We dont deserve her bros
this is what we call "pandering"
any game she's working on would get publicity though, so i don't blame her for doing this.
I hope OP dies really soon.
wow so based giving clothes to a tranny
>accuses someone of being a redditor
>posts basedjak and his fresh new buzzword
You really are something else.
>You really are something else.
We're never gonna get anyone like her again bros...
probably a man
Imagine being this soft of a cunt. OP fuck off
I'd prefer the actual jacket she wore.
>wojak poster telling others to fuck off
Soijack posters should be slaughtered in the streets like retarded hogs.
>Why isn't she as unhappy, bitter and hateful inside as I am? It must be because the men have brainwashed her. God, I hate men.
so it's basically a jacket with a fishnet boob window? is this really something to obsess over
>dat jealousy
literally who?
>Yea Forums is obsessed with this
Looks cute as hell. I wanna kiss her snaggletooth
>that shitty jacket
How expensive can this trash be?
1.2k USD
So did she end up getting the jacket?
you will be buying her game, won't you Yea Forums?
I’m more attracted to the fact that she worked on Okami and Bayonetta, gives me a talent boner
this... can't be her...
If I say I want her to take my virginity will she also track me down to offer and take it for me?
todd should be about 3 heads lower
but Ikumi is a short Japanese woman
Not her.
so I'm guessing the autist spammer on these boards who hates asian women comes from resetera.
I want to cum inside of her and take responsibility for our almost assuredly autistic child.
His name is EurasianTiger aka Tenda Spencer, he is a 28 year old half-jewish half-asian incel man
I spent like $160 on a t-shirt the other day and I live in a shithole
Not even expensive and i live in Spain
I mean, the fact they only showed up just over a year ago and act like they've been here forever, while posting archives that are from July 2018 or onwards. It's pretty fucking obvious the autist is from there.
>"hopefully she will be deprogrammed"
>when you get so deep you start talking like a cartoon super villain without realizing
It's more like a cult member
>I spent like $160 on a t-shirt the other day and I live in a shithole
Dumb hype beast detected.
>160 for a t.shirt
Not that poor but i wold never expend more than 20 in a fucking t-shirt.
/pol/ is always right
>and I live in a shithole
I can tell. You will forever.
Remember, the opinions and wishes of women are to be respected no matter what happens, under every possible circumstance.
Unless they disagree with me. How dare they.
ok good job idiot
Woah woah woah, you're talking about the modern age Michelangelo
>E3 2020
>Todd and Ikumi get on stage
>Todd starts fucking her exactly like in this picture
>Todd looks in the camera
>Who's laughing now? You better buy Fallout 76 or i will ram your hairy ass like i am doing hers
What do you call that look?
Hmm, I wonder what that big white cigar represents.
i wish that really was her
Sometimes an icicle is just an icicle!!!
>well spoken
can i get a quick rundown
You HAVE gone to the dentist recently, right user?
I liked her snaggleteeth
You're not supposed to. You should be hypervigilant for even the smallest imperfections.
The bogdanoffs have really let themselves go
>I spent like $160 on a t-shirt the other day
imagine kissing ikumi's teeth
This. It doesnt make her a bad person or anything, but dont fall into parasocial relationship bullshit
I call it, the future high score holder
>calling an asian cute is problematic
FFS, I hate those dumb SJW's
He does look like he would be a good mass shooter.
Because unironically liking anything is the cringiest fucking thing
The Hero of Kvatch
I mean look at those eyes.
They're like a hawk's. Piercing into the souls of those who will meet their end, clearly he's aiming for that highscore.
there is a new breed of asians out there who are like 90% ass
not sure where they're coming from
The Jaden Smith
Selective breeding
I dreamed them into reality. No need to thank me.
Fuck /pol/ too, those retards believe we've never been on the moon and that mass shootings done by their ilk are cia glowniggers falseflags. Also, they are simply on the opposite spectrum of the identity politics autism rainbow. Screw them sideways.
you can see how his dad's chad white features got chinked up
let this be a cautionary tale
I'd prefer ab-asians
its the guy that made Elliot Rodger go ER (AKA on a shooting spree)
This fucking place. No one is doing things just to do good. It's all a machievallan plan to make you like them. Nothing cool or funny in a video is ever real, it's all just scripted. Because this somehow negates your enjoyment of it. Faggot says something that you disagree with now you're bitter enemies, despite that the person making that comment might have been more like you overall than anyone else on this site had you asked them anything else.
