When you're clearly suppose to be a Dunmer. The whole Nerevar prophecy makes no sense unless you're a Dunmer
Why does Morrowind give you races to choose from?
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Same with Skyrim. If you dont play a dunmer in morrowind and nord in skyrim you aren't a real fan of this series and you know nothing of the lore.
Why does it make no sense? Are souls bound to a single race? That's assuming you even have the same soul as the Nerevar, could just Azura fucking around.
I don't remember most of it but there are a lot of things in Morrowind that only fit well if you're Dunmer, the prophecy is not the only thing
But regarding the prophecy, for starters every other Nerevar reincarnation is a Dunmer
because one of my favorite things about the elder scrolls series: you can play hundreds of hours without ever doing the main quest
>nord in skyrim
>you know nothing of the lore
The Septim bloodline are chiefly Imperials though? And they all have the Dragonblood.
They were false incarnates. The point of the prophecy is to be as vague as possible, only Azura knows if the Nerevarine is truly Nerevar's reincarnated soul, or if it's just some random asshole who mantled Nerevar.
Chrysamere best weapon
Actually it was chiefly Breton, but that was written literally before Imperials were a thing in the lore.
for me, its the daedric crescent
Welcome, Moon-and-Star
Come to me, through
Fire and war
Ooh Ooh
Because dungmer do not deserve the satisfaction of being saved by one of their own.
Your greatest hero is now a cat lmao, deal with it.
Bitter Coast, home.
>not saving them as an Argonian
The irony
There's a precursor to all races of men in TES and I forget the name but aye, that's where these bloodlines stem from. Neither Nord nor Imperial (but closer culturally and aesthetically to Nords).
Don't you guys have some salt rice to harvest? Back to work!
Skyrim has a whole bunch of Dunmer and Bretons in it. The Reach is native land for a number of Bretons.
The prophecy only states that the neravine would be an outsider of Morrowind. Therefore every race is technically in the running. However I agree that Dunmer is the right choice
Based and Skooma-addicted
>The whole Nerevar prophecy makes no sense unless you're a Dunmer
The exact opposite is true. The prophecy was about Azura fucking the Dungmer over. So the Nerevarine being an outsider that they hate instead of a Dark Elf nationalist to save them is perfectly fitting. I like to think the Nerevarine is either a Nord or an Argonian just to rub salt into the wounds. The story is based on Jesus and how the Jews reacted to a messiah totally different from what they believed.
Look at this Dungmer larping like it’s 200 years ago. Shouldn’t you be sucking BNC on the docks of Windhelm for a few Septims?
shame games dont acknowledge your race
I can't sit through Elder Scrolls and feel good about myself. I just refuse.
Despite making up only 8% of the population on Vvardenfell, Argonians are responsible for 50% of the crime. The other 50% are the Khajiits
The story actually makes more sense if you're NOT a Dunmer. Nerevar's body was mutilated and cut up so it makes sense he would come back as something else, and a big part of the plot is getting the land of Morrowind to accept an outsider.