When was the last time you played video games with friends/family (not online)

when was the last time you played video games with friends/family (not online)

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about 2 weeks ago i played some smash bros with my brothers at the airport

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last friday, will do so again tomorrow

A couple of days ago since every friend I have asks me to go co-op with them in Hyrule Warriors.

I'm going to the arcade tomorrow maybe
I don't really like the people I play with though, they're just my only option

Guitar hero 2 with my sisters

>tfw no friends

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When I went to Round1 a few weeks ago.

Played DBFZ with my cousin a couple months back on local. Had a blast after I taught him the mechanics.

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Like two hours ago- not even. My friend is playing Colosseum at my place while me and my other friend watch and give him advice. I was a bit distracted tonight since I just got my 2DS hacked and installed Pokemon Emerald.
Despite him knowing I'm Jewish he decided to name every member of his party after Nazi death camps. I love him dearly.

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>Friends: 79

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about a week ago with my mom before i left for a flight
kinda been out of the DoA game for a few years so we both sucked

I tried getting closer with one my older cousins I hadn't seen in a while to play RoR2 with me; he played one game, sucked shit, then left and went back to play Path of Exile. He was like one of my big boomer bros who got me into mature PS1/PS2 games at the time; then he got diabetes and started making frequent trips to the hospital, got blind in one eye, now he just isolated himself from everyone and just works and plays PoF and Blood Bowl 2 all day.

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last week. Group of 4, played Smash. Week before that, it was a 5 man group. Everyone stopped playing me in Tekken, so we just go with party fighters that they know I won't ruin with my autism.

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Why does Lisa have detailed knees?

I have a really, really hot sister and let me tell you user- No you don't. It's incredibly tantalising with literally no way to approach the situation, regardless of how attractive you are. I've wanted to fuck my sister for years but it isn't going to happen, and even if it did the problems that would come with it wouldn't be worth it. What I wouldn't do for irl quicksaving.

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A couple months ago when my friend was back in town, we hung out with another friend and played Mario Party 2.

ill be your sister (male) user...

Fuck man, years

It's all the same.

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Like a month ago, did a Cadence of Hyrule run with my brother
fun game


two weeks ago where we rented a house near a lake with a couple of friends, took some old and new games/cobsoles with us. was a lot of fun. we drank a lot, swam a lot and went skinny dipping at night after we came out of the sauna

last christmas

I played path of exile with my sister just tonight

what does sneed mean

Quit dancing around the issue and post incest.

It's a shitty forced meme.

First day, huh?

Why make it weird?
I play vidya with her and we watch movies together, sometimes while cuddling if it's cold.
There's a lot of girls out there to bang, my dude.

I d-don't know what you mean user haha

Like three weeks ago my brother and i played through EDF5

Some Guilty gear game with my brother

where are the incest greentexts

I'm not sure he feels the same way

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Yesterday, and today I will too.

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last sneedsday

Sunday ma friend and I played some Smash Bros together.

Everytime I'm in my hometown I blaze it up with my friend and play some injustice, feels good man. I've never played fighting games before that so at first he kicked my ass but now he doesn't need to hold back

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Imagine being so insecure that you and your friends can't offend one another

im so glad i have two brothers and can play games with them. last time was like 2 weeks ago, we played crash team racing nitro fueled and mario maker 2

Daily since my brother and I play fighting games. Also go to the locals with a friend. Pretty blessed.

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10 Years.

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I don't have friends and I don't have no relatives my age that I have spoken to in years.

I'm waiting for MCC to release so I can play some good old Halo with my little bro. Honestly I'm not even looking forward to the game itself, I just want an excuse to play some more games since we're both busy being adults and stuff nowadays.


Casual insults are a sign of a strong bond.

Shrek 2 movie game with my mum

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I play vidya all the time on the tv while my gf cuddles up and plays Sims or Civ on her laptop. Does that count?


Years ago. I'm not even friends with my brothers on Steam or PSN and we've had our accounts for 8+ years now.
I think the last game we played together was ToonTown.

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>when was the last time you played video games with friends/family (not online)

Formerly splitscreen.

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Smash at my cousin's house back at New Year's. I pay a lot of board games, but not games with friends.

Since GOG rereleased Diablo I I've been playing that coop with people I know IRL though.

Wait, neve mind, I played through A Way Out couch coop back in the spring.

>Go to cousins house to play with them every other day, brother and sister bout same age as me
>girl cousin answers door, shes very short like 5"2
>wearing the tiniest short shorts
>thought she wasn't wearing anything because her shirt overlapped her shorts
>"oh shit! Do you need a towel?"
>gives me confused look "what?"
>shrug it off, guess she doesnt care or realize
>tells me her brother isnt home but to come in anyways to play new game
>asks if I want anything from the fridge
>"sure what you got?"
>she bends over with her ass in the air to look in fridge
>her shorts ride up into her crack and it leaves nothing to the imagination
>try not to stare
>she says she has some leftover ham and a sub sandwich
>"S-ssure the sandwich"
>move over to living room
>sit on floor with sandwich on coffee table
>she lays on the couch
>pic related but with her ass pointing at me and her face at tv
>shes playing need for speed on ps4
>starts talking a lot about the game
>dont give a shit about how shes doing in her game
>too busy staring at her ass and legs
>make sure she doesnt catch me looking
>eventually she asks why im not eating the sub
>"oh just distracted by the game"
>start getting incestous thoughts
>Should i come on to her? Should i get a pic while shes playing?
>end up thinking too much and she catches me staring
>she puts her hand on her ass and re adjusts her shorts to be lower
>she stops talking altogether and eventually sits up
>her brother comes home
>while I talk to him she slips away and changes to sweat pants
>play for rest of night as if nothing happened

So the last time I played vidya games with family was this. It made me acquire a taste for petite girls. I really regret not acting on those thoughts because later after talking to her ex's she was a pretty massive slut. She supposedly posted nudes a lot and had sex with 3 dudes in one night. Couldve probably gotten some nudes off her phone if i wasnt so naive at the time.

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what a gamer

Maybe 2 years ago.
More than 10 years ago.

Why would you think you would have gotten anywhere if you acted she clearly thought you were creepy

Me and my daughter play Splatoon league battle or salmon run pretty much daily. Mario cart or smash every once in a while. Just downloaded the Mario tennis aces trial to both of our switches so we can play that when she’s up.

Post sister man

I played Smash with my nephew last month. Unless taking turns on DDR counts, I genuinely can't remember the last time I played a game with friends. Maybe 2 years ago.

About 6 years ago. Good ridance.
Overtime I got bored of multiplayer games. Now I only play when I have nothing better to do or there's a game with a story I want to enjoy.

Last time I played with a friend was at his place, rotating between FIFA, Tekken and playing turns with single player games. I was falling asleep in his couch and I wanted to stop and get some pizza but he wanted to keep on playing. Was I gameraped? I tried to say no but he didn't listen. I was in shock so I submitted to his wishes.

4 days ago. I would never have enjoyed Detroit as much as I did without company

Can confirm, having a hot sister is basically hell on earth, especially if you are a virgin loser such as myself.

Couple weeks ago when my older sister couldn't defeat the King Dedede boss in Kirby's Epic Yarn so I helped a bit

Taiko no Tatsujin at a shopping mall in Tokyo with my wife.

went to a timezone (an arcade chain) with my mates and played some time crisis 4, street fighter 4, initial d arcade stage 8, mario kart GP DX, and couple of others. I normally go there with them every week on friday because we normally go down to a local restaurant lunch after work and it's local.

If we're talking at home, a couple days ago my girlfriend came over and we played some smash ultimate and guilty gear