The vulnerability lies within Steam Client Service. The service may be started or stopped by unprivileged users...

>The vulnerability lies within Steam Client Service. The service may be started or stopped by unprivileged users. This becomes a problem because, when run,Steam Client Service automatically sets permissions on a range of registry keys. If a mischievous—or outright malicious—user were to symlink one of these keys to that belonging to another service, it becomes possible for arbitrary users to start or stop that service as well. This becomes even more problematic when you realize that it's possible to pass arguments to services that run under extremely privileged accounts—such as msiserver, the Windows Installer service.

Steam drones will defend this.
Where's your "MUH EGS IS CHINK SPYWARE" now?

Attached: oh no no no no steamdrones.png (815x145, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And of course no one replies because they're scared of facing the truth.

Deal with it drones. Steam is going to die in a year or two.

I'm a GOG chad and don't use third party launchers.

Attached: gog chon 2.jpg (1920x1135, 464K)

+10 credits have been added to your CCP social score
Viva xi jin ping

why is it always the hacker known as russian?

>Deal with it drones. Steam is going to die in a year or two.
That'll still be faster than Epic when it comes to adding features Steam has had for years.

Attached: epic.jpg (870x633, 328K)

based and redpilled

>Thread deleted, you're welcome Yea Forums.
the thing is, this is very real. and has nothing to do with yellowman.

>legitimate security issue affecting literal millions
>brush it off with LOLOLOL CHINK SHILL
Please look at yourselves in the mirror.

>Steam: Probably patched tomorrow
>EGS: "We'll put it on the road map"