Honest opinion on Oblivion?
Honest opinion on Oblivion?
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goofiest comfy rpg
but Morrowind is still the best TES
I like it.
I liked it a lot when I was younger, but I find it kind of hard to get sucked into now.
opened up a lot of sexual doors for me
Good memes
Hammer carrying simulator.
Best Elder Scrolls game.
It has the best soundtrack and the best guild quests. Even the main quest is relatively fun.
The expansion is one of the best DLCs ever.
Not to mention, the soundtrack. Few games give me nostalgia like Oblivion's soundtrack.
A lot of people are going to shit on vanilla Oblivion but the game was very immersing. I'm amazed that Skyrim gets more praise.
Mixed bag. If you're big on lore or worldbuilding, you'll be sorely disappointed that Cyrodiil is just a medieval Europe setting.
Other than that, the autistic leveling system, and the highly repetitive dungeons, it's majorly comfy and memorable with plenty of good experiences and quests to be had.
Just another good example of how weapon degradation is shit in every single game
It wouldn't be silly if you had to take a weapon to a smith in town instead of carrying 60 literal pounds of hammers. Make degradation slow too and you've got a decent system.
Overrated and literally just Skyrim, but worse. Likely the worst ES game. (I haven't played Arena.)
Great game, but kind of a pain to install mods for. I can't even get mods like OCO and DarnUI to install using Wrye Bash. I dunno what I'm doing wrong but in OCO's case, beast races were fucked and some shapes for elves were kinda fucked. DarnUI just had issues with the fonts as far as I could tell. I even tried going around Wrye Bash and installing shit manually and it was still fucked.
Oblivion had the best guilds.
Also the Shivering isles.
never played and i disliked skyrim
should i play it?
any essential mods?
>5 hour retrospective on oblivion
Holy shit this is peak autism.
You could repair from blacksmiths in town though. It was the only way to repair enchanted gear until you were a high enough Armorer level
I've sat through it. Pretty decent and feels like half that length. He, uh, goes into detail.
One of if not the best game ive ever played.
But you didn't have to, not for regular gear. So the game kept reminding you you should bring your hammer stash out on trips, and pick up any you find along the way.
Like it a lot. Love all the little secrets. Virtually nobody knows to this day that you can make wine by following the instructions in the book you can find in the vineyard houses and using the container that's in the middle of the fields (which involves jumping on top of the container a specific number of times and waiting a week). These are the Little Things (tm) that made the experience magical.
With mods it`s awesome. Out of mods sucks.
It's okay, but it gets really boring few hours in.
2nd best elder scrolls game besides morrowind. Ignore the people who say skyrim is better because it was probably their first game. Morrowind has the best main quest and game mechanics. Oblivion has the best side quests and decent game mechanics. Skyrim for the most part has shit quests and shit game mechanics. Also, oblivion gets extra points for being the comfiest.
It was also dummy expensive
replaying it now after 5 years break.
it's surprisingly good for a failed imagining of actual TES and the generic look of all buildings and places are still charming but it just isn't TES. but man, that fucking engine fucking sucks dog dick. Obviously Skyrim has a slightly better engine (still garbage because lack of animations in combat, only the magic animations look alright) but at least he could stop being a retard and update it to Unreal 4 or something. Fuck Todd.
I think Skyrim was better and my first game was Morrowind. Oblivion is just so dreadfully boring and uninteresting. Whatever good handful of good quests it has doesn't really save the entire game from being mediocre.
>I'm amazed that Skyrim gets more praise.
gee, I fucking wonder: better NPCs, updated engine, better combat, dual wield, spell animations that don't look like wet farts, blood particles on weapons that look like actual blood, quests are somewhat the same quality but there is less writing inbetween which is terrible in Skyrim but whatever. the removal of classes, birthsign and skills is still terrible and that retard Todd should be arrested for that and for dumbing down the RPG formulae just so they can get the normie audience into playing """"RPGs"""".
What, uhhhh...what kind of, uh, detail?
It's my favorite ES game with Morrowind as a close second. The rest I couldn't give less of a fuck about. Until Daggerfall Unity is done at least.
opinion and oblivion rhyme
heh heh
leveled combat is fucked.
