Looking back, was he one of the better Square protags?
Looking back, was he one of the better Square protags?
Other urls found in this thread:
>start off hating just how much of a little bitch he was
>actually ends up becoming one of my favorite characters in the end
Yeah, I’d say he was.
He has an actual character arc
What’s he listening to on his headphones?
The game’s soundtrack. It’s why you can buy CDs in-game and why the songs shuffle from time to time. Neku’s just listening to his favorite artists.
Neku has some pretty based taste in music.
He was pretty good, I’d say. He starts off the game as an edgy faggot but he grows the fuck up later on and makes up for it.
Man, I forgot how lewd that song was.
Still pissed about Final Remix and it’s bullshit cliffhanger.
i personally identify more with him in the beginning and the game lost me at the end
Square fucking nailed it there, they don't sound like your average JRPG fantasy fare, they sound like actual fucking songs that you would hear on the radio and shit.
You need some character development too
>he wanted Neku to stay an edgy little bitch that almost killed Shiki
Really, man?
Agreed. The soundtrack was catchy as fuck.
Three Minutes Clapping is so fucking good, man. Used to jam to it multiple times when I was younger.
Still do, too.
its just easier to self insert
this is what i developed into actually.
No. He's a fag that only repressed homosexuals like because of Nomura's metrosexual fashion sense. His "character development" is a joke, and it all happens after he finds graffiti that CAT drew because suddenly the story needed a role model for him to justify his perking up after all that hamfisted broaden your horizons shit.
>I didn’t even play the game
Even before that seeing CAT’s graffiti, he was already showing signs of becoming a better person thanks to his interactions with Shiki, Sota, and Nao.
>buzzwords the post
10/10, got me to reply
>can wield multiple psychic abilities
>has 15 older women (and some gay guys) after his dick
>convinced a demigod not to blow up Shibuya with the power of friendship
>saves two villains out of pure spite
>was able to help his partners get over their internal issues
When you think about it, TWEWY is all about Neku transforming from a total virgin to a complete chad.
All rise for the national anthem.
Reminder that Sora wished to have as much character development as Neku.
He’s arguably their best
I was waiting for Barryposting
I don’t think it’s Barry. If it was, he’d start posting about how XV is better than
TWEWY or some shit like that.
That song is lewd as fuck. And I'm pretty sure that it was on Shiki's mind after the first week everytime she thinks about Neku.
Sadly the bar is set pretty low.
The story in TWEWY is one of the few JRPGs that isn't themed around LIGHT VERSUS DARKNESS POWER OF FRIENDSHIP SWORDFIGHTS WITH GOD!
The “screw that” is really what sells this.
To be fair, TWEWY does use the power of friendship. Hell, I’d even argue that it’s the best example of that trope due to how it’s an actual gameplay mechanic.
How can one man be this wrong, holy shit.
His favorite game is XV. That alone should tell you a lot.
Are we talking the whole Square Enix umbrella here, or just the Squaresoft side of things? If it's the latter, then probably. If it's the former, then no.
And it doesn't feel shoehorned like in other games, it is built upon it and every main character develops through it.
XV is such a snore fest. Holy shit. It does show that graphics is not the only thing that matters on games.
Don’t forget that the only reason Neku is able to fight Noise in the first place is solely due to the fact that he has to partner up with people to survive.
I'm still sad.
I guess I'll follow up my original post. If we're talking the ENTIRETY of Square Enix here, how does Neku compare to the following:
>God himself from ActRaiser
>Ark from Terranigma
>Terra from FFVI
>Cloud from FFVII
>Zidane from FFIX
>Ramza Beoulve from FFT
>Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story
>Denam Pavel from Tactics Ogre
>Fei Wong from Xenogears
>Erdrick from DQIII
>the Hero from DQIV
>the Hero from DQV
>the Hero from DQVIII
>the Illuminary from DQXI
>Daddy Nier from Nier Gestalt
>Aya Brea from Parasite Eve
These guys have a fuckton of games and characters under their belt.
In terms of development, I feel he beats out most of the DQ protags.
>when a DS game has more fleshed out combat than an AAA title that took over 10 years to make
Top fucking kek.
To be fair, it was bound to happen given all the time it took to even just rename it to XV. Fabula Nova Crystalis was a mistake.
It puts in perspective how much passion was behind TWEWY. I blame DLC practice to destroying to quality of modern games. That and the blind sheep that are customers these days.
Imagine how much DLC TWEWY would have out the ass if it were to come out today. Makes me sad to think about it.
