>Hyper Light Drifter (GOTY 2016)
>Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden(Good XCOM clone)
You have literally ZERO excuse not to download these great games, It's literally FREE!! THANKS TIM!
Other urls found in this thread:
>You have literally ZERO excuse not to download these great games, It's literally FREE
dog shit at your local park is free too
You'll have to try harder than that
I could just pirate them and not have to deal with another launcher, that's also free.
Yeah, free to broadcast your bank details to an apartment in Shenzhen.
you're right, I should just give my information directly to the Chinese government, thanks Tim!
Have both on steam and both were part of humble bundles
We are so fucked no matter what path we choose.
Honestly retards. I still have not spent a cent on the epic store. I still never gave my credit card Info. What excuse do you fucking have except taking gabe's dick down your throat for having store loyalty.
I don't want another launcher for a game I'll play once then never touch again because you can't download them more than once anyway. Free games are nice and all but I can just pirate those without giving my information to a shady company.
I literally have over 600 games on steam and installed epic on my computer for some free games. They still have nothing on the store I want to purchase. But if one day some. Shit like bloodborne shows up I will buy it. I don't understand retards having store loyalty.
>can't download them more than once
What is this shit?
Can I get non meme answers why Epic game store is bad? People are mad they have to install 2 launchers? How is that worse than uplay or origin?
I got Hyper Light Drifter free already, and Mutant Zero wasn't interesting enough for me to buy it for $6 when it was on sale.
Owned by chinks and strong arming themselves in by buying up exclusives instead of providing a better service.
Isn't everything owned by the chinese nowadays?
if you uninstall a free game on EGS, you can't download it again
They are just fucking retarded.
100% bet
They have
>discord installed
Console war exclusives on PC where such a thing didn't exist for the last 12 years, or for the entire lifespan of PCs if you ignore the two years where Valve paid for exclusives before deciding it was a bad standard and has had no exclusives since.
Also chinko*ds
>How is that worse than uplay or origin?
it's not but I don't use those either
There's no reason to console war if you can get both for free.
Better not go to your Lowes or AMC theater!! They are owned by Wanda group which is Chinese investors!!! Oh no retard!!!
yes, user, some people draw the line at five fucking stores. Shocking, I know.
Everything you buy at Walmart was made by chinks.
I don't live in America so I don't know what those things are.
alright, I won't
>gives good games for free
>still not going to purchase anything from that shitty "store"
Fuck off Zhang.
I dunno, I gave up a few months ago when I saw I missed gungeon.
Really? I had no idea. Isn't the game attached to your account? What happens if you need to reinstall it?
is this bullshit?
Because it's not 2 launchers. Like you yourself pointed out, for most people it's the fifth or sixth launcher. It's like the current splitting of all the streaming subscription services, eventually you just say "I don't need all these."
You absolutely can, I've done it twice or so.
>get both for free
I completely understand that looking to the future is something almost incomprehensible for niggers, but you need to understand that Tim isn't going to just stop with a simple storefront. He is pushing hard on all paths and options.
Epic Premium is coming, to match all the other console features it is implementing.
Your account can be locked and flagged for potential fraudulent activity if you buy too many games too fast since the store doesn't have a shopping cart.
I already have those games
Except you don't pay for launchers.
Better not shop at shop rite Chinese investors own many shares in it. Oh no retard!!!
You better stop using your computer many of its components are owned by Chinese investors! Oh no retard! Better smash it!!
They're also free on gazellegames, whats your point?
There was a big issue about that.
Youtuber SidAlhpa has more info on it as he broke the story. but in a nutshell. yeah the store client is buggy. and will remove the games from your account if you uninstall them as they sometimes don't count the redeemed games as actual purchases or in some cases, you can accidentally create a duplicate log in and the new account with the old email will have no games.
Annoying marketing anti-steam campaign.