People are so scared of being 'tricked' they just assume the worse in every single thing even if there's nothing to risk over being tricked other than their worthless pride as a basement Yea Forums junkie.
Inb4 REDDIT, I've been here longer than 99% of you niggers.
He's half-jew, like all of the ugly "hapas".
Half-whites come out looking like Greek gods.
You’re not from around here are you? I’ll give you a tip — everyone from there is everyone from here.
who even are these people
>that rigid attempt to lean back while flexing
Icicles are dangerous, she shouldn't be playing with them.
I knew it would work
Let's get married
You're walking along and notice you're holding hands with the QT asian girl of your dreams. She smiles softly at you. Interlinked.
>be girl
>get expensive free shit given to you just because
How in the world is an icicle dangerous if it's in your hand? Just don't ram it up your ass and you'll be fine
is he intentionally sucking his cheeks in like that
Get off my lawn, idiotic zoomer
What do AMWF hapas look like?
is her ass fat or firm or both? can anyone with knowledge of asses do an analysis
The first one, dunno, nor do I care, probably some slut.
The second is the cute Asian woman who was showing off her horror game Tokyo Ghostwire at Bethesda's E3 panel. She was full of energy and left a strong impression on everyone since she was clearly passionate about her game.
Pretty much the same as WMAF hapa: really good
it's not firm
Had to satisfy my own curiosity, here you go.
>accidentally drop it
>break your foot
Anybody got any higher res pics of her feet
ask her on twitter she'll probably send you some
Is Todd like 4 footer
>he thinks we want /pol/ here
Election tourists, everyone.
Bless you. She is literally perfect
That´s a turkic girl being forced into marriage
people think it makes themselves look like the chad image
Utter gyppo brand
Why the hell would you spend $160 on an undershirt? No one will even see it.
It's shopped he is a tall man, look at my head
he's 6'2"
I wish I could assume this random twitter user would look as good in it as Ikumi does.
But I can't.
Hell it's probably a guy.
Wholesome is exclusively a Reddit meme you redditard.
>That toe cleavage
Words can not possible describe the sheer magnitude of my boner right now
>Being THIS jealous that someone is actually a girl
Do people actually use the word "wholesome" outside ironic context? God, it sounds so fucking stupid.
>Paying an extra $110 because they put "egyptian cotton" and "Kanye" in the description
Sometimes I think I hate women, but then I realize I hate western women. The rest are pretty great.
Was it at least a nice merino wool one? I have some undershirts and socks made out of that, it's breddy gud
You're getting in too deep if words that describe positive feelings honestly sound dumb to you, user.
Take a break from Yea Forums for your own good.
Nips like snaggletooth especially if it protrudes like fangs. I guess she need to adjust to westerners and got it fixed
Wtf is going on here
Oh yeah I forgot people wear t-shirts as something other than an extra layer.
post what clothes you wear
Forced breeding of muslism chinks to handsome and strong pure Chinese
There's better words for that which doesn't make you sound like a drooling idiot.
Hang yourself with a Supreme belt, hype tard.
Asian girls are on another level.
An average 35-year-old asian woman (ikumi) looks better than 9/10 young girls of other races.
Damn, she's flat as fuck
>tfw dating a jp qt
I have no intention of moving to Japan and neither do they, but man do they have some good genes sometimes.
>fat ass
>nice thighs
It's glorious.
Pity she's been covered in head to toe in camel poop/piss for the pleasure of Saudi princes.
Pretty sure he's on a ladder in the full version
holy shit bro you're so cool
ASEAN penis is small
AFRIKAN penis is big
>There is better words
>Calling anyone else a drooling idiot
Brevity, wit, etc.
>Twitter Screencap thread
kill yourself phoneposter
>that you make poor financial choices and will be in poverty forever
>An average 35-year-old asian woman (ikumi) looks better than 9/10 young girls of white and mexican heritage.
fixed. only white people and bean eaters age like shit.
