Are there any good cosmic horror games?
Are there any good cosmic horror games?
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Do you think we're alone in the universe? That shit would be pretty depressing.
Space Engine
Journeyman Project: Turbo and Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
Dude black hole, uhhh so sc4rrey.
No, the chance is impossible
There is probably life elsewhere than Earth.
There is probably not any life that can appreciate the beauty of a sunset elsewhere than Earth.
Even if the odds of a planet having life were 1 in a billion then statistically there would be about 100 planets with life in just our galaxy.
who cares.
all we know is we're alone in this solar system
I do
>he doesn't know
A whole bunch of nothing once again.
Even assuming there IS molecular life beyond Earth the chances of it being developed and evolved to a point beyond pure instinct are absolute zero. Just give up
>absolute zero
Source: ass
Imagine falling into that.
>Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. both are equally terrifying
Arthur C Clarke
How is not being alone terrifying? I'm not exactly terrified of it. It is terrifying if we were alone because then what the fuck happened that we are the only ones.
To be fair, the universe is roughly 13 billion years old. Humans only came on to the scene a hundred thousand years ago making it possible that there are other civilizations and intelligent species since we evolved at such a fast pace
Pretty pointless
It's pretty incredible how people like you can manage to deny actual evidence right in front of your face and simultaneously claim that you don't believe because there's no evidence.
What an original insult.
At least he's trying, what have you contributed other than fuck all?
It’s because the unknown is an inherently scary concept to mankind, and there’s nothing more unknown than space. If there is life besides us, not knowing what it’s like is a frightening idea. I didn’t think I’d need to explain this. Here’s another quote for you.
>The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
HP Lovecraft
first of all we are not alone
single cell lifeforms can and are multiplying in some random shithole plant or asteroid core right at this moment so the whole statement is moot
real question is are we the most advance species in this sandbox or there is some space niggas out there capable of warping into our system and dabbing on us with there tachyon canons
That's not evidence right in front of my face. There's a whole bunch of explanations for the existence of that spot, from blatant editing for any reason, to a faulty camera, to some easily identifiable object that is just not clearly identified in this case due to the circumstances. I always find it funny how this evidence always shows up in shitty footage or photos that is ambiguous as fuck, never something that can be put beyond doubt that we are looking at an actual UFO. Is there even the most remote possibility that it actually is extraterrestrial life? Yeah, but the odds are so horribly low given how not once since we've had access to high-quality recording devices has any evidence for this stuff showed up that used said devices.
>That's not evidence right in front of my face. There's a whole bunch of explanations for the existence of that spot, from blatant editing for any reason, to a faulty camera, to some easily identifiable object that is just not clearly identified in this case due to the circumstances
You're a fucking moron and you clearly don't even know what video that's from. Educate yourself you dumb, willfully-ignorant nigger.
If it's not reproducible then it's not evidence.
Not that user that you reply'd to, but where is that video from? I'm curious.
>video evidence isn't evidence
Lol how is being alone terrifying?
what are these
reverse engineered ufo ships from the ones in Roswell ?
>be life
>be born on a planet with an atmosphere of 75% ammonia
>can't evolve proper lungs
>or brain
>go extinct within a million years
haha how is being terrifying?
>life can ONLY evolve in the way we know it on earth because we're special and perfect and we know everything
I think we’re not alone, but the odds of us ever encountering another intelligent life form is extremely small. Yes the universe is big. Very very very big. We’ll never explore even the tiniest fraction of it
If all it takes is a black dot on a screen to make you say intelligent aliens exist and they're here on our planet, your and idiot.
I've watched the video, retard. Go ahead and explain how this CONFIRMS extraterrestrial life. Again, I don't deny that the chances are there (however small), but this isn't unmistakable evidence for anything other than something that's apparently flying and that was captured on camera
>evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
even if we weren't alone it doesn't matter because we'd never come in contact with other lifeforms anyways
desu the only alternative to earth-like life carbon based life is silicon based. It's the only element that could reasonably replace carbon, and if the life is carbon based its almost certainly gonna end up like something here on earth (most likely a freaky extremophile or something like that)
Just admit you don't understand the very basic concept of evolution. You are the kind of guy who thinks that evolution implies every animal species is headed for becoming a human and whatever comes beyond us.
This thread reminds me of a favorite thread of mine from a decade ago on /tg/.
For anyone wanting to read a story of cosmic horror, I highly recommend it
>life can ONLY evolve in the way we know it on earth because we're special and perfect and we know everything
Spoiler alert: we are alone
because we're all equally everything and nothing
why is earth the only one that sounds spooky to me
I don't think so. But that's not what's important in life, user. What truly matters is making Epic store shilling and Transexual hating shitposts all day long. I mean, who cares that we are living in an infinite and beautiful universe, going even beyond our wildest expectations? Shitposting all day is the only thing we should be interested in. Right?
Most of the people here have social lives that adequately represent the cosmic horror of a black hole.
>you will never get to be racist and make bigotted posts about aliens
Imagine being an whiny discord tranny so far up your own neovagina that you think people shouldn't have fun because the universe is big lmfao
>that feeling of existential dread you get when zooming all the way out in space engine
Tell that to alien Yea Forums
>edit: This is the most likes I've ever gotten!
>edit: Wow, this blew up
I fucking hate this.
Fun fact: there are tornadoes on the sun that are larger than earth
>The Joke
(You) r head
>space is a vacuum, no matter to transmit vibrations for sound
>video is of sounds in space
I'd rather not have another species that could potentially have crazy mutant space viruses that we have no immunity to, thank you very much
>no matter to transmit vibrations for sound
It's the planets themselves apparently
> your and idiot
Those are radio emissions produced by celestial bodies, and made audible for yours ears thanks to the marvels of current technology, zoomlet
Nothing is important in life, and the infinite, vast nature of the universe you're speaking about should tell you that. We're nothing, an insignificant pimple on the ass of a tiny rock that's only here temporarily.
No, it’s radiowaves from the planets being slowed down so humans can hear it
Outer Wilds isn't really a horror game but it has spooky space moments. Scarier if you're scared of space I guess.
I find that to be quite poetic.
The fact that people are so gullible that they actually believe we have such technology is depressing.
Does Prey count? The Typhon are nasty motherfuckers.
I hate mimics so goddamn much.
Also they summon a huge eldritch monster near the end to eat everything
How do we know our pace is fast?
There's plenty of other planets with life and plenty of other civilizations killing themselves shortly after reaching their industrial revolution. That's what's truly depressing if you ask me, we can't ever meet and we all die on our small rocks. There might be a civilization somewhere lucky enough to have two habitable planets in their solar system, but even assuming they do and manage to populate the second one without dying immediately to bacteria or other environmental hazards nothing says space travel at a bigger scale is even possible and even if it was it could take eons to get to another civilization that didn't kill itself yet. Efforts are probably better spent preserving the planet you have and if they realize that they will just give up in space at least until they get very good at robotics, and that's another story entirely and might kill them as well.
If there's an alien lifeform capable of space travel out there it's probably an AI, assuming a smart enough AI can in fact be created. It doesn't have the problem of acceleration crushing its body or old age killing it before it can reach another solar system.
Dead Space
>born in 2005
>has learned and read exactly nothing since then
>"kek science isn't real"
You do know Lovecraft stole that quote about fearing the unknown from Antoine de Saint- Exupéry, right? Just like all wannabe esoterics of Britain all their shit is just stolen from the French and re-packaged in a hollow and brainlet format. Same with Crowley as well. Just a wannabe Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre or Fabre D’Olivet.
space is fake and aliens are gay
I think Dead Space is a good baby's first taste of cosmic horror. Also some of Draken Guard's endings. The vidia world is still sadly lacking in good games capable of evoking such levels of existential dread.
i wish i could travel through space
God shut the fuck up you moronic frog.
>make our language incomprehensible retard gibberish so we can claim we invented everything first hon hon baguette
I'd say it absolutely qualifies
Stay mad brianlet anglos. You will never ever understand esotericism
Conversely the space virus would not have evolved to survive inside our bodies
Look into:
Saturn Time Matrix.
The Ringbuilders of Saturn.
Saturn: The Black Cube.
Sacred Geometry.
Saturn is the God of this reality, he is Kronos, the Moon may also play a role in its power as the Moon is physically impossible to be a natural celestial body due to its size and incredibly precise position between the Earth and our Sun (Sol). I guarantee you it will be the craziest shit you've ever delved into.