I used other stores for exclusive, but I would never use Epic after Tim started proclaiming from every corner of internet how his store is superior. Fuck you, Tim.
but it's still a pain to either have six launchers running at once, or have to remember your login information for six different launchers.
>mediocre XCOM clone
If they're DRM-Free and I can open them after installation without needing to open EGS ever again I might bite and make a dummy account.
Pretty sure that's not going to happen, though.
That is the most retarded shit I ever heard.
My excuse is that I don't want to download a launcher for 2 games
I dont play fartnite
>some people don't want six different launchers clogging up their computer
So it's a unintentional bug? I would assume it is fixed by now.
i can torrent them for free without some shitty launcher
ONE launcher is already too many. Stop being a disgusting DRM apologist.
Shut up. Steam is just as bad and I was just as vocal about gabe's idiocy. Timmy Tencent don't get an excuse.
Why are you running them all at once? As for passwords, just save your login information and use a password manager like everyone else does.
fuck off shill
Hyper Light Drifter is actually just kind of bad though. I was pretty disappointed in it.
thanks to this I stopped buying indie games.
So 5 is fine... But 6 AH FUCK TOO MANY!
So fucking stupid
>save your login information
>Epic doesn't implement ANY security
>500 pajeets and hackers try to steal your info and your email
Nice system you got there.
Maybe epic should consider shaqing up with amazon
Hopefully, that story is about 3 weeks old.
but news came out last week as epic store failed to reach is monthly goals. They where suppose to have Cloudsaves before august.
6 fine 7 TOO MANY
mutant has to much feminist pandering in the story and character designs.
I wonder if this deal is the reason why hyper light drifter is still so expensive on psn
sometimes you just gotta say enough is enough.
MYZ is actually a really good game, just a bit short.
Dunno about the other one, though.
Nothing is ever free. If you're not the customer, then you're the product.
Some people really don't remember what it was like back when every game had literally its own launcher program. And then Steam came out and everyone hated it for changing it. Now we have like 5 and they're all optional but people shit the bed over it.
>Hyper Light Drifer
Been on Steam for years now, everyone who wanted it got it there by now.
>Mutant Year Zero
Isn't it actually a high budget but shitty X-COM clone?
>Epic doesn't implement ANY security
Just FYI to anybody that you can remove the Epic portal when you add the game through Steam and then you don't have to launch Epic.
What part of you braindead fanboys can't comprehend that we want LESS drm? Your job as a developer is to give me a reason to buy your game, as opposed to just pirating it. If you make me install some bloated POS just to play your game, I'm gonna take to the high seas.
I wouldn't call it either high budget or particularly shitty. It's just meh.
>there exists 5 different launchers
>therefore everyone uses them all
I only have exactly one launcher installed on my computer and I intend to keep it that way for as long as I can.
>blatant shill post
what makes a person do this?
I mean how attached do you actually have to get to come to a board and make a post like this?
Why are you trying to make steamdrones come to epic? They love drowning in shit so why brother, you cant reason with someone who spends money to level up his gamer Facebook account
or I could just not use launchers that have zero games I'm interested in
>almost no features that steam and other stores have
>paying for exclusives is a scummy practices that should stay on consoles and that fact alone easily warrant a boycott
>40% owned by tencent
>made money by selling microtransactions to kids with fortnite
>pretend to help developers with a smaller cut while all the excess money will go to shareholders, as always
>windows exclusive
>claims to have nothing against steam, but they clearly want to kill steam as they only target games on steam and leave windows store and gog alone despite them having the same cut as steam
These are among my reasons to not install this shit. I'm probably forgetting a lot, don't kid yourself, EGS is not just another launcher, they're anti consumer.
I don't care about having another launcher though. I already have 6 installed, there's no stopping this bs at this point.
>Your job
>your game
>you make me
>your game
you alright there champ? I don't care what you do, doesn't affect me at all.