>people waited 10 years for this
>people actually died waiting for this
>Ultimate difficulty as a DLC
>Track packs DLCs
>Pin sets DLCs
>Tin Pin Slammer as DLC
>Another Day as DLC
>Threads set as DLC
I could go on, but I'm hurting myself by thinking about it.
I still think a number of Square Enix characters beat the crap out of him in that regard, though, like Denam, Zida, Ramza, Nier, and Fei. Ark is probably my favorite of the bunch in terms of growing alongside the player as Terranigma progress. Denam comes close thanks to TO's branching paths, but Terranigma's story premise was a lot more novel.
That's why I was expecting nothing and still got disappointed. Same with KH3, but I was on critical deathbed after the hot mess that was DDD. Hell, even Birth by Sleep was better (plotwise).
>Tin Pin Slammer as DLC
>Another Day as DLC
Good lord, no.
Look. I know Nintendo fans have only gotten one Square RPG in the past two decades but that does NOT mean that TWEWY is an any way special. In fact it’s rather lackluster compared to Xenogears, Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy VII, IX, X, X-2, and XII, among countless other PlayStation classics. TWEWY is nothing more than a discount Kingdom Hearts on an underpowered handheld.
The only good thing about it is Shiki’s waist.
>console war shitposting
>in a TWEWY thread
I’ve owned a PS2, PS3, and PS4 and TWEWY is still one of my favorite games.
TWEWY was probably one of my favorite games i never fully finished. I still have to do the Another Day chapter, so i'll probably replay the game to get to it.
>TWEWY is nothing more than a discount Kingdom Hearts on an underpowered handheld.
I played every game you listed, bar DQ VIII. TWEWY is by no means a discount KH, in fact is way better than KH. I give that it might not compare to some of those, but it is really damn good, and the best DS game in my opinion.
>but that does NOT mean that TWEWY is an any way special
Imagine being this wrong
>great aesthetic with a memorable OST
>hugely customizable movesets
>unique gameplay style that has never been replicated even to this day
>shitload of postgame content
>three partners with different styles of gameplay for you to master
>a minigame that actually ties into your progression through the main game and is actually fun to play through
>no random encounters and a innovative way of handling enemy mob encounters
>over 300 pins for you to master and use, each with their own stats and unique artwork
>you can even get experience points for your pins by not even playing the game
And just like that, you've invalidated your entire post.
>owned a PS2 and replay multiple PS2 classics on my PS4
>TWEWY is still one of my favorite games
So, what now, wise guy?
Na it's not Barry I agree. But he did spawn copycats. One tell sign is inserting Noruma in their post
this. Humanity is 90% shit and its better to be alone than get sucked up in the whirlwind of other peoples self contentedness.
>he only owns one console
Feels good to be an idort. I can enjoy games whenever I want and not participate in retarded console war faggotry.
>tfw he's still shitposting in Smash threads when the DQ and KH topic is up
>TWEWY is nothing more than a discount Kingdom Hearts on an underpowered handheld.
it's literally better than what they did before TWEWY
Come on now, user. Remember what Mr. H said.
Based Hanekoma poster.
That kind of thinking is a luxury reserved for fortunate and capable people that can save themselves from loss.
>implying that title drop isn’t kino as fuck
>he said the title of the thing
>>Aya Brea from Parasite Eve
I would say slightly better than PE1&2 Aya and completely better than Third Birthday Aya, which was completely butchered thanks to Tabata
Sho was based
The game was given the title TWEWY in the West because of IP conflicts with It's a Wonderful World and due to this localized line. Calm yo tits.
I don't remember when this song is played
Tbqh, I actually prefer the western title. It rolls off the tongue better and is memorable as fuck. Plus, the title change to The World Begins With You is kino as fuck.
It plays in the boss fight against the giant bat.
God bless based mathman.
Daily reminder that Sho isn’t even that good at math. He’s just that autistic.
You should, man. Another Day is amazing.
reminder that this kills any fox
I remember abusing the shit out of one of these pins to kill Progfox. Fun times.
Do you think Neku and Shiki ever held hands?
Oh yeah, definitely
I like to think that they eventually do.
I’m not even that much of a shipper but Neku and Shiki are goddamn adorable together.
Same here. I think I just like how wholesome their relationship is after they both develop as better people.
He's one of the few square characters to go through a full fledged character development arch. While he was bitchy at first, his attitude was a little more preferable compared to getting another sora.
Plus he's got a little depth to him, pretty sure he had a friend that bit it one day when he asked him to meet him at the graffiti spot. Blamed himself for his friends death and decided it was better to go solo than to care about people and get hurt. Would've been badass if he had met his friend in the game and gotten to formally settle his feelings, now that I think about it. Bonus points if he was a secret boss.