I like to believe that no species that ever achieves intelligence and self-awareness will ever explore the cosmos. Why? Because intelligence always has a species discover virtual reality and how to manipulate their brains to experience whatever they want to experience before FTL travel ever becomes a tangible reality. Why bother with exploring the universe and developing such hard technologies when you are advanced enough to simulate an infinite amount of realities and live the rest of their lives in constant fantasy? Yes, I'm saying every intelligent species eventually connects themselves to the Matrix, willingly. And so they stay in their home planet forever because there is no reason to leave it. No reward that can't already be simulated through virtual reality with much less effort.
>Saturn is the God of this reality
Begone, servant of Yaldabaoth
Dude if we're alone that means we can literally exploit all the energy in the universe up until heat death. If we're not alone we'll most likely go extinct far sooner than that as a result of conflict with another species.
There's almost guaranteed to be life on Europa, we just don't have the tech or funding to find out.
Liquid water almost always means life.
you'd die very fast. the pressure alone would crush you into dust
Fuck your VR marketing Gabe
To be fair, we only have one example to go off of and is it this moon or a different moon that has methane pools on it?
Oh look user, here's a zoom in on one small section of the closest galaxy , out of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, of which we estimate the unobservable universe could be at least 250× larger!
>people discuss aliens
>they think aliens can only exist under Earth-Like conditions
>they think aliens would think and act like Humans do
... You don't believe in radio satellites? Tell me, how do you think the internet works?
Titan has methane oceans and is considered a candidate for life.
Europa is the moon that has a deep liquid water ocean underneath it's icy surface. While it likely lacks a hot core like Earth does, the gravity from Jupiter causes the planet to warp and pull which keeps the water below the surface liquid. Scientists estimate that the ocean under Europa is so deep that the pressure likely makes the water at it's most extreme depths a sort of pressurized jelly, too much pressure for it to be a proper liquid, but its also not a solid.
A lot of this is speculation because we'e never landed anything on Europa. It's probably the most interesting body in the solar system.
Theres a decent movie about it called Europa Report.
where did you get this pic of me?
Hopefully, the Matrix we humans create will have been worth the weight.
I think the creepiest explanation for the fermi paradox is that there ARE plenty of intelligent races out in space, but that they all keep deathly quiet. The reason? it boils down to three rules:
1) All life wants to survive
2) There is no way to know whether any life encountered will or won't want to destroy you.
3) Therefore, striking first is the best and sanest option, annhilating any lifeform detected before it has a chance to retaliate.
It's called the dark forest theory and makes you wonder who might be listening out for us out there in the stars
>implying Saturn is scary
Saturn is comfy. It's our original sun. It gave us such a pleasant climate, with an equal temperature around the world. Oh and that pleasant purple glow...
based mass effect player
Why do you think we play video games?
>born too early to explore space
>born too late to experience the growth of mankind
>born just in time for the internet and rapidly advancing technology
We’re in a weird spot in history where we aren’t seeing anything that ground breaking. Maybe we might see something cool soon, but for now all we can do is dream
fuk u demiurge
fuk u demiurge
This is true. Nobody will ever want to live in "reality" once they get a taste of the infinite godlike pleasure and satisfaction simulation. However there's no reason why we won't continue to invent and improve past that point. When you're in the pleasure world nothing will feel like work anyways so I doubt industry, engineering and automation will ever stop.
there's a decent chance we are alone in our galaxy
universe? na, probably a lot
but we are all stuck so we might as well be alone
I'm probably already at least 20 matrices deep at this point desu
Mars has ancient riverbeds, titan currently has oceans, rivers, lakes, rain. Pretty cool stuff
Eh, if you have access to everything then everything is pointless.
Life is only worth living because of the struggles attached to it. If you just had everything you ever wanted youd get bored quickly. You can't have highs without lows.
actually that's not necessarily true, europa(moon) can potentially have life underneath its ice surface
That's retarded. the real answer is that space is just so unimaginably mindfuckably HUGE that finding other life would be like me asking you to find a specific grain of sand on the entire earth without telling you where it is.
Aliens could be next door in a nearby solar system, they could be in the same galaxy as us, or maybe the closest aliens are 1,000,000 galaxies away. The last option is the most likely.
>We’re in a weird spot in history where we aren’t seeing anything that ground breaking
Nigger we live right at the start of the space age & the digital age this is one of the most revolutionary time periods in human history. In the span of a lifetime we have a worldwide information network and computers in our pockets and we have probes all across the solar system
Not when the pleasure system is purposefully built to never get boring or unsatisfying.
Everyone would already be dead if an object that large was so close to earth. Gravity is a thing. There would be gigantic tsunamis and earthquakes
Shut the fuck up
Its about mass not size.
In that case it would be dead because the moon is more massive and therefore has stronger gravity.
you're criticizing a manga where people fly in the air because that thing spun the earth around with its tongue
In the story, Remina frequently goes FTL as it travels toward earth. So it’s not a normal celestial object, it’s an eldrich abomination and it came from a wormhole 16LY away.
I don't think you realize how big the observable universe is, and that's just a tiny little itty bitty chunk of the actual universe, which is possibly part of other systems of universes
It's insane. Fills me with existential dread each time i look at these images. How the fuck does all this exist
Probably just recorded a whale or something.
get off Yea Forums owen, your streams are shit
Does this count?
I was thinking these videos are stupid because planets don't make sounds like that. But then it hit me. What if Earth is making a similar sound, but we're just so used to it that we don't notice?
Think of how many wondrous things are out there in those galaxies that we will never, ever get to see.
We don’t hear it because it’s radio. You’d probably hear the sound of lightning on any gas giant tho.
Read Lovecraft
What are you, 5? Fucking read a book instead of looking at pictures. READ THE SOURCE
what's even the point of it all...
I read Mountains of Madness. It was breddy good.
And think of all the dead lifeless rocks where the only thing that ever changes is micrometeorite impacts every 500 years
Earth is pretty cool, don't sell it short.
the capitalist point-of-view
Why do you think that? Once you get to a certain depth you would, but why would the clouds in the upper atmosphere crush you? Earth has clouds too.
When designing a horror ayy lmao game, is it better for them to be cold and unfeeling or emotional like us but to a creepy degree?
So what would happen if moon was suddenly destroyed?
Planets do in fact make sound. If there was air between us and the sun it would be a DEAFENING level of decibels.
>Nobody will ever want to live in "reality" once...
Native Europeans /always/ want to. That is to say, it is inherent to the spirit of the Native European man to always choose to live in a painful reality over living in a pleasant lie. Only by blinding his eyes through countless layers of trickery and distractions can he be deceived into living in a lie and living for pleasure -- and /that/ can no longer be called a /choice/ as he at that point isn't even aware of an alternative. With time, however, this attempt at caging him fails, in the same manner as submerging an inflated ball fails to sink it regardless of how long of a time it is held beneath the surface of the water, as deep inside he knows -- as his genes know; as he is constantly reminded by his forebears who reside within him -- the truth; and knows something is wrong, and thus he seeks and finds the way out, and triumphs over the deception and its architects.
99% of Earth is dirt and metal so how is that any different?
Depends on how it was destroyed.
Goku wouldn't be able to turn into Oozaru.
>the source
But Remina has very little to do with lovecraft aside from being a cosmic horror.
We’d be screwed, the tides will be all messed up causing massive tsunamis and some other bad stuff
Earth would spin faster, shorter days
Almost no tides anymore
And all the climatic chaos that would result of those two things
Earth really is the "right time, right place" for life to occur isn't it? From the positioning from the sun to the Moon's creation, everything seemed to be perfect.
And the 1% that's not is where you've lived your entire life. Everything you've ever seen or ever known is a result of that 1%.
First time I zoomed off in some random direction legitimately disoriented me. Then when you leave the milky way for the first time and see there's just as many galaxies as there were stars just a second ago is fucking mind blowing.
It only seems that way because our frame of reference is biased. The conditions which allowed life to arise here are literally the only conditions we know about.
ayy lmao
>The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there — on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
What's scarier, deep sea or deep space?
Okay, I live on a nice planet so that means I shouldn't be curious about what's out there? Stupid.
Stellaris has some pretty well written quest chains, but the whole game isn't cosmic horror.
