Indivisible release date trailer

October 8th on Steam, PS4, XB1

Switch tbd

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lmao i forgot this even existed
What the fuck were they doing all this time? Getting fucking anime cutscenes done?

looks gay

>Shilling Kickstarter garbage


Looks good, but I'm too poor.


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>just two more months
Fuck yes, its finally time.

Been looking forward to this game ever since I played the prototype. Glad to see its happening.

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you are subhuman and are spacing gave away your subhuman non rights

yanderedev must be S E E T H I N G right now

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Pushing goal posts to get it funded and adding more and more cameos hoping to grasp a larger audience

Was there some sort of spat between him and Lab Zero? Or is it just the fact that yanderedev keeps feature creeping himself out of a release date?

The cameos are free post release content. They haven't done them yet.

Mike Z called Yanderedev a shitty programmer and now Mike lives rent free inside his head

I normally hate western studios trying to copy Japanese studios anime style. But this one actually looks decent. Still won't get it though...

Who cares

It's been so satisfying following this game since the 2015 prototype and while my Yea Forums friends kept shitting on it and saying it would never be released.

>the Trigger animation looks better than the actual game

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>my Yea Forums friends

lets fuckin go
shits lookin good eh lads

>a cinematic looks better than the actual game
No shit.

The environments look better than the demo, but still pretty bad to me

stop wasting time with shitch

regardless of how well this turns out, this will be the last time i ever back a crowdfunded game.


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Still looks like shit, id rather play VP.

I'll get it on sale.

There's exclusive skins based on Valve games for pre-ordering on Steam. Interesting considering 505 Games' bigger 2019 title, Control, is Epic exclusive.

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Can this thread be filled with delicious brown tomboys?

OH shit it's actually coming out sooner that I thought! I was a little worried about its status especially since it didn't appear at E3 or even anime expo but this makes me happy now! Thanks user!

Those are just recolors

>Literally just lazy recolors.

this is just shredder with a different colored cape and a shield

Attached: file.png (407x475, 211K)

They're palette swaps.
Who is the third one supposed to represent? The others are Portal 2 Chell, HEV Suit, ???, and RED team colors.

ive be getting the torrent on release day and waiting for nude mods.

>backed this when i was still into RPGs
>no longer into RPGs anymore
oh well, guess i'll play it anyway. it's not like anything else coming out is interesting.

October 8th is great, it's a dry spell just before a bunch of late October/mid November releases.

I am hype as fuck for this.

>animation made by an anime studio specifically for an opening scene looks better than gameplay
As opposed to what? Did you expect the reverse?

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>no longer into RPGs anymore
This is so sad

God damn, who is this cum queen

>What the fuck were they doing all this time?
Developing the game. What the fuck kind of question is this?

>no bulge

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>I normally hate western studios trying to copy Japanese studios anime style.
Why? Do you even like "normal" western games?

I wont let nobody break me down
nothings gonna stop me now
gonna gonna make gonna keep on going
the last man standing
I'm ready for whatever
I'm never giving up
nothing can break my spirit
cuz it's indivisible

Bloodstained is also handled by 505. I think they're just smart enough not to screw around with Epic for Kickstarter games.

i just hope it isn't too long or drags on with nothing new to mix the gameplay up. that's part of what drove me away from the genre. i feel drained after finishing them and never have the desire to replay them.

TF2 characters have blu and black or red and black. Might be Red TF2.

Ignore me, I am retard.

how overdue is this again? didnt they repeatedly delay it

Once, at the end of last year.

i don't know who this brown girl is but she clearly has never seen a white man's erect penis.

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no, it had to have been more than once given that its been this long

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>white spats

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Lab Zero shills fuck off.

Explain your logic. I don't follow how the game being announced in 2015 means it must have been delayed repeatedly. A 3 to 4 year development time for a large scale RPG from a smaller studio is pretty reasonable.

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funny how you're never around in astral chain threads

>large scale

The background looks like placeholder assets. Why would they do that when the characters look decent? It's the same with Skullgirls.

Indiegogo only allows for one campaign extension. Then the game was slightly delayed recently, from Q1 2019 to Q2 2019 I believe.
It's a small studio and there's not been a game like it done before, it's inspired by VP. but it's still very different and complex. It makes sense that it would take a while.

its about time


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Except it doesn't have to be since the source of your reasoning and logic is your ass. The game was delayed once.

>no underarm hair
it's shit


>stop making the best selling version of your game
based retard. Sucks that the Switch version's coming later, but thankfully the $60 pledge tier also comes with a digital version, which I chose the PC one so I'll still get to play it in time while waiting for the physical Switch version. Feels pretty good, lads.

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>the queen of tomboys isn't retarded anymore, with a new chapter debut in two weeks
oh lordy

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Butt queen.

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yeah, glad i buy octo instead


the bleached r34 is going to be astronomical

Want to see what she wears under that dress, officially. A shame that surely they didn't make lewd frames like in Skullgirls

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>she is white

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Imagine this with Indivisible girls.

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all I want is more porn of her

small white penis spotted

This game is going to flop

>game comes out at the height of brown girl popularity

it's going to sell millions and we'll get a lot of lewds out of it, based

mating pressed

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i dunno what happened but this looks like a cheap mobile game now. anyone else get that feeling from it? it's so sterile.

It feels like they're trying to take a little bit from Lunar, Lufia, Suikoden, Golden Sun and about a dozen JRPGs and mix them together. The problem is, this could be a really good throwback game...or really derivative.

Like with any game, I'll have to try the final product to see if it's good or not. I don't buy things just because the art looks good. Which this game is kind of 50/50 on that too. Also, if it has Lunar/Star Ocean level voice acting, I won't even touch it.

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How did it look before?

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Zoomers so used to games being shat out every year, they forget good games need longer to develop, especially if it's made by a small team.

forced meme cock sucker

>pudgy spellcaster
My interest is rising...

So.. this game is pretty much Valkyrie Profile, right?

>Oh shit guys we're over two years late and people think this a scam
>Shit what do we do?
>Fuck it let's just release is it is

Essentially, probably the biggest difference is that the battle system is ATB instead of turn based.

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As long as their politics don't get interjected into the games dialogue/plot, I don't care. In modern media, people actually have to make shit posts like this just to virtue signal for attention. It's the way to get noticed by the brain dead "elites" now, because they no longer recognize talent and merit. A lot of these people are actually moderates, but role play as extreme intersectionalists because if they don't, they get replaced.

>>Fuck it let's just release is it is
What did he mean by this?

i want to facefuck razmi

*as it is

When did TBD replace TBA?

