Do you still play PS2? And no bitch ass emulators and PS4 remasters but the original one
Do you still play PS2? And no bitch ass emulators and PS4 remasters but the original one
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No. Sold it in 2015. Sometimes I miss it ngl
on occasion, I can't really emulate and there are still exclusives I like on the console like ace combat
Does playing on a bc PS3 count?
Because if so, no.
no, not only is it broken but I don't even have a screen anymore that can take an analog input to plug it in
I do use a bitch ass emulator instead, not that I play much from it anymore. Mostly just the odd thing I hadn't played back then (I don't replay anything, if I replay something it's always from PS1 or earlier)
Yes I do. I like to use my old memory cards. With component cables the video quality is fine. At some point, if it breaks I'll stop though.
Free McBoot + OPL, loading games from my PC via SMB. Ultimate PS2 set up. My buddies and I have been working our way through pic related. I don't know if any future console is going to ever beat PS2's library.
Why would you sell it that late, you probably can't get much from it?
I haven't used my ps2 in years
I did replay some old games but on a bitch ass emulator
Forgot pic.
>Bro just pay $60 for Last Raven despite it emulating fine because muh soul
Occasionally. I've still got about a dozen PS2 games in my backlog. Most of them I'm probably never going to play, e.g. Persona 3 & 4, but I do have some stuff I do want to get around to at some point, e.g. Shinobido.
I set it up but I lost my psx memory cards and the disk drive is dying. FUCK
I bought MGS2 and 3 and I still need to play it
yes. remastered ps2 games and og ps2 games.
RIP ratchet and clank, jak and daxter, and sly cooper. no new games in forever
Wolfram Alpha says 4^(-k) (1 - 2 (-1)^k) k = 1
I just bought some component cables yesterday, my flatscreen has an option for 4:3 ratio so hopefully the PS2 will look good. Now I have to wait for shipping.
My 2001 ps2 still works to this day. Soul Calibur 3 and SSX Tricky still entertain me. Splitscreen is nice.
Component cables look pretty good as long as you don't get interference. Did you get a fancy brand (HD Retrovision, Offiicial) or something generic?
I'm about to buy a new old one and play games off the HDD
RIP Midway
I always did have a blast playing NFL Blitz
I'm from south america, where most people get a console when the next generation of said console is coming out. I sold it to a low-medium class mother and got a decent amount of money.
I had compatibility issues with HDD games and ended up having to run over SMB, it is superior imho.
Yes. I've had one set up since '02 and still play anything I've got a physical copy of on there. Use PS3 to emulate and never bought a PS4 because there's barely anything to play on it, to this day, that I can't play elsewhere.
nigga i have no idea what the fuck you're on ask /sci/
I would, but then I realized I don't enjoy waiting hours for the game to load while playing games like Yakuza and Tales of the Abyss so I just emulated them.
HD Retro, the $30 one.
Get a Free McBoot memory card (you can buy them on Amazon or eBay for pretty cheap), and look up OPL (Open Playstation Loader).
I still have my fat one, planning to hack it and install the whole library via hdd. Unfortunately i need a wangblows pc first
Seriously? I knew people back in 2005 doing this and I thought it was pretty much flawless as long as you're not using a USB drive.
Is that all I need?
Do you guys use an upscaler? I've tried one and the hdmi converter, and both look like shit on my monitor.
Just use official Sony component cables
are there any good quality ps2 hdmi adapters besides $10 ebay junk?
I do because I never bothered to get a a ps3 or 360 and to today's modern gaming just isn't appealing what with all the bullshit mtx, season pass and dlc bullshit, how people put up with that nonsense is beyond me.
Yes. That what you wanted to hear? Anything else?
>Only play normalfag AAA shit
>Why is this shit shit
And plug it into what? My non-existent 20 year old TV?
Yeah, I load isos from an ssd I have in mine. Shit's great.
season passes and dlc bullshit are old at this point. now it's all about lootboxes. and mobileshit. dlc seems like heaven compared to lootboxes and mobileshit.