I really love this stuff.
How comfy is it to go visit those observatory shits and just look at stars? Ive always wanted to do that.
Deep sea. Deep space has stars and other stuff.
You live on the nicest planet we know of. In fact, if you go anywhere else, your fragile human body will die horribly!
Deep sea for the creatures and deep space for the existential dread of loneliness and the nothingness of space for millions of miles
Outer Wilds made me shit my pants on more than one occasion, what a great game
No highly unlikely that we’ll find intelligent life though.
Vertigo simulator. If you really want to feel like you're standing on a small rock hurtling through an endless black void around a ball of hellfire, play it.
I think this is why deep space is more horrifying to me than the deep sea. The sea might have life that I don't understand and that I might find scary but it is life. Things do happen down here. Out there in space there is nothing. Stack together ten thousand of your lifetimes and in all of that time you'll find the same nothing that you started with.
Highly unlikely we'll find any life*
It almost certainly exists and it's almost certainly very, very, VERY, far away. I can't overstate that part
>there's billions of people on Earth who haven't appreciated the beauty of a sunset this week
what's the point of it all
I mean realistically you won't just spontaneously appear in the void between star systems or something. If you personally ever go into space, you'll likely be near a planet. Probably earth :)
What game
what if I read Lovecraft and Ito?
>tfw there's already an extremely ancient civilization building dyson spheres across entire galaxies
If social anxiety is your issue then you could always just buy a telescope yourself. That seems a lot more comfy to me.
The hypothesis that another universe succed it is more interesting imo
>Tfw this is a single artificial being, constantly capturing more stars and matter to perpetually increase his intelligence
How long until he ascends out of this shitty existance
Anyone else subscribe to the theory that our universe keeps collapsing and expanding again to basically restart time as we know it?
No, being at all related to space is the touch of death and means everything that could be wrong with the game has to be wrong, for whatever reason.
watching this while luistening to m83 goat
How do we know there is no dark matter there? Dark matter, by definition, emits no detectable radiation or light of any kind, doesn't it?
Last Thursdayism?
So how did energy first come into existence?
You're so cool my dude
I thought dark matter eats regular matter. I'm retarded though.
Whatever 'cycle' the universe goes through, if any, I'm sure is more abstract than that and probably too complex for us to understand with our current biology
there's no evidence for this and never will be but I like it
So basically we are stuck in a large-scale Majora's Mask game? That's pretty scary if so.
No, but the universe is so large nothing will likely ever meet anything else. For example, iirc one of the satellites we launched decades ago is literally just passing by pluto
why does it look 3d while it pans around? it has a parallax effect
It's the most comforting Theory. The only problem is that there is currently no reason to believe that gravity will win over dark energy
Nobody knows. And we won't for a long time. You have to realize the scale of the question you're asking.
No, that's antimatter, user. Dark matter would be sort of the neutral point between matter (positive spectrum) and antimatter (negative spectrum)
Something or someone not bound by the Law of Conservation of Energy.
No. Dark matter is matter, it just doesn't interact with normal matter or light other than gravitationally. We can see how it warps space-time into itself. We just can't see what it looks like or how it got there or do anything with it other than look at it indirectly
Oh, that's useful information. I didn't realize it was a kind of spectrum, always figured it was sort like light versus dark, good vs evil.
Trying to understand where subatomic particles and energy come from is always a field I am interested in, but also afraid of the answers if any.
If you could destroy earth right now, would you?
Pretty much the only idea that works with everything we know about the universe.
We're just a bubble that will pop eventually in some cosmic horror's bath tub.
That's right, isn't our current fate to end up as black holes floating in a totally dead universe, until some indescribable amount of time later even those have eroded particle by particle into nothingness?
>The matter of my body, and everything on Earth, and everything in this galaxy, and everything in the next 10 galaxies will end up as a singularity in some mega Uber black hole
See you there bros
L... La creatura?
No? Why would I? Destroy the earth and the story ends. No room for positive or negative growth
Would I get a qt galactic gf out of it?
I thought its mass was detectable? Which is how scientists throw around numbers about dark matter at all, mass measurements were way higher than what we could assume from visible stars and nebulae, black holes bending the light in their vicinity etc?
No. I'm not an edgelord.
why the fuck would you except if you're a piece of shit depressed doomer who wants to take everyone in his grave?
No earth, no video games.
>it just doesn't interact with [...]r light other than gravitationally
Give me one example of anything like this that could also contribute a significant amount of mass to the universe.
its hell now ya retard
Why does everyone always get bummed by the fact that the universe is so big and there’s literally no chance of seeing even 1 billionth of it when we have a whole solar system filled to the fucking brim of untapped resources right here?
Makes sense. Interesting if it's true that we have confirmed there's no dark matter there.
Eh, I used the spectrum thing as an analogy. I'd say the whole thing is far more abstract than that. I just like seeing it as a spectrum because matter interacting with antimatter annihilate each other, so they are polar opposites, whereas dark matter, as I said, can't even be seen, and we needed some extremely small-scale experiments to confirm its existence at all in the first place, so it sort of sits in an hypothetical middle that doesn't cause any evident effects on most spectrums.
>tfw looking theoretical masses of black holes
Just the sheer scale of this shit is scary. I think the thing equally as scary is what is happening on the quantum level.
I could but I don't even have to, that's the terrible part.
sounds like a win win to me
The Outer Wilds. It's got some pretty strong cosmic horror elements.
>dude the universe should weight 1 million tons
>but it weighs 2 million tons
>oh well, let's just say theres a million tons of """dark""" matter
physicists are hacks
What do you guys think Yea Forums will be like if/when we can shitpost at each other across planets?
engineers didnt know how transistors worked for years after they were invented. give them time, user. youre the retard.
We know enough about chemistry to know which elements could be the basis for enough compounds that it could support advanced life.
I mean you have to account for that matter somehow. Either the Milky Way's black hole is a lot heavier than we thought, or there's a lot of missing matter that we just can't see, or all of our math is wrong somewhere down the line
My nigga, the space horror themed threads /tg/ had back in 2010 were great. Remember pic related?
Martian anons would meme about alien waifus existing. Earthfags jealous of their alien women would call us irradiated dirt farmers.
This. Space Engine on steam has excellent VR support btw
>Shitposting with ayys
God I fucking hate the greenoids.
This is pretty much what happens in Blindsight. Most baseline humans just go into VR while borderline post-humans push science further to the point baseline humans can't understand it. Then everyone shit bricks when hyperintelligent non-sentient alien machines show up, and some fuckhead releases a zombie virus on Earth
Yes, and? If I pick up a weight and it says 25 pounds but I measure it and it's actually 40 pounds I'm going to assume the label is wrong.
on our planet under the conditions we evolved under*
what changes between the 20€ SE on Steam and the free one on the website? Convince me to drop 20 bucks on existential crisis sim
Neat. Gets me in the cosmic dread mood.
Thanks, I really appreciate your compliment. You're alright too, man.
Ito is one of those people who while inspired by Lovecraft, still manages to do his own weird thing. And I love him for that. Him and Thomas Ligotti are probably the best successors to Lovecraft.
>from a decade ago
>2010 is almost a decade ago
Fuck, Fuck, God FUCK fuck shtIT fuck god FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUCK
How would Yea Forums space station work?
this. we kicked the jews for a reason why bring in more?
God farted.
>How is not being alone terrifying?
Just take a look at human history and you will understand why.
Everyone would argue with everyone else about which aliens we should visit. No one will restock the food supply
Outer Wilds terrified me on several levels.
you get to track how much time you wasted on steam, and maybe workshop?
it's just to support the dev
existence of existence is literally the result of RNG elements we don't yet comprehend, no higher purpose, dude trust me I saw it in my dreams
Literally would just be a game of SS13 but in real life
Look what happened when Columbus made contact with the Americas. Now imagine that on steroids.
Any species that has evolved to become the top species of it's planet and developed interstellar travel must have these traits.
a) intelligence to develop the technology needed
b) hyper aggressive to remain at the top of their planets hierarchy
I know, shit's fucking weird. The 2010s are almost over, and we'll be entering the 2020s in a few months.
That's some Solaris or Return from the Stars shit right there.
No. Things like valence gives us major insight into how many potential configurations of molecules an element can form. That other user's wrong, though. Silicon is not the only reasonable alternative to carbon.
user, most things that matter are far beyond an individual's control.