>better NPCs
>updated engine
no shit, it came out like 7 years later
>better combat
this gets ruined by the fact that there are less combat skills to actually train
>dual wield
terribly implemented, ends up being completely useless and just for looks, which if you aren't 14 isn't that interesting
>spell animations that don't look like wet farts
>blood particles on weapons that look like actual blood
who the fuck cares about this to determine which one is a better game
>quests are somewhat the same quality but there is less writing inbetween
the removal of classes, birthsign and skills is still terrible and that retard Todd should be arrested for that and for dumbing down the RPG formulae just so they can get the normie audience into playing
you prove yourself wrong in your own post, user
>Quests are somewhat the same quality
Stopped reading there. Holy fuck you're an idiot for thinking that.
everything here is true.
not him but actually dual wielding can be so easily broken speed-wise that most normies ive seen play the game end up with a combination of that and stealth archery
Hasn't aged well.
Morrowindfags are in full denial these days.
If you play on expert or master, dual wielding is shit
comfy levels through the roof
I like the bland world design. It sells the world as realistic and the simple pleasure of journeying through fields and forests. The ideal would be somewhere between the exaggerated biomes of Skyrim and Oblivion's restraint
I like the soundtrack.
The quests are decent other than the objective markers which ruin them.
The streamlining coming from Morrowind was a mixed bag overall
I hate the dungeons with simple puzzles and ugly repetitive visuals.
I hate scaling.
I hate the Imperial City. It should have been destroyed instead of Kvatch. If you don't have the ability to implement a capital city of a continent spanning empire, write it out.
I hate Oblivion gates.
I hate objective markers.
I hate the combat.
I hate that you can use the healing items from the pause menu.
I hate that they wasted money on voice acting.
I hate that you have an accurate map from the get-go with GPS.
I hate fast travel.
The last decent TES game, and one of the best with the proper modding. The world and exploration is a big step down from Morrowind, but it makes up for it somewhat by having an extremely aesthetically pleasing world and towns that still manage to feel alive despite the autistic robot people. NPC schedules haven't been and will never be this good in an Elder Scrolls game ever again. Also, the best and most memorable quests in the series. Not just Muh Whodunnit, but memorable little characters and quests are dotted around everywhere. Morrowind had great world and setting, but a lot of its quests were really lacking in memorability.
Its primary downsides are bad combat (not as bad as Morrowind, but WAY too spongey), simplified spell mechanics, and a totally fucked leveling/scaling system. Thankfully these are probably the easiest to mod and change.
>I like the bland world design
post not worth reading
I have been playing modded Skyrim and Oblivion back to back and while the graphics and combat kick the shit out of Oblivion the quest, world design and enemy variety seem much higher in oblivion even if they might not be.
Mind you I'm playing Skyrim with Requiem, LOTDB,MLU,Wintersun and Vigilant and one or two immersive Armor and abilities mods and running Oblivion relatively plain with just the unofficial patches and OOO Updated and MOO.
Going back and forth has shown me that Skyrim definitely has made some improvements. Perks were an upgrade. Being able to build your character out with unique abilities as their skill rank went up gives a more significant feeling of change and direction.
Really Oblivion is fun but going back and forth my main thoughts when playing Oblivion is that it would be really great if the combat and graphics were updated to look more like Skyrim but still retain it's more "Fantasy" look. My main thoughts when playing Skyrim are this is more boring than Oblivion but it is much more responsive and easier to look at.
Did they tone down radiant AI in Skyrim or something? NPCs never actually do anything.
Last respectable step in the casualization of the franchise.
Still an amazing and one of the best games ever made if you approach it with the right mindset, not comparing it with its predecessor and using other AAA from its time titles in comparison.
The problem and why it has somewhat of a bad reputation are fags in this board that want to fit showing that they are "true to the franchise", who joined Yea Forums after Skyrim was released, couldn't get used to Oblivion, and never played Morrowind but praise it anyway; and popular youtubers who make fun of games' flaws.
Almost as good as Skyrim which is a bit better than Morrowind which is worse than Daggerfall which is better than Oblivion
I like it due to bias. I played Oblivion back in 2006/2007 as a ~13-14 year old. It was one of the last games I truly enjoyed desu. I could never get into Skyrim even though I listened to Todd and bought the game at least three times on three different systems. I'm currently replaying Oblivion on PC and it is very comfy. Basically I am a total nostalgiafag who can't into new experiences when it comes to video games.
This is one fucking insane tier list.
all these games are fun as shit but every single dungeon or bandit camp is tedious as fuck and only satisfying when you level up past godhood and oh/ko each enemy
it's bad but I like it anyway, the stupid dialogue shit is always funny even if it ruins the immersion
Surprised the level scaling hasn't been mentioned more. It was a huge deal back when the game came out, as it was an RPG that *punished* you for leveling (if you didn't increase your combat stats upon level up, all battles immediately got harder; even with low-level critters).
