Atelier Ryza New trailer
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I hope the combat system isn't shit. It looks like you only control one character
I love the "help me" look on her face, like she's about to be raped.
All right Yea Forums, redpill me on this game, I want to try it
It's Atelier, expect shit
She might be. I've seen enough atelier games to know about the INTENSE SEXUAL VIOLENCE that happens in them.
they really invested in this one. It's at leas an AA or A title, or at least B.
The other games seemed to have much lower investment.
>lets boost our sales by directly marketing towards Kumbrains
>it works
so is it actually good or just fap material?
Can i have a quick rundown on why everyone praise Atelier series beside anime tities?
The games are actually okay.
I like more mana khemia though.
Comfy slice of life feel. Like Rune Factory. The older games had a timer which stressed me out, I think they should create two modes for the games though, one with time and another one without.
They used to be good but that ended soon after they got bought out by KT.
rly big anime bobbies
Those thighs are dangerous
Damn, this is the definition of Japanese game.
>muh arland
Let it go user it been eight years
Atelier games are fucking terrible.
Pretty much neptunia tier.
Yuri is shit!!
I will buy it if it has romance (straight).
Girls can’t rape girls, user.
Is it still turn based?
>travels through portals
>ends up in a mysterious crimson world
Absolutely based. Getting some meat in Atelier games now. Lulua had cross-universe time travel. Expecting crazy shit in Ryza too.
Ryza is active time battle.
Finally an adventurous PV. The art in OP looks like official, but I'm not sure if it is.
>tfw all the good stuff isn't in the LE
That middle poster is one of the best ever and I would definitely want that. The cloth poster doesn't even have Claudia in it.
Turn-based JRPG with a comfy story, cute girls and autistic crafting system.
>daijobu! Ryza wa chanto dekiru
Whoever says that in the trailer has a really cute voice
Remember when this series wasn't made for drooling gamerbrained retards?
Is that Sophie? Cute.
disregard human female 3d thots. acquire currency. exchange currency for imported goods. hoes mad.
What do you even get? It just looks like a few posters.
I wanna fuck Ryza's thighs so fucking bad
Is that shitty fotm /pol/ meme buzzword finally filtered?
how can anyone else even compete with my wife?
She appears in three games that’s how. Totori is superior.
c umbrain isnt a tranny meme
based retard
Fucking who?
Imagine the paizuri
so is it gonna be an american release too or what
her hips alone are worth 3 games
It's never been like that and still isn't
Dear god
>has both life and hometown to insane degrees
I am cum.
It sure as fuck isn't a Yea Forums meme I know that for certain.
when are we going to see the death of these faggoty real time combat rpg's? neptunia, xenoblade, and atelier all terrible games.
the only fucking seling point is if you like the anime girls, you may as well fap to hentai for free instead of pissing 60 bucks to the wind.
words of a pleb that only bought the $100 version.
5 if you count Rorona's post game and Nelke
>when are we going to see the death of these faggoty real time combat rpg's?
At least shitpost accurately. Nep is purely turnbased
>imagine being such a pathetic loser than you actually feel threatened by gamers
Your comment is top tier pathetic. kek
>tfw getting this and the Ryza figure when it releases
Good feelings all around
I swear these games are released faster than Neptunia kusoge. There's a new one every month.
Maybe it's just because I've never had a poster on my wall in my entire life. I wish I could get into merchandise.
Why the fuck are Atelier games always so expensive on Steam?
Gust don't do discounts because FUCK YOU
because anime waifus sell, may as well squeeze out every penny possible
Getting triggered by this meme just shows how much of a angry faggot you are. I jerked off 4 times today we are all kumbrains
>regular price
You should be glad they aren't $100.
a shame the trailers have shit quality, tho i have this
>no Switch footages so far
Confirmed for running like shit, just like Bloodstained.
I feel sorry for Nintentards.
Tell me about the new systems? I am playing Lydie right now and while I like the catalyst and color system it makes mass producing key items like leather a massive pain.
I thought Atelier was for perflat characters?
I just want to be a cute girl who falls in love with cute boys. Is that so hard?
They know that a vast majority of gamers will buy it for the tits. Even I was almost tempted but I have enough self control to not.
