How have you not preordered yet? Are you gay?

How have you not preordered yet? Are you gay?

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>I’m gay for not buying yet another Pokémon game that relies on gimmicks because it hasn’t be able to innovate since double battles were introduced

Yeah this is a pass from me

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Well, you got me there.

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You don't need to pre-order hentai websites.

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Not enough girls per dollar yet.

it's because I'm not gay that I haven't preordered it

I can just jerk off to their porn, why would I preorder a shit game?



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Yes. Also preorders are a fucking cancer on the industry. Go eat a dick.

1. Didn't pre order, don't enjoy shit games
2. Yes
Anything else, retard?

that was quick

I'm in no rush, I'll preorder it a couple days before release or something. Pokemon games have shit/no bundles, I don't know why anyone bothers preordering these.

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buy me a switch.

Not to mention Nintendo makes enough copies to choke a sperm whale, so its not like stores are gonna run out.

I'm buying it used

No and No

>he hasn't hacked his switch
>He felt for resetera's "the new pokemon game sucks" meme

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>preorder garbage game for muf cartoon characters to fantasize about

t. _um _rain

where is onion?

I can fap to those girls without buying that shit game

Because I'm not a loser that buys games for fictional women, off yourself.
>5> anything

why are they so afraid of cleavage

It's okay to have shit taste, at least you have room for improvement.

>you need to buy a game to jerk off to rule34

Underrated post

I can't buy pokemon with my dick.

I only buy Pokemon games with my heart, and I can't even do that anymore

Are you underage?


>implying you need to buy the game to look at the doujins

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/vp/ erupted into flames when the producer mentioned that the National Dex was gone, and he did that in passing, at the end of an E3 showcase

If you can't ride poke'mon like mounts and/or have them follow you out of their poke' ball, then I ain't going to buy it. I don't buy downgrades.

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>How have you not preordered yet?
Danmachi's game finally comes out around the same time and I've been waiting for that for far FAR longer.

All of those look fucking ugly though.

other series have better waifus.

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>not posting white Nessa

Fuck off resetranny

As soon as resetera says something we automatically disagree with it you newfag

Didn't Resetera just start existing like two years ago though? I've definitely been here longer than 2 years

I know you're joking but when the fuck did they even start existing? Who was their Something Awful?

I forgot to include neogaf since that's what resetera used to be
It used to be the neogaf boogyman now it's resetera

>character design is great
>new pokemong design looks like complete shit

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Oh right. How did that even happen? Their m00t turned out to be an actual predator, right?

Something like that yeah

>preordering a pokemon game with less pokemon to catch

I want to see all of them poop

The week when neogaf drama was happening was the fucking worst
I just wanted to talk about vidya

No, but if I’m not mistaken, r34 is still free.

Because I've yet to see a big titty milf.

No, the researcher doesn't come close

Because I can fap to Sonia and Oleana for free