how do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
Big budget game commissioned to japan studios.
scary horse
No jumpscares
Cant see the enemy's at all
Fear of the unknown
A sanity mechanic that makes your screen violently shake and distort when you try to look at enemies
Battery powered lanterns
If you disagree your double digit iq ape man
You cant.
Horror has ran its course.
>No jumpscares
the only point that makes me nervous in horror games.
Games like Darkwood are nice but not scary
Remember what scared u as a child? That's how
>devs need to study what makes cosmic horror scary
>not depend on jumpscares
>make an actual sense of dread with the enemy and location
>pace the scares and give the player a sense of agency but overall make them weak to the enemy
It's all preference but every horror game should have a good ending were the protagonist wins
we forget Outlast and it's clones
God I wish that horse would vore me
>jumpscares bad
Lmao youre just a pussy
less fantasy and more realism
>A sanity mechanic that makes your screen violently shake and distort when you try to look at enemies
Lol I see what you did there.
Just go play Silent Hill to SH4.
Literally PTSD
I stopped watching this show in fear that this episode would play
don't you hate it when your food just runs away?
What's that?
I dont like that. What is it?
jumpscares are a lazy way to do horror, all it does is trigger your fight or flight reflex not actually putting a sense of dread and fear that horror should.
skinned alive boiled frog
What's some games with horses?
It's Rape Horse from Berserk.
is that bloodborne ?
What are some scary games, user?
>see the first episode he appears
>ductape all my cabinets for a couple of days every night
I thnk there was another episode with some alien slime in space or whatever? But holy shit boogieman...
La Creatura....
that's what horror should be retard.
Reverse your age and level of mental progression.
There is no way to go back to being scared by fictional media on a screen, once you're used to it.
VR could extend the life of the genre for a bit, but you'll have to face that you've grown up at some point.
No, that's what drama should be.
this shit too fresh bruh
i love that game, but its just fucking bum fights simulator.
>they're up to 7 now
good fucking lord i didnt even realize
oh well, more to add to the horse collectionponytripe fuck off
Have weird/unnerving enemies
The meat industry is nothing but horror.
Basically this.
But horror themed action games can be very good. Dead space is a prime example.
Drama and horror are perfectly intertwined.
Not that scary
Dilate, zoomer
>A sanity mechanic that makes your screen violently shake and distort when you try to look at enemies
>Battery powered lanterns
Amnesia did both, and it was more annoyance than everything else.
Fuck you.
no jumpscares, sure thing baby, enjoy your walking simulator without any tension.
Just make a very, very, very good game, then build the horror around it.
That's how the best Silent Hill/Resident Evil games are made.
fucking hell, imagine if horses actually looked like that and were in fact predatory beasts
The scariest games I've played:
>Outlast 2
>Slender: The Arrival
>Power Drill Massacre
I don't know why but those games terrify me to fucking pieces. I can barely play PDM without panicking.
>scary carnivore horse runs at you
>broken leg
Here's your scary predator, man.
God I hate amnesia
>Outlast 2
Trash, like the first one. They managed to make a terrible, linear shit game out of a cool concept (cult horror should be used more)
>Slender: The Arrival
Fuck you
>Power Drill Massacre
Only good for memes and fun.
>i love that game, but its just fucking bum fights simulator.
And fighting those bums is more tense than fighting monsters in other so-called horror games. Unlike other horror games, ranged weapons in Condemned are extremely limited, so you'll spend 99% of the game fighting up close with melee weapons. Enemies can perform feints, fooling you into trying to block with your weapon, which allows them to take advantage of your badly timed block and beat the crap out of you. Enemies will also pick up weapons lying in the environment. They will hide behind corners to set up ambushes. And because of the 1st-person perspective, enemies can actually sneak up on you.
It has by far the best combat in any horror game.
Fuck, I don't even want to know.
That's a meaningless statement. Horror can be intertwined with fucking anything anyone wants. That's why action-horror, horror-comedy, sci-fi-horror, etc., etc. exists. Why kind of fucking retard, for example, would criticize Evil Dead 2 as bad horror because it's "not emotionally exhausting enough for the horror genre."? Oh, that retard would be you, wouldn't it?
You got the centipede one?
You think beating a fucking bum or scarred shitlord with a pipe or a toilet seat is scary? Is this what you think about horror? Condemned was nothing more than a 7/10 game with some spooky tints, but nothing like horror games should be made.
>It has by far the best combat in any horror game.
>jumpscares are a lazy way to do horror, all it does is trigger your fight or flight reflex not actually putting a sense of dread and fear that horror should.
^ Basically that.
A good horror game is 99% atmosphere.
It has to _really_ get under your skin and do its work there; make you slowly feel physically unsettled.
What the fuck is wrong with China?
horses actually don't brake their legs that easely.
Didn't say they're the "best" horror games I played, I said the "scariest".
Argue the quality of O2 and Slender all you want, but in my opinion the largest strengths of these games in particular is how fucking masterfully they build tension. The soundtracks are brilliant, the environments are strangely claustrophobic despite being mostly outside, and the enemies in both are genuinely unnerving to me.
Slender: The Arrival especially gets credit for its sound design, which is fucking amazing and IMO makes up for the short campaign and average gameplay.
>You think beating a fucking bum or scarred shitlord with a pipe or a toilet seat is scary
I didn't say it was scary, I said it was tense. Which it is, certainly a hell of a lot more than combat in other horror games.
You have yet to explain what makes those other horror games supposedly so scary.
why are you crying zoomie
Have an interesting plot(Government conspiracies like in RE)
Give me a reason to care about the MC (They are weak or vulnerable/They are looking for someone or something close and dear to them/ They are not overtly evil but maybe flawed in some way morally but in a broad enough way that you can identify with it or sympathize with them)
Make the antagonist very personal to the MC in some way.
>implying they're not predatory
Have you ever met someone who has seen a horse up close and lived to tell the tale?
The buildup of a frightening atmosphere needs release. That's where jumpscares come in.
*blocks your path*
no jumpscares
vague imagery people can interpret as how they want to
disturbing designs without being obscene
threatening atmosphere, make the player feel something is coming without them expecting that it will
you just know
What games have creepy poltergeist encounters?
>Why kind of fucking retard, for example, would criticize Evil Dead 2 as bad horror because it's "not emotionally exhausting enough for the horror genre."? Oh, that retard would be you, wouldn't it?
Did i say that you stupid retard?
I just said that horror and drama are perfectly made for each other, but i guess you're too stupid to get this simple concept.
Hence Silent Hill is considered apex horror and action-horror (re4?killing floor?), horror comedy (can't think of any game idea, shaun of the dead maybe if we talk about movies) are not considered in that regard. We need good horror games, not fucking hybrids that bastardized the entire genre, you fag.
How is that tense, condemned was even easy as fuck.
>You have yet to explain what makes those other horror games supposedly so scary.
Setting, design, ost, story.
All you need to know is "China".
That's actually a D&D monster if I recall correctly.
>no argument
>chuckie and it
Getting tall and masturbating to a clown eating my ass doesn't really have the same effect it once did
why boner.
>Setting, design, ost
Condemned's atmosphere and sound design is far ahead of most other horror games.
Since when has that been a requirement for horror games? Resident Evil has writing that would be rejected from a Saturday Morning cartoon and even something like Silent Hill 2 barely reaches the level of an M Night Shyamalan movie
This gave me nightmares for years.
fresh = taste better
prolonged suffering = taste even better
>have to find 8 pages
>find half of them
>screen buzz
>oh its here
>oh well...
so scary
>Outlast series
>simple map design, literal hallways with a single intersection
>giant woman chasing you
>cheese AI, manage to escape
>tiny qte
>Outlast 1 is even worse
10/10 spook material right?