I only saw a small glimpse, but there's apparently a way to efficiently do production. It's basically a skill tree though, so you have to fill up items every time in that direction. Of course when you click on the node, it'll tell you the items you can use already, so if you don't care about attributes then it'll just go by in a flash. In fact, the playthrough with Mel shows how fast it can be. They don't even look at the ingredients and manage to craft a decent tier item.
maybe, now its all about girls(female)
That hasn't been true since Arland. Only Stera, Lydie and Suelle have small tits.
>tactics up
Know what else is up?
That girl is way too hot, I won't be able to pay attention to the game
Tips for Lydie, btw? I cant seem to make any decent weapons since only the beginner tier ones are available. Do you eventually learn alchemist skills for +maximum trait or so I need to rely on new catalysts? Anything I should focus on finding?
>Gust is still doing the thigh high trend
Didn't even notice until now.
>vast majority of gamers
i like the other new girl too, the poncholike thing looks great, you just know she hides a ripe body under that
Cute hair.
Best Ryza outfit and what I want to play with.
Very tempted to get the limited edition but, they only offer in PS4 or Switch.
Which one should I get? I have both and I don't mind getting the game on either of the platform.
best voice
Don't worry about making the best shit early on. For Lydie & Suelle, max trait transfer increases as your alchemy levels goes up. Until then, catalysts can help you transfer more traits.
>yfw that's not her arms that's bulging out the front of the poncho
Whoa. Never noticed how huge those honkers are.
I am taking the F rank test but it feels like traits dont particularly matter.
Maybe quality? I never really struggled with any of the assignments. Just fill the bar completely or else the game might not let you do the true end.
In the beginning, the game purposely limits you, it's not until like D/C rank that you'll start to see it become more important. It has a lot to do with the items you haven't unlocked yet. I remember thinking how strange it was that I couldn't craft anything like in Firis and Sophie, but L&S is pure kino once you realize why it does it the way it is and it's one of my favorite progression systems now. Keep playing and don't sweat it for now, the answers will appear. You do need a lot of catalysts though if you want a quick answer.
as a newcomer what game should I start with
Rorona or Sophie
Ryza, it's a standalone game
Sophie if you want the casual Atelier experience.
Rorona if you want the actual difficult Atelier experience right from the get go.
I really hope they're abandoning the trilogy model, it discourages sales when everyone thinks you have to play the first one and accept a huge time commitment of 3 games to get started with atelier.
Well it's been working for 20 years so far.
no, it literally wasn't working anymore, which is why L&S bombed so hard
their next game was a spinoff and then a 4th installment of the much praised arland trilogy, or is it tetralogy now?
Ayesha. It's chill and elegant.
>L&S bombed so hard
Do you have a single fact to back that up besides "I didn't like it"
its not rape if she enjoys it or if her pupils turn into hearts
I just pirated Lulua and have been playing it mot of the day. I legitimately think this was a good addition to the Arland trilogy since it's almost pure fanservice with the alchemy wank unlike the abomination of the Mysterious trilogy.
what was wrong with mysterious?
People don't even bother trying to do some minimal research when it comes to this kind of games. KT has been marketing Ryza as a newfag friendly entry since day 1 and you still have people asking every day if this will be a good starting point.
The trilogy method Gust is using is actually great if you really liked certain characters from previous games, because you can see them actually growing up, which is really fucking rare in video games and anime in general.
L&S sold the same as Rorona (180k physical copies in Asia) which isn't crazy, but still pretty decent for gust numbers.
Week 1 sales, all platforms
>Lydie & Suelle: 37k
>Meruru 82k
>Ayesha 75k
>Sophie 68k
>Firis 44k
Lydie & Suelle was objectively bad and Arland was objectively the best.
For good measure,
>Lulua 40k
Low sales for Lulua makes sense as it plays like a Mysterious game. The prestigious Arland brand name helped to slightly increase sales over Lydie & Suelle, though.
i imagine their budget is so small they could sell 10k copies globally and still turn a profit
>hurr only first week sales count :^)
Goddamn retard
>still never finished Totori after years
>just got Lulua the other day
>probably going to buy this one without finishing either
Will Ryza sell well?
sales peak the first week and taper off, I doubt they'll see a sales peak that exceeds it's opening week unless something unprecedented happens
Majority of sales always happen in the first week. You are the retard here.