I've always seen and used TBA.

>saw the trailer because of the cute girl
>completely forgot about it
>open thread because of cute girl
>see trailer
>remember cute girl
>consider buying it because of the cute girl

>disturbed by a president that they perceive as xenophobic and sexist.
>lets move to Japan!

This game could be good if wasn't such a mismatch of cultures with no identity.
And of course, no hopes for a good story like VP.

I want to FUCK razmi

Removing "problematic" assets

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20 characters seems like a lot. I don't know how they plan on making each one have a good backstory and consistent relevance

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I always found funny how some libtards loved their trips to Japan without realizing that many of the reasons the country is as good is due to doing the opposite of what libtards promote.


Despite what the western media says, Japan isn't xenophobic or racist. They're more open to foreign people and things than most western countries are. Their media is actually keeping many past western genres and standards alive. Their media is what western media used to be in the 1980s and 1990s.

>b-but they don't allow mass immigration so that proves they're racist!
No, again. It proves they have standards like western countries used to in the 80s and 90s.

Question still stands.

I can't believe this actually comes out.

Suikoden, Vanillaware and some other groups can do a lot of characters well. But yeah, not many games can. It's usually a bad sign when RPGs add more than 4-6 characters. Especially for a game like this that focuses on unique hand drawn animations and skills for everyone. You'd think they'd just try a small game with 3-4 characters to start.

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kys sjw faggot

Will everything be released or do we have to be dripfed like bloodstained

yeah, I'm not really calling Japan racist or whatever, its just that i find it it funny that if they find modern western countries racist, imagine what they would think about a country with "standards like western countries used to in the 80s and 90s".

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Only thing that will come out post launch (for free) are the playable guest characters.

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oof I cant into syntax.

I don't remember VP looking this boring

>saying Japan isn't xenophobic

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Please take me back to 2000 user

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how well does that game emulate?

>Japan isn't xenophobic or racist.
why do I have a feeling you've never set foot there

Western countries were more open to foreign products in the 80s and 90s than now. Right now, the same people going around screaming diversity and open borders are also the people screaming about cultural appropriation and getting white people fired from their job for being interested in anime. They also routinely attack Japan and Asians as a whole, because they don't play the victim.

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>Cute Dog still in
Good to hear. They strayed away from showing him actually playable for so long I was beginning to think he got the axe in some way.

Speaking of the guest characters, are we getting an actual reason for their presence? Or is it just non-canon fun thing?

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Same to you. Even if people in Japan were racist, you wouldn't get that impression visiting Japan. Because they are too polite to say anything to your face.

She looks really pretty on her knees like that haha

Finally, now SG 2 can come out.

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Perfectly fine on toasters so you should be good.

Left looks boring as fuck.

My dick is going to be in serious pain very soon

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it seems incredibly naive and reductive to say that a whole country is not xenophobic

They made a blogpost about Lanshi's gameplay and animations a while ago. Also here's the full list of the playable cast:

>the patra girl shows nothingCONVENIENT SKIRTLOL


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>Red from Transistor

>4 years in dev
>Still use programmer art for the final game


Nice, picking up day one.


>Generic serious realistic designs
I'd honestly prefer exaggerated cartoony designs. Which is what the sprites in VP did.

>17 seconds for a basic strike in a turn based game

I was gonna write her off but I like that weapon

>Dream job
Naw senpai

Probably a joke about the fucking cat that will undoubtly be in

Cutscenes look soulful, then you get to the flash tier game art

Is it finally fucking happening?

All over the entire game.
Looks absolutely disgusting visually.

"declared" is a cool word

Hey she shows her butt cheek in the 2nd frame.


why the hell is this game so expensive? isn't it indie???????

games take time to develop user

30 hour rpg, m8.

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Naga Rider looks cool as fuck.

No, it can't. Yea Forums has a shitposting fetish now. Enjoy.

Needs more lewds.

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that is nothing!

Nice hips

Chances for what even, this is just a list of names

almost no rpg is better for being 30+ hours

That's Square for you. Graphics before gameplay. At least it's not as bad as Final Fantasy IX.

>set up attack
>takes 30 seconds for the character to respond and initiate the attack because they have to wait for all the animations to play out

The game that removed most of the white characters except the fat girl and is full of 'fat and disabled representation' style nonsense?

>curses n chaos
Tribute really couldn't have given up Flinthook? It's not like (s)he's doing anything else

>shouldn't all indie games be cheap and short!
You're the exact reason indie games are shit.

>505 games
>Switch tbd
Oh no.

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Flinthook wasn't even a thing back then.

of that whole gif there's barely 13 frames of animation on that sprite, and a shit ton of effects to make it look dazzly. if that's your schtik go for it but I don't think indivisible was hoping to emulate this kinda character animation when they designed the characters.

That fact that there's no date gives me hope they won't repeat the same mistake.

Holy fucking shit.

How many years did it take lad?

But yeah, they did do that. Replaced the European guys with Africans and every is fat, ugly, or missing an arm or some shit.

>No dude Japan is totally open borders like in my dreams

>game taking place in southeast asia having mostly brown characters

who would have thought

I love everyone's outlandish names, then there's George.

Bets on Epic exclusivity?

Hopefully not. The last update that they released not too long ago actually broke the game even further. It's pretty impressive.

>good games
so what took this one so long

I actually prefer not white characters in games and media. The problem is when they start pushing diversity and political crap in the games. They should just have characters of different ethnicities but don't make light of it. I don't have black female leads. I just hate it when the story makes a black female lead out as being persecuted, while also being a perfect mary sue with plot armor.

Most of the characters aren't southeast Asian though, it's like some kind of diversity parade from everywhere except Europe. One of their first characters is literally a buddhist nun samurai from Japan (who looks like an ugly beenpole of course.)

r8 my party

Attached: vpuflfo.png (978x325, 539K)

He literally said Japan is better because it doesn't have open borders. Are you perhaps retarded?

The cat from Skullgirls? I had that fucker show up once and it confused the hell out of me.

>I actually prefer not white characters in games and media
You seem awfully focused on race, user.

They race-swapped one (1) character. There is one (1) amputee and she wears a bunny suit.
You seem to mainly be upset with the setting.

Attached: oh.jpg (640x780, 59K)

Wait, they made the Switch version of Bloodstained RotN even worse? Jesus fucking Christ, how is that even possible?

>Suddenly people hating on Bloodstained
Has the game already hit the 'its popular so its shit' stage?