Yeah, there was. Really explains a lot about Neku’s attitude in the main game.
>the mc gets a much needed backstory
>in an optional episode
>climbing his way to the optional superboss
Part of the reason TWEWY was so great, you had to explore every inch to the get the full story. Funny that even after a redemption arc, mainline neku is so closed off, his peppier alternate timeline self has to tell his story.
I find it hilarious how Another Day Neku is also pretty bitchy. He just hides it a lot better.
Who’s the best boy and best girl in TWEWY?
>Best boy
>Best girl
Sho and Shiki
Sho and Uzuki
If you ask me, he's Squall's characterization done right. You actually felt Neku getting better with each new partner that he got. With Squall he improves over night and just totally loves his friends just like that (and he's forced to fall in love with an annoying immature and stupid entitled brat).
My nigga.
I can honestly tell you who is the WORST Square protagonist. Lann from World of Final Fantasy. He is the dumbest thing that Square Enix has ever created. No joking Snow from FF13 is a genius compared to Lann from World of Final Fantasy.
It’s kind of funny how Squall’s KH appearances are much more likable.
>start playing this
>that audio compression
Oh jesus I forgot what the sound on the DS was like.
Also why do people say this is hard, is there a difficulty spike or something? Because even with the top part on manual all you have to do is mash sideways on the d-pad in the direction of the enemies and you can have almost undivided attention on the bottom screen.
Some of the enemies, like the elephants and moles, can mess you up if you’re not paying attention and some of the bosses are no joke as well, especially on the higher difficulties.
>Just smash sideways
What? Are you just playing on the first week with none of the Shiki stickers?
Well I just started playing, so yeah.
Dude looks like a mix of Roxas and Neku.
>Reminder that Sora wished to have as much character development as Neku.
Sora didn't start out bad until Nomura decided to default him HARD into being a blatant uninspired hopelessly stupid Shounen Lead. What Nomura did to Sora was real dirty. And then he openly says in interviews "I don't relate to Sora at all, I'm more like evil characters like Ansem Seeker of Darkness" yeah no shit you don't relate to Sora, you write him to behave in very idiotic and inhumane ways. The Sora from KH1 was not the eternal happiness of sunshine friendship speech machine who is incapable of mental maturity. God I hate Nomura.
And bros, remember Neku is designed by Nomura but NOT written by Nomura. But don't you dare sleep easy tonight. Remember Nomura is the ONLY high ranking person at Square Enix who "cares" about The World Ends With You. Give him a chance to direct The World Ends With You and Neku is going to suffer as a character.
That explains it. There's a difficulty spike when a new kind of enemy, especially because some have a different behavior on each screen, and some are easier to deal on one of the screens. There's also a big surprise later on.
>Emptiness And
>That Fusion Attack out of fucking nowhere
Jesus, man. That fight pushed my shit really hard. Serious Kariya doesn't play around.
Design doesn't mean anything, he's just a very stupid guy. And also he's a mix of stupid and has no self-respect. So if other characters insult him he doesn't retaliate about being called dumb and he gets his intelligence insulted repeatedly. In cut scenes, in gameplay cut scenes, in literal Battle Quotes, etc. It's a miracle this guy doesn't snap and start using his powers to beat up his so called "friends" who insult him non-stop.
The fact that he doesn't retaliate makes the insults he receives accurate. He IS stupid. So stupid he's an unappealing character. And Reynn is a piece of shit who is LUCKY her brother is retarded and accepts her insults.
>TWEWY 2 gets made
>Hype-chan turns out to actually be Shiki’s Nobody somehow
>Neku gets hit with a sudden case of Cloud syndrome and suddenly loses all of his character development
>there’s now an even more powerful version of Noise called Static
Screencap this shit because you know it’s going to happen one way or another.
>best boy
Soh Cah Toa
Grim heaper confirmed to return in the long awaited sequel
>best girl
Shiki, if the damn sequel would just get greenlit already, it might be hype-chan.
Wouldn't him snapping back when he gets insulted, make him look worse to the audience? At least he can keep his cool and not throw a fit from the sounds of it.
Yeah, I see your point. He could have take it a bit further on the character change lane right after KH2, but Disney probably forced his hand. I'm still mad about everyone, especially Terra, Aqua and Ven, forgiving Xehanort at the end of KH3.
>We wish for a TWEWY game after all this years
>Nomura holds the helm
>It is a sequel, not a spiritual successor given that the cast of the first game had completed their Hero's Journey
>It shits on everyone's character development
>New enemies out of fucking nowhere
>Convoluted plotlines that go unsolved so they can milk the shit out of the game
>More BELTS AND ZIPPERS for everyone even though they have a distinct design to not depend on over loaded designs
Monkey's paw. I fucking swear.