>bought all the arlands years ago
>only played 4 assignments into rorona
>bought L&S
>played it for a day
>bought the other mysterious and then the dusk games in a late night shopping spree that tanked my monthly budget for food
i'm not very good with moneu
I still have Escha & Logy and Sophie on the backburner but I've at least beaten 4 of these games.
What is this resetera now? some mod deleted my post where i called someone a retarded faggot
>180k total sales is bad
Come on
Just look at the same source that user just posted?
L&S has 30k more lifetime sales than Ayesha even though it sold almost 40k less copies during its first week.
Lifetime sales as of 2018 from that website
>Meruru original release 143k
>Meruru original, "The Best" and Plus 213k
>Ayesha original 120k
>Ayesha all versions 156k
Keep in mind the above is Japan only
>Lydie & Suelle 180k
This number is ALL OF ASIA. (((Koei Tecmo))) had to share Asia-wide sales numbers to their shareholders to match the Japan-only sales numbers of Arland and Dusk.
do they even localize this game in languages other than english tho?
what's the source of the hate for the mysterious games? I played sophie first and had a blast, then went back and played rorona, and was left a bit disappointed after everyone hyping up the arland games as this far superior series.
Since then i've played totori and firis and i still don't see what's so bad about mysterious, or so good about arland. They're all just pleasant, low-stakes rpgs. What am i missing?
I swear to god things were as actually as bad as you claim gust would have been out business after Shallie.
That's still far from bombing though
Arland fags are eternally butthurt about time limits and atelier not just copy pasting the tone and design of the arland trilogy.
It's mostly people who never played them seeing one or two changes in gameplay mechanics described to them in text and thinking that they've become piss easy slogs because pacing isn't built around deadlines anymore.
Most people who've been playing Atelier pretty much dropped the series after Sophie. Only newfags who can stomache the low quality of Mysterious will continue playing Atelier from now on.
Looks really good. Gonna be best Atelier since Sophie.
it's called retardera silly user
I'm having fun with Lulua's game so far, nothing mind blowing, but a relaxing easy going rpg to zone out to. If Thighza is more of the same I'll be happy.
>low quality
this is a buzzword if you can't describe why the series tanked according to you
behead those who insult Ryza
The game still looks lowtech, despite being the supposed production overhaul, Why won't GUST physics and facial animations?
Gust has no budget for things like that
>time limits paced previous ateliers, Mysterious and Lulua replaced them with grindy tasks for pacing
>simplification of alchemy, removal of cost system
>awful combat in Sophie
>almost no lore of the setting in Mysterious
>character events are shit
>music is much worse than Dusk
>rampant DLC exploitation, massive amounts of recipes are behind DLC in Lydie & Suelle
>DLC characters are basically characters that should have been playable from day one
Literally soul vs soulless
Time limits stopped being a thing since shallie bro
Being given a shopping list and told to fuck off till next month does not a good game make. I prefer the more relaxed, experimentation-driven pacing of the mysterious games. I actually think that adds to the engagement.
the DLC is out of control for sure though
Arland has no lore either, that was something introduced in Dusk. Arland did have and in fact started with the DLC stuff though
>dlc recipes
how do these even work?
surely they would ruin the balance of the game because you can't make essential recipes DLC and expect people to play without them.
Same way as traits, completely OP and really only for fun or to take our endgame.
You're not supposed to craft shit willy-nilly in Arland unless you know you have time. You have to use your head and think about what you absolutely need to craft. Whereas in Mysterious, you literally have to craft garbage that you will probably not use in order to unlock stuff that you do need.
Are you one of those idiots that think atelier has to be hardcore or someyhing?
but i handed in garbage every month in rorona and still got a glowing report card every time. I thought the whole point was that meeting your quotas was quick and easy if you knew what you were doing, so it wasn't completely unbearable rerunning the game to get the additional endings.
>Lulua, L&S, and Firis are all still $60 on Steam
Do they ever have temporary sales on this shit? (I don't think they did during the last Steam sale, but I could be remembering wrong.)
Can I expect some discounts once Ryza arrives on Steam?
They exist. Do not expect them very often, though. Your best shot is probably Golden Week.
Never ever
What absolute horseshit. Many elements and animations are tanken straight out of Mysterious.
>a modicum of difficulty equates to hardcore
No, I think feeling like a micromanaging wizard after overcoming a few hurdles rather than not overcoming any hurdles at all makes the games feel more fun.
