer before they completely remade what they had with new models. Cloud doesn't even look like that anymore.
Posting the recent SE inhouse version instead of the cancelled cyberconnect version. Enjoy
>hey, lemme show you this picture of a ps4 game on my 3ds!
>you agree that the game will look terrible on the ps4 in real time, right?
because you aren't showing the real FF7R,
that's from the initial demo that was scrapped
Yea he looks even worse/downgraded now
FFXIII was the best looking game when it came out.
Son I think you should stop spamming this autistic bait thread.
Resolution doesnt fundamentally change the lighting and geometry you fucking idiot
>like changing the gameplay
Holy shit how could you defend VII's original gameplay? Even for 'turn based' it was basic as hell, and the remake is doing everything to preserve as many elements of the materia and ATB systems as it can.
This is a pre rendered cutscene
this is ingame
>both are cutscenes
what did he meme by this
here's a real in-game shot btw :^)
That's a touched up bullshot by SE
sorry here you go, now it's a real screenshot
Which game will be the bigger letdown when it releases next year, Cyberpunk 2077 or this?
it might look different if you used a picture from the actual game in its current state
Luminous engine will always be superior to Unreal Engine 4
Look at this amazing gameplay from FFXV
It’s so fucking great that my wife’s boyfriend sold his life for this game
even the cg took a hit bros
Are you the new Barry/FF7R-kun?
yeah sure pal
>3 strikes
Damn i knew it
damn you got me
I don't care what anyone says. Light-san's design is great.
It also came out really early in the ps2 life-span.
Too bad her game sucks shit
This actually supports OPs argument, the graphic fidelity didnt change at all by the compression
On the other hand!
>hating on FFXV
You clearly can’t see feel or taste true perfection
Kill yourself
>muh 4k maymay
We have to keep dealing with this resolution increase bullshit every generation which makes the graphics not advance much.
No you go KYS Barry just like your shitty game did it's long overdue
Why do niggers rape sentences with "tho?"
This game is gonna be so fucking bad it will finally kill off SE for good so there will never be a FF16
I hope this is a case of autistic samefag.
Did Cloud get a bad haircut or something?
Nice bullshot.
Not to mention the fact that the game will run at 30fps and you will never get to see it this clear in motion even at 60fps.
Maybe at 120fps/120hz with ULMB on PC but that's it.
>that ugly ass "cinematic" blurry effect on the sword
It runs at more than 10 frames a minute.
inb4 in the remake it's just Lightning masquerading as Cloud
>rtx on
>rtx off
left was real time evidenced by TAA artifacting,but we all know the ps4 couldnt run that
Probably a bullshot
FFXV pre release shots were bullshit as well
the only fake cg shit they pretended was gameplay was the 2013 altissia footage
everything else they ever showed for xv was legit, and it ended up even more upgraded in the final version
>Japanese game
>looks like shit
Wow user, what a fucking revelation.
who gives a shit about graphics
It looks fine
Hope they deliver a good story and gameplay
>user is this uneducated
Final Fantasy used to be famous for pushing the graphical barrier, that's why they thought making a CG movie was a good idea.
>Japanese bright color, no detail 'art style'
>pushing the graphical barrier
Okay weeb. LOL
>called out for being uneducated and nowhere to go but call someone "weeb" like that word actually means anything anymore
Please get a life. No one is stupid enough to fall for this and frankly it's sad that you spend so much time doing this.
sry bub
Because it's a soulless unironically low budget rehash. If the game is a blunder SE might go under.
Her name is Claire you god damn tertiary