According to a majority of Yea Forums if Nu-Doom doesn't play exactly like the classic games it's instantly a shit doom...

>According to a majority of Yea Forums if Nu-Doom doesn't play exactly like the classic games it's instantly a shit doom game.

I don't understand this logic. Just because Nu-Doom plays differently doesn't make it bad. It's still a fun as fuck game to play, and Doom Eternal looks to be just as enjoyable too. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad.

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I honestly couldn't see doom in a better place right now, what with how often other older franchises get murdered (halo)
They seem to be putting the gameplay first, and the designs of just about everything is beautiful.

Nah, focusing around playing with pinatas like you're at a kid's party is what made it bad. At least Doom Eternal went farther with it and actually looks fun. Walking into a room, firing 2 shots at an enemy so you can watch an animation, rinse and repeat is just not fun.
All they really had to do was attach those animations to the fist and chainsaw ONLY, similar to original DOOM but different enough to be "badass and brutal" or whatever.
I tried to play it, it was just not fun, I found myself falling back to DOOM just to feel something. That and the fact you couldn't fill the screen with enemies just made it fall short in too many ways.
Like I said though, Eternal looks pretty good.

Thank god for that.

Eternal looks to be one of the best in the series. Without a doubt.

follow closely so I don't lose you: something playing differently is bad, when those differences make the mechanics worse. nu-doom is trash. I genuinely believed it was a return to form, because that's what everyone said. then I played the game itself.
it's a dull wave-shooter where you move between boxy over-greebled rooms waiting for the same handful of enemies to spawn in and then being forced to defeat them all so you can progress. it's supposedly streamlined doom and yet key hunting is even more tedious and boring than the original because every fucking environment is just a copy-pasted blast-furnace or red canyon dotted with grey bullshits. enemy placement was basically DooM's entire design but nu-doom is content to just make them materialize wherever.
the story is also warm dogshit. doom sure as fuck never needed that much embarassingly bad writing. 'the doom slayer', fucking seriously? everyone creamed themselves over doomguy smashing his radio because he didn't care about the plot, but the game still makes you stand in place while a voice monologues at you over and over.
it's also creatively bankrupt. they brought nothing cool to the table, and all their design changes were for the worst. the new demon designs are generic edgy garbage.
basically if someone loves nu-doom you can safely disregard anything they have to say about FPS because they're a basic bitch who jumped aboard the hype train, just like they were told to.

Considering there are only two nu-Dooms that's not much of an accomplishment.

you are seething lol
calm down you retarded sperg, there are 6 official doom games before eternal

The second you re-use a title to overwrite the old one you stop being part of that original series.
99% of the games that do this are trash, coincidence?

>it's also creatively bankrupt. they brought nothing cool to the table
Going by your wall of text, I'd say you would have bitched even if they did.

>doom isn't a part of the doom series
really makes you think

>Just because Nu-Doom plays differently doesn't make it bad
yes it does motherfucker, if I want a painkiller like game I can just play painkiller and serious sam

Hmm, if they had fixed one of his complaints he would still have a ton of other complaints, thanks for that input einstein.

No it doesn't.

One thing that will redeem all the negatives of the nu-doom games for me is if eternal and anything after it have fully featured mod tools and not just the snap map trash from 2016

As much as I love the modding community I don't see why that's necessary. Doom 64 and Doom 3 were standalone classic games. What's wrong with Nu-Doom being standalone games as well?

I don't have an issue with Nu-Doom being it's own standalone game series, I just feel that modding is one of those things where it can elevate the game if the community is there. Also Doom 3 had modding support and is even open source.

Not only did both of those get plenty of attention from the modding community, why would that ever be a bad thing?

Yeah but Nu-Doom really didn't need it. It's already considered a phenomenal edition to the series by Doom fans even in the modding community. Modding would be just be considered a bonus.

The snap map trash was actual a nice idea, but never left the state of that. It was just poorly made.

This reads like a shill.
How much of Yea Forums is shilling these days I wonder?

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You think everyone who doesn't think negative of games you don't like are shills.

Same response EVERYTIME

Why do you even care so much if people like shit that you don't?

shut the fuck up nigger

Most of the responses in this thread are from OP, you can tell by the fact they offer nothing to discussion, just empty troll posts that refuse to believe anyone could dislike this game. Ironic since he already acknowledged how no one likes it in the first post.

>something playing differently is bad, when those differences make the mechanics worse. nu-doom is trash
You lead of that rant by making it clear that you have nothing worthwhile or reasonable to say. Then you don't actually form any arguments, only make a bunch of subjective statements, not even touching on the actual reasl issues with the game. Instead you just copypaste in things people that don't even understand the game (or are just flat out wrong) say.

Do you really expect anyone to give a shit about this post? Form actual arguments with better understanding behind them if you plan to cockily lead off your post with "follow closely" when even you couldn't do that for the game itself.

You know, you dont have to glory kill everyone user.

Play on nightmare or ultra, no hud, old doom view, no glory kills glow on enemy and have fun with that.

>accusing people of shilling
Every single person that does this is a retard.

Well you keep making the same retarded statement for sitations that are not even remotely shill like.
Seriously, idiots like you have even accused people that start of threads by shit talking a game with "this is a shill post".
A shill wants to convert people into buying a product. If they can't do that then they're wasting their time. Shilling on Yea Forums is already a stupid as fuck idea, because people here are far too close-minded (like you).
But if you were to shill then you would try and form basic easy to understand arguments while throwing in some some minor concessions like "yeah, the performance is a bit shit, but..." to make it come off more natural and convincing.

It's actually really easy to spot shills, yet you clearly suck balls at it.

By your standards, when we are hyped for a game that you aren't, we shills.

Thats retarded.

>reddit spacing

Glory kills are optional and tie into the whole idea of aggression being the key to victory.
From how enemies aim become worse the faster you move to yes the glory kills. They also want it to be more nitty gritty and up close, so thinks like berserk is melee, glory kills are melee, the chainsaw, two shotguns (w. the super one being very close range), plasma's overheat (and it being easier to hit enemies when close-mid range), etc.

What a comeback.

Thats all?

Yeah, standing still and clutching their heads is definitely not the dead give-away, with or without glow. And since you only need to focus on no more than 4-5 enemies at a time, they stick out like a sore thumb.