ITT: Franchises that you are technically a fan of, but have given up on...

ITT: Franchises that you are technically a fan of, but have given up on. I love the classic number Elder Scrolls games (not including spinoff shit). I even like Skyrim. However, I've played through all of the Skyrim quests multiple times in the 8 or so years it's been out and exhausted most of the popular mods. The demand for a new TES game has been here for a while, but as far as I can tell, Bethesda hasn't even started working on the sixth one, and it will likely take another 4-6 years to make even if they do ever get started. I've officially abandoned hope that the next Elder Scrolls game will be released within my lifetime and, even if it is, given Bethesda's track record over the last several years, I've given up hope that it will be any good.

RIP beloved series.

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Pokemon. Back in the third and fourth generations it was great. Colosseum, XD, LGFR, RSE, DPPT, HGSS, that shit was kino. But then it got worse, and it just kept getting worse. And to this day, it's showing no signs of stopping it's decent into the shitter. It's gotten so bad lately that even the worst of the fanboys are finally starting to wake up and realize it. But despite all that, I still consider myself a fan in some capacity, and if they somehow managed to turn it around and make a true current gen worthy Pokemon, I'd be the first in line to buy it.

WoW. Both retail and classic are disgusting for different reasons.
DOTA. Game is beautiful but I just don't have time to practice anymore. Applies to all competitive games to be honest.

Seconded. I bought a 3DS specifically to get in on X/Y, was disappointed. I bought Sun/Moon, but they had verbal diarrhea. Disappointed again. Sword/Shield will be the first generation that I don't buy. Buying Pokemon games feels like it has become a repeated mistake.

The problem is, the revenue that the Pokemon Company makes from the games is trivial compared to what they get from merchandise, so there's little incentive for them to make the games good.

I kind of have up on TES as well. But more because Bethesda had been cutting more and more RPG features rather than waiting.

Hard truth hit me earlier this year. I tried to get in Apex Legends when it came out in March. I thought that I would become one of the more experienced players because I got on board early. In reality, there's no way that an adult man with a full time job can compete with the teenagers and unemployed who seem to have endless hours to play.

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Fallout. 4 burned bad, and 76 is so terrible that it's the first one I haven't bought.

Animal Crossing, but I admit I am cautiously optimistic for the next one

FPBP. Although I vouch for Gen 5 being good games

What’s really awful is that I think the art in Gen 8 is still pretty good, but the game itself is looking to be a strict downgrade from Gen 7 in many ways

> the art in Gen 8 is still pretty good
Maybe if you're comparing it to an N64 game. But the game looks like trash even by Switch's lower standards. The textures are appalling and look like they were ripped out of a PS2 game

If BotW 2 is just more BotW with zero of that game's issues fixed up then Zelda is dead to me.

Mass Effect. Andromeda was the final nail in the coffin.

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Oh, of course. I meant the designs.

The awful graphics and lazy animations are part of the reason I’ll never play it.

Fallout. 4, 76 and likely any future game will be garbage even 3 wasn’t great

I at least have hope for Zelda. They radically reinvent the franchise constantly, so the open world survival shit is probably just a phase.

Mount & Blade, I guess. I honestly can't even bring myself to care about Bannerlord at this point. Even just 2 years ago, I was incredibly hyped for the game, but all that excitement has completely left me in the time since. I recently saw a dev diary for the game, where the devs announced a closed-beta multiplayer-only demo and said the game was "still far from feature complete" after however fucking many years in development. I was honestly a little disgusted.

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Anything touched by bethesda


After Sekiro I realized the genre just can't be very innovative and still keep what made DeS and DaS great.

Unreal, but really it's been dead for over a decade. I just want a game that gives you the same kind of wonder the first one did by exploring a beautiful alien world with an interesting people.
I've recently got back into TES and still can't say I'm looking forward to 6. The chance they don't dumb shit down or just make bad decisions is nill.
This too
SwSh just doesn't seem very good at all really, the designs seem like a huge step down compared to the last 2 gens which were pretty good in my mind.
I honestly didn't mind gen 7, at least sun and moon cause I didn't fall for the ultra games. The cutscenes didn't bother me personally but they were pretty bad, I was just impressed by the difficulty increase from gen 6 which was laughably, stupidly easy.
I think the first thing to really damage my love for the games was the reveal of no abilities in lgpe.
There was no reason to do that, none at all.
Even with all that's happened, I still find Pokemon themselves, the world, and the old games themselves a lot. No matter how bad the new games get, the old ones will still be good and enjoyable, and the chance for great romhacks will always be there.

>The chance they don't dumb shit down or just make bad decisions is nill.
Just look at FO76, TES Blades and other recent Bethesda publisher releases. They’re worse than EA at this point. Their last three games have been unanimously considered garbage.

> No matter how bad the new games get, the old ones will still be good and enjoyable, and the chance for great romhacks will always be there.
This. They can fuck up the franchise as much as they want, but that doesn't change the decade's worth of great Pokemon games that still exist and are playable to this day.

this series has declined to the point where "catching 'em all" is no longer a thing, the main games are worse than your average compile heart or gust games, and spinoffs have been replaced by mobile gacha shit. despite this, pokemon will continue to make billions because the overwhelming majority of the fanbase has no standards. there is no hope for it to ever get better.
>3d zelda
wind waker was shit, twilight princess was shit, skyward sword was atrocious. and then aonuma threw out any good qualities the series had left so he could copy the ubishit formula like the rest of the industry. it got rave reviews anyway, and it attracted a legion of fanboys who can't accept criticism and hate the rest of the series. now the next zelda game is a botw asset flip that will be inspired by the boring "cinematic experience" that was rdr2. it's obvious that 3d zelda isn't for me anymore, so i'm done with it. i'll come back when they decide to make real dungeons again instead of empty sandboxes.
>main-series final fantasy
final fantasy has been going downhill since x, but ffxv was the ultimate confirmation that square has no idea what they're doing with the series anymore. i'll still play the ff7 remake, i'll still play the spinoffs, but other than that, i'm done.
this one is weird, because i don't think the games have gotten worse at all. the community and the culture surrounding the games, on the other hand, have become so awful that i'm just sick of the whole series. competitivefags, rosterfags, and wannabe "insiders" have taken something that was supposed to be fun and made it a tiresome slog.

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> twilight princess is shit
Mostly accurate comment except this. TP is peak Zelda. Wind Waker and Skyward Sword weren't completely awful either, just mediocre. The franchise didn't REALLY jump the shark until BOTW

All of the Blizzard franchises

Of course it can? All it need is a fucking setting and story. All the exploration, gear, stats, combat can be reused ad vitam eternam and will always be a masterpiece

I know what you mean OP, I guess I'd consider elder scrolls one of my favorite game series, but when I really sit down and analyze each game individually I can come to the conclusion that they're very mediocre

Gears of War

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Died at the BF3.

Castlevania, there will probably never be another new game let alone another good game. Lords of Shadow sucks.

How can you be a fan of 3D Zelda if you only like 2 out of the 6 games in the series? Seems like you're more of a fan of those particular games not the series itself.

probably you already did, but play bloodstained

>I've officially abandoned hope that the next Elder Scrolls game will be released within my lifetime
What? Are you like 80 or something?

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Deus Ex, but I hate to think about it as a "franchise".

The original game is my perfect game, I love it to bits. Invisible war felt like a mediocre console spinoff. Human revolution was a fun game, Mankind Divided a bit less so, but both of these games might as well be called Prey 2 and 3. It's as if the devs would like to make their own thing, but are shackled to the IP by the publisher.