Steam got a few atelier sales, but not that steep (up to 25% or 30% off). Ryza might get like a 10% launch discount
they discounted them -slightly- on steam to coincide with the release of lulua, so maybe
Like that one goofy running animation where they lean forward frantically waggling their arms, and the pace of their legs has nothing to do with how fast they're actually moving?
I've seen it in the last few games at least.
Yeah I'm sure people loved the ridiculous hoops you have to jump through to get all the endings too.
Time limits are shit, I sure am glad they are never coming back to MY Atelier games.
i bought all 3 mysterious games for $22-27 each, brand new
imagine being being a digital only cuck lmao
Time to settle this, faggots.
Fuck, I worded it badly. Should've said "Mysterious and later Atelier games".
Never played an Atelier game before. Which of the PC games is the best starting point? Sophie, Firis, Lydie & Suelle, or Lulua?
Atelier Rorona DX, Atelier Sophie, or Atelier Ryza
Ryza has a chance at being the first actually good starting point on PC. Still too soon to tell, though.
check steamdb
>atelier on PC
Lydie & Suelle has extremely jewish DLC, though. It's probably worth picking up the base game on a discount and pirating the DLC with CreamAPI, though.
name one DLC that you actually need to complete the game
Yeah I agree. Honestly I don't really care if they pirate the whole game if they want. Sometimes regional pricings can get pretty fucked up.
these are good places to jump in.
Don't expect good ports though.
None, but if you actually want to enjoy the game to the fullest, you'd get the Lucia and Ilmeria DLC, all of the additional gathering fields, and all of the recipe DLCs. For the low low cost of zero dollars.
Arland DX and Sophie can run on a potato, but Firis and later can't. Ryzen 5 2600 + RX 570 should be more than enough, though.
It looks great actually.
Please tell me it's not yurishit, I want to see Ryza get dicked so badly.
Romance has already been deconfirmed in Ryza. Really though, this isn't the series for that sort of thing, not because it's yurishit but more because it's actually more on the pure end of the spectrum.
Atelier is barely ever yuri even the most recent game had Rorona and Sterk finally get together for adventures.
performance-wise they're alright yes.
I was thinking more about the text corruption i get in the arland games, and the truly weird habit that rorona has of periodically deciding not to recognise the left stick on my gamepad.
And the complete lack of 16:10 support in anything that comes out of japan, but i think that's mostly on my for buying these monitors in the first place.
I never got any problems playing at 1080p.
Wait does Sterk's suffering finally have a payoff in Lulua?
Ok but which game is the MOST yuri?
game looks like it would have been much better if there was battle sex and the monsters could rape Ryza and the other girls during combat if their HP got too low, they're incapacitated, or got affected by horny substances.
encountering obscure port issues is my gift
Atelier is only shit when it goes full /u/
>Sophie only $30 on Steam
Since it's so cheap, I'll probably end up trying it out. I've only played the Arland games, but I'm finding Lulua fun and some people say that Lulua is similar to the Mysterious games. I find it hard to believe the games can be that horrible. I liked the time limits, but it's not a deal breaker if they're not there.
So like only two times maybe
You aren't alone user. In this world full of gay just remember that.
Never ever listen to Yea Forums when someone says a game is shit or unplayable
Only if they don't make an Arland 5. If they do, Gust will make sure that Sterk didn't fuck Rorona on their trip together to not piss off their otaku fanbase. At least it's ambiguous like this.
When does Atelier go full /u/? I wouldn't even say Mimi qualifies since Totori is pretty clueless there. Unrequited lesbian love =/= /u/. Honestly, I think anyone that explictly wants that from Gust just plays Nights of Azure instead.
>creatively bankrupt JRPG marketed to jizzbrains
>"i hope the combat isn't shit"
so never
Can someone do some, uh, "analyses" on how big, exactly, are these girl's tits?
At a glance, probably big enough, but only probably.
No way, bro. They're poking out multiple layers of clothes. They've got to be on the big side.
I'm not ruling out bullshit padding or optical illusions BUT you are most likely correct.
Did they just found a StarGate ?
I've seen people mentioning that Lulua's game is also really fucking gay, but I haven't played it yet. Mostly involving these two.
Why is Yea Forums letting these devs astroturf the fuck out of this place? The game looks mediocre as fuck and the replies are always so canned and covered in marketing speak.