>better NPCs
I can't even begin to understand how you reached this conclusion
That's a weird way to spell Daggerfall, user.
Soulful game with a few major flaws that hinder the entire experience. I've yet to find a mod that fixes the enemy scaling.
I reinstalled and it periodically freezes temporarily before recovering, it's so fucking frustrating
Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls but I still feel that Skyim is 100x better. Oblivion is my 2nd or 3rd favorite game of all time but Skyrim is better in every aspect that isn't music and is just far more fun to actually play. Replaying Oblivion is hard because 90% of the systems in that game just aren't fleshed out enough and the draw distance is permanently stuck at being pure shit. Also Oblivion's world map is just garbage, all the "mountains" are just slightly larger hills and any body of water is just a tiny puddle or little stream.
I remember when I used to really enjoy this game and played it nonstop everyday as a teen until my cousin came and made me stop playing it for 9 years.
I played Morrowind when I was a lad, didn't really pay much attention to videogame news or anything so didn't know Oblivion came out, friend from school told me about it like it was the most awesome game ever made (Didn't mention it was a TES game he just told me it was a game called Oblivion)
I went over to his place to watch him play it on his Xbox and holy shit was I disappointed, he built me up thinking it was the coolest thing ever and it looked like shit, the voice acting was incredibly goofy, the gameplay looked boring, then I realized it was a sequel to Morrowind and I was even more disappointed.
After watching him play it for a few hours I was sure I should never touch it, I actually tried to play it a few months ago because my girlfriend swears it is one of the best games ever made and it really was awful, I couldn't play for more than a few hours, no idea what people see in this game.
I find it easier to get sucked into than Oblivion. Something about the way it's more obviously ridiculous (5 voice actors, potato faces, etc) makes it easier for me to suspend disbelief than Skyrim. Skyrim feels like a videogame where you go on explicitly identified quests for mundane things, Oblivion feels like you're actually just helping some guy catch fish or whatever, without pretending it's some epic quest. Obviously Morrowind is much better at that sort of thing again, but still.
I'm 40 hours into my current playthrough.
Level 22, Arena, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood done.
I had not play it in like 10 years. I 100 percented it back in the day but I never played the expansions, currently going through Shivering Isles after just finishing Knights of the Nine, I'm having a blast, truly the comfiest western RPG there is.
Rate my sword.
How about a 7 hour analysis of Pokemon Omega Ruby?
Wait what, which one is the "Morrowindfag" in your scenario? Or did you just quote the wrong post?
Best ES game by a very narrow margin imo. Best glitches of any Elder Scrolls game too, I especially like the one where you can clone your main character and fight him : ^ ). I actually have a pretty cool story involving a time I did that, anyone wanna hear it?
yeah shoot
Ive played more oblivion than any other TES put together and Its the best game by far, it hits that sweet spot between action and rpg.
It made me laugh more than Skyrim or Morrowind. It's not bad or awful, the story and setting of Morrowind is better. I like vampirism in Oblivion better. Melee combat is better than in Morrowind. Cool guild quests, oblivion gates get old quick and become the most dreaded part of the game. Fast travel sucked, the world was big and yet it felt like there was nothing in it at times while wandering through the wilderness.
It's a good game I've sunk many hours into, it's not my favorite TES but it's good.
So in Oblivion there's an item called the Skull of Corruption, which you can use to clone NPCs. Using a glitch, you can use it to permanently clone yourself.
When I discovered this glitch online, I had already played Oblivion to exhaustion. My character, Nickies, a Breton battlemage, was nigh-invulnerable, and had spells that could one hit Minotaurs. It was pretty crazy, but it got boring fast. I decided the only challenge left was to fight a version of myself, a permanent clone, a "Nickies Black," if you will.
So I did the glitch, purposefully not wearing my best gear as to make sure I can still win, but couldn't immediately kill the clone because his (my) healing spells were too potent. So, I left and returned, to see what would happen to him.
He had changed his equipment loadout to that of my own, real character's, including all my OP shit. Now I actually couldn't kill him...
Not only that, but he started upchucking a creepy mix of faction dialogue I haven't heard before, like "I'm sworn to die, are you?" and "The training of thousands has passed through me!"
Sometimes he would use my invisibility spells and flee, and I'd have to find him again. One time I found an entire town murdered, with him nearby. I even got bounties when I swore I didn't commit any crimes. Once I led him over a bayou to an underwater DLC home I had, and he equipped my waterwalking boots to easily keep pace - then, when I fled underwater, he swam under with me despite wearing said boots!
