Imagine being a Leofag
Imagine being a Leofag
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>he wasn't a raphchad
big brains pick Don. Idiots pick Mike. Normies pick leo and raph
Nice feet. God I wish they would fuck me and mutate me into one of them with their cum
mikey is the only real choice there 2bh
name me a more definitive list.
Red's my favourite colour so Raphael is the big brain choice
was there any reason not to use don?
Third worlders please die
Do they even have stats? I thought the only difference was the reach of weapons (why Don is ez mode).
Yes, burgers. This is how actual human beings spell.
I was. Blue is best and swords are best and I always identified with the leader character.
>dual sai
They are all good choices, the exception is when Mike is depicted with dual nunchaku because that's fucking retarded. I like them all personality wise too.
dual nunchaku was his signature weapon since comic #1
and it's fucking retarded
As opposed to lmao 2kat? Fuck off Musashi Miyamoto.
this, all you do is put yourself in danger when using double nunchucks to fight, it's for artistic purposes only
>t. been doing nunchucks since I was 10
I can't because that is objectively correct.
yeah, because 4 radioactive turtles fighting crime with Japanese style combat skills, taught by a fucking giant rat isn't "retarded"
>imagine not actually displaying them in the right (L, R, M, D) order
/leochads/ where we at, bros?
Best color, best weapon, and the shot caller. Raphcucks take a chill pill. Donniefags and Mikeyfags are okay.
>As opposed to lmao 2kat?
Complete brainlets.
All you can do with double nunchaku is hold one end and twirl the other around like a toddler, which is what he is always depicted doing. It ruins the very essence of what makes the weapon cool, dexterously switching from hand to hand and alternating between both grips.
>dexterously switching from hand to hand and alternating between both grips
And that helps in combat how?
Reminder that Raph beat Leo 1v1.
Go make another youtube weapon expert historian LARP thread. I have no interest in your shit.
What a sore loser
Here so I only played the first one of these and thought it was ok, recently watched the 2003 show and now I'm back in on TMNT. Did anyone play battle nexus or mutant nightmare? Are they worth checking out?
>does the same move over and over
>instantly becomes cooler the minute he drops the spare
Thanks for supporting my views user :)
OK boys, who here actually experienced this? Shit was fun AF. My other favs were NBA JAM, Simpsons, and of course the HUGE X-Men one with extended board to allow 6 players. There was a 4p version too
I remember the AVGN saying the Turtles "shouldn't have a leader" and that's so fucking retarded
Raph is a hothead that could go off at any moment
Michaelangelo is a dudebro who doesn't take most things seriously.
Don, while the most reliable of the three, can be off on his own tangents mentally
>who here actually experienced this?
You can find this thing at a fucking Six Flags it's not rare
Reminder that Leo almost never takes Raph seriously and gives his autistic little brother free hits because he feels bad.
>not using the character with the most effective weapons
>not picking blue
>not picking the leader and most skilled
Fuck off.
Donatello is the butt end of every normies TMNT joke, only virgins pick him.
t. Leo
>All you can do with double nunchaku is hold one end and twirl the other around like a toddler
All you can do with a turtle is to watch it defend through bite or harmless bumping when fighting back
Dual nunchaku were never a popular thing because it was just somewhat unbelievable that a person could use them effectively at the same time. That's why Bruce Lee made that for shows. It's incredibly hard to do something like that, not at all less efficient than a single nunchaku. Une for attacking, the other for defense, just as simple as that as a concept.
Your arguments don't even make sense, and your point of view also doesn't make sense.
>Donatello is the butt end of every normies TMNT joke
Normies don't talk about TMNT
When arcades were so busy, games had to blast out the catchy music to stand out. You'd be walking through and suddenly, at full volume:
Good game, though. I couldn't believe how much like the cartoon it looked. 4-player co-op as almost unheard of as well. I miss when arcades were like a generation ahead of consoles. The moment consoles caught up, arcades started to die.
He said that? lmao. He had to be trolling. It's basic group dynamics. The hothead can't be the leader, nor can the neurotic nerd or the clown. Basic stuff.
