What went good?
What went good?
Webslinging and.... that's it.
Story was solid as well.
Tge game overall was fun. Only bad parts were the MJ and Miles missions.
and the boss fights mostly. I did like the doc-ock fight but... eh
>Only bad parts were the MJ and Miles missions.
Fuck off
>What went good?
obviously not your grammar
They're annoyingly slow
Not an argument
suits and swingin, VAs were good too
I wish the boss fights were better. So many Western games suck at boss fights desu
refining the Arkham games formula except for this
everything else could be improved
Boring piece of shit, basically far cry 3 with a spiderman skin
i fucking hate miles why wont he just go away
Exposed Yea Forums as absolute brainlets
Game was a love letter to the character and his his mythos, Yuri's voice work on the character was also great.
Miles avoiding the Rhino was kino but aside from that yeah the MJ/Miles parts sucked.
Based Osborn
game was alright but you did the exact same thing from the first to the very last mission
Swinging was not good, I have no idea how you guys find it enjoyable, it's movement was linear and unable to provide the player any choice in freedom of how they move. It felt too set in reality as if spidey was a well trained athlete on ropes as opposed to some super hero speed freak who just turns and twists in any direction he wants to because that's what he naturally does. It had limited style, overall very uninteresting . Not fun and not really that cool. However, it did have its use and was manageable. It took getting used too but eventually I did. It then later became mundane and definitely not a main selling point on why I should come back again and play it. More cool tricks would've been appreciated, such as scaling yourself up and down the web and more versatile movement on the walls other than two, like flipping off a building when you run up it. It felt like I was being limited the entire time, with no diverging movement to pull off. Fucking boring.
t. 50 year old boomer
because fuck you white man
It was a fun one and done and nothing more. Not worth buy a PS4 for probably not worth the full price but it was fun.
>Only bad parts were the MJ and Miles missions.
And Screwball, I wanted to kill the bitch. Also I have to say I found Miles' fanboism kinda funny/endearing desu.
this is now a spider man thread
Based and redpilled. Even web of shadows had better web swinging. The physics dont feel right. Useless costumes, useless corny storyline, mundane and repetitive combat. Nothing special, buy söiboys still manage to cream their pants for some reason.
Having best Spider outfit
Combat is shit. Ultimate difficult is stupidly easy and every encounter was a pain because of the continous square hitting to make fight last less. Fighting sable guys was a pain and avoiding one punch lead you ti become vulnerable to other attacks. Boss fights were easy, story was interesting. Not gonna talk about webswinging because it was obvious that it was going to be the best part of the game otherwise no money from fans of Spidey 2. Good experience overall but not worth to drive you to buy the DLCs