Is playing video games in public more acceptable than reading books in public?

Is playing video games in public more acceptable than reading books in public?

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>reading in public like a nerd
>not driving by in a truck and hitting nerds with baseball bats on the way

lol wut

that can't be real

>aldous huxley is-alt right now


How is Fahrenheit 451 alt right? It's literally about finding fault in the manufactured police state, and escaping.

>reading books meme

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>Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World are alt-right now
What a time to be alive. Leftists are mad that people are reading books which are anti-totalitarian.

That's clearly a shitpost made by some lurker here.

The actually scary thing is that people probably believed their post.

This is why we should burn books

>Fahrenheit 451
What the fuck is wrong with these people

It's clearly a falseflagger who knows what he's doing.

>Thinking you can false flag on resetera.
If the mods didn't agree with him, he would have been banned already.

>Is playing video games in public more acceptable than reading books in public?
No, don't be stupid
However, reading books in public just so people can see you with a book makes you a twat

>reading books of fiction

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Do you even understand what falseflagging means?

I didn’t know it was possible to form sentences while making this little sense.

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>Fahrenheit 451


I'll explain it for anyone confused about that post
The meme is that the alt right conspicuously reads in public and chooses those books to appear more intelligent, the content of the books doesn't matter in general, it's being seen reading them that matters

Either way that post is extremely ironic and almost seems made to confirm just how dumb the average redditeragaf user is.

when he shows signs of not knowing what hes talking about but keeps at it when challenged by an intellectual
or something along those lines

Brave New world is the best album of 2000

God damn you're retarded
A false flag is posing as the opposition, usually to an end that discredits them or is advantageous to you in some way

Bring this savage back home.

Muh nigga

the messages and themes in that book are dangerous to the narrative
book burning will come back in our lives

Anyone to the right of Karl Marx is alt-right.

You guys are calling it a false flag/shitpost, but there are school districts across this country that have, ironically, banned Fahrenheit 451 from their libraries because there are people who read it and felt it was too problematic.

So I wouldn't be so quick to write it off as trolling because people who think like that really do exist.

now you are just gas lighting me

>typical alt-right books including Fahrenheit 451, Aldous Huxley...
what the fuck

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