I am an expert in the field. those anime titties are certified "sugoi dekai".
t. individual with brain receptors in deplorable condition and severely impaired cognitive functions
Mimi is the hardest gay for Totori. Like, THE HARDEST GAY. However, unless something changed in Lulua then Totori really isn't.
Wait what? Who is she?
Lulua's straight, but two gay girls want her vagina.
Oh my fuck. That is full on WHOOP WHOOP tier.
Totori's pretty gay, even in Meruru. She just does it her way. I can't blame her, I'd lovingly bully the shit out of Mimi too in every single opportunity I got
>In this game, even gathering fields can be synthesized through alchemy.
>“Gathering Synthesis” allows you to create your own gathering fields.
>By using different raw materials, you can freely change what type of field it is, what items you can obtain, and what monsters you can encounter. Once you’ve found the perfect combination of items, share your gathering location password with your friends!
Dang, imagine Atelier Lydie & Suelle, but you can paint your own paintings.
Wait I thought Gust only churned out 1 Atelier game a year. How come they're releasing 2 mainline games for 2019?
sounds like disgaea's item worlds
They said that Lulua and Ryza were developed at the same time.
Gust must be a literal black company sweatshop to be able to support 5 platforms and develop 3 full fucking games in less than a year.
They were. But current laws make it so everyone has to go home and work there after like 9PM or something or daddy TK gets mad because they'll have to pay extra taxes if that happens so they're not that black anymore.
Many assets are repurposed for each installment, and the quality of these games speaks for itself.
I think Lulua was delayed.
I preorder it today, I'm sure it's gonna be fun
But I was told that the Atelier games were all made by cute girls???
>Atelier where you can basically make your own dungeons
Damn, I wonder who this heroic lass could be.
>thigh window
Made specifically for sneaking up on her and kissing them.
Will Yea Forums share passwords for some nice gathering fields?
A shame this will never go on a proper sale because Koei Tecmo is greedy as fuck.
The white haired woman is so thick she makes Ryza look like a prepubescent child
That's kind of hot.
Advanced crafting. No games do this like ateliers.
AAA do this too.
Go play that Azure nights thing.
Atelier Lydie & Suelle had a shit ton of different traits and effects. Lulua felt a bit barebones in comparison.
Is the 200$+ pack still available? Actually been sitting on it for a while.
They would have expected more of that from NoA2 but the characters became made to order characters that never once came close to the emotional connection the two leads had in the literal budget title that NoA1 was.
I still have no clue who fuck allowed 2 to happen.
I am forgotten.
I thought of a character as silly as this. lol
/ss/ doujins WHEEEEEEEN?
What Atelier should I start with? Do I need to play any of the earlier ones to play Ryza?
Arrows pointing for the insertion
No need, just start with this one.
>What Atelier should I start with?
>Do I need to play any of the earlier ones to play Ryza?
>start with Earrapeysha
Bad guide.
I thought Rorona was the eternal flat and used padding.
They're buzz & wordmfy
Basically the same kind of game as Recettear with a few different elements added every generation and only being viraled here this time because of weeaboo spunk monks
They're just timesinks
A lot of people from here seem to like it though.
She is alright
Thanks gentlemen
You always control only one character. Which is what makes games like Atelier Rorona and Ayesha so frustrating, because those games have parts which force you into solo play, when you are too weak to take on enemies.
yes, seen it on play-asia
Why isn't this poster scanned properly
>You always control only one character
I meant you only control one character and the others do what they want
why are they so afraid of showing how the switch version looks?
Ryza's thighs needed to be shrunk down ro fit on the Switch
I wanna cum inside Ryza's thighs
Is this yuri?
All I know is that I want to breed with Ryza
>cute boys too
Those story segments look a little intense for the "fun summer adventure with friends" they said we were gonna have.
It's probably from the last 10% of the game
So this game will have no deadlines, right? I can take as long as I want to do things, right?
yes user you'll be able to fap to ryzalina at your leisure
damn bugs... lay off on carrots
Ryza's body is anything but pure
Okay, but the series that she's in typically is.
Get fucked lmaiooio
Ok, Ill buy it
Why don't all the males on the island agree to share Ryza on a rotation basis? This body is too sinful to stay in a monogamous relation.
