Monster Hunter Thread
Where the fuck is the trailer?
Monster Hunter Thread
Where the fuck is the trailer?
I did it, i made the perfect Beat Prowler.
It has all the abilities and all the skills, and decent gear, i just have to get to endgame and craft him some shit to really deck him out.
But i'm wondering if it's even worth it.
All this effort, will i even do respectable damage in the end?
The only flagship more likely to be put into Iceborne out of all the ones left from the 15th anniversary poster is Zinogre. 4/4U still doesn't have representation and the only other monster they could choose instead of Gore to represent would be Seregios. All in all depends how lazy the devs are. I think Gore will make the cut, but I doubt we'll be seeing Frenzied Monsters or Shagure Magala return. I don't mind idea though.
can someone make this image with world and add but also don't get hit
Endgame gear and weapons like KT will let you tear through the beginning of MR because it's scaled for players who just beat Xeno'Jiva and dropped the game, but there's going to be a "wall" to filter shitters that you will have to beat if you want to progress through MR.
>beat behemoth
>sick town music goes away
Fuck you Capcom
so what do we think of Gunlance upgrade? nice to know that they're taking the feedback from the beta seriously
You missed a slide. But basically this is just making Wyrmstake Blast less shitty.
Astera's theme is great.
I think they said the 'wall' monster was going to be Barioth
Fuck you
You will do a little less damage then hunters but still enough to kill in a good time
What's the weapon equivalent of a skateboard
Is GL's guard point supposed to function like CB's where you take an attack and can follow up with those attacks? Or you just don't get knocked down during the loading animation?
something that's flashy as fuck and rad even though there are better modes of transportation?
Maybe the glave or swaxe
We don't know, but going by the wording it at least allows for some kind of counterattack after regular guarding.
Seems bout right to me, maybe db for trying to be flashy then wiping out
>actual functional changes to GL
It's nice to see a fucking beta actually used as one, instead of a public demo released 1 week before the release
We do know.
It's not a "guard point", like CB or P3rd GL had. Let me tell how this thing works.
>GL gets a new type of wyrmstake in IB - wyrmstake blast
>to access it you need to load the slinger ammo into your GL replacing your regular wyrmstake
>the loading animation is fairly long and looks like HBG special ammo loading animation
>you're immobile during the whole animation
>to compensate for that you put your shield in front of you when loading, blocking attacks from the front during the entire thing
So it's basically a Gen/GU style GP?
No, it's not a GP at all. It's auto-guard during reloading animation. You can't quickly morph into GP during your combos like CB does. Imagine doing the slow reload with GL from neutral by holding block+circle, but it's longer and you keep your guard when you load. That's what it is.
guys i'm scared of him having to leave just to handle the shitfest that is Capcom's fighting games division
Ryozo is just the producer, the real driving force behind MH is Fujioka, who stays. And Ryozo is the CEO's son, so no matter what position he's holding in Capcom, he will keep protecting MH from the other corporate suits.
Japanese's producer is different than western dev producer. They tend to have control in the creative side as well. they're not just project and fund manager.
I think Ryozo has been involed in MH enough that he considers it his own as well
And I'm saying that he won't suddenly stop that just because he occupies a different position in the corporate hierarchy.
ig if you want to be tony hawk, db if you want to be rodney mullen
he's capcom's golden boy and now they want his magic touch to save that burning dumpster division. either he'll fully committed to fix that dumpster or half ass juggling two divisions.
I'ts been a whole year why the hell am I enjoying playing with randos and watch them cart 4 times per hunt to silly shit while I eat cheap ass knockdown to spin combos once every ten hunts? WHY DO I LIKE THIS HUGE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT OF ALL THE MONSTERS IN WORLD?
Gunlance getting a sub 5 arch tempered anything? Lol that's impossi-
Cause it lets you look at pretty big numbers when you hit his easily accessible huge weakpoints.
You can't just post skateboard maids without posting the rest of the pictures
You're not the only one. He's the only monster i keep logging in daily to hunt. He's just different from all other monsters because actual mechanics and phases.
I just want to play online without ps+
Should I double dip with IB? Again.
My main save is on PC now, but I have some 250 or so hours on PS4 too, ready for IB. But I won't be buying PS+ subscription, so lonehuntin' only. Just to play through the story and avoid the new mons getting spoiled to me before PC release and whatnot.
Have you considered PC
If world killed my drive to play monster hunter entirely, will IB be enough to pull me back?
I already did everything in XX, but I was so burned out for the longest time.
Will IB have a good amount of content this time around, or is the expansion just going ot get it up to where the game should have been on launch?
The said Viper Kidachi too.
That's not what they said. They said Barioth will be the monster that will make the players to change from their endgame HR sets into proper G-rank gear. A stat check, basically.
We have six Master Rank tiers, a lot of rebalancing, new moves for weapons plus the clutch claw and the buffed slinger, 15 confirmed monsters (but preview build and achievements point out to at least 24-25), and there's a whole endgame locale we know nothing about. Also a lot of stuff like pendants, regions with levels, treasures in map, which is unrevealed.
It looks bigger than previous G-Rank expansions.
I unironically think Fulgur Anjanath will be the first true wall, like Anja was in LR for new players.
