ITT: Post a popular single player game, others will tell you how they would have improved it
ITT: Post a popular single player game, others will tell you how they would have improved it
Are we just posting games that trigger Yea Forums?
We're posting games that have a lot of room for improvement
kick the jew off the devteam
>More responsive controls
>Make masks and bandanas do what they're fucking supposed to do
>Cut down on some of the iMmErSiVe animations in favor of playing a fucking video game
>Put in an item that's rather expensive that changes Arthur's weight instantly
>Do the same thing with hair growth, and also an item that freezes hair growth where it is until you take an antidote
>Let me move faster in camp goddammit
>Get rid of the stupid auto-unequipping guns on horseback
>Give more control to the player on horseback, stop magnetizing the horse to trees and rocks
>start game
>choose hardest difficulty
>game warns you against doing so
>do it anyone
>have absolute miserable time playing the game as a result
>refuse to ever lower the difficulty out of some misplaced sense of pride even though literally no one will ever know or care what difficulty I beat it on
What the fuck is my problem? I hate being autistic
Less dialogue and a bit faster paced with the narrative presentation especially the intro.
Hard to improve upon perfection. I can't think of any glaring flaws or annoyances. Maybe the durability system, but once you get going it's a non issue.
Better controls, could be more responsive, feels like the average R* game in the gameplay department. Gets boring at times, the random events help with that. Forced walking in camp is legitimate garbage.
dumb blackhand poster
dude... botw can't be that perfect, i've never played it but come on
>Uncharted 4
Remove Sam Drake from the game. We all know they added him so they could have Playstation's golden boy Troy Baker in it. I also thought the added stealth gameplay was unneeded especially considering the first 3 were fine without it. It just made an already slow paced game even slower. Other than that Uncharted 4 was fine.
BOTW is about as close to perfect as human shit is to a 5 star meal.
Refusing to admit a game's flaws doesn't mean you like it more. It means you're in denial that it's not perfect. No game is perfect. Your GOAT is imperfect, as is mine. Do NOT let devs get lazy - talk about these flaws so standards can improve, and with them, the industry.
It certainly is very close to perfect. I had tons of fun with it, surprises at every turn, there's tons of details, you can interact with anything, lots of cool shit to discover. I got burned out at 100 hours but the game is as close to perfect as it gets.
Then consider why you burned out at 100 hours instead of 500. Something could be better. Stop worshiping the shit on Miyamoto's toilet paper.
I burn out at 100 hours because I'm not autistic. I don't play any single player game that long period. I'm not ""worshpping"" anything, I said it's close to perfect, and it is. Why does that make you upset?
Game's been out a long time, having over 100 hours by now isn't "autistic" by any means especially if it's as full and vibrant as you say it is.
You should definitely talk about the things they do right much louder and more often.
Look at how many devs clearly couldn't figure out what made their last few games as good as they were. They try and change because of the loud drum-banging smegmabrains and then we get fucked on the sequel because the "bad" was fixed according to jamal and his crews input.
> First half of the game tells Link & Zelda's origin story & shows their journey across Hyrule interacting with the characters.
> Link dies & the 2nd half of the game unfolds the same way it originally did in BOTW
> Remove the Divine Beasts & instead replace them with 4 huge expansive traditional dungeons
> Replace the atmospheric music with Traditional Zelda style Orchastrated OST
> Instead of having everything handed to you, the items are acquired through dungeons & you retain all of them when you are ressurrected
> Actual boss variety instead of rehashing the same 4 versions of Blight Ganon
> Post Game content that allows you to continue playing after you complete the main campaign
> Worthwile content like Masks, Cameo boss fights, hidden items & dungeons instead of autistic piece of shit Seeds & rehashed shrines
Everything that said, except instead of making it a Prequel tell a completely original story that's unrelated to John Marston
> Remove Sam Drake
> Less fucking forced slow walk sections
> Lots of set pieces with non-linear ways to approach each level
> No motherfucking Flashback sections
> Have Nathan Drake finally recover a Historical artifact only to tragically die at the end
I have over 100 hours, I mean I dont play over 200+ for any SP game. Seriously you dont need to play a game for an absurd amount of time to come to the conclusion on it's quality. I see people shit on games that they've played for hundreds of hours, it means little. You can play a game for 20 hours, beat it, and decide it's a 10/10. League and dota and WoW arent the best just because a bunch of assholes play for 1k+ hours.
>completely original story
Hell no, I can't agree with you on that. Arthur's story is incredible - just make another game for an original story.
Fair point; I'd say do both. "Hey, these things suck, but these things are great. Tip the scales toward the other thing."
supernatural stuff at the end
stuff don't break
remove walking
Have more Chloe in it. In skimpy clothing, in wet clothing, in no clothing... you get the idea.