>japanese owned american site
>some 3rd worlder thinks their spelling matters
all of my keks
Always wondered how arcade cabinets were vented? What kind of repair history did they generally have? I mean they always seemed to be turned on and running all the time. Did they have issues with overheating?
He said he thought the turtles were all equals and I really don't get it, but he was only talking about the 80's cartoon where Raph is a borderline carbon copy of Mikey, but just snarky
BUT, he had seen the 80's movie and loved it, and Raph is at his most Raph there, so I don't get it.
He was talking about his child vision, which is what the AVGN character displays. He almost never goes for objective reasoning with his comments.
Just like I thought the red Power Ranger as a leader was pointless and dumb, since they already had a leader that talked to all of them at the same time...
>head canon shit
huh huh
There's a reason that scene starts with him using two and ends with him using one instead of the other way around.
The same reason why he uses just one for the majority of his appearances on film.
The same reason why the actual weapon is not normally used in pairs.
The same reason why practically every character ever made that uses the weapon uses just one.
The same reason why all the most impressive displays fictional or otherwise are using just one.
3 A. M.
>Hothead can't be the leader
>Wolverine has lead multiple groups including the entire X-Men on several occasions
>As has Storm who is almost as much of a hot headed maniac in the comics, goes nuclear constantly
also on the subject of talking about Bruce Lee like he was some master of the weapon. He was an actor, holding prop weapons. If you watch his scenes you will see that he literally hits himself several times on camera, some even in the head.
Already told you, it's because you have to train like ten more times to gain like 20% more efficacy than with a single nunchaku, thus making it impossible in a practical sense unless you were a superhuman... People didn't really use dual swords irl.
It's fiction, you dumbass. I can't believe you focus your "objective" analysis on the weapon a fucking giant turtle uses. We aren't talking about some extremely unrealistic feat. It's something already shown as possible as other anons pointed out. Want to be realistic in context? using a dual sai to fight crime is also retarded. Using a fucking long stick is also retarded. Using dual katanas is also retarded against armed opponents, but I don't see you complain about that.
Wolverine is not a hothead.
He's 100+ years old and has a ton of experience and training in multiple disciplines including some zen samurai bullshit. The only time he goes off the handle is during one of his berserker rages which is not common and for the most part under his control.
Imagine not being the most based turtle, Mikey
>Using a fucking long stick is also retarded.
Using a stick is never retarded. The stick is the ultimate weapon.
Amazing i am talking to a complete fucking mongoloid.
Here i am arguing for rule of cool over realism or efficiency and here comes a fucking retarded LARPer complete with "using two swords never happened" arguing for the same thing but against me AND while using nothing hut "objective" arguments.
Yea Forums is easily the stupidest fucking board on this whole website.
Leo > Raph
Sub Zero > Scorpion
Blastoise > Charizard
Cyclops > Wolverine
>arguing for rule of cool
I just assumed seethers wouldn't go that far, but this board always seems to amaze me
And you misunderstood the point of my posts too
you fucking suck
I literally cannot
This list is 100% accurate
>Sub-Zero > Scorpion
except in the tier-lists lmao
Don't reply to me again you actual retard. Jesus Christ.
Except it wasn't the AVGN talking and was from a standard review of the cartoon series
I'd attribute that to needing a leader in a bind for the most part. Like everyone would agree Janeway is worse than Picard, even if it was partially because she had to make harder decisions.
Nunchucks work because he's a turtle.
Why doesn't he just upgrade to a spear? The ultimate stick.
That's a retcon. Wolverine is a retard that would get his ass kicked constantly, which you could see in the cartoon.
Only when he was "super cool" was he made into an attractive leading man as you can see with the movies
He gets his ass kicked by himself just like every other member of the team. His treats were determination, focus and a combative mind. They had Professor X for the brains. He was the soul. If you're in a team and your leader literally runs into battle, you're forced to at least advance positions instead of waiting, planning until your enemy attacks you first.
And when I call him a retard, I say that as a former huge fan of him before they made him too much of the focus and I actually found him to be kind of a boring character
But it's more about the idea of wars being won with guile and cunning rather than brute strength, but sometimes, you need that brute strength like Raph in the Ninja Turtles to get things done.