Playing Rogue Galaxy on pcsx2
So no.
Still have it hooked up to my TV. Got some nice component cables a while back. The only downside is the somewhat dark picture in some games.
Currently playing Champions: Return to Arms and Gungriffon Blaze.
bought one. along with silent hill 1-4
it get more play time than ps3
that might change tho since now you can cfw every ps3, already got multiman on mine
I've been using a Framemeister but it's overkill, especially for a 480p source like a PS2. They make HDMI cables (Pound Technology) but I've been really disappointed with the results. Colors are all wrong and red-tinted.
scph 39001
I would if my controller hadn't died in the middle of my grenade only run of san andreas
Never bothered to replace it
t. fifa codfag
if you can run OpenPS2Loader you can now hook up ps3 and ps4 dualshock to your ps2
Sure do.
Honestly? No but i still have a fat ps2 with games I rented from gamefly ripped to the hdd via hd loader. Been meaning to go back and try God Hand again. I liked it back then but didnt think it was some masterpiece achievement in gaming.
t. delusional retard
my games dont have that shit
Is there a reason to get a PS2 when you can get a PS3?
Played through Drakengard last year, so yes, though rarely.
PS2 plays PS2 games.
Only few PS3s do have backward compatibility an all of them are fat (read YLOD waiting to happen) and overpriced.
Thanks user. Didnt realize most were not backwards compatible.
Probably still going to get a backwards compatible PS3 since I wanna remote play on my vita.
>still going to get a backwards compatible PS3
Well, good luck.
If you're living in a decent country you could always have your PS3 reballed with proper solder (fuck that treehugger bullshit that's supposed to make it easier on the nature yet causes piles of broken, fucked up electronics) so YLOD won't become an issue.
>mfw finding out all ps3s can play ps1 games right from disc and use internal memory cards
god the ps4 is so shit, no bc whatsoever and such a mediocre library
I got four of those bad boys
you also need to put games on the HDD obviously
I would be still if it didn't die last year or so. Lasted for almost two decades and played a shitton of games both for PS1 and PS2. Visiting my dad recently got me a Slim, but it's dead too.
I still kinda miss it.
Yeah. Wish I had more games for it though.
Only occasionally but I still have it hooked up
>Free McBoot + OPL, loading games from my PC via SMB
Muh nigga.
PS3 emulation is actually awful. Sure you can boot some games, but outside of store library it works like trash. Persona 2 runs slower across the board, noticably distorting the audio and loading times for example. PS2 games often got visual glitches and image stuttering on top of speed issues. No console or emulator will run PS1 games better than PS1 itself, same goes for PS2. And then again, revision of the console matters as well...
PS1 emulation is basically perfect though. And you can overclock the emulation to run games better than source hardware
Hmm how is PSN games of ps2 games on ps3 slim? Do they perform decently or are there problems with it?
PS1 emulation is fantastic and better than the real console
My PS2 kicked the bucket a few years ago, and a good portion of the games I liked on it were either lost or couldn't really play (most just past the tutorial level, for some reason). I took shit care of my stuff as a kid, and I regret it. Is it worth getting another? Most of the games I liked should be fairly cheap to replace.
I play ps2 disks on my ps3
Gt3/4 Can't really emulate on hardware mode, so I always keep it ready to go.
A fat model ps3 is great and emulates most PS1 and PS2 games well
Just a few months ago I finally played Mega Man X7 and X8
Rage quit X7, but played X8 to completion
I play PS2 games bigger, faster, harder and prettier than your failing original hardware. Don't @ me, miss me with that sorry ass shit.
>bought a slim a few weeks ago
>sounds like a hairdryer
>open it up
>tiny ass fan is caked with dust
>clean it
>only 10% less loud
>open it up again, this time unscrew the disc holder and sensor
>blow out a tiny dust booger from underneath the heatsink
>put everything back together
>it’s dead silent now
What the fuck did I even do?
