Does anyone here actually like endurance boss battles?

Does anyone here actually like endurance boss battles?

Attached: demon_of_hatred_header_full.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

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as opposed to what?

I purposefully summon in dark souls games to extend boss lifebars. I wish these games had some kind of boss rush mode and I find the best boss fights to be the multiparter ones with no rest in between.

Nah, you're probably just a shitter. Uninstall your games and go play some casual shit like Farmville.

What's with Lady Butterfly? Phase 2 was exactly the same. Does she just do nothing if you are super aggressive and knock her down?

Yes. If keep her pinned down, she won't have any time to summon phantoms.

Best strat against her.

It took me 4 tries to beat DoH. Wasn't exactly having fun since he was so draining and I had to take long breaks inbetween each attempt. In a game like Sekiro, 6-9 minutes of concentration and moment-to-moment twitch reflexes feels like ages.

i mean, anyone who's played an MMO definitely.
nothing gets my adrenaline going like a good Fafnir, Nidhogg, King Behemoth or T4 ZNM fight in FFXI, especially low-man

Can I put some DoTs and debuffs on them and watch them slowly die?

Dude, just push him down the cliff

No, I much prefer fast fights with little room for error, like pic related.

Attached: Ujinari Mizu.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

>tfw nailing that hyperfast double parry

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Just use the whistle and damage buffs

I don't in particular, but I also think they're somewhat needed to shake things up on occasion.

Attached: fthiscunt.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

As opposed to shitty bursts of pixel-perfect reflexes that rely as much on the game not fucking up technically and your hardware power? Yes.

This. I saved all of my whistle charges for the final phase and holy shit what little he was able to move around for it was still utter bullshit. Back and forth charging in that tiny fire ring arena. No wonder they made him optional.

But DoH is in the most hardware intensive area of the game, a massive field with tons of clutter being rendered while he fills the screen with flashy fire particle effects.

quick intense fights like the pure vessel

Nah, you save whistle for that third phase where he goes apeshit. First two phases aren't bad unless RNG keeps making him charge around. Second phase can be poisoned super easy. It's not really that difficult of a fight (only his fire shotgun arc is bad), just tedious and the camera will fuck you over if he decides to park himself next to a wall. Honestly hated this boss and having to hug his balls.

Got, I hate these fucking barrel hit sounds, why are they still doing this.

I still don't get why so may people had troubles with him, as long as you don't lock on and just fish for his head is really an easy fight

Just run around in circles when the phantoms are on the field, their suicide attack can't hit you if you're sprinting. Then you can just fight her normally.

His AI goes completely apeshit against multiple players so summonshitters get shit on even more.


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In slower paced games, they're fine if the boss is changing things up to keep things interesting. In fast paced and unforgiving games, having a 10+ minute boss fight is just torture.

I’d hardly call this an endurance fight. If he had more than 3 phases, then I’d understand.

It's kinda RNG though. If he's continually running around and you're having to chase him, or if he's running up against a wall, then the fight takes way longer. Sometimes I've beaten him in under 5 minutes, sometimes it takes me more than 10.

Basically. Which is why she's up there with Owl 1 and Ape Escape for fun, constant action bosses that reward mechanics mastery outside of just muh deflects. Gen would be there too if he didn't have the Tomoe phase which is just lightning cheesing.

Yeah he isn't that hard. I guess because he has a lot of health you can't afford to mess up too much. The real problem with Midir is so much of the fight is downtime. He does his big sperg combo and you dodge it and have to chase him for a little while.

It's not a particularly long fight, if you know what you're doing. Same with

Demon of Hatred isn't much of an endurance fight. SS Issun is more of an endurance fight than that considering you need to get everything perfect and any time spent healing means you have to spend even more time fighting. Demon of Hatred dies faster than a fucking red eyed beast.

>lightning cheesing
Lightning deflects are intended mechanics.