

Attached: 1549431463428.png (601x582, 167K)

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Moo Moo Meadows

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fat bald and artistic

because I already have a boyfriend

post your art

moo moo meadows

Guys have sexier asses desu

I have no idea what I would do with her if i got one

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She won't reply back to my Facebook message, dammit

Because I'm a hermit who lives off autismbux and spends his time posting on here, masturbating, and sometimes maybe playing a video game

I had one, and she broke my heart.

Never again do I trust anyone.

Because I'd rather have a daughteroo instead.

Stop spamming this.
Fuck off
You removed a good thread from the catalog.

bad experiences with female pedos when i was a kid and i haven't been able to recover since.
i have some anxiety related disorders too

Because all girls I talk never get interested anyway, maybe my luck change next year when I move to another city, almost running out of options in my currently situation.

ikr a smash thread died

I have schizophrenia.

The only anime I watch is Takagi because it helps me simulate the experience

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I have beautiful Boy-Friend to get preggers instead

Another smash thread?

The artistic bit should help you a little actually.

Oh no, you mean another nintendie thread about which stupid character will be in the next smash? Or maybe yet another epic shill thread? What a tragedy we lost one of those.

Because women aren't interested in me. I know because they've ignored me for 35 years.

because I have severe trust issues and a broken body

you first.

I'm waiting for my tiny penis to get bigger.


Why don't you have a girlfriend (male), user?

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same, if I desired a gf and made the effort to get one I think I would get tired of it really fucking quick. I need my alone time like I need water. I cannot imagine living my life with a partner.

I’m ugly and fat but I’m trying to lose weight again.

I lost the 3rd girl I thought I was going to marry. What’s the point it’ll never happen

I was injured in the summer of 92

That's gay.

Because girls have never been interested in me so now I'm a 26 year old kissless virgin.

Cause I have a bf

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>hetero*id thinks he's straight

cause today's bitches ain't loyal

I’m gonna be a 33 year old virgin forever

because i'm an apprentice wizard

Whenever my friends show me there girlfriends they end up being hella ugly so I'm just like lel I'm not really missing much I suppose

>Thought id finally managed to bury those wants
>Saw the most beautiful ass 2 days ago
>Now going insane with loneliness


Because I have crippling social anxiety and I can't approach a girl. Also I wouldn't know what to do if a girl approached me anyway.

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Because I don't want one, but even if I did all the available girls around here look like walking donut holes.

Because I have a shitty attitude and get oneitis super fucking bad.
Also I never go outside.

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I never approach girls because I assume they are thots and I reject the girls who approach me because any girl with standards so low they would approach me is fucking everyone.

I'm 60lbs overweight, don't really go outside and have extreme trust issues after my first "relationship". Even in school when I was only 15-20lbs overweight I got completely ignored by girls aside from being called cute by a short ESL girl that I didn't know at all and she was probably just making fun of me since she had a huge grin on her face.

All women nowadays are fucking fat no surprise, they have similar numbers of obesity to men even with all the numbers heavily fudged in their favor

I haven't been trying
I could make a Tinder but because of the size of this area i'm afraid of matching with someone I know from High School

they cost too much money and time, I'm just here consuming product after a hard month's work


How old do you have to be to qualify as an apprentice wizard?