>that part where you discover a black hole INSIDE a planet
>that part where you fall into it and the audiovisual experience causes me to get half a panic attack
>that part where the sun gets bigger and bigger and you become paranoid, and then the music ends and it happens
>that part where Giant's deep tornadoes push you out of the planet and into space
that game was special
>The 2010s are almost over, and we'll be entering the 2020s in a few months.
Has humanity actually achieved anything during that time?
Is this System Shock 2?
The real answer is we're in a simulation, or world created by intelligent design and the starting configurations of this universe include no alien life.
Only one that makes sense.
imagine the smell
Have a SS13 server thread get stickied.
If the moon just disappeared we'd have a bunch of crazy climate stuff happening but if it were to explode we'd be even more fucked because it'd be raining moon pieces and we'd i lose every satellite with all the chunks of rock flying around at 300 meters a second.
well we created and established a tightly knit network of social media paradigms that fucked up society irreparably so we got that going for us
What's this from?
What if exploded in chunks way smaller than the Chicxulub or the Russian meteors?
how is space itself be a vacuum wouldn't imply it being in something
Mmmm pizza
>space looks cool with all these stars and nebulas
>nah you would never be able to see them if you were put into space
i'm saddened that reality is often disappointing
>falling into the black hole and ending up out in fucking no where
>realizing you're helplessly stuck adrift
wait a bloody minute
that shape...
It’s even more sad that most of those stars are longs gone
>realize I could go back through the white hole
>forget about brittle hollow currently breaking down into pieces
>get fucking smashed in the face by a gigantic piece of planet as soon as I get close to it
>have the other half of a panic attack
>looking up at the night sky only to realize many of those shining starts have already died many many years ago, even though the light of their past is reaching you now
I forgot about being able to go back through the hole. There was just something panic inducing about going through the trip and seeing your ship three billion miles away.
Is there any more spooky shit in this game besides the planet with all the tornadoes?
Is this one of those games you need VR to enjoy?
So, in a way, would you call that Dead Space?
Why havent we visited the moon again?
space truly is something special
Not at all.
I dunno, maybe it would enhance the experience, but my experience was pretty top notch without it.
Why would we?
There's nothing on there but rocks, rocks, and more rocks.
No, if anything we've taken multiple steps backward in absolutely anything you can think of, socially, culturally, economically, etc. I can't believe what a shitshow this is. Everyone I meet IRL seems worn out, poor, and jaded as shit, like they know there is nothing to look forward to except more debt slavery and the next movie to watch as their family and friends drift further apart and the quality of everything drops.
Literally the only thing that was worse in 2010 for me than it is now is that I was still a virgin, I would do anything to have society back ten years so we can try all this shit over again and do it right this time.
>BrTn.M00n wants to know your location
I see. Seems to be epic store exclusive? That sucks.
and resources.
What is the actual nature of vacuum?
That sounds a simple question, but it certainly is not.
We think of vacuum as ‘nothing’. Yet, we give this ‘nothing’ a name. We call it vacuum. In simple terms we think of it as being a volume where there is no matter, no atoms, floating within it.
But we can measure space, we can imagine a volume measuring 1 cu.m. or ten million cu.m. So if we can measure it, how can it be truly nothing? It must be something, mustn’t it? Because we can measure it. We can go and float in it in a space suit. So how can it be truly nothing?
We are caught in the limitation trap of our language. Perhaps a mathematician can define to another mathematician what a vacuum is. But for the rest of us, we cannot.
Well, I have come up with an idea.
I propose, for the sake of argument and description, that our universe may simply be the three-dimensional interface between two 4-dimensional objects or “universes”. That word “universe” is so limiting that I prefer to just say ‘object’, but that doesn’t indicate the necessary scale does it. How about “universe-sized object”?
Consider two things that you can imagine.
Consider that the interface between two 2-dimensional planes is a 1-dimensional line. We can imagine that. No problem. Just imagine that you have two playing cards lying on the top of a table. Imagine that these cards have no thickness, so that they are truly 2-dimensional. You can imagine that they can contain 2-dimensional shapes within them/on them. You would see the shapes drawn on the plane surfaces. Now, imagine that you slide the two ‘cards’ so that their edges touch. The interface along their touching edges is as 1-dimensional line. It has length, but no other dimension of size. Yet it can contain things that you could see as marks along its 1-dimensional length.
the steam version has VR support (which is very good)
dunno if there are any differences besides that
I didn't know anything about that. I played it years back when it was some weird demo online.
So now, we need to move up a dimension and to consider the interface between two 3-dimensional objects. Let is take a couple of cubes the size of shoe boxes. Lets imagine these two cubes sitting on a table top, and we slide the cubes across the surface and bring them together. Now the interface between the two cubes would be a 2-dimensional edge junction. You will remember that the edge of a 2-dimensional object had no thickness, and the meeting junction between two 3-dimensional box surfaces also has no thickness. It is a genuine 2-dimensional surface. There are atoms on each side of the junction, but nothing within it.
Thus, the interface between two 3-dimensional cubes is a 2-dimensional plane surface. We can imagine that also. It is straightforward.
Now we move on to something that we can imagine but which we cannot visualise. Yet.
The interface between two 2-dimensional objects is a 1-dimensional line. The interface between two 3-dimensional cubes is a 2-dimensional plane. Therefore, following those two in a sequence of logic, what must be the interface between two 4-dimensional objects? Answer: a 3-dimensional interface. That’s our universe!
That conclusion is based on the extrapolation of limited but impeccable data.
Now we find that difficult to visualise. Very difficult indeed. Actually, impossible. Why is it impossible for us to visualise it? Because we have never been into a 4-dimensional environment from which we could look down at a 3-dimensional interface.
No, but I am suggesting that we might actually be like those marks on the 1-dimensional interface, or on the 2-dimensional interface. We and all matter in our universe are just marks on (or in) a 3-dimensional interface environment.
It is quite possible, therefore, that our universe as we know it lies between two 4-dimensional structures (universes). It is consequently possible that the matter that we observe in our universe is simply like scum floating on the top of a pond surface, only in our case, it is floating within the 3-dimensional ‘surface’.
And, we can more easily imagine how electromagnetic waves can propagate if we can stretch our imaginations to conceive of vacuum as being the actual 3-dimensional interface between two 4-dimensional universes, and electromagnetic waves are 4-dimensional disturbances running along the 3-dimensional interface in which we live.
And, finally, which I have never heard anyone propose before, let’s ask ourselves how we created the 1-dimensional line. We placed two 2-dimensional surfaces against each other. And how did we create a 2-dimensional interface? We put two 3-dimensional cubes next to each other. So, perhaps our universe was simply created when two 4-dimensional objects were placed next to each other*. That’s all we are. An incidental interface.
>family and friends drift further apart and the quality of everything drops.
My sister likes to bitch how our family is dysfunctional, but to be honest it really isn't. Holding on to family and friends is probably one of the few things I genuinely believe in now.
>I would do anything to have society back ten years so we can try all this shit over again and do it right this time.
And yeah, I feel like the same. Though to I'd probably set it back to try and stop 9/11. Looking back on it, it seemed like everything that has gone wrong is all because that.
>Earth could literally be succ'd within a supermassive black hole at any moment and we would cease to exist within a attosecond
I always thought that the 4th dimension was Time.
first we got omuamua then we got whatever the fuck this is
I saw it from a youtube video
Outer Worlds doesn't have any VR support
from what I've gathered from this thread it would be way too scary for VR anyways. Subnautica comes to mind, that shit is way scarier than RE7 VR
>sounds in space
0/10 got me to reply
Reading it right now with that Jupiter sounds video in the background, thanks user
>and then an indescribable monster shows up and kills them, the end
That wouldn't happen for a million years or so
okay now what if you examined the weight and it had no label and due to its materials and density you theorized it should weigh 25 pounds but it was 40 after weighing it. the answer you're fucking dumb and your analogy sucks harder than your mum on my dick
What do you mean by time alone? Time passes through all three dimensions and the only constant thing about bumping up a dimension is that a shadow is the same as matter in the dimension lower than it. Ie. a second dimension being would cast a first dimension shadow and a fourth dimensional being would cast a third dimensional shadow
Well, all three dimensions are bound by time, right? So if time is a force that has dominion over our 3rd dimension, isn't any given moment in our universe just a shadow of the larger infinity that encompasses all time?
why are those stars never seen in any actual pictures of space?