From gameplays Fulgur looks like a beast.
that sounds enticing. what's the monster count at, then? It doesnt' even have to be XX levels, but as long as it's in the same ballpark as FU I think I"ll be h appy
>We have six Master Rank tiers
At least 7 until MR uncaps. Beotodus being a rank 1 monster, so it's not only gathering/small monsters.
Really depends on how the numbers are tuned. Anja was a wall for players who weren't upgrading their equipment and tried to just rush through LR. If you can reliably stagger and topple Fulgur with endgame HR stuff, and keep him from charging up, he'll not be as tough as he seemed in the demo.
Worst case scenario - you can always treat him like Jho and cheese him with the Lance, the brute wyvern killer weapon.
Oooooohhh, so MR and HR will be independent? I was wondering how this was going to work for those 999 players
That would be an insult, considering it requires the story to be completed. Post-term aborting a laser-spewing newborn only to be relegated back to gathering and small shit? No thanks.
The real question is: how are they going to treat uncapped ranks? Will MR quests continue to give HR points? What happens to your uncapped HR when you uncap MR?
Xeno was confirmed to be an adult. It was just hibernating and absorbing the bio-energy in that cocoon.
The Leshens and the Behemoth will most probably not return to MR due to Capcom needing to ask permission again, so we have 33 monsters for MR. With just the 15 officially revealed (not even counting the Nergi variant from the achievements, just the stuff shown on gameplay and trailers), we are at 48, so 4 monsters less than 3U.
If we reach the 25 count, we'll be at 58, the exact same as FU. 61 if you still want to consider the HR-only collab monsters. This at launch, because they already confirmed new monsters through free updates like vanilla MHW.
They confirmed there are 6 tiers of quests, dunno about that.
>Beotodus being a rank 1 monster, so it's not only gathering/small monsters.
G-Rank rank 1 is never that, they always start with minor monsters.
Hey, Pard, check out how hard I can pee!
Well, maybe 7 is the pre-uncap rank, like it happened in the old games, where you beat the HR uncap boss, but haven't talked to the NPC that actually uncaps your rank yet.
There’s 16 confirmed at the moment, but likely to be 20-25 like 4U and GU were.
They're saving the trailer for gamescom in 2 weeks
Real question is what flagship they'll end the brachy trailer with
It might work like 4G/4U in that HR was unlocked after defeating Dalamadur (the final boss of the high rank game), but there's another mark next to your name that indicates your progress into G-Rank.
A girl monster just for you, user.
Zin is a safe bet, because the icon leak and cookie design match.
Lagi got deconfirmed.
Seregios might not make it, because its pretty different from all the other wyverns using the same skeleton.
Gore/Shagaru have a decent chance, because Nerg pretty much uses their skeleton, and the game is focused heavily on Elder Dragons. But they might be post-launch updates.
Probably next week, they always show the trailer before the event, then they take a deeper look.
Could also be the 19th, since there is a pre-show with new announcements, and Capcom is there.
None. It's going to be the final trailer before iceborne.
Post some screenshots!
>missing returning apex for coral highlands
>"premium streaming" on September 3rd
>Still no official renders for the new subs
At least we got that sick acidic glav render. Honestly that is one of the coolest variants i've ever seen
Yeah, that's a bummer. They added Tigrex, E.Odo and Glav pretty fast after their reveals, but the monster section of the official site hasn't been updating for some time now.
Acidic Glavenus is a sub-species, not a variant.
They need to hurry up and just start calling deviants variants. There the same fucking thing
There's a difference?
Good job user. That fight is no joke.
Honestly they should start calling all different forms of monsters variants as a catch-all term and rename the ones that are currently just called variants to something else.
Sub's have a new element, and new attacks while variants tend to be just the same monster just way stonger and better at everything that monster already does, brachy for example has WAY bigger explosions and they happen right away. While some type of brachy sub species might be like... Ice blast's
>returned to 4U for Dalamadur fight, cause i miss it sometimes
>rando joined with something resembling Jagras's puke as a set
>"hey bro, you need to get the skill to 10 for them to activate"
>"shut up you retard, they are alr activated"
Say what you want, but at least in World retards still have their armors worth some shit
Yes, we've been over this multiple times, but it doesn't hurt to post it again, I guess.
>sub-species - what it says on the tin: a sub-species of a monster species, which evolved and adapted to a different environment than its base form, and often has different elemental and status affinities
>variant - same species as the base monster, which has the same elemental affinity, but in an altered state, like a Savage Jho, who is a regular Jho, but old and perpetually hungry, because of its ever accelerating metabolism
At this point even the subspeces have so much work put into it, they could just be called variants.
grat anons
now go do the rest
Is zin basically the behemoth skelly?
But acidic glav's tail looks like it's made from a different substance, how are we to know that it's not some new species of glavenus that evolved from the base with a sulphuric tail rather than his normal one?
dont forget
>rare (sub)species: weird specimens that just make no sense and love towers/ancient ruin: Metal Rath, Molten Tigrex, Lucent Narga and Abyssal Lagiacrus
and for all we know they listed Acidic Glav as a subspecies, precisely what you said: an off-shoot of Glav that adapt to the harsh chemical environment of the vale
Valor LS is so broken but so satisfying
What? You're not making any sense. I just told you that Acidic Glav is a sub, not a variant, meaning it's not the normal one.
I didn't forget, just didn't think necessary to include them in my post. Rare species are a weird bunch, that doesn't very well fit even MH's own loose species classification format.
