Are video games bad for you?

I'm writing a persuasive essay and I need to take a side as to whether or not video games are bad for you. Is every minute you spend wasting your life on video games better spent doing something else? Are today's youth suffering from video game addiction?

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>tfw 250 words essay due next week but can't stop playing video games

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At one point books were considered wasting your life and were corrupting our youth. I image there was some old fuck in a cave ten thousand years ago lamenting how young people were wasting their lives playing with sticks instead of rocks like he did when he was younger.

>250 words
it takes like 40 minutes at most to write that what the fuck

Yes. They're terrible for you. It's the same as sitting around all day and watching TV. It's long hours of sedentary, antisocial, and addictive behavior.

The real addition isn't even video games themselves, it's social medias in general (and online video games are also just an extension of that).

Video Game addiction is a result of bad parenting allowing infinite game time while home.

>are video games bad for you?
no, just like any media
>is video game addiction bad for you?
yes, retard

watching movies
watching tv
playing outside
riding bike
reading books
listening to music
any social media
smoking weed
drinking alcohol
doing drugs
fucking/getting fucked
mutilating self
committing suicide

video games isn't a terrible alternative and is relatively cheap compared to drugs, weed, or alcohol, though not as much as reading or playing outside.

PROTIP: Don't pick a side first, write the arguments first and then think about where they lead you.

Also, underage b&

They are depending on what you're reading.

Video games do not have an equivalent to "literature"

it's stupid if in 2019 i go in computer club and spend money to play new games because i have bad computer?

nah, just taking a shitty community college course that isn't even remotely related to what I want to do

computer club? is that like a new word for lan cafe or soemthing.

No shit. But educational games could actually fill the gap of "useful videogames."

Definitely. I play video games and I am a kissless virgin with no job. Don't play vidya, kids.

So you're an genuine adult coming to Yea Forums for advice on writing a fucking 250 TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY word essay about video games

is place with powerful computer(rtx2080) i play 60 fps 1080p and pay about 1.5$/h

Educational games are for actual children, and they do exist. Adults don't need that shit to learn, which is why you don't see that much of it.

>one page essay due in a month
>can't stop posting on Yea Forums

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guys help, I have a 69 words essay due in two seconds and I haven't written my introduction yet

i was given xbox 360 in 2018 and i so stupid when sell off him in this year

Yes. Look at the braindead virgin/tranny weebs on this shithole board who can't do anything other than squeal at each other like children.

OP please read this indecipherable post for your answer.

This would be a neat angle to argue from OP, is the communication present in online games sufficient interaction for a person? If yes, mebe vidya ain't so bad, if not, well

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lol, no that was another poster. I'm OP, and the paper is supposed to be 5 pages double spaced, which comes out to around 1600 words or so

sorry i miss click
you dont understand how i cringe now

I played video games a lot but I certainly wouldn't call it an addiction. My retarded folks did though. I'm on the low end only averaging an hour or two per day, some days I don't even play games at all given how busy my professional and personal life is (normalfag get out reeeee).
It takes me weeks to complete a long 20+ hour video game for instance.

it's from videogames

TV watching for hours on end is arguably worse than playing video games. This fact makes TV-addicted baby boomers seethe.

Videogames are a step above TV because they require interactivity, which requires thought, sometimes a lot of it depending on the type of game you're playing. I'm not saying its going to make you Aristotle, but it does keep your mind working at least, something boomers should have thought about instead of shunning them and getting Alzheimers.

You must be a water drinker

Too much of anything is and for you user

Just save up for a computer and take a few months off

They're good in moderation. They can act as stress relief, provide socialization, build cooperative and communicative skills, improve hand-eye coordination as well as navigation (the hippocampus). They can also foster creative solutions in goal-oriented tasks. Not to mention the potential vocabulary building and alternative philosophies presented in more story-driven games.

But, like many things, they're bad in excess. Spending too much time gaming detracts from other areas of life. And they can be stressors depending on what is played. You could honestly write a thesis about this.

>Is every minute you spend wasting your life on video games better spent doing something else?
No, most retreat to video games because it is one of the safest and most "productive" of media consumption. Compared to passively watching movies or television or reading books, the active engagement to games trains one's coordination, decision making, and makes them more receptive to learning useful things.
>Are today's youth suffering from video game addiction?
Video games are just an outlet for other issues stemming from depression or other external factors in their lives. A rather healthy one in most cases, unfortunately becoming less true in recent years due to deliberate psychological manipulation by predatory companies seeking the most money from vulnerable minds. It is no different that there would be predators and opportunists online as there are in one's neighborhood, so there must always be some context sought regarding the people and groups one associates with (and actual understand rather than the nonstop witchhunts that histrionic fools keep starting).

Video games are the most social of mediums, allowing you a way to directly connect to people all over the world in both adversarial and cooperative arenas. That sociability is unparalleled and can help would-be shut-ins to actually make healthy connections with others that they can not find locally. Out of all the things one can do in their free time, video games are one of the best.

The real waste of time is "work" taking up in general 80% of one's waking hours. The recent few decades have led to everyone working even more than they used to, only to earn less than they used to. The reason for this massive increase in "necessary" work hours is obvious, but that would be going on a tangent and would also piss off the moral police with their destructive "equality".

Pretty much this. Your dad who hates video games and says they rot your brain was a teenager being told by the adults of his time that Led Zeppelin and television would rot his brain.

I fucking hate boomers so god dam much. Imagine being a 70 year old slog of a human telling your peers how long you have been doing a job yet you cant seem to operate a computer or even begin to learn. Also its a hate crime to point this out