The real question is, are YOU alone in the Universe?
what do you mean? brainlet here
Who cares about that ? You think that they will change you way somehow if they entered in contact with humans?. You think anyone except world leaders or super rich will be allowed to talk to them or visit them?
Here something more scary.
You are going to die in under 100 years and probably never be part of "history". You will forgotten like a canon fodder. You know those background character in game , stories or show . Ones that no one will ever remember except by mistake. Do you think anyone remember that faggot guy who lived in 1700 and never achieved anything remarkable?
Yes you are going to be like those millions of guys, the world will continue like you never existed . In fact right now you don't even "exist", what you are doing can't make an impact even on your small city scale. Those discussion you had, those posts you made , those opinion you shared they are nothing , we are just like those dogs when they bark at something passing thinking they are doing something , that they can make some influence , leave a mark. But no , only few very few will get to be remembered.Especially with our modern large population, the chance for you to make any important impact are near zero
What is this
>You are going to die in under 100 years and probably never be part of "history". You will forgotten like a canon fodder
Thank god for that. Nothing wrong with being one more of the crowd as long as you yourself are living the way you want it.
You'd better hope we are.
>It is not easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. They dress alike, and the weapons are concealed. The only difference is intent, and you can’t read minds.
>Stay in the dark long enough and you may hear an occasional distance shriek or blunder across a body.
>How do you survive the night? The last thing you want to do is shout, “I’m here!” The next to last thing you want to do is reply to someone who shouts, “I’m a friend!”
>What you would like to do is find a policeman, or get out of the park. But you don’t want to make noise or move towards a light where you might be spotted, and it is difficult to find either a policeman or your way out without making yourself known. Your safest option is to hunker down and wait for daylight, then safely walk out.
>There are, of course, a few obvious differences between Central Park and the universe.
>There is no policeman.
>There is no way out.
>And the night never ends.
A 4-dimensional interpretation of relativity is that everything has a finite amount of energy within spacetime. Almost all of this energy is being used to travel through the time dimension while an insignificant amount is used to travel through the 3 spacial dimensions. The faster you go through space, the more of your energy is redirected from time movement to spacial movement. Hence, time flows slower in your frame of reference. c, the speed of light, is the speed at which all of your 4D energy would be used for spacial movement and you would cease to experience any movement through time. Of course, this is impossible for any object with mass because the energy expenditure necessary to increase your velocity grows exponentially.
Wow, Central Park was that much of a shithole back then?
Light can only travel so fast. That's what lightspeed is. 299,792,458 meters per second. There are about 31 million seconds in a year. So over the course of a year, a particular instance of light would travel 299,792,458 meters every second, over 31 million times. I'm not gonna bother with the math, but that's the gist of what a lightyear is.
Now, you can imagine the shining light of a distant star as like, a bullet. Since light can only travel so fast, the light we are seeing (the bullet) has to travel many, many lightyears for us to actually see it with our own eyes. That bullet of light departed it's star many years ago, and only just now arrived for your viewing pleasure. Many of those stars in the sky are so far away, in fact, that at this moment in time, they have already gone supernova and died a long time ago. Only now has their light, bound by lightspeed, reached us. The night sky is full of dead stars.
You should have learned all this in school bro.
if our sun were to just poof out of existence we wouldn't know until 8 min after it happened thats how long it takes light to reach us. the same happened to all those stars you see at night we are essentially looking into their past, the light is millions of years old yet is just not reaching us. it's awesome and pretty depressing
>being scared of humans only existing in the universe or dumb ayylmaos
I'm more terrified of oblivion after death.
Don't think about it too much, any reason for our existence and how we'll end makes absolutely zero fucking sense if you try to think about it. All logic goes out the window.
Also don't think about black holes.
Observation is pretty cool, it does eldritch well without resorting to "lol lovecraft tentacles scary!!11!!1!".
Light pollution.
just optical illusion
There's a reason why Escape from New York City hit home for a lot of people. New York was basically viewed as a giant crime-ridden hellhole that would only get worse until after the 80s.
Space threads are always so comfy
Not the Bootes Void
That's a dark nebula called Barnard 68 and the real void (not a complete void, still has galaxies in it) is not an anomaly in our current model of the universe.
>light travels
so you're saying, if I shine a flashlight up into the nightsky, the light from that flashlight is TRAVELING into space?
Seriously, why does the universe even exist? We're all just waves or strings or something, but why exactly does it exist? It boggles my mind.
Embrace entropy
I can see why Buddhism is so popular. The gist is that the universe is a shitty videogame, and the winning move is not to play
>existential dread
>living the way you want it
What is that ? Food, Love, Success,Travel..?
We are wired in a way that anything that make us happy become dull over time and we want something better. Something better means something more costy and harder to get.
At some point we accept that we are never going to live our life as we want unless you are some super rich guy who is also lucky to have good mental and physical health. We are just picking choices we have while smiling. And hoping for the better tommorow . Isn't it scary to you to know that at some point there will be no tommrow? No more chances? No more tries? No more better?
You are going to stop somewhere far down in your life expectation. The more ambitious you are the more scary and sad it is.
>being so weak that thinking of the big vast universe gives you existential dread
cringe actually
It's unfocused and lacking in intensity so it'll get beat out by all the chad stars, but yes the photons you fire are making their way to space. I'll bet some get refracted by the atmosphere as the make the trip, but I'm sure at least a few get into the great void
Yes. If someone out there had telescopes powerful enough to see it, they would see it, but it would be millions and millions of years after your death.
>watch an Allan Watts video
>30 minutes of him just saying "convert to Hinduism bro!
Fuck Asian religions, Buddhism basically saps any potential enjoyment out of life, and Hinduism sounds like an awful religion to follow in general. I'd rather there be no god at all than a Hindu god to be quite fucking candid
>universe literally becomes nothing but black holes for most of the life span of the universe
Neat, but what happens to White holes?
Maybe it's all just in your head, there's no way to prove it's not
Welcome to religion.
So what's the deal with the great attractor
based brainlet
Buddhism has no gods I believe
One of Mars' moons.
Why are space threads the best threads on Yea Forums?
no scattering in jupiter's atmosphere at all?
any thread that avoids videogames on Yea Forums is great.
What if there is no universe, we're all just ones and zeroes trapped in a matrix
White holes don't matter sweaty, the future (both the physical and transcendent cosmic energy) is black
that image is digitally generated
I work in the field of aerospace and planetary sciences sweetie, you're probably a bigger brainlet than me.
yes, and it will eventually return
life in the universe, almost certain
complex, intelligent life, hard to say, i look at our little blue ball and it almost looks like a fluke, we are only certain life exists on earth in our solar system, mercury and venus and hellish rocks, mars became inhospitable billions of years ago, we dont know if it was hospitable long enough to develop life, the universe must certainly be filled with trillions of such failures, our star is not too young and not too old, jupiter protects us from being bombarded constantly by comets and asteroids, giving life some respite, and even after all of this, after all stars aligned and every single piece is in place, what do we get? humans have existed only the past 200000 years, anything even resembling civilization or atleast complex societal organization? that probably started only 12k years ago give or take, when the first temple was built
if life were so ordinary, why do we know only for certain only one planet in our system hosts it? if intelligence was common, why are we alone on this rock, if civilization was inevitable, why did we spend 200k years living in ignorance?
ive read some archaeologists believe at one point there were only a couple thousands humans left on the planet, we were an endangered species, humans couldve ended there
what if life is a fluke? what if complex life is a double fluke? what if intelligent life is a triple fluke? what if civilization is a quadruple fluke?
most worrying of all, what if statistically speaking, civilized life only lasts say, 100k years, then for one reason or another, vanishes, you know how insignificant 100k years are in a galactic scale?
civilized life couldve emerged dozens of times and we wouldnt know it, since they wouldve been far gone after we became uplifted
treasure life folks, for all we know we might be the only spectators to the galactic show right now
Looks familiar.
i know, i thought it tried to simulate the real thing nonetheless
What is nothing is real except what you perceive is real. What you see could be completely different from someone else but you could never truly know.
What system or creator would be so cruel at to have the emergent properties to create an intelligent beings to understand how it it works but never understand WHY it's there?
