based and objectively true
unovafags don't (You) me
Hey, you're alright. Dont come to school tomorrow.
BW2 is better then emerald and HGSS.
Where did all these gen 3 fags come from? Emerald is good, but everyone acts like it's some sort of masterpiece when it's just a slight improvement on Ruby/Sapphire.
you stupid men
Where's platinum
Unironically believing Emerald > Platinum (or really any release since besides let's go or sumo) is just pure nostalgiafagging
Emerald is shit, play a real game like BW+2
shit youre right
Platinum is better than emerald but despite being a sequel it was pretty much the exact same thing which left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths. Objectively, yes it is a little better but gen 3 carried so much excitement from being a big step up from it's predecessor while gen 4 did not.
You're alright today, OP.
Gen 3-4 was probably the biggest step up from one gen to the next, mostly due to the introduction of wireless communications and the GBA port mechanics
The graphics looked nearly identical and the only significant gameplay change was the physical/special split which most casual players didn't even notice at the time. As a kid playing gen 4 it was really disappointing.
Gen 3 was a shit sequel to gen 2. So many features removed and less content
The battle frontier is what did it for me
Kanto in gen 2 wasn't content. It was basically just a cameo. It was a really cool cameo yeah but there was no depth to it.
Is PMD dead fellas?
I really don’t know how to feel about SPMD being the send off, I just want another game with sprites back and I’ll be satisfied.
truth. just on the faster battle system alone.
HGSS is soooooo sloooooowwww
>no BW2
>no platinum
>p/s split
These two changes were huge back then. Meanwhile gen 3 was cutting shit from gen 2
>BW2 is better then emerald
>and HGSS
The big three is mainline games are Platinum/HGSS/BW2.
Casual players don't care about p/s split or online.
Is that...? No. not gonna ask
>explorers of sky
Nigger.. that's not even the best DUNGEON game let alone a good game.
How is a whole region with 8 more gyms and hours of extra gameplay not content?
>casual players don't care about not having to carry around a fucking link cable
You're a retard
A gutted region
Even if it is gutted (which, especially in the DS versions, is pretty minimal) how is it not extra content
gen 2 kanto is gutted.
PMD and Hoenn are fucking garbage
It's HGSS, PT, and BW2
Even if it is gutted (which, especially in the DS versions, is pretty minimal) how is it not extra content
Because I'd rather have 8 good gyms then 16 gyms with trash level scaling
>It's not extra content because I don't like it
You're a faggot