No. Ihr got enough modern shit connected to my TV already.
Games that work well I pay on pcsx2, games that don't I play on ps3
Hmm I thought you could play PS2 games on a jailbroken PS3 console
>Bro just emulate Last Raven instead of getting an HDD adaptor with some ISOs for the best of both worlds
I remember games like Persona 4 would have save errors and they'd erase your data and a few other games I think ran slower than the original PS2 versions
Pretty sure the fan is controlled by a heat sensor. Now that your slim is free of dust, the fan doesn't need to run at full speed anymore.
I recently found myself a PS2. Gimme some of your best games so I can play em.
Same. except I have a NAS.
is that what that was? I tried to play dot hack and everything was purple. Can you shill me some good cables? HD Retrovision is good?
I do use my same old ps2 as always, and I have it hooked up to my pc and it grabs isos off my pc and plays all kinds of crazy shit, pretty much every game ever except gitaroo man
Ace Combat Series
Hungry Ghosts
Shadow Tower Abyss
Steambot Chronicles
Ratchet and Clank series
Medal of Honor Frontlines
The Bouncer
Noted. Thank you my friend.
Absolutely. My television has 4 inputs and I always have a spot reserved for the PS2. PCSX2 is shit.
The Pound My Ass cables are fucking garbage. And you can even SEE this IN the Youtube comparisons where they go "wow looks almost the same" when one clearly is washed out with a weird green or red tint.
You are going to want to invest in an OSSC or a Retrotink 2x. I'm a big fan of Mike Chi's fire hazard even if it can't do N64.
Yes, a Playstation 2 is worth the $50 it currently retails for at Disc Replay and GameXChange (I prefer to buy consoles in person from a store for an easy return + warranty).
>most of the games should be cheap
Imagine buying games nigga lmao I have 150 isos on my PS2 hard drive.
I have a OSSC and bob deinterlacing gives me eye cancer when it goes on longer than 5 seconds. It's why I keep around a consumer CRT for my PS2.
>Not using FHDB
You can't cfw every ps3 model. Just phats.
I honestly have no idea where mine is anymore, probably somewhere in my parents' attic. Even if I knew where it is I don't have a CRT TV.
Yes. King of Colosseum 2.
ps1 emulation has been great with mednafen
He means HAN
maybe he's a slimfag.
that doesn't sound like the cable caused it, maybe your component output setting on the PS2 is set to RGB instead of YPbPr. if you get new cables HD retrovision is good.
Every fat and earlier slims can be fully cfwed. Everything else can be HANed
hard drive compatibility is very good, i don't know any games that work over SMB and not the hard drive. typically if a game doesn't work from the hard drive it won't work better with other OPL methods.
HDTVs still had component 6 years ago, it's a new gay thing that UHDTVs don't.
Every now and then yeah. I've been on a kick recently trying to find classic 6th gen games since I missed a lot during that gen
I've been thinking of buying a freemcboot memory card for like a year but haven't done it yet.
Yeah, started a playthrough of Ratchet & Clank last week. Never played it before, and I'm really enjoying it!
it's through software emulation which has worse compatibility and performance
It's collecting dust in my room, but at least I still have it. Maybe on a shitty day I'll boot up some Katamari Damacy or something.
yah i've been playing lots of Gran Turismo 4 on my slim
I replay the ace combat games all the time. Nothing else gives me quite the same adrenaline rush.
I was just playing some Gradius V.
of course i do reterd
Tried to install FMCB. But cant find a single non-used DVD-Disc in this house.
cfw on a ps3 to emulate ps2 is kind of a meme
>takes 2 hours to FTP a game over
>doesn't even fucking run at a normal framerate
looking at you, SMT3.
What are some PS2 games other than Ace Combat that are still trapped on the PS2 or the best way to play is still on PS2?