Don't tell me people actually play the arcade version?
Are you fucking retarded? The SNES version is like 900 times better.
What were they thinking?
Why is it that Don is always the best pick? Every game that he has been in he has always been the best turtle to play as. How do we make the other turtles as good as Don without nerfing Don himself?
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines. That's a fact, Jack.
>Longest range weapon
Gee I fucking wonder
Raphael is cool but rude, Michelangelo is a party dude.
Michelangelo's attack animations has the most amount of frames, so I always pick him.
Also the who fuck shortens Michelangelo as "Mikey", anyway?
Literally everyone other than Splinter in the comics and the show and the movies you mongoloid.
>one of faster turtles
>highest damaging turtle
>attacks actually crit at some points that kill in one hit
discovered by speedrunning autism so it's not really up for debate
i like swords and duel weilding ok fuck you.
Leo, Don, Donny, Donnie, Raph, Mike, Mikey.
That's just the way it is so deal with it.
Leonardo and Raphael have edged weapons but there's not a single disembowelment or decapitation in the series. They must be really shit.
And yet when it comes to the movies it's usually Ralph who gets screen time as the audience surrogate. Not even a Raphfag, I just always found that funny.
What ever happened to mutans being cute and likeable instead of horrific abominations of nature?
Always struck me as weird. I used to watch secret of the ooze every day as a kid and a quarter of the movie is just Raph fucking around. As a result he's my least favorite turtle.
Ralph's sai look blunt. He could probably stab someone with them though since he has mutant retard strength.
>It's a Raph talks shit and goes off on his own because he doesn't need anyone else, then has to get his sorry ass saved episode
How can Raphfags cope?
>Best ever portrayal of Turtles in vidya is a DC fighting game
That's the logic as to why Donatello can pierce hyper-advanced dimension X armor with his Bo.
Damn, that shit looks high quality. How much is that?
Is Donatello the best in that too?
Sai are meant to be blunt
Swaggering up in their lame disguise for the fight intro is simutaneously cool and funny, just like they should be.
Does Donnie get to fuck April in that one series where he had a huge nerd crush on her?
Why was dashing so fucking finicky in this game?
Nope. Casey fucks her pussy instead.
>tfw you will never visit the US and eat ninja turtles pizza
What a tame joke. They don't have the balls to serve whatever the fuck Mikey's favorite pizza actually is.
>Not peanut butter and clams for Mikey
Would you really want that?
Where I live they actually did at one point. They had this special TMNT menu where you could order shit like pizza with cornflakes or jam.
I find it hard to describe how unreal the TMNT craze actually was. Like they actually sold Pizza Lip Balm. Who the fuck wants to smell like they just ate a pizza? But it said "Turtles" and so I had to have it.
They stil serve these? I might hit up the local Pizza Hut and try out all four.
The CGI series gives him a hidden naginata so there's that.
>Begged and begged for a turtle blimp when I was a kid
>Never got my turtle blimp
Thanks for reminding me user...
>That one rich kid with the blimp and the Hoth playset
Oh how I wanted to be that kid, even if his mom was fucking crazy.
Are they humans who turned into turtles in this version? That's lame.
>MVP Tier
>Backup Tier
>Meatshield Tier
t. april
No, just that WOMAN there just someone got affected by the remains of Leo's blood there.
el ratto...
TMNT blood works on zombie rules now? It's a fucking contagion?
I feel like I grew up into a more creative person slumming it with assorted action figures and having to make up my own stories, tbqh.
They are making literal fanfiction into "reality". It's a deviantart tranny's self-insert.
dios mio...
el roedor de las alcantarillas...
it probably works on ooze rules, that is, completely inconsistently
ooze heals you in this version so this wounded lady needed some and i guess they have ooze in their blood so the transfusion did that
t. believes literal twitter rumors
campbell contributed on the mutant design by request but this character wasn't created by them nor are they anything like the literal deviantart insert oc they made
There is nothing more shameful than writer self-insertion.
It really shouldn't function like ooze. They mutated umpteen years ago. It should just be blood. They're not constantly exposed to more ooze. If this logic holds up, that basically makes them walking biohazards and a legitimate menace.