I said i liked condemned you dense cunt, but the gameplay is cheesy, easy and overall laughable.
RE's story until the late gamecube era was perfectly tailored.
>Silent Hill 2 barely reaches the level of an M Night Shyamalan movie
Imagine having such a horrible taste.
>I just said that horror and drama are perfectly made for each other
No, you made a declaration about what horror SHOULD be. You acted like your fucking judgement call is an objective fact about the horror genre in general. You said something stupid and now you are trying to reframe your stupid statement to make it seem less stupid. And failing miserably.
>Hence Silent Hill is considered apex horror and action-horror (re4?killing floor?), horror comedy (can't think of any game idea, shaun of the dead maybe if we talk about movies) are not considered in that regard
You are confusing the opinions of snobs with objective facts. Contrary to the popular belief amongst you horror snob retards, Silent Hill is NOT universally considered "apex horror".
>Jumpscares are bad!!
Know how I can tell you watch youtubers?
>Drama and horror are perfectly intertwined.
>hurr you are stating about what horror should be!
Stop embarassing yourself.
>Contrary to the popular belief amongst you horror snob retards, Silent Hill is NOT universally considered "apex horror".
Ok, what's apex horror nowadays? Enlighten me.
Don't make horror games at all. Just put clever scary stuff in non-horror games.
Simplifying games and only mentioning the parts you don't like isn't an argument, it's just cherrypicking.
>jumpscares good
What people mean is, no scripted jumpscares.
You can still get surprised by enemies sneaking up on you, just no "if he walks here let's have a guy jump out" shit, that's lazy.
2 new ones coming out
We need more games with existential horror like
e.g. SOMA.
Horror has ran its HORSE HAHAHAHAHAHA
I literally described the entire gameplay part of both games you retard.
You like shit, its ok.
Why do people get so mad by the thought of something having no jumpscares?
>RE's story until the late gamecube era was perfectly tailored.
Are you sure you ever played a classic RE game in your life? RE was always incredibly goofy. For starters, there is the incredibly nonsensical settings, with locales like research facilities and police state stations being constructed like fantasy dungeons, with stuff like a revolver being hidden behind a statue that requires you place gems in its empty eye sockets to unlock its contents. Or how Albert Wesker is an elite special forces agent, yet he somehow has the time as well the academic qualificiations to moonlight as a brilliant scientist at Umbrella at the same time. Or how Umbrella's solution to covering up an intelligence leak, instead of simply assassinating the source of the leak with a gun, is to send a genetically engineered monstrosity that moves very slowly, can't open doors and can only attack at melee range to kill them. Think about that for a momemt. Umbrella's research on genetically engineered monstrosities is leaked, so they send another genetically engineered monstrosity to cover up the leak. Or how Jill genuinely weighs the pros and cons of Umbrella-sponsored genocide at the beginning of RE3. Or how the plot of basically every RE game is:
>"OMG, we are the only survivors in this place where everyone has been turned into feral zombies."
>"Let's split up!"
>Silent Hill 2 barely reaches the level of an M Night Shyamalan movie
oh fuck off. stop downplaying every single story in vidya for fucks sake.
If you die in the game you die in real life
release can be done without jumpscares
>>that's what horror should be retard.
>>hurr you are stating about what horror should be!
You're retarded.
>Ok, what's apex horror nowadays? Enlighten me.
Who cares? That's not the argument. The argument is your stupid opinion is not universal truth. Why is it that horror snobs are so fucking obnoxious? Nobody made you the arbiter of horror so stop acting like you are. Whatever works works. Who gives a fuck if it doesn't work for you in particular? You can go fuck yourself.
Jesus christ
Sure you did, buddy. It's alright, keep watching Let's Plays on YouTube and find another game to whine about.
SH2 is not a good horror game. It lacks Resident Evil's tension of managing limited resources while being forced to backtrack frequently to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles, or any sort of engaging gameplay loop, really.
It's also one of the most egregious cases of ludonarrative dissonance I have ever seen. What the hell are arcade-style bullet sponge bosses doing in a psychological drama about an ordinary man coming to terms with his grief and guilt? Were the developers so lazy they couldn't think of any thematically appropriate obstacles for the protagonist to overcome?
Then there are the hours of cutscenes that undermine the atmosphere. You will never be surprised or caught offguard by anything, because as soon as something scary threatens to happen, the game takes control away from you and plays a lengthy cutscene that showcases the scary thing from every possible angle. This destroys any tension, immersion, as well as any sense of horror, since the character is safe from harm during the cutscenes.
The game is also guilty of the same thing as The Sixth Sense: a plot twist that makes no sense, because it relies on the main character being oblivious to things he should know. The plot twist in The Sixth Sense makes no sense because Bruce Willis' character should be aware of his ghost status everytime he enters a locked door by phasing through it or does something else ghostly. The movie contrivedly always avoids showing instances like these to fool the audience, but that doesn't explain why the main character is also shocked by the plot twist. Ditto for Silent Hill 2's James Sunderland. Yes, he's repressing painful memories, but he shouldn't behave like he has amnesia just to facilitate a plot twist.
The dialogue and voice acting are just bad. The story is supposed to be mature and unnerving, but the awful dialogue and delivery makes it difficult to take seriously.
Mr idea guy here, I want to see a survival horror game where it’s a mix of all these things.
- some enemies can interact with the game at the same level as you, including saving which uses up resources.
- have to hunt these player-like enemies down in similar ways as you run from monsters, breaking down doors and such.
- fixed camera tank control, but mechanics in the game to switch to other perspectives. (Physical cameras in the rooms)
- Have random doors appear at times that leads to non nightmare world.
- aesthetic is a mix between old mousetraps and old medical equipment.
- have some puzzles actually require your blood to finish, part of figuring it out is having enough health to get through it.
I'm listening, and why should this alternative method be used instead of a jumpscare?
>irl souls boss
Back to Yea Forums you go
>Muh existential dread
>Muh depression
>Muh cerebral horror
Kill yourselves you soifaggots. You don't deserve games.
Irs a japanese game of the fucking 90's, of course there's a lot of cheesiness all over it, just fucking look at leon in RE2 ending.
Still, i found the story interesting. And exploring the villa in RE1 and the various zones in Code Veronica, 0, etc. was fun and atmospheric, discovering the various notes, and so on.
Exploration in horror games is extra important.
I wasn't that cunt, faggot.
Stop embarassing yourself again.
>Why is it that horror snobs are so fucking obnoxious?
Now telling that Silent Hill was a one of the greatest horror series of all time is being snobbish?
God you're stupid.
pic related. cope.
Oy very, how anti-Semitic!
Im curious, what is this on your pic?
Atmosphere is the most important thing. You need to feel dread, vulnerability.
You don't have to be defenceless but you do need to feel way out of your league to handle the situation. Enough hope to continue on.
Jumpscares aren't the worse thing but you need to time them just right. Too many and it gets predicable. Just enough to keep the player/audience guessing.
The muscles in the meat still respond when salt and other minerals are added to it because some of them set off electrochemical spasms.
There are three types of horror.
1. Thrill-Horror. Lots of jump scares and over the top imagery and music to invigorate the senses but often lacks in terms of legitimate uneasiness.
2. Abstract-horror. Usually slower paced but still embraces the importance of visuals. Can be more unnerving but this usually comes at the price of being confusing.
3, Intimate horror. Often quiet and bleak, save for a few choice moments. The concept, plot or story will often attempt to invoke additional feelings of sadness in the audience, maybe push a moral message of some sort. Can be criticised as preachy or pretentious.
Currently, i think we’re sick of all of these sub genres.
Instrument for bloodletting. Ye old ones used it because they thought removing blood would cure diseases and stuff.