My teeth are more fucked up, so eh
Are...are you saying black "women" look good?
You'd be wrong
>deprogram her
I swear restera or any LGBT/Tranny/SJW site is more akin to a cult than a community
>states that whites and mexican women age like meat left on the pavement on a summer afternoon
>Only Asian women are attractive
Spoken like someone who's never been on a date with a woman of any race. You've been on Yea Forums too long. Watch less anime.
Hello white pseudowoman.
Non-asian "women" are basically trannies compared to asian girls. Not remotely feminine
Thats the joke, they all look like snaggletoothed monsters/insects because they don't give a fuck about their own looks/are too narcissistic to believe they are ugly.
But will her game be good? EW2 was decent at best
Why are you talking about penis when we're talking about women? Women don't have dicks.
Has she seen this one yet?
who knew todd can draw so well
Will we get this scene in Season 2 of the anime?
So having sex with a yellow woman will only produce males, and having sex with a white woman will only produce females? How odd
The second one isn't female.
And the first one isn't even human.
Alright then, well if only mutants can come from this union... what does that make you user?
damn right. i'll rub my dick right along those teeth
>toe cleavage
Asians finally realising a flat ass is disgusting. Based. Once they fully realise, it's over for wh*te bitches.
Small butts can look REALLY good though
It's all about shape
It's not about the size of the ass. It's about the curvature. I need to be able to plot a golden spiral on the girl's ass.
how disgusting, how is a compliment ever bad unless its backhanded. These people aren't even good at hiding there jealousy and resentment for good looking well adjusted successful people.
unless she's some British freak I don't care if her teeth aren't perfect lmao. If she's self concious its never too late for orthodontic worth either
manlet here, where do I get one of these forced marriage gf's?
good, elves are the superior race in looks, intellect and lifespan.
kek, old white hags are seething that they literally can't compete. Asian women were made for white men and are all I really desire in life
i too am subject to low effort PR haha based marketers amiright?
Be born into a rich family
Small butts with huge tits look amazing on asian girls
>based jannies clear the report queue on this
sometimes they're alright
how many asian girls have you been with?
I think small butts look amazing on asian girls full stop, forget the tits
They're like unpicked peaches
brb making a twitter account so i can make a pity post about not being able to afford her shoes
0, but I like my odds. In good shape, starting a job that could really propel me in life and get along with people really easily. Manlet status and lack of putting myself out there are the only things that could stop me.
After months of searching I finally found the asian girl named Ikumi Nakamura at e3 and she costs more than what all my organs would fetch on the black market combined
so if anyone would like to buy my kidney...
what would you do with her shoes user? I dont understand.
literally (LITERALLY) born to worship BWC
>those shoes
Reminds me of that pic of the duck wearing sandals
Who and who?
Oh cool I have that same shirt and it cost me $4
Pretty sad that whites emulate what blacks do to their women with asians.
made for each other
weird looking jacket, but whatever shes still cute. I don't even remember if her game even had any gameplay or if it was just a trailer and nothing else
One is fiction and the other is fact.
See also
as if you have one
Nakamura is pure and perfect
The fuck why do Pajeets love Asians so much?
>immediately whips out sourceless graphs
You have legitimate mental issues niggy
Kek, only white 30+ boomers use that. You should get stats from something like Tinder instead.
thats just a fat ass. a good looking one at that.
My university has an Ass Spectrometry machine, I fed this image into it and it said "fat but with just enough connective tissue and proportionality to remain pert"
her shoes look like something a character in naruto would wear
pump eet
She is the next hokage. Her special jutsu allows her to slay white roasties and enchant white men.
The best thing about this is that it's sarcasm and Yea Forums took the bait.
This isn't even a Poe's Law case, you're just autistic and can't tell when people are joking or not. He's not joking.
>we were only pretending to be retarded, and yall got baited
go back
oh no now people are going to harass her
I actually looked through the thread and it was confirmed sarcasm. Even the mod in the thread confirmed it. Delete your post.
Braces gave me TNJ. Don't do it.