Klonoa 2. It still emulates like shit
have finished silent hill 3 this week
I don't even own a TV
sorry, i didn't read the first post in the chain. most consolefags own TVs i'm afraid. there aren't good scalers for less than the price of a TV.
i have a chipped ps2 and emulation is infinitely better.
>cranking up the internal resolution
>widescreen patches
ps2 games on the original console look like trash once you see them in high res without all the blur that devs used to hide low poly models.
No my collection got ruined in a flood
I still have some of the waterdamaged cases+games I keep telling myself ill check if are anygood
Is it better to play PS2 on a CRT or modern TV?
CRT easily.
480i is disgusting on anything modern.
CRT because the vast majority of games are 480i only without proper progressive hacks
I play a bunch of PS1 games on my PS2 mostly. Burned an asston of PS2 games, but can't be arsed to play most of them.
should probably pop in Burnout 2 again, that shit's fun
and AC4, but I got kinda pissed at the sheer amount of score attack missions
I'll pop in Fantasy Zone 2 DX or the Dynamite Deka remake (which is brilliant)
the lack of good progressive scan options on PS2 really just fucking sucks
I played GTA 3 and Rayman Revolution on HDTV with component cables but no progressive scan and they look good. But for some reason some games like Ratchet and Clank series look like ass
>Muh iso's
>Muh fuck ugly fat PS2 because muh HDD
>Muh pirate master race
Fucking plebs the lot of you.
Owning physical games is part of the ritual. The satisfaction from hunting down a pristine copy of the game, with a manual in perfect condition and a disc with no scratches is sublime. The games don't even cost that much, the only stupidly expensive games are trash like Rule of Rose and Persona 3. Every good game is $2-$25. I have a shelf of 50 odd PS2 games, all complete and in near mint condition. I have a slim PS2 with the tray loader, built in IR sensor so I can turn the console on without even getting out of my chair.
You iso faggots never play any of your games because you're paralysed by choice.
This. A physical copy of a game is always the best. It's why I hate the new age of downloads.
>You iso faggots never play any of your games because you're paralysed by choice.
just ordered these two kinos, what am I in for?
Learn what projection means. I'm serious, look up the definition. It's not a buzzword like yikes or cope, it's a real world with a real meaning.
Wut? I just bought a copy on Ebay for 20 bucks and that's complete with everything.
>the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects
you personally
>never play any of your [pirated] games because you're paralysed by choice
and assume others feel this way, when most people do not
Does hungry ghosts have a full English patch?
All iso faggots do is post "haha pirated 200 games, streaming them to my PS2 Weed Locker Edition from my PC haha" and then circlejerk about their gay setups. They never discuss games, which leads me to assume they never play any.
I would if my laser didn't die and the hdd mod would actually play half of the games I put on it
enjoy rule of rose and gitaroo man
what games don't work? are you using latest OPL?
Yeah I've tried two. One was $30 and another $50. The $50 one is okay. Still blurry and bad gamma/contrast. Guess I should just buy some cheapish TV that has composite.
>50 burger dollars is expensive
LMAO get a job child
Rule of Rose is FUCKING GARBAGE.
It's a terrible game, it's only highly priced because they printed like 5 copies and only sold them to russian hermit priests.
Yeah but literally every game I try gives me the "I remembered it looking/playing/feeling/sounding better" feel.
My controller broke 2 weeks ago during my ff12 playthrough. Feels bad man
I keep 2. Both have working lasers because I replaced them and I have 3 extras. I only play on hd loader and my lasers are reserved for games that do not work on it.
you should look for a CRT with component, they're not much harder to find if people are giving them away near you
those games are utterly mad
>that converter
No shit.
I do and have original phat ps2. Id rather play with emulators because the graphics are better in a lot of cases.
I've had mine plugged in since I got it and still use it frequently. It's a slim one too, which apparently are supposed to conk out in a few years of use. Only thing that's broken is the clock, so it currently thinks I'm chilling out playing Ape Escape while the universe is forming.