Because she is pure and waiting for me to put a white baby inside her
the character designs are A1 almost making me want to purchase it, but the game seems like nothing but resource collecting that's boring as fuck
Not thicc enough
Ryza's tits belong on my face.
>Long-haired Ryza
Holy shit I need this so much
I loke this one
Are there any actual male characters in this game, or have they just given up?
Did you even watch the video in the OP?
The shota, The CHAD and the virgin wizard
>Do they ever have temporary sales on this shit?
HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha....hahaha. No.
At most they'll go for $40 which is what they should cost full price.
Shota looks unlikeable as fuck.
A yurishitter like you is going to see yuri in it whether there is yuri there or not. Fuck off.
Lulua was made in 6 months.
Nights of Azure 1 and 2 are straight up overt yuri.
I want long hair Ryza
Game devs should make a document of them making the game and put it on a limited edition of the game
There's a bit there where in that PV where they're selecting a roof design for a building. Is this customization for the Atelier or some sort of town building mechanic?
There have been 9 Atelier releases since 2017...
imagine being an autistic /pol/tard spending all your day on Yea Forums and bitching about games with forced buzzwords
literal mental illness
I love my wife Reisalin!
Cripplechan beefing it really freed up a lot of their time.
What the fuck are you on about
the spamming /pol/tard autistic trash
Wrong thread?
/pol/tard trash should be permabanned from this board
***brain is a Yea Forums thing.
go back to your board /pol/tard subhuman
user I don't like dumb buzzwords either but he's right
nah /pol/tard, time for you to go back
So is there no loli bait character?
Only shota bait this time.
The art is so cute.
Paizuri is... BOUND to happen.
Get it?
Bound? As in bound boobs. Because her boobs are strapped!
I really want to marry and impregnate Reisalin
Imagine being the human embodiment of someone old gym sock filled with semen.
my diiiiiiiick!
I have such a soft spot for gothic girlfriends.
I just want pc ports of the dusk games, come on gust, you already did arland.
There's been a good amount of goth girls in video games nowadays.
granted they shit the bed with the arland ports
the pc ports have never been good, I wish they fixed them already
Welcome to Koei Tecmo, enjoy your ports.
>At most they'll go for $40 which is what they should cost full price
True enough. $60 is absurd.
Different regions have different prices I think. It's the most expensive for EUs at 60 euros so about 66 usd.
Being a physicalfag has its perks
>males in party
oi mate u got a license for that?
Moeblob Columbo-ko crafting/mystery game when?
bloody hell onii-chan you didn't pay our fridge license!
you have 3 party slots, start with 2 girls and unlock a third girl pretty fast
might as well just pirate them
the pc ports are shit anyways
That long-haired Ryza is sexy as fuck, and the portrait already looks finished. I hope they utilized it for an actual character in the game, maybe her mom or something.
90% chance of being a future DLC
It's not really the same without the stern look of proto-Ryza, but I'd take it.
Wasnt this series about alchemy and mixing potions? Now it looks like a regular jrpg
You just blow in from an alternate dimension?
or Ryza in a sequel
It hasn't looked like a simulation game since Salburg/Gramnad.
there is mixing potions in that trailer
>Why yes, I find bountiful chest, hips and thighs to be attractive. How did you know?
Damn, they really did neuter Lent's face. Here, it looks super youthful but also has the air of Chad. The final one is just full on babyface.
Seems like Toridamono likes Lilia's design the most. I wonder why, huh?
made for breeding
>no actual underwear just a stocking and easily moved piece of fabric
>thigh windows
>paizuri hole
judging by pixiv she's the paizuri specialist
This but Reisalin.
But Lilia has wider hips and bigger breasts, she can carry a child better and breastfeed better
My wife Reisalin is fertile and just as breedable.
I want to fuck Tao
I was hoping that he would be a dwarf but then it turned out that he's just a kid.
Settings were lacking but atleast the games worked fine
Why no Japanese PC release?
I want to release inside of her
Because nips don't play games on PC
No one's stopping them from buying it on steam.
There's still going to be a Japanese version on Steam along with the English release
It's coming a month later
I heard some people had problems with running the games, it worked fine for me but the keyboard controls are still horrid.
all the games can be played fully in japanese on PC, it just comes out sometime after the console jp release
Well at least they have an extra month to make the port decent ... right?