There's a spring inside it attached to multiple blades that snap out and cuts the skin to make them bleed.
It’s a blood letting device, you pull the crank back and those blades go back into the box, and then you press the button while it’s on your arm and it gives you a lot of tiny cuts.
It’s the thing I want to use as the saving mechanic where it’s an item you use up and it hurts you every time you do it.
You're an idiot.
You just regrouped some assets like jumpscares into 3 made up horror types.
Kill yourself.
Make jumpscares rare, they shouldn't be used for every occasion. If I get jumpscared every 5 minutes, I start getting used to it and expecting it.
Focus more on story and atmosphere then RE4 clone gameplay.
Let players have a means of fighting back, but make resources for that scarce and the enemies strong.
Small periods of silence and uncertainty go a long way and leave the player on edge for a long time.
Name ONE (1) (Singular) jumpscare in the history of the entire horror medium, even outside of video games, in the last one hundred years that wasn't garbage.
Horror novels are scarier and more terrifying than vidya and movies that rely on jumpscares.
You can't fix the horror genre, it's best when you don't know about it. But now you know what horror is, what video game is and how to find the best AI/level cheese tactic in 10 minutes
We need less breathtaking jump scares, and more psychological, mind games. Think the movie CUBE. It's scary, but in a mysterious kind of way. Who built this? How? Why?
I like horror like the first shadow hearts where you are constantly struggling and no matter what she still dies at the end. Even better how the second game nukes the good ending in the first one. I think a profound hopelesness after tens of hours of struggle is the best because its just like the horrors you face in real life.
So a walking sim?
Go play Gone home.
you're the one arguing that jumpscares are necessary, retard. but i'll bite. jumpscares don't respect my intelligence because if i want atmosphere which is released with a loud noise and something going boo! i'll just go to a ghost house or whatever. for example, you can release tension by finally showing the monster in a slow, methodic way, and maybe it can start chasing you, and if its design or presentation is good the horror ensues, without going WAAA GET SCARED FAGGOT! now why are jumpscares necessary in your opinion?
>If you die in the game you die in real life
Yeah pretty sure the horror factor would increase infinitely. Even JRPGs would be horror at this point and I love it
>Oh look it's a little Angel Poring, it's so cute!
>oneshots the warrior in front of you
>hops cutely over to your archer and slaps him once, instantly deleting your archer
>turns to you and starts hoping into your direction
>I wasn't that cunt, faggot.
>Stop embarassing yourself again.
The only person that embarrassed themselves here was you because either you are attempting to disown your own stupid post or you failed to read the line of conversation before you stupidly decided to interject.
>Now telling that Silent Hill was a one of the greatest horror series of all time is being snobbish?
Yes, when you present it as an objective fact it is. There's a difference between "Silent Hill is one of my favorite horror games and I'd like more games like it " and "Silent Hill is peak horror! Any game that doesn't fit my opinion on what horror should be is not real horror! Anyone who doesn't agree with me is objectively stupid!".
You only ever have this sort of conversation when it involves the horror genre and it's because horror "aficionado" are the most obnoxious and arrogant media consuming fuckers on the planet. Nobody ever tries to claim ownership of an entire genre except for horror snobs. Fuck horror snobs.
i feel like the people who say “no jump scares” still seem to assume that a horror game needs to still have the same template as if there WERE junpscares, IE a game where you go around with the threat of s monster and the tension ratchets up. But getting rid of jump scares isn’t enough, ideally it should just be a different type of game altogether, maybe less focused on combat or shooting
Really, having a lot of “tension” all the time and that being the game is kind of boring. There are other ways to make something creepy, like disturbing imagery or disturbing concepts or seeing people in horrible situations or oddly creepy things like some safe SCPs
Has there ever been a good jumpscare?
I'm sure plenty of people have been effectively startled by jumpscares. What else do you want jumpscares to do?
It should be renamed to Jumpstartle. Where's the scare?
LCD Dream Simulator manages to creep me out. Always feels like that weird shadow dude might be behind you
Yes, tons
People seem to not really get why jump scares have a bad reputation. In movies they rarely work because a lack of interaction.
With games, use them as a punishment for not reading the situation correctly. Fatal frame 2 was fantastic for this.
Alma in the ladder in FEAR
>all these assblasted underaged pewdiepie fans
Nice job dabbing on these literal children
Low quality bait
Jumpscares are shit and need to be removed, simple and plain as that. Good horror can go to the moon and back on good audio and aesthetic alone. IMSCARED is probably one of the best examples of this in my opinion, despite the fact that it does have a few jumpscares.
I'm as much of a meat/seafood lover as you get, but have the decency to kill your food before eating it.
>a sudden attack of fright
>fright, shock, start, turn, jump
Next time you try a semantic argument try to actually know the semantics.
>Yea Forums before the youtube horror game explosion hated gimmicky startle/shock "horror"
>Yea Forums after the youtube horror game explosion defends them and insists that horror can only be scary with jumpscares
Why is this?
It was already fixed
but because you faggots were raise on Five Nights At Freddys and Slender Man you do not "get" actual horror
>vampire scares himself late at night
This game was amazing
Is my 1st post in this you schizo, you were the one who challenged the obviously sound proposition that a creepy atmosphere should buildup to some sort of conclusion, that being a scare. I never said it's the SOLE possible conclusion. Take your meds.
To answer your question: jumpscares, when well-timed and spaced out, serve to release the unneasiness and dread a horror game builds through its sound design and visual aesthetic. There's no reason to fear a monster that'll merely peek at the player from a distance or mess up a room you've been in previously. The moment a player realizes the footsteps causing the 2nd floor's floorboards to creak are nothing but a soundbyte, the horror is dead. And now another question to you: What happens if this slowly presented monster of yours catches you?
fuck horror games, i don't want to feel stressed out for 20 hours on purpose, fuck horror games and fuck you.
Well, are you gonna tell us which one it was?
add porn
everything is better with porn
>SH2 is not a good horror game. It lacks Resident Evil's tension of managing limited resources while being forced to backtrack frequently to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles, or any sort of engaging gameplay loop, really.It's also one of the most egregious cases of ludonarrative dissonance I have ever seen. What the hell are arcade-style bullet sponge bosses doing in a psychological drama about an ordinary man coming to terms with his grief and guilt? Were the developers so lazy they couldn't think of any thematically appropriate obstacles for the protagonist to overcome? Then there are the hours of cutscenes that undermine the atmosphere. You will never be surprised or caught offguard by anything, because as soon as something scary threatens to happen, the game takes control away from you and plays a lengthy cutscene that showcases the scary thing from every possible angle. This destroys any tension, immersion, as well as any sense of horror, since the character is safe from harm during the cutscenes.The game is also guilty of the same thing as The Sixth Sense: a plot twist that makes no sense, because it relies on the main character being oblivious to things he should know. The plot twist in The Sixth Sense makes no sense because Bruce Willis' character should be aware of his ghost status everytime he enters a locked door by phasing through it or does something else ghostly. The movie contrivedly always avoids showing instances like these to fool the audience, but that doesn't explain why the main character is also shocked by the plot twist. Ditto for Silent Hill 2's James Sunderland. Yes, he's repressing painful memories, but he shouldn't behave like he has amnesia just to facilitate a plot twist.The dialogue and voice acting are just bad. The story is supposed to be mature and unnerving, but the awful dialogue and delivery makes it difficult to take seriously.
Why is this kind of parasite allowed to stay here.
oh come on man
They honestly believe that torture makes an animal taste better. Which is kinda ironic because happy and healthy animals taste better than malnourished suffering ones.
>no counterarguments
SH2 confirmed for shit game.
>thinks he made a smart argument only because it was extensive
Maybe Five Nights At Freddys is more your speed.