>that shadow work though
Good shit

Yeah, he was the only European guy in the game, that's why it stands out.
>Only one is missing an arm
>Ignoring the talk about how everyone else is generally fat or ugly

Can't wait for this piece of shit to flop. If you like Skullgirls you're a mouthbreather, Melee forever

>he was the only European guy in the game
Citation on that?

Who the fuck thought mixing platforming with turn based combat was a good idea anyway

swap qadira for razmi and that's my party

The Switch version is a fucking inexcusable pile of dog shit that was released unfinished. No one's talking about the game itself, you retard. And shitting on the Switch version was happening at least a month before the game launched.
t. $60 tier Switch backer.


It's not about race but different cultures and experiences. You know, actual diversity. Not the shitty political diversity we see in western media where they take a black woman and put her in the role of a white man. I play Japanese games because I like experiencing things in a different culture and they don't do virtue signaling.

Are the anime cutscenes made by Trigger? They look great

This one has all the characters, but a lot of them have been changed for the worse. Vasco got removed and George fucked up.

>Has the game already hit the 'its popular so its shit' stage?
It hit that the minute it hit its crowdfunding goal.

>switch tbd
mother fuck the switch. Why does every fucking game come out months later?

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>Fat girl, Mohammad, and Kamen Rider


>It's not about race but different cultures and experiences.
You can count on one hand the number of games that have bothered to represent different cultures in any real way. It's always a coat of paint.

How do I tell which ones are Eurotrash? But also I don't think these are the only characters in the game.

>I play Japanese games because I like experiencing things in [one specific] different culture

>Vasco got removed
What the fuck? I haven't kept up with development, you can't be serious

With your eyes? Are you blind and posting with a speech to text program?

Got replaced with some kinda black pretend cowboy, yes.

It's not Japan's fault that few other cultures make games. Yeah, that one African game has been in development for a decade and there's some South American games. Meanwhile, Japan makes like 1,000 new games a year. If the other games were good (and actually released) I'd play those too.

Vasco's not playable anymore but will still appear in the game in some form, maybe as a boss.

You know that's a sorry excuse and they only did that because people were upset with the change. Still replaced him as a PC with a fucking virtue signal, though.

Literally the only appealing character in the game


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If you mean white just say white

Yes, she got redesigned to be fatter.
>Implying it's not the same thing




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His cowboy conquistador get up was offensive to all native americans from top to bottom



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They literally said that it was in response to the negative response.

if anything she look less fat but the original design wasn't really fat either


That disagrees with what I posted how, exactly?

One of the two-three characters people fanboy to defend the rest of the cast.

This game looks worse than super nep rpg. Why do all the characters look terrible.

Vasco is now an NPC.
In his place is Latigo, Morgan Freeman in a cowboy hat with a stupid fucking gun. He was his partner at one point.

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Who are the others? I like most of the other characters

Literal dogshit.

What the fuck why? I mean Latigo is cool but why couldn't we have both?

MC and whoever their personal waifu is (generally Razmi the absurdly pale Bengali or whatever the fuck she is.)

>Morgan Freeman in a cowboy hat with a stupid fucking gun
every time I look at him i see a fireman, I don't see a cowboy

>$60 in Argentina

505 did the same shit w/ Bloodstained, what the FUCK is there problem?

Limited dev time, not enough black characters and too many whites.



It doesn't?

We spend hours talking together, sharing jokes and discussing video games and shit. Are we not friends? That sounds like things friends do to me.


This game looks like any mobile trash on the google play store and the apple app store.

Well, the official statement given was that the design team didn’t think his design fit everyone else. They didn’t elaborate further.

Now, ordinarily, I’d cry fowl play and say they did it for diversity. But I’m not super sure about that, because my favorite guy, Voodoo Nigga, got cut from the game completely, who is a pretty diverse character. So your guess is as good as mine

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Then why post it? My point was just that it was a fucking stupid and indefensible change, him being an NPC doesn't make up for it, and they only did that much instead of deleting him entirely because people were upset.


>$60 in Argentina
So like $30 in the USA and $200 in Australia?

They fixed a few things here and there, but I've ran into more game closing errors since then. It's as easy as using a waystone and talking to anyone, there's a good chance the game will crash. I can't even grind for shards/items properly because it might just randomly crash. Some areas DO feel a bit smoother but that's about it, it still slows down like hell at random. I'm almost at the end of the game I think (got a weapon from someone) but man, I don't even feel like doing anything else because I'm afraid to lose progress, which has happened quite a few times already.
I'm not hating on the game you dumbass, the Switch port is just incredibly poorly optimized to the point where it's not even worth playing

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M8, the vast majority of the cast is south, central, and southeast asian, see pic. I'm only including the ones that will be playable but evemn if you include the cut ones too there's a similar ratio.

Also there's a difference between having tons of minorty characters for diversity pandering, and focusing on non-european cultures because you want cultural variety. One is done for pandering and virtue signalling and their actual cultures aren't even used in a way where them being black or white or brown makes a difference, the other actually offers new cultural, aeshetic, and thematic motifs to your game/characters and can actually benefit games.

It's pretty clear indivisble is the latter, the only one where you'd say it's iffy is with the velasco/latiago incident.

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took like 5 seconds of googling to find out she still isn't fat

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Almost all of the cast is aboriginal and a character designed on the looks of something that completely shat on them doesnt mesh well

Guess that means Zone will have to find a new excuse for taking years to finish one flash.

I'm pretty pumped though.

I think they're just weebs.

Voodoo is considered racist these days, because it's stereotyping all blacks as animal-sacrificing savages. That's the typical position on it anyway.

I really wanted him to be in.

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after following on twitter for years and seeing how it became a SWJ game I lost interest

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I don't believe that anyone liked vasco until he got changed. He looked fucking goofy

>You can't have a cattle rancher/bounty hunter in your game, that's racist
>But suddenly it's okay if that guy is black despite him also being a foreigner who did the same shit from the perspective of any native

>One of their first characters is literally a buddhist nun samurai from Japan
and she got scrapped off the game

>20 playable characters!
>but you have to use the girl in your party


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Because I'm retarded and somehow misread your post thinking you were only assuming that that was the reason they did it.

love some anime pits

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Are there no white males?

This doesn't look like a Cowboy. It looks more like the typical Don Juan clone in a Suikoden game.

Well explain coffee nigga being cut then.

That’s an angle I haven’t yet considered, but Alex kinda strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn’t care. The rest of his team, though...

I’m really gonna miss Kogi, dude

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I haven't followed any of this. Do they have a loli character?

