Capcom leaks

Some Capcom leaks from a close source for you guys:

>Dead Rising 1, 2 and Off the Record are being ported to Switch, digital only as far as I know.

>Mega Man X9 in development, gonna be revealed by the end of this year and will be released early 2020 for every platform, mobile game will hint at the new game

>Devil May Cry 3 is coming to Switch too, no idea about 2

>Viewtiful Joe 1&2 getting remastered versions, 3 in development

>Devil May Cry V will get a new expansion, Gamescom announcement

>Resident Evil 3 Remake is considered to be teased at TGS or The Games Awards, summer 2020, revamped Mercenaries modes, bigger Racoons City and Carlos Oliveira background expanded.

>Monster Hunter S is the title for the new Monster Hunter exclusive title for Switch, they want to create an hybrid portable and home console experience with this game.

>More Onimusha games are being remastered and ported

>Resident Evil 8 and Dino Crisis remake are being in development for next gen, one is aimed to be a launch title for the consoles

>New Marvel vs Capcom is in development for current gen and next gen.

>Finally: Street Fighter V Arcade Edition is being ported to Switch and Xbox One, and 3 characters are getting revealed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love lies.

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Also no Ace Attorney 7 news for TGS? Step it up, OP.

>>Viewtiful Joe 1&2 getting remastered versions, 3 in development
Right here is where you fucked up.

>no Dragon's Dogma 2
A new MvC game that's good would be great though.

>Viewtiful Joe 3 in development
God I just wanna slam your head onto a desk and mush it all around you LARPing leaker faggot

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I can actually see that being possible, where he really fucked up was 3 characters being revealed for SFV.

It took them half a year to show Honda, Poison and Lucia. I doubt they'd show 3 more within the same fucking month.

Where's Okami 2?

>3 characters are getting revealed.
We just had 3 characters released for SFV. Alongside Kage, that's four characters for season 4 already. Each season has only had 6 characters so far.

I'd love this, so fuck you.

Tell me about the next Dead Rising and Dragon's Dogma 2.

>I doubt they'd show 3 more within the same fucking month
It's at the end of the year, Ono said more shit is coming in November and December, and a Winter character pack is coming

way too much games, cut the leak in half and I would have believed you

The character select screen was rearranged to support two more characters with the latest release, there will be a full season by year's end.

Cool stuff, I wish it was real

Oh I thought the entire list was for gamescom, because Capcom is going to be there.

My bad.

No one cares if you're going to bring an original IP to the table because it's original, no one knows if they'll like it or not.

>RE3 being done that quick
>leaking shit to what you’d expect, or what people want, and never something unexpected/unknown
Lying ass bitch

> DMCV expansion
fuck you now I want it to be real

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no dogma that's gaya

They've already mentioned wanting to do RE3 if RE2 did well enough. Besides you forget they announced RE2 remake long before it was actually even shown.

>Resident Evil 3 Remake is considered to be teased at TGS or The Games Awards, summer 2020, revamped Mercenaries modes, bigger Racoons City and Carlos Oliveira background expanded.

>Resident Evil 8 and Dino Crisis remake are being in development for next gen, one is aimed to be a launch title for the consoles

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They were probably starting work already when RE2make was being done.

RE3 is not the "real" RE3. It's a gaiden.

>Mon Hun
>RE3 Remake
That's the only thing you should actually expect from Crapcum


>New Marvel vs Capcom is in development for current gen and next gen.
This is where he fucked up

What kind of deranged lunatic makes up fake leaks for fun? Honestly get some help.

All of this sounds completely within the realms of possibility. Nothing to outrageously expensive.

I give it the benefit of the doubt.

e3 2020, trust me, my dog works at Capcom

Thank your dog for me :^)

>sfv ported
>crossplay is denied by Sony
Lying faggot.

Got a blurry image for your claims?

>>Dead Rising 1, 2 and Off the Record are being ported to Switch, digital only as far as I know.

God I want this bad.

>Capcom is working on 15 games at once

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That's 7 games I development, with 8+ ports under their supervision. Capcom has never had this many games in development at the same time before.