>SH2 is not a good horror game. It lacks Resident Evil's tension of managing limited resources while being forced to backtrack frequently to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles, or any sort of engaging gameplay loop, really.
This is simply not true. This is the opposite of true, the polar opposite. I hope you fucking die.
wow things sure are bad until the rest of the internet agrees haha. man i really want some jump scares now :)
I though this one was quite effective, if it classifies.
"Aah, you were at my side, all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight..."
It's mine now, thanks grandpa!
why did you (you) me next to the shitposts?
Nigga, youtube children worship jumpscares more than anyone else.
i just (you)ed everyone disagreeing with no jumpscares up to that point, since you guys didn't seem to understand what that meant specifically.
I actually meant the same as you if you reread it
nowhere was I talking about scripts
alright im abandoning this thread. have fun lads
He's right. Nothing scary happens in SH2 beyond what you'd expect to see in a PG13 horror movie.
I've been around a long time and these are two of the most disturbing videos I've seen in a very long time. I'm definitely more upset now than before I saw them. Kudos, I'll never go vegetarian but I'm certainly a little closer than I was.
How in the fucking hell and back does that TASTE GOOD?? HOW?
If a jumpscare is good enough then noone would be able to tell if it's scripted or not.
Like what, just having the A.I. be programmed to try and come up behind you?
Imagine that delicious horse cock with a huge doggo knot...
Isn't that the case in Dead Space?
I remember them making no sound sometimes coming from behind as a shock moment.
it's not that bad, if you consider these people clearly don't see animals as creatures able to feel pain. and the skinned frog isn't alive, it's a muscle reaction, like if you cut off a chicken's head and it still runs around for ten minutes. it can't feel anything it's gone, it's just a physical nerve reaction.
honestly this is cave man shit where human beings didn't have time to worry about how another creature feels or they themselves feel, they just needed to survive. you'd just hope human beings had evolved beyond ordering live baby mice to eat on a plate in regular society.
You post it, fag
So it's Penumbra with Amnesia, then. Those games already have that.
That fucking vortigaunt in half life 2 episode something
What makes horror scary?
1. Atmosphere built up over time.
2. Stakes.
3. Adversity.
4. The unknown.
5. Earned jump scares.
Horror is easy to build but hard to maintain, especially in a game. A movie or book has the benefit of constantly upping the stakes, but horror games can't do that the same way. You need a game that is difficult, has stakes on death, basically has enough enemy and environment diversity that you never get used to it, and oozes atmosphere at all time.
are there even any good horror games to play with friends?
The idea of for whatever reason having to spend most of each day asleep.
Dead Space 3 co-op
Dead Space 3 wasn't that bad.
Jumpscares have value.
more uncanny valley shit
Outbreak using the REmake 2(possibly 3) engine. I want this so badly.
>cant see enemies
>screen will also violently shake when you look at enemies
Is it vaporware?
Honestly all i can see here is a happy, confused dog with make up and nothing else
Make more games like Eternal Darkness.
This is not scary. You can do same with your cat or your own dog.
In Amnesia there is a water monster, that is almost invisible and only can be seen by the splashes in water that it makes. Everyone usually loses their shit once they reach it.
A carnivore horse would unironically be an apex predator.
I am sick of the fact that this is 99% of all arguments made about everything from everyone in the world. The whole story was drenched in symbolism about the mind and crippling, seemingly invincible guilt, so of course the enemies wont explode like bombs when you kill them because it wouldnt fit the narrative. Maybe mario's story is more your speed, retard.
And also scary as hell. I never noticed how herbivores usually look more "inhuman" than carnivores. At least with mammals
love, sam is pretty good.
Visage came out with some new stuff recently and there was a really fucking good scare without loud shrieking noises.
>go upstairs
>go check in bathroom
>dont see anything
>turn left to go out the door
>just a huge fucking creepy person peeking around the corner right in front of your face
couldn't get a good picture, had to steal it from a youtuber
>Fear of the unknown
Very difficult to make unless it's in space or deep underwater, or if it's foggy/smoggy/misty. The enemy also should be seen, or at the very least their general description told or drawn in the game as to what it could look like. The "sanity draining by looking at enemies" should only work on some enemies, like Old Ones, or beings of true Lovecraftian power and capability.
>Inb4 Lovecraftian horror is shit
This is something many misunderstand about Lovecraftian horror, and it's true meaning. Lovecraftian horror is the thought, concept, idea and understanding of encountering beings far more powerful than all of mankind combined, the thought that there is a being so powerful that all efforts of even thinking about defending against such a thing is completely, utterly and entirely pointless and futile, and there is also nothing you can do to stop that being from toying with you, materially or immaterially, or both.
Lovecraftian horror is the fear that you are royally fucking fucked, seriously. Not even suicide can help you escape such a horrible being, since it can easily bring you back to life like it was nothing, and each time you think it's over, it hasn't even begun, uncertainty starts scratching at your own brain as you try to wake up, but all you can do is stand witness to a much greater being that is above you and below you in every way possible. Resistance is fiction, escape is a lie, hope is a joke.
This is true Lovecraftian horror.
By making a regular game and incorporating some horror elements.
Because humans are predators and those usually have the eyes positioned on the front of their face, while prey have them on the sides, herbivores are usually prey.
This is a funny critical view of the game and I commend you for making me laugh
No making excuses for bug people but that's nothing compared to your average meat industry scenario. It's literal nightmare shit.
And no, I'm not a vegetarian.
That is a beautiful creature, but I really don't like the way that guy won't stop rubbing her.
>there was a really fucking good scare without loud shrieking noises.
My jumpscarebros understand this is how you properly execute it. The frightening, unnerving visual scare that makes you jump outta your chair doesn't need to be accompanied by a screeching sound.
This is legitimately the only good jump scare I can think of.
you can really make a good creepy game with subtle shit like this. forcing you into certain perspectives where stuff doesn't necessarily pop out at you randomly.
the game puts you into a situation like that and it naturally just gets you.
also horror could really do more of making objects look like humans then you get near it and its just a tarp in the shape of a dead body or a rack of clothes because it looks like that from a certain angle
Your second paragraph is what upsets me. I think we're beyond boiled alive frog with it's muscles still firing on the plate while it's cut in fourths and eating semi-alive baby mice, but I guess we're not.
>They don't see animals as creatures that can feel pain
>It's not that bad
I think that's the whole problem buddy, call me a softy.
I believe you
More horror games should try to wrongfoot the player.
IDK how something like this or Lynchian horror would translate into video games though. Maybe using the Uncanny Valley as reference for monster designs?
those statues in condemned are pretty grim
but i had to stop playing because i just started to question why so many homeless people were attacking me, and how am i the good guy when i'm supposed to be looking for murder clues and instead i'm beating the shit out of the homeless community all over the city.
what about
a horror game
but instead of a sanity meter
you have an insanity meter
and you have to fill it up
to save the one you love
but then
who saves them from you?
>no this and this are scary because i said so
>nuh uh i think this is scary because I said so
What is this playground bickering? Accet that you have different tastes and move on you fucking idiots. It's like I'm working in that junior high again.
If this scares you, you might want to fuck dogs and need help.
>playing a game just to get scared
I hate horror glad it's dead
Frank's Rat Chef video must have inspired that guy.
Does anyone here find that Backrooms game scary?
what i mean is it's not a unreasonable survivalist act, in and of itself. you said it disturbed you a lot i'm just trying to give you a less emotional perspective. particularity since you still eat meat, my mother does that same thing, she'd find this unbearable to watch but she'll gladly eat a bacon sandwich you know what i mean?
current trend of shit horror games
>forcing you to find 8 random things in an open level
>look away mechanics
>forcing you to hide in closets
>loud jump scares out of nowhere
>stupid mechanics like sanity
>light source mechanics that require constant refilling
>patroling shit monster and when they get you its in your face with REEEEE
these aren't fun and are a constant chore where you aren't scared and more annoyed then focused
Layers of Fear played with this idea, but literally only this idea, so it got stale. Used in a game where the gameplay is more involved, it could be really effective
Where can I get them?