I only had issues with the font/text that was fixed by updating my multi-year old GPU drivers
>There's still going to be a Japanese version on Steam along with the English release
Just for the sake of completion, most nips only use PC for porn games
some don't
it's still cool they give the option to switch languages unlike in consoles for the 100 nips that actually buy their 和ゲー exclusively on PC if they're available there and the thousands of djt retards
Why is she so perfect?
>djt retards
Someone got laughed out of the threads
Not him but DJT is actual trash and I translate for a living.
no, I just got out of there eventually because I'm not an eternal N3 retard
I meant that as an 愛称 anyways
Nobody plays the Atelier games for the combat system. In fact, it must be very simple for allowing the player to play with one hand only
I bet the very few girls into the Atelier franchise will love the wizard though
The /int/ thread isn't too bad but I haven't read it in a while
It's good practice to think about some of the more complicated questions even if you don't actually help anyone
Everyone in Atelier games is frigid and sterile. Even Rorona died virgin.
reading comprehension, user
btw did anything ever come out of that ryza cosplay contest?
Why does this game triggers trannies and women so much?
cute sexy anime girls bad
nu atelier sidetracking from the soft otome aesthetic right into gamer territory bad, also i'm on my period and i just remembered tumblr died
This game is obscure even for generic weeb audience. Trannies and women never even heard about it.
I always falseflag in atelier threads to get some good discussion going.
I wonder who's behind this post.
there's a pretty active female atelier community desu
most of them are straight up dykes and cosplayer lesbos
lmao the tittylet cant even look in her direction
>tfw lolifag
is that a tranny on the picture?
the tits keep getting bigger good lord muh dic
>symmetrical docking
Does continuity play a big role in the Atelier series? Would Ayesha be a decent place to start?
they're pretty much standalone stories, the trilogies are vaguely related to each other but not to the degree where it would unplayable to play one without the other
>Does continuity play a big role in the Atelier series?
It consists of subseries where it's usually recommended to start with the first entry in each because of returning characters.
Ayesha is the first in the Dusk trilogy.
You can play those games in any order. You can even play trilogies in reverse order if you want, it won't change your experience.
When will Gust eat their nippon pride and attend some western workshops for 3D graphics?
Never and that's a good thing
They have completely competent artists and programmers. They just don't have time to update their engine, gotta pump out 2.5 games a year.
that would mean they need a stable optimized engine first and their current business model doesn't work if they instead pay out license fees for some dumb shit like UE4
to be fair the games do slightly improve yearly, compare sophie to ryza, they're not CH tier incompetent
Sophie to Firis was a big leap, but they couldn't optimize for shit.
It seems to me that they made a massive improvement on their engine. I'm pretty sure they invested a lot.
Specially considering it's open world.
They don't need to add a lot of visual tech, the games look great already but if they added asset streaming and a lod system they could do a lot more. FPS fluctuates from 100 fps to 40, there's no AA setting at all. Currently it's almost impossible to play these games in 4k, even on a monster rig.
But Gust gotta Gust. They have to non stop keep on pumping out mediocre games at full price that the hardcore fans buy instead of giving the games a bit more development time to get better ratings and sell them at a more reasonable price to get better sales. They're stuck in a loop of always having just enough money for the next 8 month development cycle.
scp discordfags STILL trying to push this shitty forced meme
It's not open world, there is no streaming tech in the engine. It's just large maps like in the other games.
Nights of Azure 2 is from 2017 and it had much better textures and models.
Blue Reflection has even better models.
Wasnt this game super gay?
Getting a low-end, basic controller for my PC worked out great. Highly recommended if you play a lot of ports.
Isn’t that top piece a bit too tight for her enormous tiddies? Must be painful
You know she is evil because she wears spikes and black
I think NoA2 is still their most technologically/graphically advanced game. It has a lot of specular and normal maps on the textures that they hardly bothered with in later games until Lulua and now full on again in Ryza.
Yes it's a full on yuri romance.
Which one impregnates the other?
what is the gameplay in this game like
what do you actually do
Go outside of town to the wilderness to gather materials. Fight monsters that are in the way, get more materials. Go back to town and synthesize items to strengthen your party, complete side quests, and proceed with the main story. View optional character events.
Your best choice is to just watch gameplay videos of recent games: Sophie, Lydia & Suelle, and Lulua.
Is the entire series on the switch?
