People try to talk about games at work

>people try to talk about games at work
>all I play is gachashit

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How do I get a gamer gf?

I would rather pick a gf that showers.

Stop playing gacha

>turns out all they play is gachashit too

that's not a girl.

just because she's not a girl doesn't mean she can't be your girlfriend

Me with the blue hair

I truly don't know what gacha even is. I'm becoming a Boomer and I love it.

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In my experience gamer girls usually fall into two categories.
A pseudo-gamer girl that plays games to get attention. They rarely play alone, prefer mainstream multiplayer games and don't really care about the game.
The second type are true-gamer-girls. They mostly prefer single player games and don't give mush shit about your existance. It's hard to talk to them. They will ignore you because getting something done in the game is more important than some pesky social encounter.

Both are meh

So you can drink her bath water?

Is there truly nothing in between?

There could be. But i never met such people

be my gacha bf

Holy shit how will I ever recover?

how can people play nothing but gacha? it'S just picture collecting with auto battles.

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>people talk about games at work
>pretend I don't know anything about them
>at most, say that I used to own "a nintendo" or "a sega" but don't have anything new
why do I push people away

Every single time I click on threads with this stupid fucking comic as the OP image lured in by two of my favorite franchises circa 2015 and every single time Yea Forums disappoints me

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>all I play is gachashit
Go fucking kill yourself

I'd rather pick a healthy, disciplined, and hygienic gf than one that plays games. Because this Also because of this

Tell that to people who play anything by Naughty Dog.

Cope and seeth console kiddie, go back to your stinky smash thread.

World is big. There probably are. But i doubt that the chance to meet one is plausable.
Do you really want to want something so rare?
Happiness is reality divided by your expectations. Don't want or expect much and you will be happy even if everything goes the worst possible way. Or even more so if it doesn't

Even Naughty Dog games have more indepth gameplay than any gachashit.

kill yourself you shit eating cuck

>all I play is gatchashit
thats the issue OP, your taste in games is garbage, go play an actual game instead of being a paypig

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Make me

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