It has potential. Would be better if there was a gmod mode for it.
finally i have a reason to post this
Nice job describing only Amnesia you dumb fucking retard
there are a ton of horror games like this out there faggot. they are cheapily made and are churned out.
I imagine a nice horror game would have the player accidentally do things that can’t be undone, like leave a door open and lose their kid. Horror games where the terrible shit already happened and you’re dealing with ghosts are a dime a dozen.
Yeah, it could work.
Maybe there'd be some sort of mechanic that switches the monsters between aggressive, visually graphic creatures with body horror, autistic screeching, etc.. who could be fought, and passive, unsettling enemies, who need to be evaded.
Or having a "Dark World" and "Light World" of sorts, and you need to jump back and forth between those to progress. Has that been done?
Here you go fags
What's a good horror game about growing older by the day having missed teenage love?
I think that this kind of game will just attract the kind of player that will do EVERYTHING wrong on purpose to see what happens.
Oh yeah, I'm all about bacon. But we're not talking about survival is all, those are restaurant environments with that batshit going on. I'd eat a mouse maybe if I was starving and trying survive. Sitting at a table putting live baby mice on a plate is a very different situation.
I want canadians to leave this entire site
I don't like the implications of that the hunk of meat still being able to flex and pull itself off the plate after multiple tries.
yes it is i agree with you. but clearly not in some cultures.
Can anyone explain what in the moon is happening there? Is it boiling tea? or a chemical reaction with the centipede? Or both?
This isn't going to be one of my proudest faps...
One jumpscare at the start of the game, but never again.
hot oil and centipedes
you can't eat them raw as they have dangerous parasites
Punished Chicken: A hero denied his body
Yeah. I used to work IT and there was this philipino guy who would bring in Balut. Do you know what Balut is?
Ah, it's hot oil. Thanks user.
Fucking gross.
>Survival Horror with the ability to fight back set in a lived in McMansion
>Enemies designed around being optical illusions of normal objects
>Normal objects in shadow keep fucking with you to make you stay on your toes about which shadow is actually moving or if it's the moonlight and the clouds fucking with you
why would you be scared of a flip eating a stinky rotten egg when they eat literal kfc meat that is recycled from garbage called pagpag
pussy bitch
Sounds like real life
It's not just a stinky rotten egg. It's a fertilized duck fetus that's been gestating for about 14 to 20 days and then boiled. Then you crack it open and eat the malformed fetus. It is not just a stinky egg.
I don't eat KFC, so that nasty shit doesn't concern me either.
Stop spoonfeeding newfags.
How the fuck did she not get scalded by that hot oil?
we eat eggs, it's not much different it just looks offputting in comparison.
we distance ourselves from the reality of what we're eating, we grew up watching disney and anthropomorphise animals and objects, this is the opposite extreme, dehumanisation. it's just a different point of view.
>He flinches when he sees living creatures suffering, haha what a faggot
congrats tough guy
>The more you fight back, the more agressive enemies become
>If you're the type to hide around, monsters will learn from that, like hiding under a bed you were about to hide
it's half dead
This is reality. Horror didn't really change, we did. We've seen it all already. We already know what to expect in a given scenario, and coming up with anything genuinely new nowadays probably requires enough originality and creativity to be considered impractical in a normal dev cycle. That's not to say that the popular complaints don't have merit, but it's more people haven't realized or don't want to accept that they've simply been scared too many times. We've been there, seen it, done it, that's it. We've played Silent Hill, Amnesia, Resident Evil, Spooky's, Eternal Darkness, lostboy.exe, SCP Containment Breach, and yes even stuff like Slender and FNaF. We've seen it all. That's it. A new gem might show up one day, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
>omg so disturbing!
Meanwhile you support crap like homosexuality where they are known to shove living rats up their ass. Bunch of fucking hypocritical dickwads is what you are. Kill yourself.
How many nukes does it take to make them normal?
will do thanks
It's more than that, we've got an industry that creates a civilized offering of what the animal has to offer. As a society, we have decided that we've grown apart from eating raw living beings. Eggs are processed to the point that they were never going to be living creatures. Meat is produced and packaged from creatures that are born for that very purpose. It's not right, and yes it's savage, but it is industrious and it serves a purpose.
This is different, and I'm not saying it makes the culture around it savages or anything, but to me, an american who does things and sees things differently, it makes them fucking savages.
wrong you grew up eating from trash and rotten meat you just shook the dirt off.
>it's an insane person enters the thread tries to derail a thread by making a strawman from nothing episode
Get the fuck out of here retard
i remember when my parents had my friend over for dinner and she told me what black pudding was, they tried to stop her, i'd been eating it all my life up until that point and i was really upset when i found out it was blood. which my parents knew and yet they fed it to me anyway.
it's just culture dude.
Atmosphere and Unknown and all those plebbit buzzwords you heard about get close but are way vague. Mechanic wise, simplicity is normally key, people don't tend to get butthurt over clunky mechanics, and many prefer them due to the extra stress they cause. Clunk takes player control and ramps up tension, same with stealth since you can't just shoot the damn thing all the time so you have less control over the situation. Instead of reccomending the "unknown" i'd reccomend the theme of the unnatraul and uncanny. Instead of atmosphere i'd specify a game area that feels like its alive itself, like in metroid, lost in vivo, and stalker, because if the world makes your senses feel like something alive is surrounding you, then you can't exactly tell when actual threats are near. Ignore the "oh no jumpscares" drones, jumpscares are a perfect tool when used correctly, aka subtly. Perfect example being in bioshock, you walk into a foggy medical room with scattered dead bodies, go to a desk to pick up an item, hear a sound behind you, and theres the murderous doctor right there. Another example is in lost in vivo, where the first area you find your hammer, you find notes from a guy who lives there, which slowly hint at a monster around, until you find one on a matress covered in blood that implies his death. You carry on with that info in your head that theres something lurking until 3 minutes later when you try opening a gate, there it is, and you use your weapon for the first time. You have to give proper context that warn of the jumpscare, then introduce it without any sudden noise or screen black, and without taking away control from the player. The idea of the unknown is shitty anyways for horror cause proper context is way more fucked up in alot of cases, like in swat 4's cult level.
tl;dr proper context applied to lived in/living locations = good horror
jumpscares are not bad if used right
unrelated but whats a creepy game with alien areas? pic related
I replied to myself like a retard, I meant to reply to these:
Is this a liger?
Hell yes, this game would be perfect after watching my slow burn bone chilling A24 films with no jumpscares.
Any other bros /bonechilling/ here?
We don't know yet, but I'd like to find out.
Holy fuck. I think the worst part is that they were keeping it a fucking secret because deep down they knew it was fucked.
I'm sorry bro. Tell me you didn't keep eating it
Do you still eat black pudding? Are you still friends with that girl? What happened after?
Tell us you vampire.
>John Wolfe
patrician taste
>tfw you knew all along it was blood and enjoyed eating it and still do
I'm not squemish over blood. Fresh blood tastes quite nice actually. A little salty.
Only eye surgery freaks me out.
it's not that big a deal, but it stems from the attitude of ''don't think about it'', which we facilitate now thanks to giant conglomerate supermarkets with prepackaged meat being so conveniently dressed up and ready to go that kids don't even know where he comes from or what it really is.
no don't eat it, haven't seen her in years, i was angry, they said sorry, that was it.
it tastes fine i just didn't quite trust what my parents fed me after that, i was young. i'm not squimsh about eyes but i am about the spine, i constantly fear i'll damage my spine or neck by landing badly or whatever.