No, just Arland and Mysterious. There's a non-zero chance they will release Dusk DX for the Switch, PC and PS4 though. For Salburg, Gramnad, Iris and Mana Khemia, the easiest way to play them is emulating them on your PC.
>what do you actually do
you move ryza with one hand while you fap with the other
Two more months, lads. My dick has never been more ready for Ryza.
Where is loli rorona?
I don't like sticks
I like her more than Ryza.
astrid has shit taste
if she had gone back to being 11 years old instead no one would've complained, fruits truly are at their ripest and most tasty the moment right before withering
>White hair
Toridamono went full madman with her design
I am playing Totori right now, and I'm having a lot of fun. I can't imagine these games having much enjoyment if there wasn't a time limit. What are the some of the better ones in the series I should be contemplating after this one?
Fuck off Astrid, you're the worst character in the series.
Get better taste
How old is she?
Probably 20 or so
Play the whole Arland trilogy and then play Lulua or skip straight to Ryza
I'm assuming that starts with Rorona from the character interactions going on?
>only Arland gets pie
Clearly the best trilogy
Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru
It's probably not that big of a deal to play them in the "wrong" order and Totori is technically the oldest since Rorona got a remake that updated a lot of stuff
>The side character is actually the best girl
I don't care about Ryza anymore.
Why do we care about this game again? It's not gonna be released in the West for like another 1.5 years knowing the Japanese. By that time I'll have forgotten all about it and these threads. Why not save the blitz for when it's actually coming out in third world countries like Canada and America?
Listen up nigger, It's a valid issue and it happens again and again with games that release first in Japan. After it comes out in Japan the threads die and nobody talks about it until the English release.
That girl is so unappealing compared to the other two
>It's not gonna be released in the West for like another 1.5 years knowing the Japanese.
Please do some basic research before you say things like this.
end game in the good atelier games is always a lot of fun, although its more about good preparation and mastering the alchemy system than tactics, although you need a bit of it too
This was more fun
>with that god tier soundtrack
They do say ignorance is bliss.
I like her pantyhose and the way the slits on her skirt gives those little glimpses of her child bearing hips.
I'll be honest. Those tits are shit.
Ryza has big titties, but they look very organic in combination with her overall chubbiness. They have correct form and they are properly hiding behind her shirt.
But this blonde has floating completely spherical balloons which look way too artificial and unnatural. This is not how huge tits should look like.
Also posting an example of giant breasts done right.
>lila desires
>Kiro/Kilo shinas
>agate haman
I don't mind the bimbo tier figure and general clothing choices so much but I do think some littler details send her design over the edge like the animal claw gloves, the heterochromia and the arrows pointing in on her cleavage. It's all just a little too much. Sorc and Ryza are definitely more tasteful titty monsters.
I like them
They haven't said anything about town building mechanics so far, but they have talked a lot about the custom gathering field synthesis.
I'm wondering if they are going to be actual dungeons or just small gathering sections like Totori It sounds kinda cool.
My wife!
Has it been confirmed anywhere if the time limit is returning?
Ahaha, look at this retard trying to fit in.
No time limits, thank god
fat fucking thighs
How do people like this find their way into Atelier anyways?
Bare legs is better.
I see.
Atelier should pull a Fire Emblem and make a Classic mode with time limits for people who like them and a Casual mode for people that don't. That would make both camps happy.
The NA Limited edition is already set to release in October you dodo.
How would they design the game to work both ways?
She has a similar archetype as Monica from Sophie. I certainly hope she is better than her. Monica was a total bore.
I don't think there would need to be a huge design difference. Just make sure the limits weren't super strict so there's still room for error.
You know you could've just said you didn't know what you were talking about.
Sounds like small fields
Design it with time limits and then remove them for the casual mode. So hard
They should release the game tomorrow
Otakus can't deal with waifus with more sexual experiences than them. The loli Rorona fiasco was too much even for those creeps though
I already know that, Mom. Dad already told me
Ryza is a breeding sow
I really hope this game is better than Lulua, couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
for me
Seriously, the artist knew exactly what he was doing with that thigh gap and skin dentation
boobs don't work like that unless they are bags of sand
A man of refined tastes for sure.
I just want to see the lewd continuation of this picture. Complete with the "yada"s.
Atelier has been shit for like 5 games now.