Oh whoops I misunderstood.
I like bomb cat.
>this kills the rath
What time of day did the Dev Diary release last month?
Evening japan time, like 6-7 PM
~8:00 UTC
How exactly does Tackle's damage mitigation work? What's the reduction ratio?
>picked up HH recently
>learned hilt-stabs and circle shortcuts make songs easy to pump out
>enjoying the free-flowing nature of the weapon and its satisfying, long reaching swings
>all those cool changes coming in Iceborne
I regret not getting funky sooner
In case if you, like myself, didn't know this: if you have more than one song queued, reciting one will automatically cycle through them all, and encore after multiple songs will encore them all simultaneously.
Here's some neat tricks that make HH even more interesting:
1) The fastest recital output is after a hilt stab, it starts playing the song instantly without doing any damage swings
2) If you start your recital with self improvement, your encore is VERY fast. Like just one swing and it plays, this makes for a very fast way to reapply buffs in the middle of a fight. It's almost always worth it to play self improvement first just for that
3) As such, if you want to play songs really fast, make sure you start it by playing self improvement after a hilt stab. It's the lowest downtime of any move
4) Forward recital is hella slow, if you wanna use forward recital, you should use either the forward slam (triangle + forwrad) or the super pound (triangle + circle + forward) into the forward recital. This chains really well together and wastes almost no time
5) Don't be afraid to use recitals for their damage and rolling out of the song when you're done! You don't have to play the song and you flat out shouldn't. Your neutral recital is a nice horizontal swing that does good stun damage and has a huge reach, it's a great way to deal fast damage without any commitment.
Hope this helps
>Rodney Mullen
I miss him bro
Scrub starting the series with 3 Ultimate (solo) here. Warn me against one (1) thing.
Charm tables.
Swimming on 3ds
Why are you starting with 3U?
Also charm tables
>Water siege Elder Dragon
>Brute Tigrex
>Metal Raths
What else is left?
Didn't V-Jump also discover that shell damage got buffed in general? Also the wyrmstake blast damage buff is not even remotely "slight", they almost doubled it
Thanks for the info, lads. Recitals and encores were something I was still a bit unsure on. I'll definitely keep the hilt stab + Self Improvement combo in mind for the quickest performances.
Charm tables. Amen
Steve and Valbros I'm losing hope...
When did LS get so much faster? Was it in third-gen or fourth? FU LS feels like proto-GS.
>Ryozo is just the producer, the real driving force behind MH is Fujioka
Not quite, Ryozo is also the guy who determines the direction new MH games should go in. He basically saved the franchise when he took over with F2 and revamped the franchise to focus more on hassle-free 1v1 hunter vs monster action, with less frustrating bullshit that almost killed the series with Dos.
He's also the one that decided that World should go for global appeal and have a simultaneous worldwide release.
Fujioka is more heavily involved with game design, but Ryozo is the actual boss.
You're going to fall in love with it and every other game will feel disappointing and you'll have a void in your heart and soul that you'll be unable to fill.
>with less frustrating bullshit that almost killed the series with Dos.
Tell me more about this.
There's some other unknown stuff on the weapon tree, like the paralysis stuff branching from Vaal Hazak
unironically a good fucking game
you'll realize that tribabs are faggots for not liking underwater combat
The materials kinda suggest that it's Acidic Glavenus, maybe. It's a pure raw weapon that awakens to paralysis, the materials for it are greenish with a red pallium (which matches Acidic Glavenus) and it can't be an ED weapon since EDs start at rarity 11 in Iceborne.
Speaking of which, we seem to finally be getting unique designs for all ED weapons in Iceborne, since the generic Vaal and Zorah LS designs have only one upgrade stage with rarity 11, and so far Iceborne is very consistent with generic designs capping at rarity 10, while uniques go up to 11, with 12 so far reserved for special shit.
...Though, if that rarity hypothesis is correct, that sort of conflicts with the assumption that that para-awakening LS is Acidic Glavenus, since in that case, it would get a unique design but the basic Glavenus LS wouldn't, and every other subspecies branch so far is consistent with the base monster in rarity. They also always branch off of the base monster, so.
Fucked that one up
Might be remembering wrong but i'm pretty sure that all subspecies branch off from their base monster. Not to mention having a regular monster branching off from an elder dragon seems wrong as well
People are over-analysing iceborne info. Just wait til it drops ad you can play it you bunch of autists, speculating endlessly about any smallest morsel of info from Capcom, any crumb falling from the table. get a grip
Sorry for wanting to know if something is worth my money before I buy it, you fucking drone.
Stop discussing monster hunter on the mh thread!
OMGG 5 extra damage output on Gunlance Shelling!!! #cantwaitforIceborne #soexited
But it's fun, you faggot
Just found out they posted the new rathalos armor, I like everything except the helmet. I can't fucking wait. Too bad I play on PC though, it's going to be a long wait.
Good game balance enhances fun, yes
Looks like we're getting another 1st/2nd generation Rathalos armor.
>want to GS, but don't want to spam true charge
>want to DBs but don't want to mash X
>want to Hammer, but don't want to spam power charge superpound
>want to gunlance, but don't want to spam sweep
>want to SA, but don't want to spam morph slash
>want to CB, but don't want to spam SAED
>want to bow, but don't want to spam in general
I want to play something other than lance in World, but all the weapons feel so braindead now. It doesn't help that SnS feels super awkward to use in this game.