Ok now run off little child
No, you don't get the vision that the developers were going for. PS2 games upscaled to HD look weird
yeah bro low res + massive BLUR means SOUL
I would but the AV cable died on me the other day. It was a sad day.
Not at all. A consistent visual experience however, does.
It's meant to be played on CRT, though i like component + hdtv too
giving away like 2 steam keys if anyone wants them
I always played ps2 games through s-video and component video and they looked excellent.
Nope and I actually never have.
>3d anything
to save you clicking on it, the pastebin isn't game keys, it's a link to his faggot discord
of course
have it next to my monitor for the intent of replaying FFX
honestly, a little ashamed it's been sitting in here where it regularly hits like 90F while i sit here, as tech degradation always spooks and scares me. It' s an OG one though, we got it at launch and had to repair during that epidemic of them not reading PS1 disks.
Going to play more FFX later, but still ashamed that it's been here for weeks for only ~20h of playtime on FFX
50000 master race
Last time I used my PS2 I was playing FFXII a year or two before the PS4 edition came out.
The PS2 remains the most modern console I own. I stopped gaming after the sixth generation.
i had every major console from nes through gen 6 and then i stopped as well. theres like 6 games total i want to play on ps3/4/xbox 360/one so its not worth it. still game on my pc but not nearly as much and half the time its emulation anyways
Yeah, there's very few games I want to play on the PS3. I think it's the GTAs and that's it.
Nope, my PS2 laser disc reader died and the controllers are fucked from overuse.
Haven't bothered to find a new PS2 and I like emulating or remasters more because I can make my games look prettier.
Yeah, I'm a bitch ass. Sorry OP.
Any recommendations for a space bounty hunting game I can emulate though?
Yeah I still do, usually to play Silent Hill from time to time or any other of the PS2 games I have. For nostalgia purposes
But home brewing doesn't require piracy. You can still play the games on disc or backed up to the HDD.
It's piracy, you pirate iso's and put them on your HDD. No one hacks consoles for anything else but piracy.
If I own the game disc, why in the fuck would I bother with HDD backups?
I hacked mine for region free. Fuck swap magic
Stop throwing a fit. You can rip your physical collect to the HDD which gives your laser disc some extra years. Plus it's convenient to just select a game off the browser/opl than having to find the game in a collection of DVDs. But we can agree that there is nothing wrong with pirating PS2 games.
Yes. Just played SH2 and 3 on during spring.
Not to mention it fixes the atrocious loading times some games had. Too bad it didn't work on bloody roar 3
everything loads a lot faster on the hd. majority of ps2s have dogshit lasers too and stop reading discs after a while
i did the freemcboot thing for a friend and it worked good
Yes. I played ffx again last month.
Sometimes I still use it
>You can rip your physical collect to the HDD which gives your laser disc some extra years
PS2's cost nothing, I don't care about that shit.
>Plus it's convenient to just select a game off the browser/opl than having to find the game in a collection of DVDs
If you're a disorganised subhuman, sure. The whole point of owning physical games is them being physical. I enjoy pulling the case off a shelf, putting the disc in, hearing it spin up. I don't want some ugly UI on my PS2 either, I want it to look like how I remember it looking 20 years ago.
>But we can agree that there is nothing wrong with pirating PS2 games.
No, I just think it's dumb for anyone with pocket change lying around. Physical is nice and doesn't cost shit all.
>everything loads a lot faster on the hd.
I've never seen a PS2 load screen take longer than 15 seconds. I don't care about load times anyway.
>majority of ps2s have dogshit lasers too and stop reading discs after a while
Myth. The slim versions last until the end of time and are only $40 a pop anyway.
occasionally with my cousin because there are no bowling alleys where i live, and yes i do live in the balkans
such a myth that sony lost lawsuits over it. the slim did fix it but thats because its a different drive. the majority of ps2s weren't slims and it was pretty common for people to go through 2-3 of them when they were new.