Sure you do buddy, and I bet your dad works at nintendo too.
for shits and giggles
it would honestly be comforting to know we are the only intelligent life in the universe, it might indicate that all this vast empty space, all this energy, was necessary to seed one point of life in the entire cosmos. that is, if you are looking for intent in the creation of the universe. if you have a different theory i don't actually care.
There are all these fancy space pictures, but is there any way to see what they would actually look like without the fake coloration?
This is what someone with no (0) notion of how unfathomably vast the universe is thinks like.
what user said stop spreading misinformation
Well, why havent we seen aliens in unearth like conditions?
Choose your official space thread theme, Yea Forums
easy on the blackpills
Fermi paradox
I like you
I'll just go 2001 and have the company of the void
bitch we can barely "see" past our own 6th planet from the sun, stop being ignorant
if yall want to see alien niggers so bad then cause a fucking resonance cascade instead of trying to cross the unimaginable distances between us and other galaxies
those are what they would closely look like, but sadly they are in the UV spectrum which we can not see
This. There is still a lot we don't know about our own solar system, let alone our galaxy. There is a pretty high chance life exists in close proximity to us (in galactic terms) It just won't be intelligent.
If we aren't it sure is pretty fucking quiet out there. Where are all the space-faring civilizations?
Nowhere to be seen.
oh well if we go universal sure, i was mostly referring to our galaxy here
He works in the oilfield industry actually. Heres a picture of a payload of ours that flew a little over a month ago out of New Mexico.
I've always thought this was kind of dumb. Just because we haven't seen life doesn't mean it's not out there somewhere. It's saying that, if life exists in the Milky Way, it probably would have reached us by now, when there's no reason to assume it would be anywhere near advanced enough or even interested in searching for other lifeforms. Also, it's only in relation to the Milky Way, not the entire universe. Even if there's no other life in the Milky Way, saying that that means there's no other life in the universe is like saying there's no life on Earth because you picked up a single piece of sand and didn't find an ant on it.
i thought it was titan
No, I would rather destroy existence itself.
Titan is also possible
Not unless we try to nose-dive straight into the technological singularity so we can get dope robot bodies and have robot eyes that can see UV shit, Fucking FUND IT ALREADY.
That's what I'm saying, what would it look like in the visible spectrum? Or is there not enough visible light emitted or reflected by it to be able to see it? If that's the case, what if we somehow shone a colossal flashlight on it?
>Dude if we're alone that means we can literally exploit all the energy in the universe
Over half a century since the inception of NASA and we STILL can't even send live creatures to the closest rocky planet you fucking idiot.
Reliable travel between celestial bodies is pure science fiction and will NEVER be scientifically viable.
Stay dumb.
>0 results for marathon
Marathon ya fuckin zoomers
lets put it like this, what if civilized life is so rare and last so relatively little, any two civilizations that happen to coexist at any given time emerge so far apart they are never able to communicate or even be aware of one another?
I am still holding out for massive sea monsters hiding under the icy crust of Titan and Europa.
Fuck off, Azathoth
The spaceport in New Mexico is pretty kino if you ever get a chance to go out there. I can't wait to go again in October for the next flight of our payload
You cannot, things must exist because otherwise there would be nonexistence, but nonexistence cannot exist by definition.
For all we know, there are species that evolved millions of years ago who now have an entire galactic empire. But the universe is so big we'll never meet.
bad quality bait
i thought there was 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time?
I wonder if there's an afterlife, and if those in it can travel across to places we can only dream of.
Lovecraftian cosmic horror is shittiest cosmic horror.
we can but it would look something like this. this is what the orion nebula would look like to us, maybe a little bit more white
Life on earth very likely sprang up from simple chemical interactions between elements that are fairly uniformly distributed across the galaxy and the universe so it'd be extremely unlikely that the pattern formation that came into play here somehow magically wouldn't elsewhere, leading to self-replicating organisms that then became subject to natural selection and a few billion years later all the life that exists today.
The only way we could be alone is if somehow that first step would be cosmically unlikely to happen and Earth would just be an early example with other places following later, but it's equally likely we're latecomers. At least we know that the uniform distribution of chemical elements that make life possible existed when the universe was roughly ~10B years old so it's not likely Earth is the only place it happened then.
Whoa that's cool. Isn't it assuming that we use energy to move through time though?
Enceladus too.
Nope, I mean there a possibility that life exists in fucking Jupiter
user give it a break
even if there is intelligent life out there, its likely in our best interest to not communicate with them
Neat. See, it still looks cool.
make me.
then i would make everything become ONE (or two) thing/s.
There could be life out their that doesn't need water to survive such as species that aren't hydrogen based
Pretty common elements, but not circumstances. Planet in relation to it's sun, atmosphere, dodging world ending calamities ect. even with all of the things that let us evolve to this point today, there still should be plenty of planets out there that fit the criteria.
I don't see a reason to end it unless I can create something better after.
alright fucknuts, just because you're using all the energy of a star doesn't mean that energy disappears into holodeck orgies and hypersonic bum ticklers. It gets transformed into waste heat. Now, you can stack shells to capture that heat and generate more power from it, but with diminishing returns, and eventually you still have to radiate all the energy of the star. It'd just be infrared.
Hey Yea Forums I am an Alien from what you say we are.Ask me anything.
I'm not happy and I'm mentally ill after my childhood abuse and life shit through my 20s I'd just choose to remove myself from existence so my mom and gf and brother won't feel bad about me an heroing myself, I wouldn't destroy the world there are many people around that are happy and they don't deserve that happiness to be taken away from them
true!, I'm glad you will still be able to see it but It would be cool to see the true version. maybe in the future with glasses or tech
ayy lmao you too
How do you know English? Or how to use any devices on earth? Or how you have the same vision and mental capabilities to use the device?
is your species hot
>then i would make everything become ONE
So like a cosmic parasite that infects all organisms and turns them into one giant mass of flesh? Sounds very familiar.
have you harnessed the power of travel through white holes yet, light is slow as fuck
Maybe one day.
Muh sides
why are existential dread threads always so comfy
Because there is actual discussion
The chance of life elsewhere in the universe is actually pretty good. The chance of COMPLEX life, however, is a different story.
Our advanced version of your 'machine learning' only needs a few seconds to sift through your communications and extrapolate how to perfectly translate what we want to say into an understandable and compatible form for you that is indistinguishable from speaking to another human
Why, why would random atoms and molecules end up repeatedly trying to create bigger and bigger clusters of themselves and things close to themselves
Is it by design? Of the four forces, gravity is the one with the most in common with life: it's trying to get everything together
Is life just another way for the universe, for reality, to get all its shit back together in one place like it was before the big bang?
Lmao no, i LITERALLY make everything become ONE (or two).
We’re never going to agree when talking about vidya. But since we all like vidya and have similar frames of reference because of that, we can have good discussions on tangential topics like this. Sort of like how Yea Forums has great meta threads.
Plus it’s late at night.
why are spess threads on Yea Forums comfy?
What is this? Looks interesting.
>cosmic horror
Go to sleep
>he doesn't stargaze
Generally they don't though. The entropy of the universe always either stays the same or increases. Sure stuff here might be nicely packed together, but the universe is still expanding and stretching into infinite nothingness faster than gravity can clump stuff together.
Like 7 or 8 years ago when I was stargazing I put my hand up in front of my face and a shooting star flew right in the middle of my fingers, it was a pretty anime moment. I'll never forget it.
>he doesn't know about dark energy
You're lucky to find any sort of comfort in this thread. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about being devoured by one of those moving black holes roaming wildly around the milky way.
>eight billion light-years from Earth, in a galaxy called 3C 186, astronomers have discovered a supermassive black hole that got kicked off its throne. Now it's rocketing through space at a speed of almost 5 million miles an hour.
Considering the scale of the universe the likelihood of that is incredibly low. Just like when when the Milky Way collides with Andromeda, we still really shouldn't have about collisions or anything.
You could and people have made similar arguments for and during any point in the past few hundred years.
>too early/late to explore the earth
>too early/late to witness "the" (a) revolution
>too early/late to discover an element/invent flight/fight nazis/whatever
Besides, exploring space in all likelihood will never be as "easy" as your Star Trek/SW/Mass Effect/etc. at least not before tech is advanced by about 10,000-1M years by which time the entire concept of experience and consciousness will likely be more akin to mass parallelized data collation and processing by beings more closely resembling computers or superintelligences. Or in other words, just enjoy Star Trek TNG/whatever for what it is and be glad you're some small part of the cosmos intelligent enough to have awareness at all. At least there's plenty of stuff happening to experience right now, total destruction is at least seemingly less probably right now than it was during the first five decades of the 20th century (I think) and it is quite remarkable we're all able to converse like this from across the globe.