>The hunter casts Ultima
b-b-b-but I thought MHW was all new assets built from the ground u-u-up?
Play poke shell gunlance
You don't have to spam superpound with hammer, you use all its moves if you know what you're doing
Play spiral slash style SnS with a mix of falling bash
Or just don't give a shit about the "optimal way to play the game" because if you boil down weapons to their most powerful moves only you're going to get bored anyway.
New assets, same designs albeit with a slinger. Capcom recycles shit all the time, but they've made a ton of armor designs already so they might as well not waste them.
Have we seen the male Rathalos set for master rank yet?
>new assets
pfft. It's the same engine. Copy-paste job more like.
I know you're being retarded but everything in MHW is remade in high poly count with up to 4k resolution textures.
>poke shell is vastly inferior to Jho/Nerg slam+sweep spam
>power superpound has everything you ever wanted in one move besides DPS, which unga bunga mash A is used for when PSP trips/KOs the monster
I lose out on way too much damage if I don't. It sucks.
I will keep trying SnS though. What combo am I aiming to do? SnS doesn't play like the older games, like at all.
You stick to the monster's leg and you do circle circle circle, triangle triangle, and then if you tilt your analog in a 45 degree angle or more in either direction yo do what's called a spiral slash, which basically restarts your combo. It's pretty simple but it's fun and it's great if you're trying to deal elemental/status damage.
Also poke shell is fun and it has its uses. It's great for tripping and it's satisfying. Who cares about optimal play my dude? Just have fun. Get yourself a good weapon like the Kjarr Bomber.
remove her wind pressure and her fight would be good
Started a new game with IG a few weeks ago. It's pretty fun, very fluid. Most of the moves are useful.
With Wind Res she almost entirely stops being a threat which is the opposite problem
If I'm gonna have fun with a weapon, then it wn't be with an ugly as sin Taroth weapon. Admittedly, Zorah charge shot spam is really solid, but that shelling type never scales well into G rankexcept in 3U where wide 5 GLs were amazing.
Any swords I should make? I already made Legia Rimespire and I'm thinking about making Anjanath and Kirin unless I ever get that awaken deco.
The two best swords are Jho and Luna Ruin, if you want optimal, the only time you're not using Jho is when the monster's hitzones aren't weak to dragon.
Can someone please explain to me why Lunastra has better wind pressure than Kushala Daora while having the best roar punishes in the entire series?
Everything post release has been essentially a response to the players complaining the game's too easy, if you hadn't noticed. It culminates with Ancient Leshen which is just a pure dogshit fight.
I thought we were talking about SWORD and shield, not shield+dunk spam. Dragon sucks for elemental damage in World because thunder, ice, and fire all do more damage against elders that are weak to them. Hell, Vaal isn't even weak to dragon until you break the head while fire is consistently strong against it for the entire fight.
Yes, and it's the design in I'd link it but I don't feel like digging through their twitter
Right, sorry. In that case you're gonna have to farm some Kjarr weapons I'm afraid. Also I'm not sure you're right about that, as almost no monsters in World have good thunder hitzsones.
Fair enough, Twitter was retarded enough to give Desktop users the goddamn mobile layout. I found the tweet.
the male set is pretty much the same. the female one has bigger chest and thighs windows tho, or its just the better graphic
Taroth's coat, nigga.
>he hasn't made a Kirin lance set with 69(Sixty-Nine) thunder specifically to wreck the lever living shit out of her coat, Daora, and Nerg
MHW Lance is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Wait until you get the kjarr lightning DBs. Or the kjarr ice CB.
>Capcom remake rath sets in gen 3
>all of them look beautiful
>Capcom then tries to pretend they don't exist in 4U's G rank and World
Fuckin why? Old Rath sets look so bland.
Gen 1 and 2 are basically the KANTOOOOO of MH. You ever wonder why trash like kut-ku or lao shan places on popularity polls? Pure fucking gook nostalgia.
>Make a majority of the sets ugly so you can release "Master" versions for more money
>"people keep saying element is shit. what do we do? Should we buff element?"
>"nah let's just make broken Taroth weapons that people have to RNG for instead"
I said it before with Lunastra weapons and I'll say it again. Capcom opened pandora's by making weapons with skills. Now Rathalos/Starlord armor pieces are obsolete because you can just use a weapon that already has god tier element WITH crit element without making a dedicated set.
Fuck this unbalanced mess of a game. Capcom did the same shit with killing the entire sharpness mechanic.
>removed black sleeves for armpits
>increased chest window for tiddies
>removed hip slits
Not sure what to feel
hunters dont even have tiddies to begin with
>bigger thighs window
i swear there's a thigh fanatic somewhere in the designing team
I think it's mainly a problem because of world's endgame being a bit lackluster. They really underestimated how much people were excited for the game and how much more content they wanted so they kept stapling new shit to the game without considering power creep. At any rate it looks like they nerfed a lot of the overtly broken skills in iceborne, so hopefully the endgame experience there would be a bit better.
>Capcom did the same shit with killing the entire sharpness mechanic
To be honest sharpness has been an issue for a while. It basically entirely dictates which weapons can be used and which can't, and the devs never actually account for sharpness consumption when balancing weapons' damage output either, even though sharpness conservation is literally the biggest damage boost in the entire game.