I think this is true more than most people would like to admit. We really have seen everything that can be done with horror that could be considered scary, and now that we have there isn't really much left. I mean, there will be "horror games" that have "horror elements" but nothing will ever be truly scary again because it's all been done already. Horror gets less and less scary the more we are exposed to it and the older we get, we may still like horror stuff for the aesthetics or novelty, but I don't think anyone really gets scared in the "I'm too scared to keep playing!" sense and more just morbid curiousity to see what comes next.
Jumpscares with screeching are almost triggers for me to not feel frightened. It's almost a way of letting your subconscious know it's a quick, cheap scare.
amnesia was a shitty boring meme game
>you can't eat them raw as they have dangerous parasites
Yeah exactly, that's why I prefer the more atmospheric horror film with a bone chilling slow burn. Bonus points if its an A24 film.
No matter how many times you say "It's not that bad, we just don't think about it" you have to realize, that's your view. It IS that bad, people don't eat blood pudding regardless of how horrible the meat industry is and your parents knew it. You say yourself after that you didn't trust what the fed you. It wasn't because All meat is equally bad, it was because even at your young age, you were like "fuck, what?"
We put in tangible fears, like aids and taxes.
I get you. Do you find that your tastes are different? Do you think it's a generational thing?
Absolutely based.
>It IS that bad
and that's your view. if you go to a proper Chinese restaurant and they can see you're not Chinese, chances are they'll give you a different menu because they understand that westerners have different sensibilities when it comes to words and what they eat. eating the blood of an animal is no better or worse than eating its flesh, it's still part of the animal. 'meat' sounds more palatable than 'blood', that's the bottom line.
Shut the hell up you mad homo and take your redditspacing back where it belongs.
Needs sexy monsters
Horror games are about innefficient battle system, puzzles and exploration. Focus on that.
In terms other than gameplay, focus on Camera movements, music/sounds and story. Specially the music/sounds, that's like half of the game. If i hear the same dark ambient tune all game, its boring. If they scare you with just jumpscares, its boring. You need silence sometimes, you need to see also stuff happening around you without the game telling you "hey, look at the lamp falling hehe get scared"
There you have a good horror game. Like Silent hill.
generational, definitely something to that. my parents parents lived and grew up during ww2 so they lived off rations, my grandma's way of showing love was to make somebody a meal or give them food, it was comfort. her kitchen would be stacked with food, all the time.
it must seem crazy to somebody born in the 1940's to watch how people throw food away these days.
i eat meat now and then but i can do without it. fish mostly, i love salmon. not that keen on red meat.
Less jumpscares
Horror happens in a previously safe/familiar place ( a bedroom, house etc)
Heavy Atmosphere (think Silent Hill 3)
Conservative use of sound
Menacing enemies (Dead Space)
Unique story
>tfw Yea Forums is too underage to understand this reference
i dont think a thomas the tank engine horror game would sell well
>There you have a good horror game. Like Silent hill.
SH doesn't have an "inefficient battle system", it has an ineffective one. The games are easy as piss. Enemies are trivial to dodge or trivial to kill if you actually can be bothered to waste your time stopping to fight them. Apart form a handful of one hit kill gotchas from bosses you'll never be in any danger of dying.
By not trying to make Horror a mainstream genre. That's why most horror games/movies/comics are shit: they can't actually get under your skin and make you feel actual terror because that's not appealing to the mainstream.
Dude, that would be the hottest shit in the decade.
>My anime secret club
Shit was on adult swim you fucking faggot, everyone knows the reference, it just doesn't have a place in a horror thread and isn't scary.
More jumpscares.
More hide and seek.
More spooky corridors and houses.
More plots about you being the bad guy.
Literally even normalfags would get it. You're not special
Can we all appreciate how one fucking faggot made fun of 'slow burn' horror in some retarded soi meme picture and managed to convince a bunch of other retards that it is inherently a bad style of horror?
Nothing is wrong with a long and gradual building of tension, and there is nothing wrong with jumpscares.
Not vidya but the Nurse Scene from The Exorcist III redeems the entire concept of jumpscares
Wrong, I loved RE2 remake
You play as a girl running away from a rapist. It turns out that you're the rapist: Donald Trump
That's where you're wrong. Actually if you can mimic the stop motion in a realistic way, that would be a fucking genius horror game style.
I bet you all are those crybabies that expect a jumpscare just so you can fart and then laugh both in videogames and in movies, killing the tension quickly so you can then sleep at night like a baby
bunch of plebs, you are the reason the horror genre is dying in the mainstream media
So Dead Space?
i hope you're joking
>literally murder on the orient express from the train's perspective
>something is haunting you, the train, and you have to use your own framework and fittings to stop it killing your passengers
>thomas has to solve the mystery of his friends disappearance as fewer trains show up at the station every day, and thomas must find out what's causing it - and why is the fat controller acting so strangely? what are those creatures in the forest that seem know thomas' route? where is that fog coming from?
shit somebody make a thomas the tank engine horror game
More 1vMany multiplayer horror games.
The concept is great but underutilized. You can always learn a game AI's pattern, but you can never truly predict man.
They just need to balance it better than DBD. And actually keep existing long enough to sort itself out unlike FT13
genuinely terrifying and ofcorse the scene mulholland drive, the music is what makes it.
sound/audio is so underrated in horror.
>FP life simulator
>everything looks normal
>the more you play it the weird it becomes
>you start to see things in the corner of the eye
>npcs act strange
>you start to ear things
>become paranoid by the end of the game
Basically schizo sim.
jumpscares are adrenaline fun. having an existential emotional crisis is not very fun, most people don't choose to seek that out in their spare time.
Focus on psychological horror (unsettling details, symbolism) instead of physical or body horror (zombies, violence, and so on).
Nobody finds zombies and zombie derivates who dismember you scary anymore, but stuff like Silent Hill for example stays scary forever. Jump scares are retarded, especially when the game is basically a jump scare corridor after another (Layer of Fear, etc).
Focus on atmosphere and symbolic details, environmental storytelling, and having a cohesive plot that you have to piece together from the details you find during gameplay (but do not make it so cryptic and "up to interpretation" that it cannot be figured out).
sounds like you guys just want a typical horror game but with no jump scares and everything else can just be left the same. Horror games don’t necessarily have to be about monsters or fighting enemies.
Bring back puzzles. Puzzles with a decent challenge that actually make you think.
Bug spotted.
romancable monsters
No. That shit is annoying and breaks the pace of the game completely. What the fuck is the point of having you completely immersed in the atmosphere and everything, then having to stop and fiddle with a fucking clock for 20 minutes.
Horror games are faulted as a genre. Nothing's going to be scary if you go into it expecting to be scared. The best horror in vidya is when a game that's normal in all other respects suddenly gets creepy, even if it's only for a short time.
Anyone who disagrees probably watches youtube lets players with facecams.
>Uncanny elements
>Feelings of Isolation and unease
>Sound design
>Good plot which doesn't reveal everything and leaves the player not 100% certain by the end
Also while not a requirement, I think the horror genre in general is enhanced by having a weak or female protagonist, as the player doesn't feel as powerful or bold playing as them. For example, throw me into a horror game as Doomguy, I'm going to be a lot less scared because I know my character is some fucking insane badass.
Just make Doom 3 2
>tfw they auctioned off all of the puppets and costumes for this show and furries bought them
dear god
>>something is haunting you, the train, and you have to use your own framework and fittings to stop it killing your passengers
this is hilarious
YOU do nothing, because YOU know nothing of game development. Your thing is bitch and complain over trivial shit, not design.
