Video games
Video games
Other urls found in this thread:
I miss the fun I had with video games.
stop following video game news
it's all outrage culture bullshit
>doing video games now feels like a menial task/chore
>last time i had crazy excited fun was 2015
it's dead, jim
nice projection
*demoralizes you*
Hehe bet you want to shoot up a synagogue now right fellow 4channelers
>entire catalogue is American politics and shitposting
finally got around to playing bioshock infinite and finished it today
shit was dope and i was happy
point them out and elaborate
Basically life itself, shit is wack
Jokes on psyopfags, I thrive on depression and bringing everyone around me down.
Catalog nigger this is America
Seriously what is their problem
have sex
Not him but
You can literally say that in any argument ever
They're either mad that Trump won or (more likely) they're following a plan in which they and Trump are both pawns.
why are you twisting your panties in a knot so hard? you projected about your shit experience where you lost the ability to have fun because you keep taps on video game news, not everyone keeps taps on video games news or outrage culture. that is quite literally a projection of your experience, not a buzzword.
want buzzwords? catch; cope, dilate, have sex and sneed yourself you retarded newstranny.
>keeps taps
>2014 filename
>oldest post is a few months old
did you legit search up "i came here to laugh at you" on google images?
>20 posts in
>barr a trump appointee is mad that trump won
what lol
Nigga you are retarded
keep saying it
I hit the jackpot, huh?
>20 posts in
is this dunkey being a literal cuck stuff actually taking off now?
Yeah this thread has all you need to know