>i swear there's a thigh fanatic somewhere in the designing team
You think so? Maybe he even has the girl fetish.
they did tried with gimmicky sharpness (Valstrax's infinite white, Narga maxed sharpness) and bludgeon, but still
oh, and the "3 slotted, but require sharpness + 1/2" Fatalis weapons too
>nerf WE to 30%
>buff expert to 40% without requiring any more points
Shut your mouth. Capcom did fuck-all the balance.
Honestly, after drachen I'm more worried about skill bloat. That shit had more active offensive skills than any G rank set I've made in other games, and it's only going to get wilder.
They had to be at least sort of aware of the overemphasis on sharpness when they made razor sharp into a set bonus skill from the armor set of the final fucking boss. But then they added master's touch as an alternative and a ton of easy ways to boost your affinity to 100% or near it.
A lot of 3rd gen stuff is quite popular too though, Zinogre and Amatsu do get pretty high placements. Guessing third gen is pretty much the Hoenn of MH if we're doing 1:1 comparisons with gen wars.
Meanwhile the Frontier polls have shit like Duremudira and Unknown at the top often to my knowledge. At least Taikun got #1 last year.
So what does the new GL Wyrmstake Blast move do?
Is it just a delayed wyrmstake?
Zinogre's the poster boy of the second highest selling title of the series
Which coincidentally is also heavily japan themed
Yeah it's a bit stupid that a weapon like GS can basically maintain sharpness infinitely, but a weapon like GL burns through sharpness like no tomorrow and there's no real way around it aside from skill slots.
In general, my biggest complaint regarding balancing in the franchise as a whole is the minimal skill investment for some weapons as opposed to other weapons to be truly viable. Take greatsword for example, the only skill which I would say is crucial for GS is focus. Then you have a weapon like Hammer which doesn't really need any skill at all, and then on the flip side you've got a weapon like GL that requires artillery and capacity boost, and possibly even evade extender, unless you're playing slapstick in which case whatever. It's really lame that the weapons are balanced in such a way because it means that Capcom either needs to create more sets that are weapon specific (which did not happen in vanilla) or you need to suck it up and waste multiple precious skill slots for what are essentially skills that get your weapon to baseline performance.
>one requires 3 slots
>the other requires 7 slots
WE is 30% on weak points +20% on wounded parts.
The thing is... wounded parts count as weak points. So you can potentially turn the whole monster into a weak point.
Its an LBG wyvernblast that you stick to a monster and you trigger the explosions with shelling
It's essentially a sticky LBG mine that does explosive damage when it takes explosive damage. So if you hit it with like, a 5 shell full burst, it'll do 5 more small explosions on top of that. It lasts for a long time but on the flipside you can't cause it to explode. It's basically a nice tool to help shelling gunlance stay more viable. It's gonna be super useful for poke-shell playstyle.
Guys....I'm beginning to think Monhun has gone too far with World. Look at Iceborne. Now you have people constantly grappling to the monster's head to attack it like it's God of War or some shit. Idunno, maybe the game is getting way too flashy. The absurd power creep isn't helping at all.
I think I want to go back to a more traditional Monster Hunter, but I don't think we'll ever see one again.
The new wyrmstake just attaches itself for a duration, and explodes each time you shell it. The best part is this activates with 4 Gunlance players
It detonates on shelling. The stronger the shelling type, the more damage the detonation does. That includes regular shells, charged, full burst and wyvernfire. It's also on timer, and can be detonated as many times as you can within the time limit.
Yeah, I don't get all the praise for the weapons in World. I keep hearing how it has the best incarnations of all the weapons, but they mostly feel terrible to me. I hate what they did to the GS. Do we know if Iceborne has fixed it?
>Gen 1 is nostalgiabait
>Gen 2 built upon gen 1
>Gen 3 is literally Hoenn
>Gen 4 expanded upon gen 2 stuff
>Gen 5 is a new beginning in a far away land
I can't wait to fight extradimentional aliens in Monster Hun7er Ultimate.
Huh, interesting.
A shame shelling GL likely won't be viable because of sharpness fucking off at a frightening pace with every shell
I just want element to not suck on slow weapons.
MH is getting improved.
You load slinger ammo into it for a mine that attaches onto the monster. It detonates numerous times before disappearing.
Depending on how the slot distribution ends up being like, it may be harder to max out some skills. Maximum Might may do 40% now, but it's a steeper investment too, especially for how it worked originally at Lv5.
Some weapons can wound more easily than others, so stuff like Hammer or Swaxe will have an easier time getting the affinity boost going. In multiplayer I'd imagine 'light' weapons might get it easier as a result since they can't wound as hard.
sharpness and skill aside, i do wish they make element more viable
like, say, 3-5% more dps comparing to a cookie cutter raw weapon set. even the same is good too. that would incentive people to craft more weapons instead of the ever old "lol diablos gs", "lol final boss", "lol rocket"
just like how DS, SnS and IG meta weapons work, i guess
iirc it's not just shelling, it's all explosion damage, so cluster bombs, barrel bombs, etc.
Vanilla had a major power creep problem but I reckon it'll be better in Iceborne. They nerfed almost all the damage skills that were abused in vanilla and the monsters seem significantly tougher this time around. But yeah if the new mechanics don't interest you I guess all I can say is my condolences.
>extradimentional aliens
Isn't that what Xeno is supposed to be?