I liked the other design more

I'm having a heart attack

They outright replaced most of the white ones they did have, at this point you can no longer say "Oh they're absent because they didn't want to focus on it." Especially with all the blacks. Hell your pic has several problems:
Been a long time, but I remember them pointing her out as some kind of Asian.
Amazons are a fictional race from a fictional place (but the Greeks normally placed it in North Africa anyway.)
Have you fucking ever been to Spain/Portugal? The man is black.

Isn't it usually "determined"?

Yes but intentionally made "odd" looking, they had one with a cute design but they didnt want to pander to THAT audience so she is siting in limbo.

>The rest of his team, though...
You can tell from this game's cast that they're all exactly the kind of people who would kowtow to SJW nonsense like that.

Three total that are playable. One isn't that cute though.

Attached: Kushi-and-altun.png (1032x1491, 640K)

>my favorite guy, Voodoo Nigga, got cut from the game completely
If I had to guess I'd say he got cut because he's too grotesque.


>valkiria chronicles clone
>skullgirls 2 never

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Samurai nun is the biggest loss for me.

Yes, and Anne from Skullgirls later.

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None of them are

Are you blind?

Nothing good goes uncorrupted, you'd never get themto make a game like Skullgirls these days.

Technically. Kushi and Altun

Attached: Kushi and Altun.png (1054x1203, 98K)

It's hilarious how much of a shit fest of cut/pointlessly changed characters this game has been.

Is notSucy still best girl.

They might sequel Skullgirls after this, though.

Even if they don't, it's getting a webcomic, and the moblie game is going to be adding characters from the ballot.

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You must be insane to not think Nuna and Ginseng aren't cute.

Attached: ginseng_attack_toss_flat.gif (320x479, 203K)

Vasco got replaced with a black man and George got cut, so yes, there are no white men. Or girls, unless you count the fat Amazon.

post more brown tomboy anime girls please

Permanent member of my team

That's a girl? Looks like an ugly boy.

Why is she so fat?

This is much worse than her original design.

>and the moblie game is going to be adding characters from the ballot.
Don't give him false hope. They said they want to start doing this but nothing's confirmed yet.

You mean like this?

Attached: Ren.gif (600x818, 728K)

I absolutely dread how much they're going to censor Skullgirls if they every made a sequel.


No u

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It makes sense though, they pretty much threw all of the concept drafts at us because they were just really early in dev.
With anyone else, this sort of shit would've been hidden until they had an art gallery/artbook of it

>Incredibly plain full body dress
>Somehow superior to a cute short dress/cloak combo

die you fucking shills your game is trash hahaha

Attached: 1561510052457.jpg (640x606, 40K)

it's $40 in USA, $70AUD in Australia
Argentina is the most expensive for some reason at at 2999.99 ARS$ which is equivalent to $66.27 USD...

505 are either extreme jews or extremely retarded considering they would have had to go in and manually adjust steam's recommended region pricing

Well yes, but I'm also not a girl so being an ugly boy is fine.

We're talking about the same team that went nuts on the tit bounces in Skullgirls and only realized what they'd done after no-one in the FGC wanted to touch their porn game because it was just tits n ass?

It only 'makes sense' if you're the kinda of person who likes inferior redesigns and pissing off fans by cutting their favorites or turning them black.

>Kike Z games

Attached: kikez.png (856x760, 117K)

Just but ahad back in charge of designing the characters more

Attached: 1536346343463.jpg (833x430, 57K)

We're also talking about the team with a ton of censored designs and a metric fuckton of virtue signal designs in this game, and similar posting on their personal accounts. Things change, these people are not the same as they were back when they made Skullgirls.

They literally have never censored anything related to Skullgirls you mong

The only thing that got remotely censored was one panty shot out of like 19 in Cerebella because one of the animating staff saw it and was like, "Hey, this action wouldn't have actually exposed her panties"

I don't know why you think that would ever happen

Old one was too generic and uninspired.

maybe you could look to the the intro animations they added for the mobile game not too long, which still feature pantyshots

Not in Skullgirls, but Indivisible is a much different story. They're not the same sort of people they were.

>It only 'makes sense' if you're the kinda of person who likes inferior redesigns and pissing off fans by cutting their favorites or turning them black.
assumptions, assumptions.
I'm not even talking about just how vasco and george got removed from being playable, but I also mean shit like the pirate lady's cannons, among other things.

So you made it more generic, and you call this improvement?

No, it makes sense to literally anyone who has a basic understanding of development for literally any type of media.

>censored designs
Literally fucking where? Even in Indivisible there's shit like this

>and a metric fuckton of virtue signal designs
Alex Ahad likes mythology, I don't know how "Virtue Signally" that is

Attached: Nashel.jpg (869x687, 243K)

>I'm not even talking about just how
Neither am I, hence the 'inferior redesigns' part, nor was the reference to cuts exclusively about George and not the dozen others.

No it doesn't. You don't show off something you're going to cut later unless you're an utter moron, and you sure as shit don't black characters halfway through development.


She looks like she fucks white guys: The Game
>Shadow Demon? Axe?
>RED Team

They've cut characters of literally every ethnicity you dumbass, it's not White Erasure if everything gets erased

All this time and nobody has pointed out that the sole person from Europe in this game is some black guy pretending to be French.

These games are priced up because of your countries laws and exchange rates. Aussies always complain. But they don't realize Australia has some of the dumbest laws. Like digital games still get "import fees" like physical games do. Government wants all the money it can get and taxing American products without having to actually make the product yourself is the easiest way.

The squash shaped hair is cute and more distinct.

>Cartwright, Ahad, and Mike don't like the president
>This means they're going to censor designs


Why are you so immensely stupid that you think the only complaint here is about race? Holy shit, idiot. Cutting any character after showing them off is stupid as fuck, white, brown or fucking green. That part had nothing to do with the cut characters' races.

Are there any exclusive "recolors" for the other places?

Oh, well I can't get mad at that logic.

I do wish they had kept em

That's just a problem with crowdfunded development, if you show too much people who don't understand development will invariably get angry when stuff gets changed or cut, but then if you show too little people get angry because of the lack of news.

>SJW virtue signals about how someone they don't like it a racist sex nazi
>But they totally aren't politically driven and likely to align with the typical SJW position on sexualization and how everything is racist

>They literally have never censored anything related to Skullgirls you mong
Yes they have, quite early on. Filia had one win pose where her hair pulls her jacket off and reveals her bra and that one got removed. The biggest bitch crying about it within Labzero is Mike.