Probably. The only thing I used my LEGO for was build more and more implausible Gradius bosses.
Yeah, it's weird but looking back I understand WHY they did it from a narrative standpoint. Someone In the office figured that Raph was the one who could stand to gain more from a focus.
Everyone has thier thing. Don is the brains, Leo is the leader, Mikey is the party guy. They're kind of stuck in that but Raph? You can make conflict with his character and as a result, show "positive" change in that. Like how he goes from asshole and becomes a softer individual throughout the course of the films? That's what they were trying to do while also having a turtle to show you who was learning more about the world.
They lo key did this to him back with TMNT '14, too.
That's the coolest thing I've heard in some time.
i doubt they're going to mutate april by sneezing on her or something, it was just a plot contrivance here to work up some drama and explain jennika's mutation, i'd be surprised if it came up again.
That's a woman? Lel
That fight was not canon
Is that Ariel from the Little Mermaid?
they dont but you could just make them yourself with a custom pizza order
It's a paralel to the creation of She Hulk. I also remember the 2012 TMNT did something similar when Leo puked on some dirt (Don't ask) and it made a mud monster or some shit.
I'm sure it's a one time plot contrivance thing or else April would be knee deep in turtle bukkake by now.
Some times i forget just how much current action games owe to games like this and that they are the exact same thing but on a 3D plane.
donnie > raph > leo > mikey
April does canonically mutate into the hulk so I guess that makes sense.
>Leo puked on some dirt
How can a show about mutant ninjas be so hard up for plots this is what they fall back on?
Ep 946: Doing 'em dirty
I'm pretty sure the dirt also mutates into a blatant Jason parody complete with wearing a sack on his head.
It's only a matter of time until we get the mutagenic semen storyline honestly
If Spider-Man did it, TMNT will get aroud eventually.
By that logic we'll soon get a storyline where Leonardo makes a deal with the devil to erase April out of their lives.
nah they'll erase jennika to cure splinter's rat cancer, all in a roundabout way of getting rid of the hip new thing the writer who grew up with the old stuff wants nothing to do with
I heard Battle Nexus was pretty good.
how did they get away with this?
What the fuck, comics
It's Archie, man. I'd expect no less.
When will we get a new fucking game I would love a Batman vs tmnt game by rocksteady or a good platinum game not made by the anarchy reign devs
rip jughead. You probabaly won't be missed.
Yakuza 0 is the perfect TMNT game blueprint.
Prove me wrong.
>good game
>the first thing he goes to is BAMHAM and Platinum
But all of those are Raphaels
>Mickey so overpowered he can kill a food soldier without finishing his combo
Mickey will always be number one no matter which media, and you have to live knowing that
Then we're doomed.
remember when shredder got his head got off in the 4Kids series and turned out to be an utrom?
lol those puppy eyes...
imagine not linking tmnt because of Shredder
You might have a point if your views didn't involve applying autistic criticism of a comic/cartoon with radioactive turtles fighting ninja crime.
>That HORRIBLE robotic voice
Ahead of its time
>he doesn't know
Remember when Donatello was sent to an alternate future where Shredder won and Leo, Raph and Mikey die trying to stop him? I remember.
Remember when Leo killed Hitler?
This game was fun to play at parties but god damn this motherfucker might be the epitome of bullshit quarter-stealing game design. Every boss is designed to be easy to just run up and whack if you're willing to take some damage, but actually avoiding damage requires weird unintuitive strategies that no one is going to figure out how to do on their own.
>the fantasy setting fallacy
Toddler tier argumentation skills.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is weird.
>We already own your soul
What IN THE FUCK is this comic?
>don't be aligned with the shadow when boss telegraphs attack
This game is for 400 IQs only
das rite human boy
Yeah except I understand the fantasy setting fallacy and you don't understand discussion context. Because you're an autistic Yea Forums faggot you were unable to express a point in a reasonable way. You had to say it's "fucking retarded" and when a video is posted with Bruce Lee looking cool with dual nunchaku, which is the appropriate standard to apply a dumbass cartoon, you can't claim the video supports your side.