Hardly most of the games I want to play on it besides the Ratchet games and a few others are available in some form of a superior release on newer platforms or has a PC version that's better or better with modd.
The majority of PS2's out in the wild NOW are slims. By virtue of the fact all the fats broke down. Stop spreading this stupid myth that if you buy a PS2 the laser will shit itself within a day. Get a slim and you're golden.
>but muh HDD!
Just emulate then if you're going to be a pedantic faggot.
>PS2's cost nothing, I don't care about that shit.
Try $130 . Plus most of us care about our PS2s. And if you haven't noticed they do not make them anymore.
>If you're a disorganised subhuman, sure. The whole point of owning physical games is them being physical. I enjoy pulling the case off a shelf, putting the disc in, hearing it spin up. I don't want some ugly UI on my PS2 either, I want it to look like how I remember it looking 20 years ago.
You can install custom themes for OPL that are insanely cool. But a homebrewed PS2 boots the same just as a non PS2. You need to do your research before speaking.
>No, I just think it's dumb for anyone with pocket change lying around. Physical is nice and doesn't cost shit all.
You mean buying PS2 DVDs without a manual or case? Ok cool. But you obviously have a problem with people pirating PS2 games
I bought a fat one a few months ago with cables, controller, and memory card for $25 on ebay. They're cheap as fuck and easy to find in pretty good condition as well.
i said the slim fixed the issue. it was still a huge issue that sony tried to downplay.
i do emulate even though i have a chipped slim, widescreen + higher internal res is so much nicer than the vomit of blur most games had
>Try $130
Where the fuck do you live? Brazil? In America you can get a slim PS2 right now for $40 on ebay.
>Plus most of us care about our PS2s. And if you haven't noticed they do not make them anymore.
It's a piece of hardware, and they're abundant in the used market. Or are you one of those simpletons who'll only buy sealed products?
>You can install custom themes for OPL that are insanely cool.
"haha bro check it I slapped this decal on the mona lisa, sick right?"
>But a homebrewed PS2 boots the same just as a non PS2
And I have no use for one, so I don't care.
>You mean buying PS2 DVDs without a manual or case? Ok cool.
What? I can walk down to my local used games store and find pristine copies of games WITH original cases and manuals. What shithole do you live in?
>it was still a huge issue
Don't exaggerate, it was about as bad as any other console was but the PS2 did iron man numbers so you heard more people complaining.
I've got Red Dead Revolver paused on my PS2 right now.
I never had a PS2 when it was relevant so I'm burning through a gigantic backlog of interesting exclusives and multiplats that I missed.
I actually just bought a cheap slim recently for the sake of revisiting some horror games. Didn't realize Silent Hill and Fatal Frame games are in the fucking $40 range though.
>a chipped slim, widescreen + higher internal res is so much nicer than the vomit of blur most games had
There's nothing wrong with a normal PS2's visuals. It's the perfect balance of technical achievement but limited hardware, it's like 24fps in the movies. You COULD do more, but why do that when it ruins the magic?
I fucking love that game.
>Didn't realize Silent Hill and Fatal Frame games are in the fucking $40 range though.
And? They were $60 when they came out and they're still worth $40.
Played some Onimusha 2 today on my PS2 Slim
Love it
how many versions of the fat had the exact same drive issue? 10, more? it was a huge issue.
if you know someone with a modded one have them put freemcboot on a memory card and you can play burned games
On occasion. Not much anymore because emulation is really just easier to manage than burning a disc for fmcb, or dealing with cleaning the disc and occasionally the laser on my actual PS2. Plus the fucking LOAD TIMES holy shit they're awful. I've absolutely been spoiled by SSD.
I got my CRT back and I'm playing PS and PS2.
I was playing Time Crisis yesterday and I got a Taiko drum coming in the mail.
>non japanese version
>Where the fuck do you live? Brazil? In America you can get a slim PS2 right now for $40 on ebay.
>Let me buy some guys old used PS2 that will die soon because he might've not taken care of it.