Other oddities include his Luck seemingly being higher for everything he did compared to my own, and being able to summon two things at once (which was actually IMPOSSIBLE in Oblivion).
Eventually our endless fight led into the Imperial City, the capital. (continued)
With the entire fucking garrison of the Imperial City, I managed to kill the bastard. I moved him onto the table in the center of the Capital Building for all to see. Half the city was murdered as a side effect, but hey, it worked. (OP Pic Related)
Just a week ago, I tried to glitch again. When I almost killed the clone on my first try this time, he shouted "Why Brother, why?" - I hesitated to finish him, but he then cloaked and ran off somewhere. When I found him he was in my best shit again.
The bastard is able to trick me, and he can switch gear whenever he seems to feel like it. For example, in Oblivion NPCs always wear the first thing in their inventory - in my and the clone's case, this is a cursed hood I named AAAAA specifically to kill NPCs with (by planting it in their inventory). However, the clone refuses to put it on, instead somehow specifically choosing either my best headwear or whatever matches the set he's wearing at that time.
It just ... boggles my mind.
Unironically GOAT
The oblivion radiant AI was fucking awesome at the time. I remember all these times when the AI would seem as dumb as rock but then I just realized only redguards AI is programmed to be stupid, and the higher INT npcs do outsmart you alot and run away and change tactics alot.
I remember those scalons all teaming up on me and forming a hunting pack going invisible and then ambushing me at the most opportune time.
Every Elder Scroll game has its streinghts and weaknesses
Except Skyrim, is irredeemable bullshit that doesnt even look good for a 2011 game.
Currently playing for the first time
Goofier than it wants to be, potatoheads everywhere, very comfy and nice
I prefer it over morrowind
Boomer here, bought it at launch. The game embittered me on the whole gaming industry and I've hardly bought a game since (I just pirate instead). The amount of lies and deceit the year before launch was amazing in hindsight.
I've played a lot, I tried reinstalling on my new computer but my game keeps crashing even though I'm using the same mods my old computer used.
It's a bad game but I like it because it's cozy and I have nostalgia for it.
its kinda shit
but its comfy and i liked it as a lad
i was too stupid as a kid to play morrowind so i like the casual friendliness of it
i was adhd though too and never actually finished it because i kept getting distracted by stupid shit
just went back and played through it recently
went straight mage
was decently fun
but the level scailing is garbo
on harder difficulties after scailing and before getting any actually good spells every fight became fucking tedious
then when i turned the difficulty down to make the fights not take forever the fights became boring and all of the bosses underwhelming
i kept playing so i could at least see the whole game
main quest was pretty lame
probably not gonna play it again ever
also the potato faces are unforgivable
i am now playing morrowind and am having more fun
overall 6/10
probably the worst of TES
not as fun or in depth as morrowind
not as comfy as skyrim
best elder scrolls game with the best soundtrack and some of the strangest character models i've ever seen.
Whoops, wrong pic.
>not as comfy as skyrim
See that mountain?
Last good ES game
>Until Daggerfall Unity is done at least.
Oh didn't realize this was a Skyrim thread.
>Oblivion has the best TES combat once you mod it. Also best vanilla sidequests.
>Skyrim has the best immersion and adventures once you mod it.
>Morrowind has the best story and alchemy
There, done the thread for you.
The oblivion experience
>enter imperial city
>murder some guys for cash
>buy house
>get raped and impregnated by guards
>spend each day walking to the market to buy watermelons to consume
>nobody even wants to have sex with you anymore, even if you are trying to be more forward and slutty
>instead you are now stuck withering away as a watermelon obsessed pregnant woman who lives in a run down shack with some items stolen from various place while being paid welfare by your province.
>child is born, then rapes you
>an insane woman with an axe barges in and murders your child
>exit the house, the world was overrun with mudcrabs. Humanity is dead and the last hope was slain, a thread of the prophecy has been severed.
The skyrim experience
>enter Whiterun
>murder guys, but the cash is so low it is worthless to even loot them
>want to buy house, but don't want to do quests
>get raped by guards. it says you were impregnated, but you don't really look different.
>can barely get enough money for a piece of bread
>AI isn't really changing. If anything, they are getting more broken, some are now endlessly stuck in an animation. Some managed to get on the roofs and don't know how to get down. What remains rapes you and sends you to the grey void. Gotta reload about 20 or so times.