That only applies to full bursting though. Poke shell playstyle with razor sharp does fine with sharpness
Shelling's sharpness cost got lowered in a patch in base MHW and you can actually Razor Sharp on it to lessen the blow. Some people also run sets with Protective Polish + Item Prolonger.
Well, I'm not sure about the bombs, I just know shelling does detonate them. Didn't test it myself during the beta.
Just use razor sharp. Or alternatively if you're using poke-shell you shouldn't care too much about sharpness to begin with.
>gen 5 cut a bunch of monsters in favor of new experience (and some old iconic 1), and generally the divisive one in the fandom
>gen 5 v2 add almost all the favorite in again, some might argue it to be the best, head to head with gen 4 and 2
oh boy im ready for gen 8 to cut half the roster again for weirdly themed monsters
Razor Sharp on Zorah Magdros's GL with Focus 3 and Artillery 3 charm. Your welcome.
>Gen 6 will be the beginning of the end for the franchise and officially mark the point where the devs stopped putting any effort in because they figured the series was too big to fail
Climbing in dragon's dogma is fun for a while but when it's such an easy and efficient way to kill most enemies it gets dull over time, and it ends up overshadowing the otherwise fun grounded combat
So why are Kulve Taroth weapons good now?
I stopped playing in like May last year. I thought Kulve weapons were shit.
Xeno is less "actually a fucking alien" and more "this dragon shouldn't be here". Then again we know shit about it, so until then it could be anything.
dunno, people will always find a new OP set/strat
the main concern is how OP it will be. X's Teo bow and crit boost sets are a nightmare, but XX's sets are rather tame
>focus shelling
Get the Kjarr Bomber GL. That's the real shit. High damage, crit status, and a fuckton of blue. You will never need to sharpen again.
Just stop using dagger vocations.
>Gen 6 will be the beginning of the end for the franchise and officially mark the point where the devs stopped putting any effort in because they figured the series was too big to fail
I could almost see this happening. Imagine if World 2 is PS5 exclusive.
>Gen 5 main dragons are energy themed
>Gen 5 v2 main dragon is ice themed
Can't make this shit up
I personally can't find any appeal to Kulve GLs, even the one with shelling 4 and elementless skill, we already have Jho for sweeping, and Pinkian's for shelling.
Well, it's heavily implied Xeno is based on some legend about a falling star, and it doesn't look like anything else found on this planet, so it's very possible it really IS an alien monster. Although when you compare to some local ED's, it's not TOO wild, just different.
Everything that we have seen with everything other than skills points to Capcom doubling down on power creep. Go watch any speedrun of Tigrex. It's all Crutch Claw spam out the ass.
AT Kulve's Kjarr series brings a few more solid weapons, but the Wave 1 + 2 Kulve weapons have always offered some solid options.
Long GL gets old really fucking quick. Only time I use it is for AT Vaal so I dont have to worry about his vape gas when Im healing through that shit.
But I usually gravitate to warriors
Although when you put it like that I can't shake the feeling DD was designed around striders and every other class was more of an afterthought
There is nothing wrong with charge shot only GL. Your teammates will also love you during phase 1 Kulve Taroth.
Just buy profiles on ebay and you will pay 1 euro for 15 days of online gaming, on ps4.
Wide Lv4 is a lazy but legit way of dealing with Lunastra.
??? Just use the kirin dbs dude.
>but the Wave 1 + 2 Kulve weapons have always offered some solid options.
Huh, guess I stopped playing before people really played around with them.
Too big of a pain.
exclusivity is nothing new to the series tho, and the fans still (begrudgingly) follow it
at least we dont have to buy literally every console ever created like KH
>Your teammates will also love you during phase 1 Kulve Taroth.
No we won't. An RF Thunder LBG would do ten times more damage than some Long GL spammer.
Charge shots have and always will be the best way to deal with Rathalos in the air without spamming flash bombs like a shitter. This has not changed in World.
Remember that you can now change the angle of your shot mid charge in World
You're right, but I can't back to consoles after playing World on PC.
normal Rath armor is fine you fucking nigger
>does fuck-all to the chest
>does fuck-all to the tail unless it's molten
Kirin Duals are better in phase 2-3
Of note, the most remarkable is the Glutton HBG. Fuckhuge capacity of Spread 3 that melts things, and it can be paired with Xeno Gamma armor for Ammo Saver. The Kjarr weapons basically have Critical Element/Status embedded onto them, so naturally this pairs well with some weapons like Bow especially but Anjanath's Bow is somehow still the best one for fire
I don't believe that can happen. Rockstar always makes great games for example, just not very often.
Kulve Sleep is basically the same as Royal Burst but you can NEB it, the damage from that quickly surpasses poison
And Bethesda was once a giant too, but look at them now
Ryozo is extremely passionate for the series, so just how it wont become an Ifanue situation down the line. im happy with what we've gotten til now tho
Anjanath weapons are actually really solid in general but there's hardly anything weak to fire
What's the hardest EX/Super G6 Deviant monster to solo in MHGU/XX? I keep hearing Astalos, Diablos or Mizu.
More spin-off when? have always love them
the weird patapon-lite palico games were weirdly fun, even when i understood nothing
Yes but it still has lower raw than Jho's, and wide 4 is garbage. Add to that that you'd need 3 shelling decos if you want to optimize shelling and one for the NEB and it feels too much of a sacrifice to use.