That's funny, I looked through the thread and the poster confirmed he was serious. The administrator of resetera himself posted to say it was serious. Kill yourself off of Yea Forums
Isn't Yea Forums an website full of hackers? Why can't we take down Resetera?
that's an old pic, she already had them fixed
Nowadays taking down a site would mean taking down a cloudflare node
>Being this mad that you outed yourself as a newfriend who takes every off topic screenshot at face value
big yikes
Nofap gives you prostate cancer. Adult men are supposed to ejaculate at least five times per week or their prostate develops tumors. Google it, dozens of studies on the subject.
Asian women still have long torsos and short legs. They look like tall midgets.
This is the literal most retarded take I have ever seen on Yea Forums. It's like "elbows too pointy" except genuinely about 30x worse (and 100% serious)
Holy fuck what a goddess
I wonder if her paid stuff has nudes
That guy literally looks like he has Downs. Poor girl.
pay and find out for us
They do have long torsos and short legs. I'm a generic tall white guy and I only date Asian women because Generic tall white guy is their fetish, and this is something I notice a lot. Their ass starts in the middle of their back. It's fucking weird.
no one likes apes, ape
Asian girls who live in western countries are not even playing fair at life. They get free pick of any dude they want, while asian girls in asian countries have to make do with megamanlets.
Google it. It's based on their diet and climate.
What is wrong with these people?
This. Fucking bitches can be fucking 4'9 and achieve anything.
Their lives are good and boredom has driven them to madness. Notice how no one calls things "first world problems" any more?
When I think about how the South Korean bitches pulled off this cult shit ten times better and actually get evil shit done it really puts things into perspective about how useless the freaks in the west are.
I've been looking for this pic forever thanks user
Holy fuck man is this why you idiots are poor? I spent $20 for a pack of black slim fit vneck cotton shirts that last me a year or so and people think I'm some fashion faggot.
Get your priorities straight or you'll never leave that shithole
What's TNJ?
>implying she’s not in on it
>implying this isn’t all a ploy for publicity
>implying she even cares
But that's the exact same mentality behind the "NPC" shit that's popular among right wingers. The whole red pill thing too.
random question: What company makes the best non-black or non-white quality blank tee shirts?
Continue to ask for pieces of clothing over a period of years, culminating in my very own Ikumi manikin. I don't have a lot going for me in life right now but it would be nice to have at least one nice thing before it all fades to black.
better pity post about your lack of underwear too
>tranny organs have no value
yeah big pharma is pretty based
damn, imagine sniffing those clothes
and the NPC boomers are retarded (definitely less so because the people they mock are fucking nuts) but the NPC shit was never funny and boomers who don't even understand the reference
That's just how Japanese females are
not that guy but hanes makes pretty comfy colored tees
all i've worn for years and never paid more than 6 bucks per shirt
Come on, I can make that jacket by myself in a few hours. How can that cost a kidney?
Also, Ikumi-chan a cutie.
My autist Mayu has abs
Fit asian cuties and dumbell nan kilo moteru are what made me get into the 300 daily abs daily stuff.
At first I didn't feel anything but pain, but now that I am getting more ripped, I'm getting slightly narcissistic. Never thought I would spend so much time at the mirror.
>300 daily abs daily stuff
I do 300 because I'm just a beginner, but some people do more.
Just choose a number and do it, and abide to get there, don't matter if close to the ending you are doing like only 20 at a time with 30 seconds break. It's like only 10 minutes a day, you can do it while listening to music.
What abs stuff though? Situps?
Could just do squats if you really wanted core support, although situps are good for definition.
Crunches. When I tried to do sit-ups everyday my back got fucked.
Not exactly crunches, but a thing we do on karate, your body only stays on the 15 to 40 degrees without touching the ground, so it's harder, but it doesn't hurt your back.
Are situps better than crunches for definition?
I've heard of nothing but bad things about situps/crunches and got told to do planks instead.
No, crunches are better. Sit-ups exercise more muscles, but it's not that good for definition, plus it hurts your back if you overdo it. It's better to do each exercise to work each muscle group separately, like side crunches and back crunches.
