So are Pokemon characters allowed to have tits now? I thought Skyla was an outlier

So are Pokemon characters allowed to have tits now? I thought Skyla was an outlier.

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Game Freak realised its their only selling point to non autists

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They’ve had tits since Gen 1. What are you talking about?

Why does this shit look like a phone game from 2008?

post canonically big titty characters

so they can port the models over to the phone game later

Don't be silly, the models in the phone game are too high quality to use this trash

But todays phones can handle much better models and textures.
Hell I can see compression artefacts in the texture, what the fuck?

Why does she look like a dude?

thick eyebrows, facial scar, short hair, chiseled face

More like another breed of autists. Nonautists generally don't buy Pokemon games.

You give too much credit. This is a screenshot from the mobile game.

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>facial scar

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They've always been allowed to have tits. You need to stop drinking whatever Kool Aid you've been given, your suppliers don't have your interests in mind.

You're just as retarded as those brainlets who act like this is the first Pokemon game with attractive girls in it

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Why bother when people are going to buy anything pokemon related even when its shit anyways? Just look at Yea Forums and how people are hyped for a pokemon gacha phone game because waifus

cute !

>phone game from 2008

holy shit were phone game look like that.

Why on earth would you want them to

Sabrina was where it was for me since day 1.

Game Freak wants to keep the aesthetic of pixel art with 3D models, hence the weird cel shading and textures. It looked okay for the 3DS games, but they really should've just gone with a better aesthetic going forward, but ya know, it's FUCKING Game Freak.

>So are Pokemon characters allowed to have tits now
you only think this because you are used to retarded anime fanservice.

Why'd they make her so ugly?

She has fat titties but you gotta put a bag on her face

Or just fuck the superior punk girl

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She looks like him

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Nice attempt on thinning out the manjaw

>hyped for a pokemon gacha phone game because waifus
>not because of the models

Here's the real superior punk girl

Attached: Screenshot_20190801-211128.png (1080x1920, 1006K)

I have never seen a punk dress like this. She African/Chinese?

>Character clearly stylised upon soccer hooligans in order to keep with the soccer theme
>It's the toxic fanbase whining about the nationaldex lol

What is about this IP that brainwashes idiot

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She's perfect, that's what she is.

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Pokemon has a containment board for a reason. Go fucking use it.

uh, user...

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if a cute girl ever approaches you like this and you don't have the money or looks, she probably has an STD or is trying to make her bf jealous. Steer clear.

Are you sure? This juice is banging!

I'm only attracted to flat girls, if any at all

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>yfw your pokemon is an arcanine

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