Might Mike have been better designed with a single one? Sure, probably. But if that's all you had said from the beginning no one would have bothered to call you out.
It's the only iteration of TMNT thats crazy enough to warrant actually being about teenaged mutant ninja turtles.
many attacks aren't telegraphed. Or if they aren't, There's certainly not enough time to do anything about it. If you want an example of a beat-em-up that doesn't have this kind of bullshit design try Final Fight.
You're the first guy I've heard that doesn't like TMNT in time, and you're promoting that archaic garbage? Seriously?
Did you even play the SNES version of TMNT in Time? That's as fair as can be.
>absolutely EVERYTHING about that image.
I'm at a lost of words...
If I wasn't such a lazy fuck I'd get more caps because every issue has like 20 pages that don't work out of context.
It's easy to win arguments when you already decide you won before it even began. The points are quite clearly stated and detailed right there yet you just pretend they are not. The only autistic Yea Forums faggot here is you and your attempts to high horse after using textbook fallacy arguments are pitiful.
>That's as fair as can be.
That's true. In fact, you can memorize like 90% of it regarding spawning of bosses, attacks and stuff.
Also, the pirate stage was the best by a margin
>Implying there's a context in which this scene makes sense
>Probably balls deep in that fox.
Oh, yeah. Raph was a furry
user, I'm literally in tears on my office.
What in the absolute fuck are all of these? Where there legitimate approved comics?
>That fucking abomination with an "Elvis Lives" shirt
Do I even want to know about that... thing?
In the game Donny and Leo are the best characters due to their reach. Raph is objectively the worst character.
Why is it, in all of TMNT's years of existence, there hasn't been a proper counterpart rival group? The 4kids cartoon had them but that led nowhere.
Gee I wonder what country the writer was originally from?
It was a nightmare Raph was having.
>Who are Bebop and Rocksteady
imagine being so fat and dumb you have to play english on easy mode
Would you make them turtles also or a different animal? Or would you mix different beasts?
Archie is canon. It's official.
He himself is a giant anthro turtle.
>There exists a planet inhabited by earth rhinos and warthogs but without humans and what looks like five fucking suns even though it's night
Between this shit and Sonic the Hedgehog, was Archie just DeviantArt 1.0?
post more
The actual archie comic was pretty normalfag tier. But one might say they consorted with the beast.
>It's official
...oh wow...
>Blue turtle
Was that the designer's choice, or did it had an explanation in that comic?
Is that really the life you want to live user?
Tortoises, to really drive it in. They'd all go against Splinter's philosophies, like what would happen if Raph was given an actual lethal weapon.
Not him but everything is just better as a cute girl, sorry. It's just how the universe works.
Neon Night Rider and Sewer Surfin' are better
Also I like the Technodrome a lot
Imagine a motherboard, hard drive, monitor and nothing else inside something the size of a refrigerator. There would be plenty of room for heat to dissipate.
You say it's normalfag, but Archie was the birth of both Shipping, and Best Girl faggotry, so the roots were definitely there.
It's Betty, btw.
Plus Sabrina got pretty fucked up at times. The best part about being crazy is that you get to innovate stuff.
>When you're trying your best to be a dick but they just ignore you
Everything this man posted is objectively correct.
Both genres are great ways to execute them, I hate how every dev tries to ape the beat em ups
Each turtle has unique moves and skills that need to be recreated, they also are over powered except when facing bosses so bamham and platinum games fit best what would you suggest
>Wolverine has lead multiple groups including the entire X-Men on several occasions
That's a pretty recent thing, i.e. within the last 10 years when they're only doing it because of his sales record and the only time it even makes sense is when he's running a private kill squad.
>As has Storm who is almost as much of a hot headed maniac in the comics, goes nuclear constantly
Except she hasn't and has been the #2 field leader since the 80s.
>Neon Night Rider and Sewer Surfin'
While I respect your opinion, do you say that because they have the most distinctive gameplay of all the other stages? 'cause that's the reason I personally hate Sewer Surfin; fells like a bonus stage more than anything
Honestly the only levels I'd rank lower than the pirate ship is prehistoric turtlesaurus and starbase; where no turtle has gone before.