Come on, if you're going to lie put some effort to it, the first half is somewhat believable, but everything after DMC5 is completely bullshit.
0/10, not even worth talking about for speculation's sake

Is nintendo going to let capcom do another Zelda ever?


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We're definitely getting more SF5 characters before year's end but very likely no more than two and it ain't getting ported.

But it's clear they're going to close out the year with a full season's worth of releases, even if they won't talk about anything.

It is actually 6 games with 2 of them being dead easy to make (megaman and viewtiful Joe) monster hunter s may also be some dead easy game to make since it is for switch.

>SFV coming to other platforms
Sony helped fund it, so it won't happen.
>more Switch ports
This is believable, though
>Dino Crisis remake
The only reason i don't want this to be true is i don't want to have to buy a PS5 so early into its life.

Isekai DMC

Fuck you, lying piece of shit.

Project N.0.3 gets a remake. Proof in spoilers

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This is the price Capcom pays for having so many franchises people want to see content from.

>Dino Crisis remake


>and Dino Crisis remake are being in development for next gen, one is aimed to be a launch title for the consoles
Please, user. I can't take it anymore

Sony funded V, you dope.

dead rising 2 would not run well enough on switch to get released, so you fucked up in the first line.

>Mega Man X9
>Viewtiful Joe 1,2,3
>Resident Evil 3 Remake
>Resident Evil 8
>Dino Crisis remake
>More Onimusha
How many gallons did you ejaculte while typing this?

This has always been the case with Capcom you idiot. Last time they started pumping out an absurd amount of games, most of them were outsourced and we all know how that went.

Tell me they're gonna to port that Megaman mobile game to PC cause there's no fucking way i going to play that on my fucking phone

Exclusive leaks on the project, just for you

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They fund FF7 too and now it available on Switch

I could actually see all of this happening. FUCK I'm excited as shit for this.

>Dino Crisis remake

Stop, user. I can't get hyped only to be disappointed anymore...

dogs are cool

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>everything you want is going to happen bros, trust me i know some insider

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>Isekai contaminating vidya

Kill yourself larping faggot

>>Devil May Cry 3 is coming to Switch too, no idea about 2
so that'll be another 19.99 plus tip huh

This is bullshit, too obvious. Several things gave it away.
Also the general amount of info.

not sure how being on the Switch makes a game "dead easy" to make

especially if you want it to have good graphics AND run well. better do some research on the switch's internal architecture so it doesn't end up being a really shitty port of a game on another console and instead looks closer to Fast RMX

With the way Capcom are treating the Switch? Unlikely.

this but unironically

No, they didn't.

>dino crisis


>No dragons dogma

Kill me now.

>no Lost Planet news

I wish

>Resident Evil 3 Remake
>summer 2020
Utter fucking imposible, there are literally no resources for such a quick job.
All confirmed fake, then. Well, VJ3 and Dino Crisis Remake sounded too good to be true, anyway.

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But he didn't even "announce" any Ace Attorney games. That's the one thing I REALLY want from Capcom right about now.

>dino crisis
a man can dream

>DMC5 dlc despite saying it’ll never happen
>viewtiful joe
>new portable MH
Lmao man no one is gonna believe you

Monster Hunter on Switch would probably be easy to make because they already have the engine and a massive number of assets ready on the system thanks to the GU port.

>SFV brought to xbox and switch
>new megaman game
>capcom continues to use the switch as a dumping grounds for old games
only true thing in your post

I need my daily dose of tfw no X9. Thanks OP

New portable MH is the most believable thing on there by far.

>>new megaman game

Actually there is one coming.

These are general leaks, not for a specific event like gamescom or something. It's possible that they could announce a new season near winter.

"i will put everything people want so they will be happy"

>Finally: Street Fighter V Arcade Edition is being ported to Switch and Xbox One, and 3 characters are getting revealed.