Attached: MikeZRay.webm (1280x720, 483K)

>Long straight hair with a small topknot
>So distinct, never seen that before

>people who don't understand development will invariably get angry when stuff gets changed or cut
tee hee

>and you sure as shit don't black characters halfway through development.
Why bring this up then?

She's a cute girl

Good. Yandev wanted more to busy himself with instead of working on his game. Mike did him a favor.

Are you blind or just stupid

Because I have multiple complaints about how they've handled development. Am I not allowed to voice anything but one? It isn't my fault you're illiterate and can't understand that separate sentences encompass separate examples of botched development.


Attached: __mamahaha_and_nakoruru_samurai_spirits_drawn_by_mera_jin__95278f7b5babf8f734cb18d22b29acd7.jpg (600x800, 81K)

What a great argument.

oh boy, another generic metroidvania/rpg game. Mashing up too tired, and oversaturated genres doesn't suddenly make them not dogshit.

Attached: 40da7f9b7221059e03b4388b7a3625d6a4ce94717e9b9df1c775e21feba40c6e.jpg (255x245, 13K)

>Looks like a skinny Japanese anime boy

>ugly tumblr artstyle
>inferior clone of Valkyrie Profile with button mashing instead of timing combo's


Attached: __ayasato_mayoi_gyakuten_saiban_drawn_by_fuse_takuro__6ce65e22c568d9ae89099e60a767b289.png (1817x4098, 3.17M)

explain latin america or russia then which has lower prices on 99% of games on steam because the people are poor and will just pirate when priced out of the market?

you must work at 505 games if you don't understand basic economy or how thousands of other games on steam are priced.

Meh, I'll get it once they make a Beat'Em'Up edition of the game. They got an air-juggling heavy fighting engine from a previous game and then they make a game that looks beat'em'up. And then turn it into Paper Mario instead. Its a baffling decision.

Attached: 1528751003742.jpg (366x399, 19K)

perfect for you then :)


Attached: Art-ryudo01-1.jpg (454x788, 62K)


So race is part of it. Glad you finally got your story straight.

Anyone else hate that there are too many brown girls?

Are you afraid of playing something you haven't before?

I'm putting Maya on my team now

Oh shit, I forgot about that.

Man, I sure am mad about that. Except literally every titty jiggle and panty shot Filia has is still in the game

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Ahad's designs have literally always featured mythological stuff from other cultures and sexy women, he's not going to stop making them.
He still draws shit like this, for crying out loud. As long as he's on the Lab Zero team, he's going to make sexy women.

Attached: Ahad's OCs Fallout and other girl.jpg (1002x1608, 657K)

Race isn't a part of that specific complaint. I'm going after you on that because you kept insisting that I only cared about removal because it hit George, when no, that complaint was about ALL the characters who got cut. I really have to wonder if you flunked English or if you're just too fucking stupid to understand someone having multiple positions from which to criticize something.

They won't make another 2D fighterr, not a chance in hell.

No, but I do think the three black people in the mostly Asian cast stand out like a sore thumb.


They might make a Beat-Em-Up, Mike Z turned his Skullgirls engine into a beat em up capable game on stream once

That nose is fucking disgusting.

I dunno man, Skullgirls was basically Ahad and Zaimont's baby, and it still doesn't even have a canon ending.

Idivisible's cast of uglies and fatties, on the other hand, do everything to disprove that assumption.

I really wanted this on Switch. Guess I'll grab the Xbone version.

Attached: Really nyigga.png (420x553, 123K)

I hope everyone who is slightly interested in this game will pirate it. And don't support your shit agenda.

Attached: __razmi_indivisible_drawn_by_lilirulu_.png (600x631, 140K)

Tell me about Razmi. Why does everyone love her?

isnt this that nigger metroidvania game that is woke?


>Full of fatties and uglies

I feel like I'm just being baited at this point

Attached: Thorani.png (1847x930, 167K)

>Muh Tomoko except a paper-pale Bengali

I've played both genres, beat'em'up is better, drives more sales and is more fun overall. Indivisible would be better off as a Dragons Crown clone.

Shit fetish

This game is powered by misplaced hype and waifus

Are you sure you're not just looking at the price of games long after they came out? Comparing the launch price of a game like this to Skullgirls 4 years after release isn't really apt. Because you do know they lower the price of games in all regions, right?

Some game developers do increase the price though, I'll give you that. But they're usually punished with lower sales. Producing the very effect you described. But there are other games which didn't do this. There was a huge scandal about how Civilization VI cost more in Australia and everyone was acting like Fraxis was screwing people. But Fraxis came out and said the game cost $40 more in Australia because the Australian government was adding fees to digital games. What makes you think Argentina is any different?

Can't you read? He said underarm hair

That's Timespinner you tard.

I also thought this was an action game but it turns it out has turn based battles while you are traversing around like a side scrolling metroidvania.. jarring as fuck.

literally unwishlisted when I saw that.

golem get ye gone

Attached: Mara.jpg (869x687, 542K)

I don't think I've seen people talk about this game, like at all, but I see people talk about waifus. idk man idk.
I would but they'd just get rid of the fan service once Twitter got wind of it

Maybe you should of brought it when it came out retard

>Idivisible's cast of uglies and fatties
Did you even take as much as a peek at the cast? I'll help you out:

>muh Tomoko
and that's a good thing.

Attached: 1446152974043.jpg (1280x960, 192K)

>Ahad's designs have literally always ripped off characters from popular franchises.
Fixed that for you.

>And all of the above
So there you go, with them and all the guys, that leaves you what? Ajna, Leilana, and Thorani, outside of the little girl and the nog? Compare that shit to skullgirls.

the game looks like shit and most threads on Yea Forums look like straight up shilling. hope it bombs.

I forgot to mention Razmi because I know its 'controversial', I think she's ugly as shit and her outfit covers her entire body. They're not trying to make something attractive with her, people just latch onto the sad/tired looking girl like always.

My main problem with it is how weird the perspective looks, because they need to show all the characters and enemies in battle

it's a popular archetype

Only because nips don't shoot out of loud nigger (or whittu piggu in this case) doesn't means that they're not xenophobic as fuck, in fact they're masters in passive-agressive harassment


So I am being baited, then.

Attached: Baozhai final.png (2000x2923, 1.38M)

Are you sure you're not retarded? Or are you just a kike?