But if you unironically don’t like anything, then you’re just an edgy loser, and that is truly the cringiest thing.
maybe if your foot’s made of fucking cardboard
user, he made that reply because your post specified white and Mexican women despite them already being included under “non-Asian”. Why else did you specify when that user was already covering white and Mexican women under “non-Asian” if not to imply that other varieties of women besides white and Mexican are not as ugly?
Is this a Jojo reference?
>you cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby
ruined it with the gay ass image overlays
the sparkles were good though
I notice the layers and layers of makeup
hoes mad
Same here. I know your pain
so what is china starting to encroach on turkish lands or something like they did with tibet and the urgyrs?
jealous homo detected
literally no make up on
due to american occupation
What's with the hair thing? I have never wanted to touch black hair, I bet it feels like pubes. But they always bring it up.
who do you think are 4channel's jannies and mods?
Same, never have wanted to or asked, but it's become common knowledge that it happens.
Nobody does it, nobody has any proof but it's rampant and a massive problem.
Weebs are pedos
it is a guy
who will sniff that jacket everynight before going to sleep
>only large and xlarge left
>I looked through the thread and the poster confirmed he was serious.
Post a screenshot of them saying they were being serious.
Rip lats
>resetera trannies
daily reminder that you will never, ever be biological women
yes, even if you scarf down buckets of hormones and pay a random pajeet "doctor" to chop your dick off
how tall are you
I just started working at an asian market and am surrounded by asian women 99% of the time.
We're gonna make it (I hope)
How tall are YOU?
Kill yourself.
She got them fixed though.
5"10 if I stand up straight
This is not an Asian though.
>5 inches 10
>dating site responses
Might as well ask a homeless guy the best neighborhood to live in.
You forgot to post the better picture.
Where's the frontal nudes?
Still better then you
Underappreciated post
Leftism IS a religion.
maybe he's part of the corrupt ruling elite? or those fashion niggers
seems like you're the one obsessed with her
She had minimal influence on EW2. Most of her time was spent with Ghostwire at that time.
fashion is fucking crazy man
i heard about shit like supreme and off-white for the first time yesterday and its fucking ridiculous
300 for a t-shirt? 200 for a belt? 1400 for a jacket? and the shit almost looks like something someone homeless would wear too
>Why yes I cheat on my wife and fuck Ikumi. How could you tell?
It's one of those black fantasies they have where everybody is secretly jealous of black people for everything from academics, to appearance, and even historical accomplishments.
>roastie worship
Yiiiiiiiikkeeeeeessssssss my dude.
VERY cute Japanese woman.
that move at 0:10 is so sick
Because asians on that include indians
Do you long for a tiny asian girlfriend? Interlinked.
When you masturbate, do you think about her big mommy tits? Interlinked.
>Complimenting someone's intelligence is bad
In a world filled to the brim with idiots it's an EXTREMELY great fucking compliment to call someone intelligent. If that's seriously interpreted as "You're intelligent for a black guy! HAR" then the person interpreting that is the racist, not the person saying "damn, you're pretty smart/well-spoken", especially if that person is indeed quite smart. I hate Resetera so fucking much.
Isn't it ironic that in trying to unite all races together you try to further divide them by acting like a fucking retard that doesn't understand what a legitimate compliment is?
Are we even humans? What if we are supposed to be controlled by an unseen entity that is starting to lose control over its puppets?
what a footslut
lol fag
/pol/ is a containment board, brainlet, go back
I'll make the logo
ikumi is cute
Swap her out with some white guy with an asian/black girl and that post would fit nicely in /pol/
So what do these people consider to be acceptable compliments?
Litterally diy tier
You could find a dumb black jacket or even a shirt, cut it at the chest and sew some legging fabric to it
Litterally 35 bucks max
more like man-facian
Okay retard.
You won't be looking at her face anyway when licking her abs
>nigger tries to put down whites
>gets destroyed
Why even bother at this point?
What's the manga?
i think she is unironically made for bwc
and i'm asian
I don't think he was putting down anyone. He was just highlighting the hypocrisy in whites being mad that blacks take their women and say "u mad white boi" but then do the same for asians and say "u mad chink boi". Pretty ironic.
he said "node", user
this post is A DUD
>replying to a 10 hour old post
Yeah, I'm thinking you're seething.