>tfw I never got the Wyvern Jawblade because I'm a scrub
I can't even remember what elements are actively relevant across most of the roster. Water weapons definitely got the short end and in Iceborne we once again have another shitmon trying to fill in for it. Meanwhile how many goddamn dragon element shit do we really need?
I got prooves for Asta and Diablos. The hardest EX deviant is crystalbeard easily. What an absolute shit fight
Kulve Sleep is Normal 4 you donkus that's why I was comparing it to Royal Burst
For how well the mainline games and the merch sells im surprised that every spin-off flops
There's very little that has Fire or Dragon as their biggest weakness right now, and conversely outside of guns there's hardly any Thunder or Water weapons worth a shit
>The hardest EX deviant is crystalbeard easily.
How come?
>bloodbath Blos: self-explanatory
>Ex Boltreaver: extreme AoE attacks and pretty dang fast moves in general
>Soulseer: lots of mix-up and projectile. very fun to fight tho
>grimclaw grex: more tedious than hard, really. just your usual grex spiel
>honorable mention: Redhelm Azuros. just, fuck that one
I think Stories flopped because they tried to enter a notoriously difficult to penetrate market with a game that did almost nothing to stand out. Stories looked like a Yo-Kai Watch clone at a time when even fucking Pokémon was aping that franchise.
>HUGE sleep cloud
>explosion, explosion everywhere
>shitty brute wyvern hitbox and weakspot
Vaal and Leshen make fire tie with ice as the second most important element after thunder.
Water got the shaft hard in this game because Teo ended up being weaker to ice in World. Why? Idunno, reasons.
Fuck boltreaver and fuck bloodbath diablos. Fucking frontier ass shit.
its a shame too, cause for a 3ds game, it look absolutely gorgeous, and had tons of soul and effort put into it
>One of the highest health EX
>Shitzones (goes for every deviant)
>Turns the arena into a minefield with huge explosions and sleep clouds
>That goddamn roll
Soloing Asta and Diablos were more fun in comparison
Bloodbath is a fair challenge. Boltreaver was the progenitor of unga bunga AOE spam in mainline monhun.
Isn't thunder technically one of the worst elements in world though just because there's so few good options for it
>Not liking Dabbington Bear
crit element should have been a regular skill and not a set bonus like it used to be. Same with razor sharp.
My friend can't play monster hunter hunter anymore, i'm just going to play it alone and i'll probably quit halfway because i won't be having fun chatting about tea while hunting.
I want to believe if i join random rooms i'll be able to get into maybe a squad or at least play with people but that never worked before, nobody ever joined my quests so i don't see why that would change. I'll try.
I think if they just rebooted it with a tone closer to the mainline games and marketed it mostly towards people who are already fans of the series rather than newcomers then it could do decently well.
>The thing is... wounded parts count as weak points.
Not all of the, but the vast majority of them, yes.
what cutscene is this? I need it for reasons
Well, I don't know nip very well, and I was watching without sound anyway, but from the looks of it, they were implying that any wounded part automatically bumps to a weak spot hitzone.
When the endgame is a single monster that revolves around breaking a single part that's extremely element weak, whichever element it's weak to is going to be meta.
It also helps that everything in this game has varying degrees of weakness to thunder.
Why is she so perfect bros...
iirc people checked and it just raises the hitzone multiplier by 5. Unclear what that translates into with WE.
Grappling hook might not fit classic mh, but World should have had it from the start(while nerfing flash bombs) imo
why cant you romance her?
>damage output now starts out high and snowballs out of control
Did Capcom learn nothing from Nerg?
Gen was a million times worse with super sentai iframe styles. If anything, World brought us back to sanity.
They get bumped up by a certain amount
If you wound Uragaan's chin you might not bounce anymore but it's still probably not gonna be a cutting weakpoint
Japs tested the beta and found this formula.
Is the softened zone temporary or permanent?
No, World is just a different flavor of flashy anime shit. You can keep blaming Gen all you want, but World is every bit as bad as Gen. This series all went downhill starting at 4 with mounting and ledges.
t. actually played vanilla 4 on release.
>MHW Lunastra somehow has a more bullshit AOE compared to what is actually in Frontier
GU is MH at its peak
I agree that 4 was awful. But Gen is in a whole different level of flashy iframe magic shit. We don't have crap like blade oil chaos lightsabers.
>This series all went downhill starting at 4 with mounting and ledges.
There's honestly only so much they could do with the "classic" formula
Even Tri had to add underwater stuff to bring some change to the series.
So, the effect is stronger the harder the body part is? Makes sense. Still, that means it turns any hitzone of 27+ into a weak spot.
Temporary of course. But in multiplayer hunts the uptime of at least one wounded part can probably be considered permanent.
If it ain't broke, then don't fucking fix it.
Fuck change. I want HD Freedom Unite. No new monsters or bs shit like crutch claw and mounting.
Look up any HC, Zenith, or Musou monster and say that again with a straight face
LR Rath armor is a true classic
There's nothing wrong about it
>hating on SnS oil
now you are pushing it. its the best thing ever came to spice up the SnS arsenal
if you are talking about the hunter art, then yeah, the vfx was overkill, but it just add all the oil available onto the sword
and foresight slash iframe is ridiculous too
Correct. Which is really strong. Like you can turn Luna's back legs into a weakpoint.