>constantly battling engine as papyrus is shitting itself. Oh great, just got sent to the giant's lair again.
>child is born. is an item in the inventory. what was even the point?
>NPC appears out of nowhere and sets fire to you. Didn't care about anyone else, you were top priority to them.
>You run outside and Brenuin tries to rape you. You get sent to the grey void.
>Saves got corrupt, will need to redo all MCM menus.
Oblivion allows me to live in the world. Skyrim allows me to break immersion by failing to properly animate without some sort of broken script or general papyrus lag. Pretty ironic when Oblivion is a game I would consider more unstable in regards to crashing.
>get into Arcane University or Frostcrag
>make Fortify Armorer 100pts for 1 sec on Self spell
>go to inventory
>repair gear with unbreakable hammer
The only problem is that you still need 50 Armorer to repair enchanted items, and 75 to repair beyond 100%
All the recent threads about it are making me want to replay it. Is there a definitive mod list that I can quickly install without having to spend a day making up my own?
Nothing spooked me more than a guard catching me at 3am.
>install mod to fix potato faces
>install mod to fix level scaling
>finally I have fixed my biggest gripes with Oblivion
>start new play through
>finish first dungeon
>loose all motivation to play, like so often before
>turns out my biggest gripe with Oblivion is that it's Oblivion
worst world and art design of the series, it's all so fucking bland
>no spellmaking
>game is easy as fuck
>guilds are a caricature of themselves
skyrim is a steaming pile of dogshit compared to oblivion
minmaxing oblivion
>level specific skills both major and minor, get your +5 sleep bonus, watch passively leveled skills like athletics
>create spells appropriate for the crazy mobs you will encounter
>gain genuine enjoyment from the grind to become a god
minmaxing skyrim
Better than Skyrim. Worse than Morrowind. Second best bow shooting mechanics in gaming.
>Make a spell that does 100 points of Charm on Touch for 3 seconds
>Use it on a guard
>He pays my fine
>When I leave conversation he goes from happy to angry like that Friendly Heavy gif
>hurr durr i got my opinions about the game from Yea Forums and reddit
>i can't wrap my head around the level scaling and le potato faces so oblivion game bad >:(
your biggest gripe with oblivion is that you're a stupid cuck
Speaking of spellmaking, is it possible to make NPCs of the same faction fight each other? I tried that Frenzy and Rally spell the other night but it kept turning into the guards curbstomping unarmed civilians
I made up my opinion long before I knew of reddit or Yea Forums even existed. And your reading comprehension is pretty bad.
Comfy, empty ass world with no actual world building implemented, but walking around the forest was comfy tho.
Shitty leveling system and shitty exploration due to it.
*Make fortify armorer 100pts for 1 second spell*
can't into immersion at all, way too goofy
morrowind and skyrim are much better and comfy to play
Late reply because I just woke up but here's a noob guide with essential mods:
>every time I close the game it gives me an error that the game crashed
Is there something I can download thats like Oblivion already modded to shit so I don't have to spend a whole day following tutorials and testing shit?
One of the OBSE plugins fixes that, if it bothers you that much.
It has fantastic quests, very well written. The gameworld and soundtrack is incredibly cozy.
Fun to both either sit back and play, or get immersed in a full role-play. The best of both worlds between Morrowind and Skyrim.
Why is Wes Johnson's voice so memorable? I can still hear basically anything he said in Oblivion.
potato faces is the most charming thing about oblivion, playing without them is heresy
I've never beaten this game but i want to try mods pls help
Preferably storyline / helper stuff
I've played the first 8 hours a fudge ton but never make it farther then that
The best WRPG for me. Extremely comfy, great quests, cool armor, neat weapons, and awesome spells. The Shivering Isles is great too.
Daggerfall Unity project is based, finally the most ambitious Elder Scrolls game can have that ambition potential realized.
I can't watch this. I have tried many times but his voice does this stupid thing where he goes up at the end of a sentence. Stupid cunt
If you unironically disliked Skyrim, then Oblivion is just going to be even worse. It was one of the first few Xbox 360 launch titles, really janky as all hell. Maybe try Morrowind instead, at least it has some complex systems to hold your attention and the world/lore is a fuckton more interesting.
Dual wielding power attack with fast weapons like dragonbone daggers deals a crazy amount of damage, enough to 1 shot almost everything.
But yes, dual wielding is mostly for power attacks, otherwise you can only attack with one weapon at a time, so what's the point.
not another oblivion gate