>They love drowning in shit
sounds like they'd be right at home on EGS then
By all means, it's optional. Why would you go out of your way to use Steam as a launcher if it didn't have any games you were interested in? Don't be a dunce.
Remember a few years ago when news came that WB was working on their own launcher and the fear was that everyone would have their own launcher? We're reaching that point.
I'm the customer, I'm always right. If I demand that you remove all DRM from your store and give me your games, you as a storefront do it with a smile.
There is to be no compromise with corporate scum.
Didn't Tim also congratulate gog at one point saying the multi store future is here while also putting Steam on blast demanding Valve lower their sale cut?
Downright bad xcom clone honestly. More of a bad stealth game than anything.
I have all of those installed, sans Uplay. Now give me one good reason why I should use another one.
>you remove
>your store
>your games
>you do it with a smile
are you having an aneurysm or delusional fit? do you think you're talking to sweeney himself or something? We're shitposting on Yea Forums, lad.
Just kidding, this is Todd Howard. Buy Skyrim now.
you know kids have a choice in if they buy fortnite skins right? And how are fortnite comsetics anyworse than rainbow six seige where you have to buy every character.
and stop virtue signaling faggot
>You have literally ZERO excuse not to download these great games, It's literally FREE!!
Already on it lad, Thanks for the reminder.
It has games you like, that's the only reason to use ANY store or launcher. If it doesn't, then don't.
>(Good XCOM clone)
>people complaining you mainly have to sneak around picking enemies off one by one in a non-xcom more free moving isometric view and avoiding large battles
I almost bought it thinking it was like nu-xcom then I saw that and said fuck it. It's not like xcom.
Mainly used for talking, pretty much made teamspeak and all that stuff obdolete. Hardly counts.
People installing that are indeed retards.
The absolutely onlyway to play online bliz games. Nobody has it installed unless they play those few games.
Literally the best store, ofc people have it.
A necessity because notevery game is on gog. It also has supporting features.
No selfmade games except Fortnite. If you don't fare about it there is absolutely no reason to have that store as everything else gets provided by the others. The only games not provided by steam on EGS are those they got via underhanded tactics. The store not only lacks the supporting features others gave but it also lacks basic functions like a shopping cart.
The "good" thing about them is they are responsible to bringing some console games to PC. But so far those "games" were only Heavy Rain, Detroit and the third movie from the same dev.
EGS brings absolutely nothing to the table ifyou dom't care about Fortnite.
Already pirated HLD and don't care about the other one
You're shitposting maybe. But I have nothing but complete disdain for anyone who licks the boot of a corporation.
Entirely your choice.
Give me a reason a publisher has to launch their game on Steam.
whats your steambook level bro, do you have any tranny friends you RP with?
>do you think you're talking to sweeney himself or something?
The way he crawls the Internet defending my store, you might well be.
The reason these launchers exist is becuase those publishers/developers don't want to pay 30% on a storefront on a platform as open as the PC. As much as different launchers suck, as long as they have cloud saves or free games, I don't mind.
It's fucking hilarious how Epic-Failure is so desperate for customers, they have to resort to literally bribing them with free games, and people STILL won't download that shitty Chinese spyware.
>No selfmade games except Fortnite.
UT: Am I nothing to you?
I don't know what any of those words mean
Oh look another individualist faggot who thinks he has complete control over his decisions. And why are you bringing up Rainbow 6?
>they're not mine, go ahead
did someone jam an .exe file up your ass or something, is that why you're worked up about them?
It's nothing to Epic.
Of those I only use Steam and GOG.
I see no reason to install GOG's client when their selling point is no DRM.
Honest response.
Worse features and anti consumer practices. Includes but not limited to sub par friends system, limited currencies based on your localization (preventing these regions to buy games period), no cart, vague refund policy, buggy launcher, and obviously the whole exclusivity thing.