>It's a piece of hardware, and they're abundant in the used market. Or are you one of those simpletons who'll only buy sealed products?
Hardware is more expensive and valuable than software you moron. PS2s will eventually die out and will go up in price. Stop taking them for granted.
>"haha bro check it I slapped this decal on the mona lisa, sick right?"
Again you said there ugly and I told you there's custom themes. Ever heard of coverflows?
>And I have no use for one, so I don't care.
Then why are you complaining here?
>What? I can walk down to my local used games store and find pristine copies of games WITH original cases and manuals. What shithole do you live in?
At least I don't live in San Francisco
yes, I have it hooked up to a 32" trinitron via component cables and it looks pretty good considering the limitations of the machine
playing through the god of war games to gear up for the ps4 one
I dont even particularly like god of war but it is what I am doing right now
I like looking for hidden gems or just unique/creative games and getting them on ebay or at random ass flea markets
HDD loading helps if you set that up
I'm curious on how this is going for you, what are your thoughts about it?
any games that surprised you?
I have one of the big Playstation 3 that plays PS2 games. Does that count?
>Let me buy some guys old used PS2 that will die soon because he might've not taken care of it
If it's lasted 20 years, I'm pretty sure it'll last a few more retard.
>PS2s will eventually die out and will go up in price
Yeah, in like, 100 years. I can buy a NES or SNES even now for $40 or less, they sold 100,000,000 PS2's, they're not rare and never will be.
>At least I don't live in San Francisco
Neither do I
I've tried, it's still like maybe 2/3 slower than emulation. The minor graphical fuckups are something i'm personally willing to deal with to have nigh instant loads.
>If it's lasted 20 years, I'm pretty sure it'll last a few more retard.
Your forgetting the laser disc drive retard
>Yeah, in like, 100 years. I can buy a NES or SNES even now for $40 or less, they sold 100,000,000 PS2's, they're not rare and never will be.
Again your buying used hardware. There's a high change that it's damaged or will break soon. They made millions of Zelda games but try buying one cheap on the NES. But you should seriously look into home brewing a fat PS2 it's really cool you'll love it. Same with the Wii.
the best one in the series
>non jpn ac3
into the trash
yep. ghosthunter, ape escape 3, sonic heroes, mortal kombat deception, lego star wars, dynasty warriors empires 5, and many more. its awesome
>Your forgetting the laser disc drive retard
Buy a slim retard
>There's a high change that it's damaged or will break soon
No, there isn't you paranoid idiot.
>not just sonic heroes, but the PS2 version
>Buy a slim retard
>He buys the ugly Slim's instead of the Chad fats that can play off the HDD.
>No, there isn't you paranoid idiot.
So you've only owned one PS2 ever?
Yes I play that atlus game on it
>what are your thoughts about it?
My initial thoughts are that I made a mistake when I chose Xbox over PS2 when they first came out. I would've missed out on good exclusives like Halo, Mechassault, and JSRF, but the tradeoff would've been worth it for sure. Also most of the games hold up really well.
>any games that surprised you?
God Hand and Onimusha are definitely amazing, even better than people said. Luckily I bought God Hand before the sudden extreme price jump (currently $50+ but I bought it for $15).
GTA 3 surprised me with how fucking annoying some of the missions can be.
I also really enjoyed the original two Yakuza games.
Currently playing through Dark Cloud 1 as well and being pleasantly surprised by how neat it is and how little people seem to talk about it.
>ugly Slim's
Are you blind?
>fats that can play off the HDD
Oh, you're just retarded
>So you've only owned one PS2 ever?
Yes, my 14 year old slim
Yes. I may have a slow frame rate. But no bitchass DLC
>Are you blind?
Fats are superior
>Oh, you're just retarded
Can your slim do that?
>Yes, my 14 year old slim
>He owns a slim
No wonder your defensive in this thread.
dope glad you're enjoying it
I bought one for $50 after I found a bunch of my old ps2 games in my closet two months ago.