Yea Forums is literally the worse place to ask this question
>hates slowburn existential crisis horror
>thinks lovecraft was an idiot and doesnt even understand his stories
>loves having jumpscares everywhere for maximun farting and giggling
>speedrun every game so doesnt get most of any story and hate exploration games
>is full of underage crybabies that just want a casual and generic horror game that kills its own tension with predictable scares so they can sleep after playing
>calls you a soiboy for liking true horror and tells you to go back to plebbit (the place most of Yea Forums actually comes from)
at this point is better to ask this things on /x/, mate, forget about this kindergarden (i just come here to laught at how pathetic most of this board is)
Case in point user wants another meme game and thinks this is genius horror.
bits i remember for these types of games are when a mechanic is introduced and lets you anticipate how it will be used in the game. then it is used. for example
>Alan Wake
pages are left around, some of them describe an up and coming plot point. one of them mentions a guy with a chainsaw so i know i'm going to encounter that. shit me right up. then i'm nervous every time i go to pick up a new page.
there's a bit where you have to go into a mental hospital for the criminally insane and guess what, the power goes out and you're stuck in there and you have to get yourself out. you're anticipating it as soon as the guard locks you in. it's not executed very well (the whole game is a weird, disjointed thing) but that stuck with me.
when you first discover you can sprint and flip the camera behind you, because 'oh shit' you know you're going to need that.
>Cant see the enemy's at all
>screen violently shake and distort when you try to look at enemies
I see some flaws in your logic user.
>The best horror in vidya is when a game that's normal in all other respects suddenly gets creepy, even if it's only for a short time.
Impossible to exist in the age of the internet. By your own logic there are no horror games
A hat in time because you didn't expect it
>Enjoying the crunch of bones and blood in your meal
>Impossible to exist in the age of the internet.
Absolutely dead wrong. There are plenty of games on Steam that do this that have received incredibly minimal coverage, at least on the creepy parts. You obviously can't do this with a game that catches on and makes it big (i.e. Undertale after the first couple weeks or so) though.
another example is Forbidden Siren, because you have the 'sight' or whatever it was, where you can jump into the perspective of a nearby ''zombie'' to find out where it is in relation to you. but it render's your character entirely defenceless and immobile and you know at some point that's going to come into play.
>Focus on psychological horror (unsettling details, symbolism)
That's not what psychological horror is. Psychological horror just refers to horror where the "antagonist" is the mental state of one or more characters. "You see this actually symbolizes the childhood trauma that blah blah blah" is not psychological horror, it's just trivial details. What is psychological horror about Jacob's Ladder, for example, is not all the wacky shit he sees and what it symbolizes, it's the fact that the entire movie is just a hallucination created by a dying brain. Dead Space, for example, has an aspect of psychological horror in it because a great chunk of the franchise is devoted towards Isaac being fucking nuts. The fact that there is no symbolism to be interpreted by snooty wankers doesn't mean it's not psychological horror.
i was more thinking about the emptying of bowls in his mouth
>mmmm delicious excrement
DOGE funny DOGE haha nice job everyone's laughing faggot go rape yourself
Im going vege after this im not joking
i think what it boils down to emotionally, and not mechanically, is giving the player the tools to feel confident and anticipating that those tools are going to be stripped away
True but rare
>mfw no slow-burn, bone chilling, spine tingling, character driven, A24 style horror game
Thiss is actual horror. Everybody going about their business when suddenly some guy says something incomprehensible, as if he were stuck in a different dimension. Then the lights go out
>What happens if this slowly presented monster of yours catches you?
Not the addressed user replying here, but:
nothing gruesome. The only thing you have to do is switch into first person perspective (if you're not already), show yourself being knocked to the floor and then see the monster's face pop out of the dark to oggle at you, mouth open, saliva dripping, hand slowly reaching down.
Fade to black before game over screen.
There's is nothing you could present that is more unsettling than what the player's own mind would be able to cook up at that point.
Today is the first day of comiket, it will be open in a few hours so hopefully someone scans it but if not then its coming out for kemoket
see thisand kys
>sanity mechanic
fuck off
>hurr durr im gonna talk like an expert of something i dont know shit about and see how much it takes for them to notice
>auctioned off all of the puppets and costumes for this show and furries bought them
>modern /x/
/x/ nowadays is just epic trollster /pol/tards from reddit spamming their redditfrog all day though
why post on Yea Forums if all boards are filled with plebbitors, then?
Absolutely fucking shit. Kill yourself sodomite
as long as you stay away from westshit Yea Forums is not that bad, westshit attracts redditfags like shit attracts flies
by stopping giving me boners with these hot stallions.
what about games which emulates sheer helplessness like some supernatural enemy dabbing on your combat buddies and you cant do shit like the starting of mission impossible 1
but then its only anime bullshit and jrpgs which are far worse
Good point.
redditfag detected
innawoods horror setting is underrated and extremely unused
im genuinely excited about the blair witch game
That game exists. It's called FEAR.
>either you are a redditor or a neckbeard secluded weeabo
the absolute state of Yea Forums as a whole
true facts
if that is the case, i prefer redditor rather than weeabos
god i wish you all vidya futalovers had your own contaiment board like /vf/ - videogame for faggots
the owner probably fucks this dog
>inb4 it's male
shit its a used trope at this point ,almost all horror tropes are, in movies and vidya
maybe the japs will invent something new
the japs will probably make a slowburn existential crisis and Yea Forums will love it because the japs did it, fucking hacks
This is what real horror looks like
>teenage love
teenagers are stupid and their relationships don't last long
I'm sure you do redditfag
Which horror games actually have a good story that really makes u think?
Absolutely based.
Reminder that Discord Trannies are defending chinks.
None. Video games don't do deep and interesting stories that make you think, they do bash you over the head relentlessly with the bleeding obvious but also "omit key details that we can stick in supplemental material and sell separately".
I can normally fall asleep to John's videos because he doesn't freak the fuck out over everything, but this shit threw me out of bed
at this point you only embarrass yourself, fag
go dilate somewhere else
at this point you only embarrass yourself, redditfag
are you that faggot that missed the chance to hit a tomboy and only realized 10 years later?
SOMA (best story I've ever played in a game, mindfuck galore, walking simulator with no gameplay)
Observer (I liked it but it has spoopy corridors and jumpscares like Layers of Fear which is the shittiest tier of horror, more gameplay than soma simply because you have to scan for clues and stuff like that but still a walking sim)
Rule of Rose (really deep story about bullying and pedophilia, gameplay is really bad though with clunky, broken "combat", a hidden gem)
Silent Hill 2 (deep story about suppressed memories, bad gameplay, I remember liking it back then but not so sure if it still holds up today, I may be a nostalgiafag about this one)
Bioshock 1 (very immersive game with an interesting story and several mindfucks, gameplay is really good in this one actually, not a real horror game but it has horror elements)
I can list more good horror games but they all have shit stories for the most part.
ask somewhere else, this board is for kids
It would be the hottest streamer bait meme game. What are you talking about?
>isolated remote island
>Autocratic corpusculent figure of authority.
>Sentient machines used as slaves with no clear origin to their own existence.
>Draconian punishments.
It's extremely easy to at least take an unsettling look at it, and someone already did it years ago.
god i wish someone made a hentai where the roles on that video are inverted
>no jumpscares
i don't know man
The rest are on alicebooks though. When will it go on sale there?
he's an npc you exhausted his dialogues
God I wish that were me.
That one is too obvious. This is the better one.
SOMA, Silent Hill 2, Devotion, Irisu Syndrome when I first played it, and Darkwood a little.
I'm sure I can think of more, but yeah, I highly recommend SOMA for some food for thought.
boring and badly designed?
No, that's what fright looks like.