They are also privacy concerns but are not really proven, so I'll leave it up to you, do your own research and decide for yourself on this topic.
it is to Epic, that's for sure
>The reason these launchers exist is becuase those publishers/developers don't want to pay 30% on a storefront on a platform as open as the PC
So they want a better cut. Cool. And how do I benefit from this?
>devs refuse to stop cutting out content to sell as DLC later
>games still full priced, sometimes even higher since EGS doesn't handle regional transactions the same, I'm the one footing the bill for any extra costs
Oh okay. So they get more money, but I'm paying more anyway. I'm sure they'll thank me at least for biting the bullet for them.
>"go fuck yourselves gamers, your'e all toxic entitled cunts and I hope you die"- t. game dev
oh.... I fail to see how I benefit from this then.
Why would they be desperate for customers with a confirmed minimum of 250,000,000 accounts?
;_; It isn't fair, bros.
>UT: Am I nothing to you?
Tim: The fuck are you?
>calls people steamcels and steam drones for not supporting epic
>"o-of course I don't care, go ahead and pirate the games"
I'll make sure to torrent them, thanks Tim!
I can download them without egs, thanks for asking.
>UT: Am I nothing to you?
Tim certainly feels that way.
>hy a
IDK how retarded you were where when you were the age of most fortnite kids but no is getting bullied autist.
and I brought up siege because you criticize epic while ignoring actual pay to win shit
I use the client because I'm lazy about updates
Already own Hyper Light Drifter, don't care for Mutant Year Zero.
>two actually good free games
Yeah, I'm thinking Tiananmen Square Massacre is based
user, reread my posts. My advice is just to use launchers with games you're interested in on them. Nothing more or less. I literally could not care less what you personally use. I haven't even typed the words "steamcel" or "steam drone" lad. I just think it's stupid that people get mad over launchers. Imagine calling someone a bootlicker for encouraging you to pirate games? I can't. You're literally making shit up to be mad over now.
Was Hyper Light Drifter updated with content added in the Switch version?
because the majority of those are on console and mobile, and the majority of the portion on PC are literal children with no money, and who don't care about most other video games anyway.
I honestly have no idea what you tried to write in the first half, did you have a stroke?
And criticizing something doesn't mean excusing its concurrence, I also hope ubisoft dies.
>I just think it's stupid that people get mad over launchers
aka corporate bootlicking. People have a right to get mad over anything they want when they're the ones paying the money, or having their data mined by corporate malware.
>I haven't even typed the words "steamcel" or "steam drone" lad
you just did
No one was talking about Siege.
They've always been free, you faggoty bilge rat
yeah, because no one has ever criticized Ubisoft and everyone sees them as the perfect company
got me there
kek, get as mad as you like
If you hate all the launchers and DLC, feel free to pirate the games. Hell, the only reason I have uPlay and Origin installed is because they gave me a lot of free games.
You actually made me check for UT. The last game was released in 2008. Not even Epic cares much about it and personally I think the only good entry in that series was the classic one anyway.
After 11 years they decided to make a new UT, but this looks more like a sesperate attempt to get some selfmade games they can put on EGS besides Fortnite so people will finally give a shit about their store.
Problem is, there's probably a reason why no UT released in the last 10 years and from what I gathered the new Quake didn't do to good either. Zoomers don't much care avout tose kind of games.
>nobody has ever brought up legitimate concerns against EGS
>*someone does just that*
>lol fuck off steam drone just pirate it if you're so butt hurt
So this is the arguing power of an EGS fan.
oh user i have bad news for you, the new UT you see there on EGS actually predates fortnite. Nobody played it though, so they abandoned it and went with Fortnite instead.
I don't use EGS.
>I don't like thing
>don't use thing then
>okay, get mad
because even fucking origin is better than that shit and only game i got on it are dead space and mass effect
i try to avoid splitting my backlog as much as possible
>I don't like thing
>don't use thing then
That's not how this thread went.
>hey guys, epic is the best launcher ever!