I would if it fucking worked...or if I could find someone that still sold dvds that worked on the thing.
Sometimes. I only use it for games I can't emulate well like Klonoa 2 and R&C
based. I have a Taiko drum as well
The ps2 version of the game is absolute ass and I do believe it's a late beta version and not the final version the devs wanted to be printed.
>usb 1.1
Someone made a usb loader just to make fun of people like you to show how fucking shit the loadtimes are when it's 5x the loading times.
Hell yeah i do
Hell fucking yeah I do. I had to "fix" my slim though because the band was scratching my discs.
Found out it was the band after my copy of Minstrel Song ended up with a ring on the backside.
Minstrel Song is the best game on PS2 btw. Its my deserted island game. I could play it the rest of my life.
Holy shit forgot about this game, thank you! Adding it to my list to get for ps2 games.
ive played the versus games with my brother and the game is so whack and buggy; its hilarious
prepare to play nothing else for the rest of time, if it clicks with you.
You realize you can just run games off the HDD right?
before i had a PS2 i played it on gamecube and then saw the PS2 version in 2 player at a friends house, it blew my mind a multiplat could run and look so much worse on one console than the other because i'd only owned one console per generation
read the chain, he's bullying a slimfag that thinks HDD loading isn't important
The gamecube was genuinely a fucking powerhouse in its gen.
How is it bullying when it's the truth? You can install a HDD on the slim with some tinkering. Also USB loading on Slim's on finnicky and only certain games work.
telling the truth is bullying by most standards, i'm not calling you dishonest user
Because there is no magic in ugly as fuck, low-detail, low resolution rendering that you get on a native PS2, along with some extra quality loss due to analog video output too. The only 'magic' is your nostalgia from your childhood, nothing in the hardware itself.
Picked up a fat and an HDD/network adapter a few years ago and an EDTV LCD TV. Basically just use it for Burnout 3 although I did play Lament of Innocence on it awhile ago. Also have a PS3 fat that's been CFWed.
The EDTV LCD honestly isn't too bad
you forgot an out of production framemeister so it doesn't look like shit
>HD Retrovision is good?
I would do if I hadn't moved to another country and had to leave it behind.
I play PS2 games on a PS3 now. Currently going through Soul Nomad and the last game I finished was Haunting Ground.
Rule of Rose is a pretty inexpensive, widely available game where I live. Is it actually good?
Fromsoftware's Ku-On, on the other hand, is rather pricey. I'm tempted though.
>480p source like a PS2
lol what. Like barely any games support 480p on ps2
I still have a fat PS2 with broken drive (that I traded for my working slim PS2 + $30 so I could install an HDD - never got around to it). Black was the last game I played on it and now it's just house decor. I play my PS3 much more (for the PS1 classics I own and Yakuza 3/4).
>thinly veiled emulation troll thread
480i on crts has the same flicker bob has
>are trash like Rule of Rose and Persona 3
Superbly made bait, user.
is there a version of opl that doesn't fuck the audio up in ridge racer v?
I broke my PS2 tinkering with the insides. I'd play it if I could.
looks fine on my display devices, shame about anyone elses.
I just use HDLoader for anything that OPL cant run
Yeah, I'm currently playing Yakuza Fury and Final Fantasy X.
yeah, mostly jrpgs because they're cheap and long. not that there aren't countless classics of other genres. and I always play through MGS2 once a year
it's particularly vanilla persona 3 that's expensive.
I know but I find it much worse on my eyes on modern displays.
Nah, fell of my desk and now it's broken. Wont even switch on anymore. I'm not even gonna try to figure out where my folks put it when I moved out either.
Last PS2 game I played was FFX a year or two ago, gave the rest of my games away before I got the former from a family member. My PS2 still works to an extent, but it needs new controllers and housing.
I did until about a year ago when my last controller finally broke and I don't feel like getting another one. I just emulate it now and backed up all my games.