>A sanity mechanic that makes your screen violently shake and distort when you try to look at enemies
>Battery powered lanterns
Anybody got that art of skeletons holding open a hole in the wall thats almost vantablack levels of dark?
>fnaf kiddies trying to fit in
That one.
>No jumpscares
Few jumpscares at critical moments so that the player is left at unease. Preferably just one or two.
It's the frequent use of jumpscares that ruin it.
Make the enemies sexy.
I've never been a huge fan of horror games or movies, fear just quickly turns into annoyance and being just annoyed is not fun. So just being scared doesn't make for good entertainment and it has to be supplemented. Either by making it some "psychological horror" aka wikipedia tier philosophy and pseudoscience wankery or just shock factors like jump scares.
Now I do enjoy chuuni horror wankery like type moon but it's not like any of it scares me, I just think that it's cool ideas.
Games are supposed to be fun and being scared is not fun so I don't feel like there's a good way of making me interested. An RPG is fun, you have lots of numbers, you can progress, a strategy game is fun, you can feel like you have power and you're a ruler, fps games are pretty fun because you can kill shit, porn games are pretty fun because sex is good, horror games are wank because being scared is not fun.
>It's so undercooked it's still trying to find its fucking mum
>The course is so terrible even the main fucking dish doesn't want to be a part of it, useless donkey
i don't know about a whole game but a part of it could be horror effectively like this
>give player a weapon/tool/skill that makes them very powerful
>let them get used to it
>at some point put them in a very hostile area where it's clearly communicated like "we don't go to ravenholm" type build-up
>take the weapon/tool/skill away
>fill it with spooky things that feel out of place in the game
We need more games that take inspiration from the book "the mist" and "the taking"
Luigi's Mansion.
looks like psychicpebbles
My dad?
I just want more 3rd person horror games. Getting tired of so much 1st person.
>mfw faggots think RE7 was scary
Make it the exact opposite of RE7. Seriously that game contains all that is wrong with horror games nowadays.
Make the writer and director read some good scary books. There. Give 'em a copy of Dark Gods and tell them to take notes.
What's the spookiest non-horror game?
Steve is literally Reviewbrah after getting back from 'nam.
Moomins is pure kino
Jump scares are fine. Canned jump scares are cancer. Jumping out of your skin because the creature that is hunting you ran out from behind a corner is different to a spooky monster jumping out and going boo when you cross a predetermined line.
>dead, soulless eyes
>clown makeup
She's clearly Korean.
drop the paranormal, monsters, aliens and ghosts Shtick for a while and have a story about creepy, dangerous people. True crime is a hugely popular genre already, and there arent many solid detective mystery games on the market. Have a solid story about a serial killer or missing persons case that evolves into a cult or conspiracy cover up. Fueling your paranoia as you dont know who to trust, and all your decisions can lead to alternate stories, fear of gangs stalking, play as a young child and be chased by an adult murderer
on top of that the usual focus on atmosphere, setting, music, character abilities/inabilities, ect
how about a game where you play as the killer? The MC is suffering from mental illness and you realize you are the killer you have been searching for, but as your mental state deteriorates you dont know which personality was the bad guy, as both the people you associate with and you opponents seem untrustworthy. Kind of like heavy rain or manhunt 2
>fnaf kiddie calling other people zoomers
How about Streets of Detroit 2025? You play as the last white guy in the city.
Is it a fnaf thing? I just saved that image from /tb/ - tuberculosis.
Is there a clip?
I'm sorry do you think that bit of convulsing muscle is a living being?
according to the story I read it was recorded by a guy who buys old houses, renovates them and sells them, and when he was working on the house he figured there was a squatter hiding somewhere because strange stuff always happened and that was what happened when he filmed it to try and catch the guy
This is some next level revisionism
you just watch faggot
Ok. What is the worst horror game you've played? For ne personally it's dead space 3. If you call that horror.
>that camera spin at the end
The fuck are you doin', Poltergeist?
Would have been cooler if the door closed at the end, pushing the phone into the dark basement
Capable but limited player character abilities and weapons in an incredibly hostile but sparsely populated game. I honestly fucking hate the idea of being defenseless in a hide and go seek setting that some horror games do.
The tension from the fear of the unseen threat despite being relatively well armed is great. Games like STALKER and some parts if Dead Space did that well. I remember going through DS1 and not wanting to go through a fucking hallway with a corner because I had no idea what was there. RE2RM was also fucking great using Mr. X, but his appearances was a bit too predictable.
I want to see a game that can do this consistently and keep you second guessing. Maybe a sort of AI director like L4D that will generate certain encounters based on what you're armed with, what's your field of view, etc.
Yeah I'd fuck that dog, I'm not ashamed to say it.
That's a penguin dumby
No, that was me
Would consider a game like Fallout a horror game in some aspect?
Yeah not gonna lie, Vanessa's mansion spooked the fuck out of me.
Stop showing off the monster you chucklefuck.
Could this be made into a game?
yes definitely.but it has a lot of humor as well which is what people tend to remember more.
I resd this thread earlier and just want to add Codemned is a great game. The lol bumfights argument is retarded. Let me drop you off at an abandoned building full of rabid crackheads in the middle of the night and see how comfy you are.
>enemy stalks you around decrepit, STALKER-style tunnels
>swole as fuck, lumbers around slowly but can lash out quickly if you get too close
>finally find a revolver with a few bullets in it
>all signs of the thing disappear
>get to a long corridor with objective on the other end
>motherfucker bursts in behind you as you're halfway down and begins sprinting
>turn around
>take aim
I feel like this could induce panic but whether or not it's actually scary is another question. What happens afterwards? Do you die and remember to just keep running next time? Well then it's just trial and error and all tension is removed. Are you meant to fuck that bit up and it just smashes you through the wall or something? That leaves no fail state and again, no tension.
Maybe with the second one you get flung off to the side while it crashes on further, giving you time to limp away and hide, adds the chase back and now you're vulnerable so while you're still buzzing from the panic adrenaline you've got to actually get out of there.
I don't know man, horror is difficult to do properly.
>you might want to fuck dogs and need help
That's the part that scares me.
I just know someone's gunna shit on me for this but okay here I go.
Bloodborne was legitimately one of the best horror games I've played. Better than ACTUAL horror games. It took the Tower of Latria atmosphere and spread it across several areas throughout the game.
It was like playing through one of Lovecraft's stories, except far more hands-on. Even if I felt capable, literally any enemy could kill me at any moment. Every new encounter was perverse with a situation that made them look daunting and weird, and made me hesitate to approach.
With the plot twists revealing, it was horrific to see that humans were insignificant in the face of the great ones.
Condemned had some genuinely great, creepy atmosphere. Especially during parts where you actually got to see the state of the rest of the city outside the abandoned buildings and in the alleyways, or when it's utter chaos and you hear police sirens or see helicopters, yet no help ever comes, or the second even a sane cop gets there they get mauled by psychos.
I think it would've been nifty if the second Condemned either showed Thomas getting back into duty in the FBI to figure out whatever the fuck was going on back there, or if you were some cop in the city with a similar goal. The feeling of helplessness in the first game was pretty great.
There used to be predatory mammals bigger than horses back then
Kinda like Splatterhouse?
Alien isolation is good horror
So the Miami Mutilator?
i find shit like this way scarier than anything paranormal
Because the are so adhd it freaks them out
Is that a selfie of you dude? Why are you so obsessed with being a soi boy? Are you just projecting?
Siren and Silent Hill
good sound design goes a long way
7 days to die is an absolute dumpster fire cautionary tale of early access but the zombie sounds are fear inspiring
I played DR2 but I don't remember this part of the game being a jump scare. Was there a hidden scene in Chapter 3 that I missed?