I'm currently replaying the game and I just realized BJ from Def March was the guy who called and failed to hook Uzuki in C 2-3.
Man, so many things I missed. This game has a lot of stuff you can only notice on repeated playthroughs.
only because they made Cloud be emo instead
literally the only reason to play the ports is the superior audio
it's fucking annoying there's no definitive version yet
More like truth. I would never trust Nomura with The World Ends With You.
If someone could make a 3DS version, using the track packs and updated visuals from the ports while keeping the gameplay from the DS version I would suck his dick forevermore.
You're along the right lines, but here's what's really up though.
>Hype chan is from the future
>neku has a link with her and is able to see her in visions because she's his daughter and shiki is her mother. Hence the headphones and mr mew
>the big blast in shinjuku opened up a wormhole that sent her there.
that scene was pretty hot.
>Hype-chan turns out to actually be Shiki’s Nobody somehow
>Not Shiki's alter ego from another timeline where she didn't meet Neku at the game and somehow won
You are not on enough Nomura layers of stupid plot writing. God, what a hack.
Ha, that's some good subtlety. I always wondered who she was calling. Damn shame about Triple 7. Hell, if they're reviving characters I wish he would come back.
No. Retaliating against someone who insults you all the time shows you got self-respect and don't put up with being treated badly. Lann is a loser because he lets everyone insult him. And I hated the Vampire Chapter of the game where Lann wants to save his sister from the Vampire Curse, but why? I don't feel like saving this cunt who only does one thing, insult Lann for all eternity (and yes she continues to do it after you save her ungrateful self).
The bottom line is male characters who are doormats or punching bags for other characters are lame. And frankly you don't want to be this loser. Lann is up there with other examples of this archetype, most famously Naruto who is a big doormat who accepts being insulted and even beat up by many characters without ever deserving it. Anyway if I see a Punching Bag Nice Guy type protagonist I automatically think he's garbage because no one can possibly believe that a doormat loser has the stuff to somehow survive in battle or become an accomplished hero (well he can with the power of Bad Writing).
To be fair, I don’t blame him. Uzuki’s pretty hot.
Honestly, you’re not wrong. I’m not against nice guy protags but I want them to at least have some kind of backbone.
You can have a punching bag character that becomes a hero if he grows a pair and get his shit together, and more importantly you can feel that the growth is something out of his volition. But no, you have shitheads like Lann, so you are right on that regard.
>tfw a friend of mine has Squeenix's throbbing cock down his throat
>tfw he thinks XV is a masterpiece and spent fat bucks on the day one special edition
>tfw he spent fat bucks for KH3 day one special edition
>tfw he loves World of Final Fantasy game
>tfw he thinks that Lann is well written character
>tfw he thinks TWEWY is a shitty KH ripoff riding on Nomura's name
>tfw he dislikes the music of the game and didn't play past the 2nd day of the first week
What a massive faggot.
>tfw he thinks XV is a masterpiece and spent fat bucks on the day one special edition
That alone already shows that he has shit taste. Also funny how he calls TWEWY a KH rip-off when XV’s combat is basically shitty Kingdom Hearts.
>disliking the music of the game
How the fuck can you hate music like this?
I pointed that out to him and he was blaring at me for that. So I just plugged in his PS4, put XV in it, put a coin, held down with duct tape, on the attack button during a whole fight sequence to show him how braindead and stupid the game is. He didn't believe me even though I showed him how braindead and a hot mess of gameplay was XV. Again, what a massive faggot.
>So I just plugged in his PS4, put XV in it, put a coin, held down with duct tape, on the attack button during a whole fight sequence to show him how braindead and stupid the game is.
Holy shit, that’s hilarious.
>the game literally plays itself now
>FF15 intro with stand by me
>the games gets immediately and progressively worse
>Discount KH
It's literally KH but better
So is chain of memories worth playing since it’s made by Jupiter?
So neku is stuck with mary sue loli and math autist in never ever land right?
Also why does nomura hate rhyme so mutch?
The fuck does that even mean? If you have internet access, ability to read and write, and time to spend on Yea Forums you probably have some leeway. Only reason I could see you saying that is if you were active duty / ex-gang member and half of your loved ones are in caskets.
And don't even get me start with the autistic discussion about the KH and XV plots. God, that guy defend those shitty plots with his life.