Sony funded this

>Viewtiful Joe 1&2 getting remastered versions, 3 in development

we do not joke about joe

Is reading that hard are do you idiots have buttons for eyes. It doesn't say Isekai anywhere.
I-sekai= other world
Shin-sekai=new world (nothing to do with isekai)
Completely different word you dumb EOPs

They're pretty vague about how exactly SCE codeveloped this, they never even said if Sony outright funded it. Maybe there's a loophole considering all of the revisions the game went through? I'm a brainlet when it comes to legal shit, pls be nice.

Its easy to Work on R3make when HALF of the entire city and assets are pretty much done thanks to RE2R.
Also the RPD in RE2R is busted like if a juggernaut wrecked shit inside before leon got in.

Also Julia Voth was doing mocap and facescan stuff of late, there are pics of it on her instagram.
Also 3 was released a YEAR after RE2, so it coincides with that capcom wants to do.

Nice fanfiction nintenfag.

Dead Rising 2 would probably be fine, although the zombie count would more then likely not be as high.


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Actually, the kanji for it is “Deep Sea World” instead of “New World”
So a deep sea exploration maybe
Or deep down

Meant for

some fake news about megaman legends would had made me happy

jesus I'm so desperate.

I'm pretty sure Sony just paid for exclusivity and sponsored CPT. Maybe all they did is the latter. Don't think Capcom would bother porting SFV though.

Not that guy, but that means nothing, publishing something isn't the same as funding it, a company can publish a game and not fund it, most recent case i can think of is Octopath Traveler, Nintendo published it but didn't fund it

I'm willing to believe in REmak3 as it's pretty obvious they'd go for it after 2's success.

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Nintendo is making it happen so you're not gonna get it through any Capcom leaks. Think Ultimate Alliance 3.

>MH switch exclusive

Pls no am poorfag with no switch

>Both REmake 3 and Dino Crisis Remake this early

I wish. I really do.

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>>New Marvel vs Capcom is in development for current gen and next gen.
You dun goof'd with this one.

>New MvC
>Not a new SF5 when the game is in it's death spiral.

>>Not a new SF5 when the game is in it's death spiral.

SFV literally got 3 new characters and big news for SFV are coming for December

Cool wish list user.

The game is bleeding participant numbers in all of it's tournaments and the Twitch streams are declining rapidly.
It's been losing player ship since last year but now it's starting to lose it at critical levels because literally every other game it's competing against is better than it now. Just because they announced new characters doesn't mean the game isn't in it's death spiral. That's a sunken-cost fallacy.

>portable Dead Rising
Sounds grea-

>digital only

>Viewtiful Joe 1&2 getting remastered versions, 3 in development
This how I know this is fake.

nice fanfiction reality you live in

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

I want Okami 2, but at the same time I dont, that game was too beautiful, the sequel may kill its magic.

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BN finished it's story though, why would you want it to continue

this is just lowkey begging for MHW on switch.
daily reminder nintendies: NEVER EVER

I believed this until you said Viewtiful Joe 3 was happening. Megaman Legends 3 would have been more believable.

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>That's 7 games I development, with 8+ ports under their supervision

It's nothing too crazy though.

>Dead Rising digital ports
Makes sense, easy money

Mega Man 11 was a lower budget title that supposedly made a profit, this will probably be the same.

>DMC3 Switch port
Obvious move, easy money, DMC1 port team already exists, of course they're porting DMC3.

>VJ 1&2 ports, VJ3
V.Joe are sidescrollers, just like MM11, these are lower budget titles; would probably make a decent profit.

>DMC5 expansion
Obvious move, DMC5 already has an expansive Vergil moveset and animations; they were clearly planning to have him playable from the start.

Again, obvious move. REmake2 sold gangbusters and REmake3 would do the same even with less work required.

>Monster Hunter Switch game
Makes perfect sense, MH got huge due to portability in Japan. Of course Capcom won't ignore this.

>More Onimusha ports
Capcom loves ports, easy money.

>RE8 and Dino Crisis
Both these games would work quite well on the RE engine, photorealistic style and gameplay and all that.

>New Marvel VS Capcom
Infinite was planned to have DLC for YEARS. Makes sense that they cancelled that work and decided to turn it into MvC4.