Here are some NEWLY RELEASED GAMES that are cheaper in various regions:
Age of Wonders - Planetfall: $49.99 usa -> 540 ARS$ = $12
Earth Defense Force 5: $59.99 usa -> 650 ARS$ = $14.50
Total War: Three Kingdoms: $59.99 usa -> 1500 ARS$ = $33

gee it's almost like there's a pattern where third world countries have prices adjusted, I even linked the steam databse price listing for Indivisible and you can clearly see that the price is often double what it costs in the united states in 3rd world countries.

>If you don't like chubby pirate its bait, everyone must share my shit taste


if you repeat it enough will that make it true

What's with all the antisemitism and white nationalist bullshit in this thread?

Critical high yikes.

This. Plenty of anime have foreign girls. And at most, they just make one cliche joke about gummy fish or hamburgers. Then the whole rest of the show, there's absolutely no reference to the characters ethnicity, skin color, sex or anything. But in western games, every fucking cutscene is about race, oppression, diversity, female empowerment, the girl is perfect, all men are stupid and so on. I'll pirate this game just to see if it does any of that. And if it does, I won't buy it.

Attached: brown_quotes.gif (500x400, 926K)

>chubby pirate
based retard

She's not fucking fat dude do you have eyes?

Attached: Here you go kid.png (837x794, 244K)

>But in western games, every fucking cutscene is about race, oppression, diversity, female empowerment, the girl is perfect, all men are stupid and so on
Nice boogeyman.

Attached: 1493873463759.jpg (861x373, 180K)

>Except literally every titty jiggle and panty shot Filia has is still in the game
Its Ahad and Kinuko vs Mike, he have to give some leeway from his retarded wokeness or they wouldnt have a game.

blame the kikes that think it is fair to charge double the price americans have to pay in 3rd world shitholes.

You really should do something about that victim complex.

Look at that feminist insertion shit.

I've waited 4 years for this!

Attached: 1508620998857.jpg (843x770, 135K)

>not a dark skinned blonde
what a fucking waste

>Only because nips don't shoot out of loud nigger (or whittu piggu in this case) doesn't means that they're not xenophobic as fuck
But because they don't do that, it's hard to find examples of them being racist. Feel free to provide some.

>in fact they're masters in passive-agressive harassment
That's just social pressure, which they do to their own people. And what most societies used to do. Hell, all the various non white groups in western countries still do it. The only people who stopped are the native Europeans. Go to any Asian, African, Latino and etc part of a western town and they're a tight nit community who pressures their people to stick to their traditions. White people on the other hand are told all the time to be more open to foreign they do. Then they get called racist for liking African music or Asian movies or Mexican food.

Deflection doesn't disprove anything.

Do you? I also like how you ignored everything else I said to defend your waifu.

Fuck off retard. Hating shitty games isn't tortanic. I guarantee you weren't even around for it nigger.

more like


Baozhai was based of a pirate lady that actually existed

Finally an actual fucking Criticism

>Bloodstained was a success
>TORtanic fags are now jumping on this

Never gets old.

Blundercucks never sleep.

And not posting a single example doesn't prove anything.

>Made by a proven Metroidvania developer with cute girls
>Made by fighting game devs who don't know shit about Metroidvanias or RPGs but decided to mash them together
>Full of virtue signaling and ugly women
Yep they're totally exactly the same because they both got crowdfunded.


I listed off a string of examples. But you took the typical SJW defense "if I don't agree with it, it never happened." Games are getting full on censored by Sony and Steam for showing lews girls or not pushing a political agenda. But sure, it doesn't exist.

mind linking me to those examples cause i don't see any in the post chain.

>Baozhai was based of a pirate lady that actually existed

c 'mon... it transmits the same pestilence as the stupidity of "We can do it!"

>Made by fighting game devs who don't know shit about Metroidvanias or RPGs but decided to mash them together
You mean deviantartists and former game studio interns.

Super Neptunia RPG is better than this shit

>Implying I even have a waifu
>Implying Baohzai is fat

are you fucking blind? She's not even fat. The only character you've got a case for being fat is Phoebe, and techically speaking, she's muscular (And as an amazon, literally big boned). Sangmu is chubby, though I can't argue there.

Ginseng is a kid, so she's not supposed to be hot. It's like including Peacock in in a Skullgirls hotness Tier list, no shit she's not super hot. She's 13, and not even a particularly tidy 13 year old. She has no eyes, and has weird arms.

Yan and literally everyone else isn't ugly. Maybe not everyone is on, say, Parasoul's level of attractiveness, but they're not ugly by any stretch of the imagination. I would argue Yan is pretty. The only reason to think she's ugly is that she doesn't have arms, and if that turns you off, you're a fuckin' pleb.

You get one more reply after this. Try your best to not waste it.

Attached: here you go.png (579x434, 38K)

The point is that the only thing they've ever made is a fighting game, so they're not remotely trustworthy in regards to genres they've never touched.

You literally can't make this shit up. Fuck off Billy.

oh that's my birthday


I wasn't asking for a list of censored PS4 games I was asking for any games where "every fucking cutscene is about race, oppression, diversity, female empowerment, the girl is perfect, all men are stupid and so on".

>The armless beenpole isn't ugly
>The fat midget mongol isn't ugly
>The fat pirate isn't ugly
>The massive fatass 'amazon' isn't ugly
>Fucking Sangmu's lardass isn't ugly
If you want to ignore the kids because they're not going loli with them then that doesn't support your argument, since this was about attractiveness. Disqualifying them is meaningless since it just reduces the pool size.
>You get one reply
Why do you think I care if you reply? All you wanna do is look like you 'owned the trolls' and barely pay a fraction of your attention on what I'm saying, why do you think I'm desperate to keep you replying?

Samurai Nun was cut? shit, that was one of my favorite designs. I'm a sucker for cleverly designed crosses.

You wasted your last reply. Here it is

Attached: Free Reply.png (400x400, 42K)

Is this trying to tell me that these people are SJWs or something because I'm really not seeing it

I really hope for this to be garbage, we havent had a good ol kickstarter blunder in a while

Attached: nobody_cares.jpg (400x400, 45K)

Wait a minute that's based, I thought he was a complete soiboy

>I hate the source so it's not valid!
Oh hi resetera. Doesn't change the fact that all those games got censored.

I don't know about western games because I frankly got tired of them. But I can tell you plenty of western TV shows that do that. Supergirl, Agents of Shield, madam Secretary, Steven Universe, etc. I'd imagine some western games have taken up the same model. Someone else will need to provide examples though.

>steam forum is just everyone bitching about the high price
will it flop?

She's claiming people are bigots for voting for a repulican who people mainly call racist because he believes borders should exist. Being anti-borders and pro-illegal is an extremely leftist position and thus SJW.