Platinum is not a genre and it's sad that Bamham turned into one.
Like the mutant boys in the powerpuff girls (Forgot the name of that group) that were complete opposites of them?
Also, would they be disciplined in martial arts, or would they be street brawlers?
Go on...
>prehistoric turtlesaurus
Will not disagree with you on that one; that level sucks...
uh, no. COOLIO skater dudes who like PIZZA chose Mike
Only time I played through the whole game was on an arcade machine and Donny was broken
>The end
I refuse to believe the creator of that had the self-restrain to finish it right there and then.
those were the Rowdy Ruff Boys
Reminder that Hyperstone Heist has better OST and dedicated run button makes gameplay smoother. Too bad about everything else.
Artist I'd Chochi.
A very old Yea Forums drawfag. He basically did most of the rule 63 tmnt stuff you see. Yes the comic was just a short one off. Always hoped he would do more of the legit looked like it could be good
But Leo is the only one with an actual weapon.
Welp, time to listen to the TMNT 2&3 OSTs again. Look at what you've made me do OP
I specifically said platinum because no one really has done wel with the hack and slash genre and specifically mentioned that not done by the anarchy reign devs who make more party style games
Bamham is because I want an adaptation of tmnt vs Batman one of the greatest tmnt comic s in a while
Best be talking about the gameboy games.
I thought that was Usagi Yojimbo from the thumbnail
The best part is they're actually fun to play as.
>I specifically said platinum because no one really has done wel with the hack and slash genre
I know you have shit pleb taste, it's why i made that post to begin with.
Nah senpai
I remember I played a TMNT game for the ps2 that gave the turtles superforms with tribal tattoos and lots of weird shit, I want to emulate to see if it was any good but I can't remember the name, anyone know which game I'm talking about?
I'm mostly thinking of the Star Wolf to the TMNT's Star Fox. There's so many things in the TMNT that you can make rivals out of, so I'm just going to stick to either the "I'm better than you" types or the "these are the TMNT but they chose the opposite path" types.
t. Edgelord
Leo > Mike > Raph > Don
>He basically did most of the rule 63 tmnt stuff you see
So he's one of the patron saints of tmnt degeneracy then?
I had this episode as a kid. There's also literally every other mutant and also Slash in the comics.
I can't argue with that, it's entirely correct.
Mikey has the most effective special attack.
Which turtle was the asshole that got every pizza even though he was at full health
You are a faggot but at least you got Chadclops right
Like I said, the 4kids cartoon had the best interpretation of what a rival group would look like, at least to my definition, but they were added in a season everyone hates.
Right? Why wouldn't you pick Ralph everytime?
30 years later and Don is still the best.
a simple choice of turtle
>Why yes, I do prefer Michelangelo! Why do you ask?
Is this still being worked on or did it finally end? I stopped reading this because the author was still churning out chapters albeit very slowly so I sorta dropped and forgot about it.
>Implying you can argue with any of this
What are you going to say next user? That water wets?
Don't know. I read it 13 years ago and really got into it, but I haven't kept up. And now there are fucking millions of fancomics about everything that are much better, so who cares?
But back then it sure was a treat.
tv, movies, and comics? you stupid sheltered fuck.
Raph is for alphas
Quick example. Just look at this art. I don't know how the fuck they do it; if I made a comic it would look like bob and george or 8-bit theatre.
>long range staff
>best color
>basically a genius
yeah i think the choice is clear
>Dude it's totally what he would do if this were the cartoon
Storm was in charge right after Secret Wars, she's been literally #1 lead several times.
>mfw that was me
kek thanks for reminding me user. Good times
reminder that yanderedev coded rooftop run
Why wouldn't you pick based Leo?
>Is that you again Tetsuo? That bike was designed just for me. It's too much for a kid like you
The one after battle nexus I think
Of course, as a Raphfag the correct response is to beat his ass because that's what Raph would do.
The true proper response would be to choke him with the controller cables.
Fuck me I love keroro gunsou, I miss that show so fucking bad
So he canonically kills every single one he fights right?
Donatello is the only real and straight answer. Even has the longest weapon.