What makes the Ps4 so insanely good?

What makes the Ps4 so insanely good?

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It wasn't the Xbox One or Wii U.

This. The only reason it's so popular is because it didn't completely shit itself at launch and thus became the normie console of choice.

sales =/== quality though also fifa

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>DLC is better than the base game

I really was this, in all honesty. Q1 and all the absolute braindead things that came from it is what revived Sony for us sonybros.
If Xbox didn't shit itself I could've seen it reigning still.

If you want to play 8th gen games, you must do so on a PS4

shipped, not sold.

8th gen was the worst console generation of all time, and next gen will be just as bad.

Even though all three got better overtime, PS4 was just extremely lucky after the diaster that was Microsoft's E3.

Why are tendies always quick to seeth? Is it the Söy in their veins?

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Something being commercially successful does not equate it being "good". In fact, very often successful sales are an indication that a product is bad. Normies (the vast majority of the "consumers") are mainly interested in and prefer bad things - be it bad music, bad movies, bad games, etc etc... Sure, sometimes good things manage to become popular with normies as well. But as a general rule, it is crappy shit which sells the best.

How can you say this when the 7th gen and 5th gen exist?

>But as a general rule, it is crappy shit which sells the best.
BotW being the best example


It's brainless fanbase.

nice job, esl gamerlet

>implying soulsborne dlc doesn't always perfectly compliment their base games

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Marketing, that's literally it.

social justice

The truth is that it has good exclusives and multiplats, whereas XBone only has multiplats and Shitch only has exclusives.

Momentum from the PS3 at the end of the last console gen

Microsoft shot themselves in the foot by focusing on Kinect and GaaS

Found the snoys.

It's a good hype machine. PlayStation needs a better structure though. Feels like a lot of their soul has diminished since the PS3 era.
Twenty five years later, and I'm not convinced that PlayStation has hit it's Icarus moment yet. What defines the machine other than marketing and the mouths? Who is Sony's Mario?

it's frustrating tthat bait always has a way of becoming aggravating enough to respond to so long as the baiter does it for long enough

wojaks are cancerous bullshit, calling anyone that doesn't believe in the ps4 being the best console ever a tednie is cancerous bullshit and clearly this has to be bait but just because of the persistence with which it gets posted it remains potent, i guess it really doesn't matter what you bait with so long as you're autistic enough to just screech forever but i do miss the days when trolling was a art, what can one expect from zoomers

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