>muscles, feet, and curve wrapped up into one gif

I really like everything about this but god the combat takes so LONG. Killing filler mooks shouldn't take that much time.

I think he just kinda hates tits. Which sucks, because his partner almost exclusively deals in tits

He's also an FGCfag so that makes him something

Bloodstained came out like a month ago, but okay go yell at boats all day.

>asked for examples of games
>can't give a single one
You're supposed to back up your viewpoints otherwise you look like a dumb reactionary.

The fuck are you on about? The game comes out in two MONTHS, retard.

>Successful game

Bloodstained was good though

seeth more hollowcuck

>I don't know about
>I'd imagine
>Someone else will need to provide examples though.

oh no no no no no

So you can't give a single example huh? Ok big guy, just remember that I won today.

Full list here:

Remember, you need to have all your bases covered when engaging SJWs. They'll try to weasel out of and ignore anything you say and harp on your phrasing, so you need to watch out for that. They're retarded chimps, but even a six year old knows that 'trick' to 'win' arguments.

I thought I made it clear I wasn't the one who made the original point. I was just pointing out that lots of TV shows do it. Also movies and especially comic books.

I just don't play many western games so I can't provide examples of those. The last western game I played was Civ VI. And even then, it had plenty of virtue signaling about female superiority and climate change. But not all the things the guy above claimed.

Where have you been, dude? People don't like it because it's painfully mediocre.

Yet if he had said TV shows instead of games, you'd actually have to answer his examples. But conveniently, you get to ignore those because of a technicality.

>because it's painfully mediocre.
Based on what? The prototype?

You mean Yea Forums.
>Because it's painfully mediocre
You mean because it's popular.

On the one hand, I'd like this to be successful so Hand drawn/2d stuff still has hope. (+ I liked their little demo)
On the other hand, something's off with that wannabe DBZ transformation & the fact that zone was recruited to work on it.

Even Zone bows to the SJWs.

Looks fun, but it's probably going to drop in price pretty quick, so I'll wait

>Suddenly people hating on Bloodstained
It was never well liked. It was a handful of shills who kept making endless threads about it and obsessing over how "hot" the main character is. While few other people cared. Same as Indivisible.

I for one will never touch Bloodstained because 1) IGA made it and 2) He's still fucking copying the SotN formula someone else made after 22 years. Do something unique!

>remembers the 3D Castlevania games
Wait, I take that back. DON'T do something unique!

Attached: whoadude.jpg (650x850, 112K)

Oh yeah, only shills like games.


made another image, this time with a map

>Been a long time, but I remember them pointing her out as some kind of Asian.

Her name is thai, but I don't see any indication of that.

>Amazons are a fictional race from a fictional place

The Maya hero twins are fictional too, you gonna say Hunoch and Xiboch don't count as Maya?

>Have you fucking ever been to Spain/Portugal? The man is black.

He is, but he's also clearly got iberian cultural influences, and he's not explictly like another place like antoine. Maybe he's just really fucking tan or something. As I said, I agree latiago is the one bitg that strikes me as virtue signallingish

Maybe I should change Kampan to "thai(?)" and Lantiage to "Ambiguous Iberian(?)"

Attached: indivisble geography with map.png (2000x1093, 1.87M)

For all the work that's put in the characters, the backgrounds seem a bit bland. Cool though.

Realistically how long can this game be consideirng it's hand-drawn and you move through the map pretty quickly?

5 hours? It looks fun though, but I am concerned about the experience just feeling short.

Attached: 7.jpg (900x1600, 319K)

>Based on what?
The game being mediocre

Most people didn't like it because it was mediocre.

>something's off with that wannabe DBZ transformation

>the fact that zone was recruited to work on it.
Zone already worked on Skullgirls though.


Attached: Squiggles.png (600x600, 146K)

I'd rather have a short game with good content I can replay than a drawn out bad game. That said, good art doesn't really mean a game has to be short. Games reuse assets all the time. And then you have something like Muramasa which is 20+ hours long despite being totally hand drawn and amazing. And people complain because you have to backtrack a few times.

This happens to be a video game thread on a video game board, just because there's a prevalent problem in TV doesn't mean the same goes for video games.

How long do you think it'll take for sex mods to come out for this

>I don't see any indication of that
She's a cartoon, most of the characters don't try to look all that ethnic.
>The Maya hero twins are fictional too, you gonna say Hunoch and Xiboch don't count as Maya?
They're fictional Maya. Amazons are fictional North Africans, the Greeks never treated them as related to/part of the Greek people. It'd be like calling a centaur a Greek.

Are these only available if you pre-order?

>The game being mediocre
Again, based on what?

iirc There's several areas and every character has their own recruitment quest. I don't know if you need all of them to beat the game, but that itself seems like it'd take a couple hours. If I were to compare it to another indie, I guess it'd definitely be longer than Katana Zero?

They said 30 hours.

Is this another game where theres alot of barefooted fanart but the character is never actually barefoot ingame?

And Latiago, he's black. Dude's coal black, no European tans like that. Even the most mixed half-Moor from Granada isn't that dark, because Moroccans weren't that dark and they castrated their African slaves.

It is plenty prevalent in video games. You just won't acknowledge it unless someone posts examples. And even if they do post examples, you'll come up with another excuse. You're also not responding to the one example that was given (Civ VI) which uses really SJW quotes, social policies and a whole expansion about climate change. I feel so sorry for Sean Bean having to read those cringy lines...

I wish we could talk about Indiv here without so much arguing.

Devs brought it on themselves.

I'm kinda surprised there is this much argument considering it's a game with cute girls in skimpy dresses showing off their cleavage.

That happens when you put politics in games.

Are open toed sandals not good enough?

oh ok

It has like three of those, and the rest are dudes or fat/ugly. This is not a good game for sex appeal.

Wikipedia'd it.
From the first paragraph
In Greek mythology, the Amazons (Ancient Greek: Ἀμαζόνες Amazónes, singular Ἀμαζών Amazōn) were a tribe of warrior women related to the Scythians and Sarmatians, both of whom are considered Iranian peoples. Apollonius Rhodius, in his Argonautica, mentions that the Amazons were the daughters of Ares and Harmonia (a nymph of the Akmonian Wood), that they were brutal and aggressive, and their main concern in life was war.[1][2] Lysias, Isocrates, Philostratus the Elder also say that their father was Ares.

So I'm more confused than ever. It says they're Iranian, but wouldn't they also be Greek if their dad was Ares? I kinda wanna go with North African just because that one guy who argued for that seemed to know what he was talking about.