>Dude, hear me out. If KH3 doesn't have a section where you use any other character to fight any of the Xehanorts, it will be shitty
>user, you are just exaggerating. After all this is Sora's joirney. Not everyone needs to have a chance to clobber Xehanort with their over sided keys
>Oh, yeah? Not even Aqua, Terra or Ven? Not even level headed Riku? What about Mickey? I can give you Terra because they have to get his body back, but I'm in for Lingering Will going ham on his ass
>Not everything has to be solved by violence. You just don't understand Nomura's genius to create such an intricate and amazing story, user
>You will see, dude.
>FF to KH3 release
>Go with him and played for a while
>Stay apart after seeing that the game is Disney World galore. Some good, others not so much
>We get to Keyblade Graveyard
>Man, this took forever. Probably we will see proper resolution for many things now
>Plot hits breakneck speed
>Lingering Will cutscene
>The entirety of the maze section
>That final battle against the Xemnas, Ansem and Young Xehanort (The only good final battle in my opinion)
>That final battle
>We bicker about the game
>Me standing my ground saying that this was a shitty finale for this saga, and not even a proper finale
>He saying muh power of friendship, muh belt and zippers, muh Nomura's genius, muh Kairi
>Fuck off, man. Squeenix doesn't pay you for being their drone. Acquire better taste
>You will see, user. The secret ending and the Final Mix patch will prove otherwise
>The game is still shit even after the secret ending and the new extra boss
Again, what a massive faggot. And he still picks on me for liking a 12 years old DS.
He’s a faggot neet who took the nihilist pill
Whose even comparable from Squares lineup? They don't make actual characters with arcs typically.
Kind of funny how TWEWY has better endgame content than KH3. And mind you, I actually like the game.
He's decent. I prefer Cloud and Sora though.
Before cross shitted all over him with the furry faggot
>Not everything has to be solved by violence. You just don't understand Nomura's genius to create such an intricate and amazing story, user
I haven't seen 2deep4you statements like that made in that manner in a long time.
Cloud I can get, but Sora? Really?
Yeah. Really ironic. But hey, take in account that TWEWY was from an age where the DLC wasn't as rampant as now, so they had to put everything on the game to make it unique. Not only that, TWEWY being on the DS, and being a game that used EVERY aspect of the console, was a challenge for the developers themselves. That's why they pushed themselves to the limit and put so much heart and passion into it. God damnit, I hate modern games.
I can be a pacifist most of the time, but a sick bastard that looks like the cartoon definition of evil kills your master, steals your body, tries to make your little bro into a weapon of mass destruction after making him a empty vessel just to satisfy his curiosity boner, a bit of clobbering and violence is due.
It's one of the things I love about the game. Some other things I like that I noticed include:
>The Iwata sibling store clerks
>The "coincidental" characters seen during the game are the game's devs, which includes the clerk from Shibu-Q's 1F store
>One of the Reapers blocking the road in C 2-5 is Tenho
>NPCs talk about the unbranded items you find post game
>Banzai Ayanokoji, the notorious old man from Shibu DP, is Shooter's grandfather
>Tins pins actually based on FF
And I bet I'll be noticing more fun stuff as I play through, aha.
>Tins pins actually based on FF
That shit was great. I really like Shiva’s and Bahumut’s pin designs.
it's completely valid. you'll understand it when you get older
He was a pretty good MC. Had a strong character arc, fun powers, and some great character driven moments.
You need people to receive. I'm just so tired of trying and expanding only to get shutdown and start from square one or even worse than where I was before. I just keep making mistakes over and over again. So I just decided to do nothing at all.
Alright anons, post em.
>Favorite Partner
>Favorite Pin
>Favorite Brand
Daily reminder that K1 Okada is the best store clerk in the game.
Based taste.
Jupiter of the Monkey
I fucking played this game in like 5th grade and now I'm 22 graduated from college and I am in awe at how many threads about TWEWY are still made and are still active as fuck each time.
This game truly has stood the test of time. I would totally replay it but I like to keep it in my childhood memories because it was magical back then.
I’d definitely give it another playthrough. Game has held up incredibly well and still feels fun as fuck to play.
Honestly, you should do so if only because you can appreciate the easily-missed nuances that seem simple at first glance such as these:
And also to remember how awesome Sho is.
All japanese media is propaganda to get people to socialize and hopefully not be shutins and encourage the birthrate.
Thats why they all have such platitudes and good ends for people who have friends while ignoring the inherent difficulties and torture.
They will never address anything approaching a real relationship. Thats why Persona 5 teammembers act like aliens and despite the actual horrific scenario they are in they are never challenged, not really.
Tigre Punks
That sounds sad as fuck, man.
Ice Risers
Mus Rattus
Honestly, yeah. He has an incredibly solid character arc, strong personality, and good chemistry with the other characters.