Just ordered this, how much did I fuck up?
Just ordered this, how much did I fuck up?
The only people that like 8bitdo products are the ones that get paid to.
it's fine for the price.
yeah, instead lets use some no name, shitty brand that nobody knows about because its much better!
Whatever you say, fag.
Had mine for a month, you've done well
I can beat castlevania bloodlines with it just as well as with my wired controller
No input issues, no latency issues, and it feels really good in your hands
should've waited for the saturn diy kit
Is it usable on PC and how much did it cost? Do you need any programs with an emulator or is it just plug-and-play?
you're good to go immediately.
It's marketed as working with Switch and PC just over bluetooth.
I bought it to play Retroarch on my Switch in my living room.
It apparently pairs up easily but I'm expecting Retroarch may need some rebinding.
You can use any real sega controller with a 9pin connector, why would you buy some gay chink shit?
Drop dead, shills.
I'd need to use an adapter for that and I don't have a genesis controller in good condition for it anyway.
I know it's Plug n Play with Windows 10 and Android, but to update it or configure macros (I think), you have to download some application for it, but it's whatever.
Great battery life, no issues with the hardware so far. Bought the original version of their SF30 Pro that they've had to pull off the market for copyright.
The new SF/N30 they're selling has its buttons tweaked slightly to look less like the actual Nintendo controller.
Reply all you'd like, it ain't ever going to convince people on this board to buy your shitty Chinamen products.
The 2.4g version (not the Bluetooth) is pretty good, lag is minimal and the buttons feel alright. Can recommend.
I've also had mine less than year. I'll know soon enough if it's a piece of shit.
you fucked up big time, because the Sn30 pro+ finally came out.
hoes mad
Tell me more please
I was aware of the SN30 pro+ but it didn't appeal to me much, it was also more expensive.
How is the Hori Pokken controller? It's very cheap and I'd like a good controller for fighting games.
I could tell you, but they're not paying my rate
This came out. You fucked up. Like this user said here
this thing isn't aesthetically pleasing at all. How is this shit better
see I already have a Pro controller for analog games and I like the sega style.
SN30 pro+ would be good for someone who wants 1 controller for everything though, no doubt.
>1 controller for everything
That's not the Steam Controller, user...
They just don't know how to use it right.
Just ordered these, how much did i fuck up?
How much was it?
You did good, love these things!
This is actually one of their better if not best controllers. The d-pad is one of the best.
Not as much as me because I ordered pic related the other day.
I have the regular variety of that controller, it's pretty uncomfortable when using the analog sticks. I bought it for SNES emulation though so whatever.
Just ordered this(mocute 050), how much did I fuck up?
Just buy a fucking sega saturn model 2 controller and a usb adaptor.
Does it have 4 shoulder buttons? Can't play hollow knight without those.
Age is causing them to start failing. There's a USB Saturn controller out there someone made that's not too bad but the shoulders are absolute crap. Still better than 8bitdookie, though. I gotta look to see who made it.
Does this work on Switch? I'm fine with asymetrical sticks but there's 2 specific games I'd prefer symmetrical ones for (Katamari and Superbeat Xonic)
Retrobit. I'd wait for the rumored revision to come out, though, that is supposedly going to improve the shoulder buttons.
Both my model two controllers work just fine. I use them to play fighters.
Congrats, you're winning the controller lottery.
Why are you angry? Get a job and then you can pay for it too, you bum ass nigga incel.
Spaghettios in squid ink is always good.
Wow user. Shpuve bought the Saturn from Retrobit.
I went through a whole bunch of bullshit just to make a decent usb saturn usb controller. I remember desoldering the sholder buttons off of an OEM controller, finding a knock off saturn controller for pc and then soldering those on there. After, i scrubbed the surface for the signal points on the PCB to have a larger range for input incase I was bitching about dropped inputs.
why do you people keep posting this type of shit?
I said I wanted to use it with my switch, if I did something like what you're saying I'd need to buy the mayflash adapter anyway you retard.
does this have a better dpad than the non-pro model?
Dpad on mine sure did love to intepret "down" as "down and to the right"
I've been waiting for this.I currently use a Saturn pad with an adapter and sometimes use an old straight up USB one. I heard this one is going to have native X-input and I am hype to finally stop fucking around with steam's controller thing.
Just buy an xbone or ps4 controller. Why do people buy third party shit? If you are pc fag, you are definately not poor enough to not be able to have at least 30 usd to spend on a controller.
Don't be that mom who buy those gamestop or madcats gamepad because they are half the cost.
The revision? Was it confirmed? I have a black one and it's pretty alright when ignoring the awful shoulder buttons.
2.4g is always going to be better than Bluetooth but I wanted to use it with my switch.
Also although the methodology he's using is sound, he is testing an actual sega genesis with their bluetooth adapter, not a decide with its own internal bluetooth components.
Just something to consider.
Thanks for the information though.
I own both of those.
Neither is great for older games.
And I'd need to buy an 8bitdo/mayflash adapter to get them to work with the switch anyway, these adapter are almost the same price as buying this controller.