However, I always thought Naga Rider was Indian since the Naga has roots in India and is a Hindu thing, but now that I'm thinking about it, I feel kind of unsure about it all.


I don't quite remember the part where Ajna turned to the screen, held up a fist, and whispered, "Resist"

Also his Driver literally has a Wagon Wheel on it
Might be a reference to the typhoon belt though

Attached: NAGA RAIDA.jpg (600x926, 72K)

'Iranian' is a bit of a misnomer. Scythians were Indo-European nomads originally from the Pontic Steppe (where Indo-Europeans in general originated.) Europeans, Iranians, and Indians (though they're very mixed) are all Indo-European peoples descended from the original horse nomads in the Pontic Steppe, who migrated out to reach those areas (and others they've since been extirpated from like Asia Minor and Sogdia, as they were from the Steppe itself by later Turkic and Mongolian invasions.) Scythians were not directly descended from Iranians.

Ah. I gotta start getting into this stuff

Would you pretend to hate drumpf to have a shot at her?

ignoring the fact that she's taken by giga-chad Tyson Hesse

Bitch I bet you're 300 times the nigger I'll ever be.
All i wanted was fucking tomboy lewds, but nooooooooooooo, we gotta have these strawman faggots shitting up the thread cause "lmao kikestarter! crowdfunding rofl!".
You retards are all the same since mighty no 9, literally saying every crowdfunded game will be shit cause you lack the minimal amount of brain cells required to do basic basic fact checking and pattern recognition.
Fuck off to shit up an actual crowd funding shit show like that faggy looking pokemon clone.

Attached: shinLaugh.png (963x717, 724K)


The game, you esl slime. Why do I even bother trying to teach you turd-worlders how to shut the fuck up when you can't even read proper English? Good God.

>tfw I havent played any of the Guest Characters Games
Yes, even Shuffle Knight. Never liked Ducktales the game when I played it as an adult on an emulator, so its marketing did nothing for me.
Im probably a rare breed on this shithole

Don't reply to them, every kickstarted game is shit by virtue of them being crowdfunded. They'll say it's a design choice, or a developer, or any number of things. If they don't have those, they'll just say the game is overrated and lie about that. I wish they'd fuck off, they ruin literally every indie game thread.

>only 2 short haired girls
>one is the delicious tomboy
>the other is some fat fuck
Well, atleast the tomboy is a winner

when's annie

>I want lewds!
>hmmm should I go to the various porn boards and drawthreads to ask for requests?
>or maybe commission some fag to draw what I want?
>hurrr duuurr i'll just go in the vidya thread for porn!

>it has to be blatant to be political
It can be something as simple as the main villain is white and the main character is brown. Oh, you don't think that's political? Well if you switched them around, the SJWs would be bitching about it all day and try to get the game banned. It's political because games have to change everything to fit a certain narrative. Making everything political.

The game what, you fucking retard? Are you going to elaborate on any of your posts today or are you just going to continue being a double nigger?

>They add a few more from the original draft
>But they removed your favorite

What's their name Yea Forums?
Mine was George

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Take a time warp back to pre-tortanic Yea Forums


I saw the old versions and I would have dropped that shit too. Speak for yourself because konami being on that list alone is shit considering the hot trash that was def jam icon came out destroying the success of any game that year with it's huge flop. The only reason bomberman is even alive today is thanks to nintendo literally begging them to make a new one to prove it could sell.

Rent free

great idea, I'll just eat out your moms rotting ass.

Attached: 1563136314556.jpg (1280x1280, 189K)

You first, trannycel.

Naw if you are a backer they specifically state you get them for free. They Probably specified that because of the whole Shenmue debacle

>Oh, you don't think that's political? Well if you switched them around, the SJWs would be bitching about it all day and try to get the game banned.

ok well I don't agree with that either

My favorite is Ramzi so I'm good since she didn't receive any big changes aesthetically or story-wise since her introduction.

Attached: 1537387929426.gif (375x375, 168K)

kogi was cool, I'm disappointed he got cut
I guess he'll be an npc or whatever

>It can be something as simple as the main villain is white and the main character is brown

That isn't fucking political you dumbass. That's only political if you fucking insist that they did it because Brown people are evil, which very few, if any people fucking do.
What, are we only supposed to enjoy games that only have white people in it? Are we no longer allowed to enjoy Guilty Gear because a black guy is it in? Is GTA shit because they're the blackest games on the market? Get the fuck out of here, dude.
>Oh, you don't think that's political? Well if you switched them around, the SJWs would be bitching about it all day and try to get the game banned.
Motherfucker they bitch about everything. If there's nothing to bitch about, they'll FIND something to bitch about. They'll bitch about brown main characters NOT being good enough. Hell, Shantae gets shit on constantly by SJWs because she's sexy and dumb, despite being brown. Hell, They got angry at Korra, despite being the most important person in her world, AND a gay woman of color, because she didn't win all the time and did shit a lot of dumb shit (But y'know, everyone hated Korra, so that might not be fair).

The only thing separating us from the SJWs is that we realize not everything is politically charged. It's why people don't like /pol/fags here but still say nigger sometimes.

Attached: I don't know what game this is from.png (976x256, 15K)

I've been thirsty for this type of game since square enix / tri-ace is all but dead set on killing star ocean and valkyrie profile at full throttle.

So only if you pre order or you are a backer? It's just that I avoid pre-ordering but I hate knowing I'm missing out on content, even if it's just a recolor.

>Is GTA shit because they're the blackest games on the market?
That's actually part of the problem. Around hmmm....50% of the problem i'd say.

>doesnt know cave story

Attached: 5P7aUyM.png (227x227, 57K)

That pic is from Cave Story
How do you not recognize the art style? You have played Cave Story right user? You're not a casual are you? :^)

Baited for these exact responses :^)

You cheeky fuck

No I know Cave Story but like, that quote never appears in the game. It's from a different game but I don't know what it's from

Shut the fuck up you're not me

Attached: King Nedroid 1.png (976x530, 10K)

>that speech SWJ

Absolute brainwash.

>boring normalfag faceapp picture
>cringeworthy post that doesn't make sense
Post quality has dropped these last few months. Summer better end soon.

You did it user! Congratulations

Attached: 152A3D18-208A-4574-B2EF-F75298BA0324.gif (300x200, 470K)

>No argument


the whole debate goes that the characters were totally politically correct compared to skullgirls and you passed it to a racial them... fucking retard.


I honestly don't know which of them I'm more sexually attracted to