And you're obessed with black cock.
> Model is 177cm wearing a small.
Will this make womanlets seethe?
Please do not use gendered language to cuh-ch Address everyone!!!!
I have. When I was 13. My hair was an afro at the time. It was other kids. Anyone takin offense to kids asking other kids shit is a fucking moron who has not once ever in their childhood had a normal interaction with other children.
It's a containment zone
user please, my sides aren't this strong
I know there's eighty billion replies of people dunking on resetera but desu if I had a bunch of people making cutesy animu art of me after I tried to sell my game I'd be pretty buttmad.
Then again, she was trying her utmost to be cute.
There's a full version?
Literally just compliment people on stuff that's innate to them as an individual you sperg. I'm gonna come at it from the other side: as a white Chinaboo, I've had a lot of Chinks say stuff like "omg I love white boys! Your skin is so pale" or "wow your eyes are so cool! I hate my brown eyes lol" and shit and it's just weird. I prefer it when they compliment my really dark hair, because even though they're just surprised that a white guy has such dark hair it's something that's unique to me.
That's because you are an amerimutt. To you war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. So naturally, others liking & complimenting a beautiful person is cause for anger.
This would be a good theory were it not for the fact I'm not American you fool
Cuteness worship just makes me enraged
probably wasnt talking about that SHIRT you literal brainlets, she wore a jacket off-stage
cute ice queen butt desu
Why do white women get so irrationally angry when a white man is attracted to or in a relationship with an Asian woman? It's only ever WMAF. It's never any other pairing.
somebody post the pic of wh*te men seething over the gook swimmer chad
People get made at race mixing in general. BMWF, WMAF, AMWF all causes of someone somewhere getting angry.
I wanna know more about her game
I'm starting to think the game wasn't actually ready to be announced but they announced it early as an excuse to get her on stage to distract from the fallout 76 damage control.
Most Asian models are caked in makeup and have undergone multiple plastic surgery sessions. Try that with your average Asian woman.
>not sure where they're coming from
Flip construction workers clashing with Japanese housewives who hang around combinis during lunch time
Getting a boner over some old ass jap. You beta's really need to have sex.
I'm kind of interested in hat in time and those devs seem the type to listen to resetera.
You can't even talk about Hat in Time on Resetera without mod pets flooding the discussion about how HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING the dev team is, and it's sanctioned too, because there will always be a modnote stating "oh btw dev discussion is A-OK stop telling other posters to go away :)". Gears will never listen to anything they have to say, see also: literally anything made by THQ
>advocating race mixing
>fetishizing race
fuck she looks a lot like my ex
And you can't even talk about it on Yea Forums without incels whining about trannies, and it's sanctioned too because mods don't even give a single shit
This is the second time in just one day where i realize i am posting in the dumbest board on Yea Forums.
more like asian girls are forced to be traditional while western asian girls are the same as white girls
ResetERA is a disgrace and full of pedophilia.
They are absolutely right. You're the autist and you don't even know it.
couch potato who recently started doing some basic shit (currently 20 pushups, 20 squats, 15 crunches(?)) every day
what changes from crunches to situps? can't seem to tell the difference from online pics
sometimes it hurts my back a bit so if i can avoid that it would be swell
A better haircut and some neck curls and he would be decent
>Asian women can't be called cute/adorable?
>it's a really problematic issue yea.
Fucking lost already. I can't believe the clown world i live in.
Wait why?
Aren't the devs pro trans borderline comunists?
Feels like resetera would love them.
>Hopefully she will be deprogrammed
The irony
This user is 100% right. Put a bullet through your brain.
Literally no one wants /pol/ on their board. NO ONE. You're only allowed to exist and spread your brainwashed disease to everywhere else because a safe haven for your mongoloid ilk attracts lots of traffic.
It's because it makes them insecure. They wonder whether it's specifically because of the other person's race that they got together, and of course you can't change your race unless you're an American.
Here you go
the gnomes are amung us user
She's adorable, what does she work on?
that's not a white female