it's underrated. fuck you dipshit nigger
Watch dogs (2014) Is underrated
2 does everything better.
well, the parkour and hacking is good, but the story in 1 is better imo
What? The story of 1 is by far the weakest part of it. It takes itself way to seriously while being batshit insane and are filled with unlikable characters.
It's better with a graphics mod on higher difficulty, story is better than 2, only thing 2 did better is hacking
Finna buy this on Wwi U
i enjoyed WD a lot more than GTA5
This entire thread
>haha do i fit in yet guys
This is like the Sean Murray thread, where OP says some dumbshit without explaining what he meant by it
Kys tranny loving nigger faggot watch dogs was fucking garbage
>open world
This. 2 is really the underrated one and is one of the best open world Ubi games.
t. Cyberpunk 2077 fan
No Clara Lille with her unique look and no-bullshit attitude.
It was trash just like 2
The characters and the setting were awful.
Watchdogs 2 is a literal Antifa simulator. Featuring some of the most hilariously bad storytelling and stereotype characters ever created in any medium. The Ultra cool Black guy wronged by the police, the magical brown woman who is the real hero and who’s Art changes the world (who needs to be reminded of this every cutscene) the former civil rights champion Tranny who became a state senator and every single white person being afflicted with crippling autism or some other mental condition. Special shout out to pic related.
>but the story in 1 is better imo
You are not a functioning human being.
i don't know. watchdogs is just kind of boring. it's not really worth playing
both 1 and 2 are fucking retarded. 2 in particular has lots of lefty propaganda like said