Also tech is advancing much more rapidly than is obvious to the casual observer, while Silicon Valley focuses on social media adbux or whatever money printer du jour there are literally countless scientists advancing our understanding of stuff, creating new types of materials that will enable inventors to create crazy new stuff (including stuff related to spaceflight and survival/colonization/etc.).
If anything we're in a weird spot in history where stuff is advancing so rapidly we take it for granted or are simply distracted by an unprecedented amount of distractions available at our fingertips.
>entropy of the universe always either stays the same or increases
does it really tho
when energy is consumed, where does it go? does it just, like, get thinned all around, not counting as energy anymore but more like something akin to background radiation? is that a thing?
as if you, me, or any scientist does
we understand so little
worry about* I think it's time for bed
This itself proposes a paradox, because this assumption, based on very little, could be considered a self-fulfilling prophecy if we put any stock in it for very long.
>no way to know whether
But there is, observation, testing, experimentation, simulation etc. are all viable methods, more so when the alternative is batshit insane number 3.
I've heard some interesting theories of how it's possible that the universe expands to a breaking point and sort of snaps back on itself like a rubber band and just implodes on itself. We still have so much to learn about how the galaxy works. And we'll probably never know the exact specifics no matter how much our brains evolve.
do you guys think that other civilisations eventually just upload their brains into a supercomputer that simulates them a perfect world? you'd basically be a god in your own world, no need to fly to other planets because why should you? life in a matrix would be a million times better
anyone know what i'm trying to say? like who says advanced civilisations are even trying to reach other planets and stuff they might just live in a matrix living their versions of perfect lifes while also being immortal
as for how alien life looks like, i think you just have to look how life in the ocean looks like to see how weird it could get
>he doesn't know about /int/ergalactic
>If anything we're in a weird spot in history where stuff is advancing so rapidly we take it for granted or are simply distracted
This is how I feel as well. There are probably so many cool scientists discovering or inventing crazy shit out there. But nobody hears about it. I wish we as a collective society were more focused on advancement and innovation than shit like social media and entertainment.
Well that's not exactly viable if you want your species to survive millions of years (or billions) of years into the future. Every planet will eventually die, if you're not researching space travel and living in a supercomputer instead, that's an eventual end for that species.
>Scientists think that they've spotted a rare, Jupiter-size black hole casually strolling through the Milky Way galaxy.
I'm not okay with this
The likelihood of being swallowed by a rogue black hole is incredibly low, yes, but it's still scary. The likelihood of being swallowed by a shark while on vacation in some tropical country is also very slim, but it's still scary as shit to think about.
>Just like when when the Milky Way collides with Andromeda, we still really shouldn't have about collisions or anything.
I'm more concerned about airborne space fungus that can travel through the vacuum of space and alien jews that are looking for a new planet to mine for resources
good post, also made me think about how insane it is that life even exists. like what the fuck is the universe? why does anything exist at all? it's blowing my mind to be honest
oh shit
was he okay?
no, he's dead. just kidding, the suit was empty and had been re-purposed into a satellite of some sort
galaxy brain anons answer me this, is it possible that at the end of our universe another universe starts?
no one knows user, but I believe it since it makes more sense to say that things have always and will always exist in some way or another than for things to just briefly come into existence once and then disappear
>mfw I learned that Jupiter was purely atmosphere and does not have any land mass
Potentially, there's no real way to tell but considering the law of conservation of mass, if everything did collapse in on itself it is liable to expand again and restart.
Anons why this nebula so beautiful?
Underrated post.
I love me planet, and I love that I communicate with you schmucks.
That's not exactly possible seeing as our universe is constantly expanding, but let's say you managed to get to the edge of our universe, and parallel universes actually do exist, you'd be able to slip into another universe and possibly be able to travel farther than where our current universe is at. Ouch, my head.
Who the fuck knows? Our entire universe could be inside some nasty slime growing on a TTGL sized alien cumrag
ahh sorry i should have asked the question differently. i was talking more about distance. something about the universe expanding fast than light can reach us or something which could mean there are other universes out there but light from their galaxies will just never reach us
>cunts in my office wouldn't stop talking for one second
Nice try
I don't think we're alone, but we're so far away from other intelligent beings that we may never have contact with them.
posting this video because it always gets me to think about the future of humanity and our planet
How can you have recordings from space? I thought space was a vacuum?
based Blame! poster
I'd say that's pretty absurd, and baseless. There's no real reason why their would be. Hell, it's more likely there's just simply a dimension higher than this one.
>Adblocker interference detected
>turn both off
>still gives me the error
space is full of all sorts of noise for those who are keen to hear it
>tfw somewhere in the universe or in a parallel universe your perfect gf might exist but the distance between you is too big so you'll never get to see her
I hope kurzweil is right and we've got brain digitization before my meatbag expires. Just chuck me into orbit so I can fuck around growing giant trees in zero g
You're using the fallacy of just because something is a logical possibility, then it follows it has the same logical probability. For example, one of your explanations is that it could be the result of a faulty camera. If that's indeed a possibility, it's on you to provide a clear example of such an event occurring due to a faulty camera, otherwise that explanation is useless and makes you a denier, not a skeptic, as you're looking to dismiss it, not investigate it.
After reading so many of the "good" UFO stories, it really gets tiresome when people just ignorantly dismiss it as anything but the proposed explanation, despite their alternative explanations sometimes being less realistic than the one originally offered. Ultimately when these people run out of alternate explanations, they accuse the witness of simply lying. If there was more than 1 observer, then they were both lying or hallucinating.
they're faked
Exactly. We're finding plenty of exoplanets inside the habitable zone of their parent star(s). The rest is mostly our subjective interpretation because we're (still) here to muse about it, it's very likely cosmic cataclysms have already ended entire planets filled with life before our ancestors even started walking upright, and life on Earth so far managed to survive plenty of crazy stuff even if we were 'shielded' from most of the dangerous asteroids and whatnot by the gas giants. I think the universe is teeming with life and 'intelligent' tool-using life is a near-inevitable event even if it can take billions of years but that's nothing more than an educated guess.
well if the rate at which things are spreading out is increasing but gravity is staying the same, it seems to me more that everything will just become perfectly spread out until it's all indistinguishable. I'm no physicist though so maybe that's not right
that's not even educated though
life is much more rare than you are assuming
like way much more rare
It's nice to think all that stuff is out there, almost brings a tear to my eye. I'm glad I'm able to live this life, regardless of the sadness anons, good times outweigh the bad even if they are in lesser quantity, what an honor to be here ,you know?
>I hope kurzweil is right and we've got brain digitization before my meatbag expires. Just chuck me into orbit so I can fuck around growing giant trees in zero g
Won't happen. No such thing as "digitization" of the original. Even if you were to recreate your entire neural network, it's a copy of yours, and that's it. It's not you. Theres no way to "take" your neurons and "transfer" them digitally. I can't even conceptualize that. The closest we would get is that your brain is relieved of all aging related illnesses, energy is received by taping into the background energy field present in the universe so you don't rely on external sources, and that everything except your brain is replaced with a mechanical body that's also relieved of degrading over time. And that scenario is most definitely not happening in our lifetime.
>I will die on this planet
That's not true though, we currently don't know how common life is in our universe. But what we do know, is that there are many planets in our local neighborhood alone that have the potential to host life. So if that's the case, why not the rest of the universe? Even if all the stars align, there should be plenty of planets out there that host life. Intelligent life is something else entirely, but life, yes.
>read about Oumuamuabunga bunga, which came from far away, start theorycrafting
>gigantic meteorite got slingshotted out of, let's say Andromeda billions of years ago, goes straight to Milky way
>somehow manages to travel to our solar system undetected because it's in the right spot to be visually blocked by our sun at any given time
>we detect it too late, orbits for a bit and 9/11s earth
Shit like this, however unlikely it may be, keeps me up at night
Casually dabbling into astronomy is one helluva drug
Extremely sad that this is absolutely true.