>ou are definately not poor enough to not be able to have at least 30 usd to spend on a controller.
the controller is literally 30 usd.
There's a lot of third party shit that's pretty good when used for specific purposes. I have a xbone, ps4, retrobit saturn, some hori thing I never use, and flight sticks out the ass. Why limit yourself to one controller?
Xbone and ps4 controllers don't even remotely resemble a Genesis 6 button or Saturn controller. The d-pad is made for quick diagonal movement (good for STG/shooters), and the face button layout is perfect for fighting games with light,middle,strong punch and kick neatly laid out on ABC and XYZ. The d-pad on xbone/ps4 are good for precise menuing but suck ass for 2d shooters, and it also sucks having to map two of the 6 face buttons on the shoulder buttons.
I have never heard of old controllers not working outside of the 5200, which was broken on day one.
The wired buffalo pad is great
Are wii u controller any use? i have 1 that connects to wiimote and its pretty useless
Sega's a no name? But not 8bitdo??
seethe harder tranny
Hey I remember in marching band I'd have to scour the box of plastic o rings in the hopes there'd be one that wasn't loose as shit and would actually hold my sheet music pages in my lyre
I miss marching band, it was the last time I had any friends :(
that controller is very comfortable but the d-pad is so goddamn fucking stiff.
What is it with 3rd party controllers? Why do they seem to unanimously suck?
The Pro Controller is better
8bitdo are the only good non official controller source.
The 8bitdo wireless Adapter and the SN30 SNES controller are high quality.
you did good.
>the plastic feels 1st party
>the dpad feels real sega like
>the buttons have comfy click
>input commands can swtich dpad from directional to x/y joystick if you want
>works on phone, pc, switch, addons let u use it on ps4/xb1
wait for this
>Sega dpad
you fucked up absolutely massively
when is it coming out?
Is this a good Option for Fighting games?
I've heard the pro Controller has an awful dpad for those
I have that one. Diagonals are a bit fucked up, way too sensitive
I use it on my genesis/sega cd and have zero issues. even with the master system adapter it works fine. wired controllers can go fuck themselves this is where its at.
rate my piece
>controller ostensibly for fighting games
>literally who chinkshit company
I just want a good goddamn controller for 2D play that isn't an arcade stick or relying on adapting a retro controller. This should be so simple to make but it just won't happen; everything is a cheapass chink piece of shit and you're lucky anymore to even get something just to register directional inputs correctly.
Is it better to get one from retrobit or to get a real saturn controller and an adaptor?
Real controller with adapter, if you already have a good condition controller or can find one for cheap.
Any recs for an adapter?
I've no experience with Saturn specifically, but I hear good things about Raphnet in general for their adapters.
Open the controller up and stick some tape on the top/inside halves of the dpad "buttons" on the board, solves 100% of dpad input problems
if u get an original one you'll have to unironically buy like 3 Adapters to get it to work with the switch
It'll end up more costing than the pro controller
You didn't it is great.
Are you all guys retarded? Is this a zoomer thing? Controllers were SHIT, what we have now is vastly superior, the only reason to but one of those is literally just hipster cravings, you just wanna be cool and special for having a shitty old controller.
Unironically kill yourselves immediately
there hasn't been a good dpad in fucking eons
It's alright, a tad too light for my taste.
Then don't use them, nerd.
According to reviews you're supposed to break it in. The whole controller is made to be durable as fuck
This literally looks like the Sega controller perfected.
Pfft, 8BitDo makes good products. Give them a chance.
Yeah, and the Genesis/Master System's D-Pad is only good for fighting games, I don't understand why anybody would want this controller.
Super excited to get my Pro+.
I have a Pro, but it does give my hands cramps being so small.
Personally I would have picked the retrobit saturn pad, but the M30 is perfectly fine too
I've never had to dpad issues people claim that 8bitdo has so I don't get the push against their controllers
I agree that analog stick quality, ergonomics, button actuation/clickyness, and trigger quality have only improved with time, but D-Pads have gotten worse.
D-Pads actually are better for 2D games. The gradual movements of an analog stick are useless, and slow down left to right movements in 2D games.
The PS4's controller is close to good enough, but the D-Pad is still too mushy.
But I see what you mean.
I've never had any D-Pad issues with them.
I actually compared my Club Nintendo Wii SNES controller to their old SN30, and the SN30's D-Pad was way less mushy than the official one.
If someone could somehow transplant the Vita or DS Phat D-Pad onto a proper controller (not just the plastic cross but the functional mechanism too), you'd be on the way to making a great 2D controller.
For fighting games, I'd also love something with a clicky microswitched stick like the Neo Geo Pocket.
I know what you mean but my dude, I have my old Sega mega drive controller still around and that dpad is mega fucking ass, some of them were good but in no way shape or form does it justify giving up everything else you mentioned, just for a slight extra comfort when using the dpad.
And I do play a lot of old 2D and fighting games, I use the dpad a lot, it literally is a non issue.