>SFVAE being ported
More ports, Capcom loves ports, enough said.

>Running SFV when PS4 struggled too


Nobody cares.

RE3 was better than Code: Veronica. All RECV had going for it were its graphics and somehow they seem more dated than the original PS1 trilogy and its pre-rendered BGs.

>Resident Evil 8 and Dino Crisis remake are being in development for next gen, one is aimed to be a launch title for the consoles

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What about Darkstalkers?

>DMC5 expansion
>Dino Crises
>RE 8
If this is fake, I will find you are skull fuck you.

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>HALF of the entire city and assets are pretty much done thanks to RE2R
fucking WHAT nigga ? did you play RE3 ? you spend almost the entire game in the city. In RE2R you spend 5 minutes tops

>RE3 a year after RE2

lmao ok faggot

>no AA at TGS
>DMCV expansion when the devs said there wouldn't be any
>R3make getting teased this early
8/10 made me reply

Yes, and all Assets are done for it, All capcom needs to do is work on the Interiors and the final assets.

Resident evil 3 was released a YEAR After RE2

Who is making RE3? I know it isn't Capcom.

Re3 was a fucking ps1 game done by a different team

>all Assets are done for it, All capcom needs to do is work on the Interiors and the final assets

t.never played RE3

those "leaks" vere unfounded, nobody know if someone's even working on it

>Viewtiful Joe 1&2 getting remastered versions, 3 in development
I wish.

user why are you so desperate to disprove this one?

Megaman X9 seems like a given at this point. Devil May Cry 5, people expect an eventual Vergil expansion even though they cut off development right after the game released soooo....

About Resident Evil though, you might have something there considering this happened a week ago

Re 3 Merc testing? Re 3 Revelations?

>Onimusha games

I'm alright with this. When Nioh was the 'big thing' for a little while there was talk that Capcom would be watching progress of the game as if they wanted to justify making a 'New' Onimusha or if that game would sort of take over for that. Remasters for now is good though.

>Muh Mahvel

If they don't fuck it up like infinite. They're doing good in almost everything else, they just need to unfuck their fighting games.

>Mega Man X9 in development

Yeah fucking right.

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The game takes place in a different part of the town. You spend 5 minutes in the police station tops. those assets need to be created, they weren't in RE2R beisdes what, burning cars ?

>different part of the town
>the clock tower
>the factory
>voice acting and the rest of development
>in a year

fucking epic, user

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They weren't unfounded. Dusk Golem knows the score. The dude is literally sitting on a shitload of RE7 materials. He knows about the OTHER RE project by Outbreak/RE6's director that was cancelledbin favor of RE7. RE3 remake isn't being developed internally at Capcom.

Dusk Golem, you mean the guy who datamined RE7 to get information about not a hero ? he isn't sitting on shit

>RE3 remake in less than a year
Do you even understand how game development works?

>RE3 coming before RE8
You're retarded if you believe this.

Monster Hunter World, Mega Man 11, DMC5, RE7, REmake 2, SFV:AE, MvCI, and countless HD remasters and ports were all in development at the same time

zoomers pretend that half the game is already in RE2 because they never played RE3

Nintendo poached the Capcom talent who made those Zeldas so no

I was talking about all the prerelease builds of RE7 he has and all the design docs and his intimately knowledge of Capcom's affairs dating back to before RE1.

Repeat. RE3R is not being developed internally at Capcom. DG won't say who is making it.

A real leaker would know.

Capcom straight up said they were designing a Monhun for Switch and the XX Director hinted at one coming during their Monhun anniversary commentary submissions.

QA alone for a game these days takes longer than fucking 10-12 months.
Long gone are the days of churning out annualized sequals.

Vergeben did say that VJ3 was in development

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RE3R is by a different company and aas developed alongside RE2R. Capcom want RE to be an annual series.

To play devils advocate for a second, there is a lot of stuff they could recycle from 2 and OP did only say 'teaser'.

