>You'll never hear someone go "We need a tank" in this role based shooter
how did valve do it?
>You'll never hear someone go "We need a tank" in this role based shooter
how did valve do it?
cause no one takes tf2 seriously and no one communicates in chat anyways
They call the tank a Heavy. "We need a heavy"
No forced interactions between specific classes. Any class can deal with any other class.
no shields
no special bullshit abilities that come out in 0 seconds
burst movement options require a windup (jetpack) or hp+ammo (blast jumping)
hp pools carefully tuned to the dps/burst potential of all weapons
but it's mostly the no shield thing
fuck shields
Yeah, you always hear "MEEEEDIIIC" instead. But I like being a medic, so that's all right
because tanks fundamentally make no sense in a multiplayer pvp format as they were originally devised to interact with an arbitrary aggro mechanic that only exists when AI is involved
"tanks" only exist in blizzard games because blizzard horribly wrangles their games to create these obtrusive walking game design disasters like reinhardt. even they aren't really tanks, they're just really durable supports that don't heal
In casuals sure. Competitive is protecting your demoman from Scouts who can shit on him super easy
>go ninja flanking Heavy, basically a fatter Pyro with an even quicker TTK
>medic keeps complaining how I’m not on the frontlines to be his uber bitch despite the rest of the team pushing forward well enough
Medics are consistently the whiniest players I’ve met, tied with Soldiers and ahead of Sniper's
Competitive is not tf2. The "competitive" team sizes are lower than the game was designed for (12) therefore, ironically, you can't use tf2's failed comp mode as an argument for balance
>competitive TF2
>the game was designed for (12)
the game was developed with a team size of 8
wish they implemented that in casual, 12v12 is way too many people
maybe bump it to 9 if you really need to so you can theoretically do 1 of every class
there's three shields user
That's a shit medic. You should be healing anyone pushing forward, and supporting your team's most aggressive players with an uber when needed, independantly of class.
Except scouts, fuck them.
I just assume players like them are the type who think a good game is a complete and utter curbstomp via a constant forward march through the enemy defenses
And also they probably go Friendly on 2fort in their downtime, which might I add is fucking boring and is your obligation to crash with a crit flamethrower
TF2 focuses on passive role enforcement. "Tanks" don't have things like shields or activated abilities, they only exist as tanks by virtue of characters like Soldier or Heavy having superior health pools to the other characters but only numerically so. There's no equivalent to "shield points" or "armor points" like Overwatch's tank characters, for example so a demoman hitting a scout or a soldier will do the same amount of damage, just that the scout will be far closer to death than the soldier. Likewise for what's functionally a mobile chokepoint, a sentry gun. A dedicated uber(which charges much faster than a hero shooter ultimate) can tear through it, or even just someone running distraction while a spy makes a play, hitting the saps and assassinating anyone that can remove it, or at least disabling the sentry long enough for an ally to rush in and blast it to pieces. This all goes down in seconds. Nobody has to wait for ultimates to bowl the enemy down, and also you are penalized for dying since a medic won't keep his uber(most of the time) so there's this secondary metagame, denying medics on both teams an effective uber use.
TF2 is also much faster and has a much lower TTK than hero shooters. Even an overhealed heavy or soldier will go down in seconds from a concentrated barrage.
Mean and median health is also far more sensibly distributed. Combat classes besides Scout have far more health, with the scout gaining superior mobility and his scattergun to compensate.
To sum it all up, because the gameplay and combat is much faster and the gameflow is more dependent on your FPS skills than number crunching, TF2 avoids rigidly enforcing the offense/defense/support trinity.
>"Any class can deal with any other class"
>"Well yes that's true if the players are bad or if nobody is actually trying in casual games"
The TF2 version of asking for durable combatants is telling your teammates to stop being fuckin' useless as spies/snipers.
>Medics are consistently the whiniest players I’ve met
As a medic, its usually soldiers for me that whine the most
>Medic wtf why arent you pocketing me while I rocket jump all over the map
>Medic why arent you landing cross map crossbow bolts directly on me when Im trying to melee this pyro
>Medic why am I not getting the kritz that demo only got 4 kills with it
Like goddamn every other pub has this exact soldier
I wish the TF team would implement a Highlander mode where you choose what class you want before queuing up but I doubt they'd be competent enough to make it work well
Yes exactly. If I'm a demoman and you're playing scout you're supposed to stand still and let me land bodyshot pipes on you, fucking tryhard autist.
Those shields are nothing compared to the sticky launcher.
Heavy and Soldier are the "tanks"
there are hardly enough players for regular competitive mode and even when you find a game after the 20 minute queues the ranks are all over the place. tf2 is an irrelevant dead game that only autist marketplace faggots and third worlders idle in for money
shields as in garage door barriers, you know what i mean
damage mitigation is either entirely personal (bonk, dead ringer) or requires a charge (uber, soldier banner)
>Heavy and Soldier are the "tanks"
>no downside to going all tanks
TF2 thread, you say? Ok Anons who do you main and why?
>go all heavy
>easy sniper/spy bait
you're right about soldier though
Just flick your mouse like a spaz when you're in sniper sightlines
I unironically like shields.
t. splatoon tentabrella main.
TF2's comp mode is not dead due to a lack of players. The lack of players are only a symptom, not the cause. The most glaring issues of the Comp mode is the directx 9.0 restriction. It not only prevents people with directx 8 from joining, if someone using that were to queue up for a match, the other 11 players would never be able to start the match. The point I just made is also why most Comp matches never even start.
>trans-woman is not a real woman, you're a faggot with a dress
How the fuck did Valve get away with it?
>merc with 50 more hp considered as a tank
This is really stupid
one kritz demo wipes your team
>one kritz demo wipes all soldiers
Kritz demo would get heckled to hell and back