>I disagree
And it's been like this for the past 500 EGS shill threads. I'm about sick of it.
>ITT literally mentally ill steam shills may maying about bad tim and sucking gabens fat jew dick
you lost just get over it holy shit, its embarrassing and exhausting
Then stop responding to them? I haven't done any of the shit that's apparently pissed your pants and made you mad, just called you an idiot, lad.
>Then stop responding to them?
That would be a good idea if they didn't regularly flood the board with 50+ threads about how much they hate steam.
must suck being mysteriously forced to respond to every shitposting thread on the designated shitting board, lol
Well read the OP it's about video games, there is 0 shilling. Tim is giving out free games not my problem when mentally ill steam drones seething about it.
>Epic Games
that alone is enough. I am not letting the Chinese have easy access to my computer
I don't respond to every one, but every thread I do like posting in gets 404'd because of all the spam.
Tim keeps winning
It's all so tiresome
Go back to Twitter Tim.
>missed Moonlighter by an hour because I forgot that I even had it installed
Only installed it in the first place for free Subnautica and Axiom Verge. Then got Hades for $7 during their infamous sale. Missed some other free games because I keep forgetting its even there, but that's all I'll ever use it for. Once they run out of free games, and I've played all the games I care to play that I didn't already have from Humble Bundles or steam sales, its gone. Hades is literally the only reason I haven't already uninstalled.
Fuck all this 'exclusivity' garbage. I know its probably some bullshit about licensing and more likely just money grubbing, but why can't all these games that are being made EGS exclusive just launch simultaneously on Steam? Or come out and say that its temporarily exclusive like consoles have been doing for years. Other than the obvious issues, that's been my primary concern since the start. I mean, more than half of the games were damn kickstarter/patreon funded anyways, so many of them are literally shooting themselves in the foot by putting their crap only on one storefront and getting pissy when people ask you why, losing even more customers.
>streamdrones so scared that they start lying
thanks Tim!
like clockwork
>Mutant year zero road to eden
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden Seed of Evil\ZoneUE4\Binaries\Win64
can someone explain to me the plugin.dll and the link to DMM lab and also the cURL.exe.
just look it up.
Moonlight is fucking garbage anyway.
>xcom clone
What is this a nu-com clone or an xcom clone?
Dude you cant sell shit to fortnite players. Those fortnite kids, it is all they do. These kids arent like TF2 children on steam, they at least would buy and try other games. Fortnite zoomies though? It's all they know.
Nu-com clone. But very simplified like Hard West.
>Log on to EGS
>O.P is a cocksucking lying faggot
look at the comments for the rest (20 reasons)
I love how corporations (yes you) love throwing around numbers, pretending they actually mean anything
>Skewed numbers
>Fake account padding
>multi-plat games
You're on here every week--give it up, no one like your shitty store.
And the sad part is, you might have had a fighting chance if you didn't make games exclusive to your store the way you did. Consumers aren't dumb--even the most brain-dead Mac user can tell when they're getting fucked over by Apple and their shitty business practices--how is this any different.
God, how pathetic your life must be to troll forums for the Chinese overlords.
It starts on the 15th.
post yfw you never spent a single cent on the epic store
Why don't y fucking lurk more retard, this board would be so much better if it took Yea Forums example and told dick suckers like you to fuck off right away, reporting the thread.
>not xcom
>hld not remotely a good game
yes, thank you tim, more trash please, china's primary export anyways
lol i dont though, try again retard
Mutant is kinda disappointing. You finish the game right when it's actually starting to pick up. And it's not that long either. Very short. Plus, its kinda samey on the combat front.
Can't speak for Drifter, didn't play it.
>always make sure to claim my free games just to run epic out of money that much faster
Do your part, lads. They do have to pay for those game keys they give out.
I am against paying for exclusives as i feel that every store should be allowed to stand out with it's features and not because they pay the developers, so i don't support epic, i just want all these games to be on GOG