>Star Fox Grand Prix

>guy who insisted that the old lady in RE7 was named camille
>Said that end of zoe was going to be like PT

>there is a lot of stuff they could recycle from 2
again, no
only the police station

>Posting that in the same breath as Star Fox Grand Prix
Yep, totally believable.

some "leak" says it's from an outsource dev

>Believing that Capcom will talk about ANYTHING but MonHun at Gamescom

epic ?????????

>Said that end of zoe was going to be like PT
Oh god. i remember this rumor, something about End of Zoe being made by someone who worked on PT and ot was his proof of concept for Resident Evil 8.
Im so fucking glad that wasnt true because End of Zoe was fun but didnt feel Resident Evil at all.

>BN finished it's story though, why would you want it to continue
yeah, why the fuck would anyone want another bn game

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You are aware that Capcom scrapped and redesigned a lot of RE7's DLC due to creative disagreements, right? End of Zoe and Not A Hero both changed drastically. In NAH's case it was because it was outsourced but Capcom were unhappy with it. Hence the delay. In zoe's case, creative disgreements.

That doesn't stop DG from being full of shit and a mere dataminer

No way in hell they are making an expansion for DMC V. That game is fucking done

No way VJ would come back out of the blue
Also the only Onimusha game that could get a rerelease is 4. 2&3 can't because of actor bullshit

>Police Station
>Parts of the town
>Parts of the sewer
>Most of the enemies

There's more on top of that too. It's pretty difficult for me to believe that anybody who doubts that there's one coming isn't either a shitposter or somebody who doesn't know anything about the franchise.

Be careful when you hear two dudes knocking on your door

>Monster Hunter S
The rest are believable because it's within Capcom's plan that they showed to investors. A monster hunter for the switch is where you fucked up.

Don't get me hoping for a new Marvel vs Capcom retard.

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hello mister revisionist


screw megaman X9, I'd prefer Megaman XJ9

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MvC4 would never happen because of the fucking mouse and shitnergy

She's dead and her voice actress got teen pregnant after an orgy

are you meming or is that real?

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>nothing about teppen even though they just announced an expansion


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>no dragons dogma news

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>DMC5 dlc despite saying it’ll never happen
Not even saying this leak is true but imagine actually taking what companies say at face value.

not kidding user, the Series died after her Voice Actress literally got Teen Pregnant

>Viewtiful Joe 3

user, I could believe the first 3 things but you instantly blew yourself up there. I'll never get closure.


no way, no man would ever want to touch her body, it's all circuity and metallic

What do you mean by "Teen Pregnant"? as in she had an orgy and got pregnant? According to wikipedia she still does voice acting jobs.

Why do you revel in more classic games becoming casualized into zoomer tier garbage?

I'm thinking 2021-2022

user, she was just in Fire Emblem, I sincerely doubt getting pregnant stopped the show, the network cancelled it because viewership was down and nobody bought merchandise of it.

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I seriously hope MH for Switch is true. I liked World but it was very different. I want a new MH thats closer to the previous games and is more aimed at the Japanese audience.

fake and gay

Personally, i think there's some validity to this leak, 'some' being the key word. I don't know much about other the games, but i do know a little on sfv. It was exposed that, after the leak, a man on twitter announced the characters days before the leak. I looked through the replies and he said that evo characters were a part of the summer package and that there were still three others coming in a winter package, listing oro as one. Whether or not this is true, i cant say for certain, but i can say that ono did say to expect news at capcom cup, obviously. However, it adds up this "leak", so it makes me a little bit more trusting.

As far as the ports for sfv, that'd be interesting, but not unheard of, i think. Funding aside, timed console exclusivity are a thing. There's no doubt in my mind that capcom really wants to work closer with nintendo, given how well the switch is doing. Xbone is a weird release, if anything. It also makes the crossplatform matchmaking for pc/ps4 be put in a weird spot and unlikely that the other systems will get the same treatment.

How the fuck could a 40-something year old person get teen pregnant?

>They will REmake Outbreak
>The ambassador playtest is to test the servers
And my pwnis becomes the largest penis

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