Yeah, the exact events that need to happen are so specific to create life, It's entirely possible no life exists at all on other planets, and if it does I could probably count the planets on my hands.
Forget Andromeda, we even know there are more than likely some nasty monsters in our own solar system, but we'll never be able to detect them because of the sun blocking them.
That's assuming all life is similar to earth, as has been said before we have an extremely biased and potentially narrow view of what constitutes as life in the universe.
Thread theme
True, I just enjoy speculating.
Space is so fucking beautiful, man
This is getting more into the realm of sci-fi, but for all we know there are conscious gaseous lifeforms that exist in the universe, there is really no way to tell with our limited knowledge of the universe.
That's nothing, if we're in the beam path of a gamma ray burst from literally anywhere in the galaxy it can completely destroy our atmosphere and cause mass extinction, and it's completely undetectable until it's too late.
No! NO!
It would have to be this
Yes, that is disconcerting, also fuck google, it keeps recommending me "TOMORROW ASTEROID IMPACTS ON EARTH FUCKING RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" trash articles all the time, fuck you google.
I forgot about the gamma ray bursts user space is fucking scary and we don't even know if we are incredibly lucky to have thrived for so long or if we are just one of the many small insignificant forms of intelligent life
seeing how insignificant we are always makes me feel better. no amount of sadness or bad times can compare to the vastness of the universe and the luck we have for existing and being able to think this stuff. and even after we disappear, i'm sure something or someone out there will feel the same way and maybe even remember us IF they find the Voyager. I'm just hoping we don't actually go extinct, there's no need for it.
Statistically speaking it is virtually impossible that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, or even within just our own galaxy.
However, be mindful that "alien abductions" and UFO sightings are manifestations of the same phenomenon that we once named as fairies and demons. Whether or not it is "supernatural," look into it and decide for yourself.
That picture and the appropriateness of responding with it gave me the best laugh I’ve had in days.
Thanks user.
I think the intended point was this: the object seen in the video in question is so hard to properly describe, that the difference in probability any one explanation may have with others becomes irrelevant as a whole. There are so many unaccounted-for variables in that footage, that if you can easily reject the idea that it's a faulty camera due to the lack of proper supporting evidence, the same happens with it being evidence for extraterrestrial life, since it has nothing supporting it either.
Let's assume that, of the explanations that can be given for what that object is, some extraterrestrial contraption is the most likely (but not proven completely to be the case, obviously). Does it mean we need to accept the conclusion that it is indeed some extraterrestrial contraption because of it? Pretty sure not, because no scientific method has been followed with this at all. As such, not even the most likely explanation holds any weight. That user provided that image and video to attempt to affirm that extraterrestrial life has made it to Earth, or has been close enough to see with our current technology. But it's clear there is nothing to actually support that idea. What is evident is some shadow or figure showing up, flying presumably against the wind, and... that's it. Does it completely disprove that it is evidence of extraterrestrial life? No, it doesn't do that either. That's the issue with this whole thing. It provides basically nothing.
Gamma ray bursts have already been theorized to have hit earth multiple times, one of them possibly already caused an ancient mass extinction.
Yo, real talk, I think there is a higher being that made all this life happen on this planet, and I don't think that necessarily contradicts evolution either, I like to keep it simple: The fact that we're here is so astronomically unlikely, that it's safe to assume an intelligent being has their hands at work. In my opinion no higher being with evolution playing a key part, is less likely than a higher being existing with evolution playing a key part, There's no real point in going into any kind of religious doctrine with this, that would only complicate it.
cool thread frends
Wouldn't I only earn a tip if I were arguing against a god? Not sure how the meme works.
This could all be a simulation, and the real universe we live in is much, much worse.
Also, you are just a brain, inside a skull. Everything you experience is created by your brain. For all you know, reality might not even be real.
You need to wake up.
dumb gooseposter
Now here we have a man of integrity. To add to this point, we'll probably only encounter other sentient life after maybe centuries of concerted interstellar colonisation efforts presuming sub-FTL travel, though it's entirely possible that we may encounter the remains of civilizations that annihilated themselves before reaching the point of interstellar travel. It's possible that another alien race may encounter the remains of our civilization if we never make it off this rock
i don't know if this is cosmic horror but whatever happened to ROUTINE?
We currently believe that our Moon was formed from something massive slamming into earth, and the debris from the initial object, and the debris broken off from our planet, is what coalesced into the Moon. The idea of it happening again is not far fetched, a little scary though.
Absurd, worth thinking about, but absolutely baseless, like last Thusdayism.
Looking up astronomy facts and schooling yourself on the actual vastness of space is indeed a very humbling experience, I remembered seeing clear when watching that pale blue dot video a long time ago. Then again it didn't really work for long since I have very conflicting feelings about the whole "we are insignificant" philosophy. One day I'll be the chillest motherfucker on earth thinking about the grand scale of things, not getting bothered by anything, other times I realize that this is MY small slice of existence and I feel like I should do my best to treasure my infinitesimally small slice of life, so I get bothered by the small things, I get irritated. Other times I'll go into deep depression when thinking abiut the grand scale of things. When are scientists gonna figure out the whole brain man, I wanna be always chill
At the comprehensive scale of the beginning of the universe, I'm not sure logic and cause and effect quite apply any more.
The answer might literally be 'because it couldn't not happen'.
The absolutest raddest theory of black holes I've seen is that singularities don't actually exist, all the matter that gets pulled in beyond the event horizon is being compressed into a "quark star" and the black hole will eventually "rebound" similarly to a supernova event. But we've never observed this (or even had the opportunity to) because the extreme time dilation makes this process take aeons from our frame of reference even though it should happen near-instantly (in astronomical terms) from the reference of the "star"
The prospect of learning "why" the universe exists can only be answered once we learn definitively "how" which suffice to say we probably will never learn fully.
>When are scientists gonna figure out the whole brain man, I wanna be always chill
just smoke weed my dude
so... are there any good cosmic horror games?
Planet with all the tornadoes is actually the least spooky planet
The answer is no, but at least we got this thread.
On the contrary, weed makes me anxious. I want to have an acid trip, but a good one, even though I have no feasible way to procure it for myself. I heard it's excellent for soul searching
Time wouldn't even exist when we're talking about the beginning of things, it's just so incomprehensible to finite beings like us.
>meme horror
>not cosmic adventure
Exploring the wonders of space is better then being scared of it desu. Space is too amazing to shut your eyes from its vast wealth of light and sparkle.
tsukiyomi would be canceled and Madara would get dabbed on
>I heard it's excellent for soul searching
Thats because it fucks your brain up bruh. You went see things the same way again.
Please do elaborate, do you happen to have any experience with it?
Well, the alien franchise is kinda like cosmic horror, and that has some games, also dead space, is a good game, nobody really knows why the marker exists or why it does the things it do, and that's a really good sign of cosmic horror.
Can't really think of anything else, have you read Uzumaki? Really great manga.
Hellstar Remina is also god but it turns into outright comedy by the end, which really threw me off.
All the games involving space are. The moment you realize that everything of value will accelerate apart faster than you can reach it without some FTL hack is when true horror sets in.
Tfw no alien gf
tell me more plz. I wanna play this game but I need to prepare myself first. I've seen the tornado planet, the sand planet(s) and the webms posted in this thread with the sentient goo and black hole looking thing. The black hole looked spooky enough, but not that bad compared to the tornado planet or even fucking around with Space Engine VR. What is the spookiest shit in Outer Worlds in your opinion?
>even ayy lmaos don't want some pathetic anime virgy
yeah, I feel the same sometimes. I guess how you see the world will always vary depending on how you feel, but if you always come back to the same thoughts it means there's something in you that will never change. weird brain shit.
If you're really asking, it's called self-organization, pattern formation or the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction. See this about 15-20 minutes in:
(it's uploaded completely distorted and in poor quality so the algos don't detect it as a BBC documentary and don't automatically remove it for copyright reasons)
Or see:
There's a planet with a wierd seed in its center, that's actually an entrance to a pocket dimension that's just gray and empty.
And if it isn't unnerving enough for you, it's populated by space anglerfishes twice the size of your ship. There's a lot to spoil about it and it's scarier than I made it sound. Every planet is pussy shit in comparison because most of them are actually pretty harmless.
i player kerbal space program and i can assure you that "flying saucers" and shiet DO NOT WORK with the current laws of physics