Why do people hate anime shit so much? It was always pretty anime with the longsword, great sword and dual blades. Flashy anime > boring realism
Suddenly all those beta tigrex TAs make sense. No point going after his head when his weakened claws are safer to hit, trip him with enough damage, and still count as weakpoints. I bet there's going to be a lot of toenail trimming in IB.
I only have a problem with the effects and artstyle
>tfw its 4U Teo and Gore all over again
whoever thought making the hindlegs/ass the weakzone was good?
Can you translate what that says?
>Why do people hate anime shit so much?
"oldfags" (people that started with FU) pretend the series has always been a grounded, realistic experience.
>whoever thought making the hindlegs/ass the weakzone was good?
They have to sometimes otherwise weapons like sns get fucked over.
The art style was different though. At least the general atmosphere.
Monster Hunter has been a very traditional series that never really held your hand until 4. Over the top flashy arts or mounts get in the way of the experience.
At the very least only deluded people deny that Gen and GU jumped the shark in comparison to the rest of the series.
But P3rd and 3U flagships plus plenty of 4/4U elements were already building up in "DMCness"
It's low effort shitposting
on that topic, who just prefer the old style to the new? sure its vomit texture and ps2 graphic, but boy it is so clear even when the fight is maximum chaotic
the new style, while pretty, just blur everything together
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: "Because hitting the head is too hard"
Gore's head was weaker than his hindlegs and not actually that dangerous, unlike Teo's old first frame charge hitbox
Yeah, but I don't think there's been such a huge shift like so many other think.
I don’t know about other weapons, but I’ll sure as shit never be grappling as a bow user
>ruiner nerg’s gimmick is that his spikes are always hardened and the clutch claw is mandatory to even start doing effective damage
>"oldfags" (people that started with FU) pretend the series has always been a grounded, realistic experience.
Which makes no sense.
I miss pre-4th gen SnS
Why do they have to ruin it further with every release? First the worse animations in 4th gen, then they just gave up and added a lame oil gimmick admitting it was garbage without it in Gen and with World it's just so floaty.
Gore's head may have been weaker, but Gore and Shagaru were just so easy to trip because you were dealing so much damage to the hind legs. At least Teo only trips from hitting the head.
Oh, and you could trip for days by slamming his front legs, poking his ass only got flinches
You got better results on the Magala's front legs than the back. Back legs just kept you safe from the bodyslam but that wasn't too hard to avoid with proper spacing or Evasion
yeah but people just hug the hindleg cause its trip heaven for Gore. it literally cant do anything, esp when its one of the very 1st monster with the dynamic turning.
t. hunted Gore to extiction for that sweet early sharpness + 2 + atk up
4/4U SnS was fine. The weapon was in desperate need of having its elemental penalty removed and the weapons finally got the extra sharpness they deserved.
It wasn't. The new lunge felt like shit.
>lame oil gimmick
I'll never understand the hatred for oils.
>elemental penalty
>shit sharpness
yeah, sure. the moveset didnt change much tho, and the oil just add effects (stun, more affinity, etc), and even the playing field.
still cant fucking accept the weird jump in World tho
i dont get the hate for oil tho. it adds more depth to the "playing with items" style of SnS
Always liked the less flashy style of gen 1/2 ect. Gen 3 added some nice colour though.
And to think people had trouble with Gore/Shagaru at first during demo/release. Is the Gore skeleton just fundamentally flawed? Valstrax, Nerg, and Xeno aren't much better.
It adds nothing to the gameplay, it's not a new move, it's a gimmick like wystones, HAs and mantles.
Stream ?
Soulseer and Dreadking gave me the most trouble in a team, never tried solo but I'd guess it's just as bad. I think Crystalbeard has the worst overall reputation because it's an anti-gunner fight and gunners are used to destroying everything but I didn't think it was that bad as a blademaster.
They key thing is that it says (100 - original hitzone value) * .25 and truncate all decimals. The rest is giving examples.
Change bad.
Old good.
Nostalgia good.
oh boy here we go with the capcom apologists
>Is the Gore skeleton just fundamentally flawed?
No, that would be the Kushala skeleton. Gore skeleton is perfectly functional, it's just that Nerg and Xeno are huge, shitty exceptions.
Trailer has been delayed, Ryozo has been arrested for killing a man with his exploding fist a few days ago.
Numbers are secondary, a weapon's gameplay is its moveset.
>i dont get the hate for oil tho. it adds more depth to the "playing with items" style of SnS
So you just don't like the style of the SnS. The game needs more useful tools for all weapons that the SnS can use with more ease, not a retarded gimmick item that's only available for it and adds extra numbers to it instead of actually affecting the game in an unique way.
I guess that the claw stuff is almost that but we all know it's not lasting past IB or at most MH6
they just need a better movement option
Zinogre was actually the 1st monster that doesnt do the "90 degree spin", but instead strut around, and it has a lot of short hop forward/to the side/backward, plus a lot of stationary attack (the break dance), so you cant just hug it
Gore and shaggy moveset is front-oriented, with only a (very generous hitbox) body spin, and a weird spit-and-jump-back that rarely hit anyone
Val and Nerg actually have a lot of attacks to punish leg huggers tho, like the jump in place and slam
yes, traditionally Japanese. not traditionally western. its not dark souls we're talking about here
>Brachyozo killed Ichihara which means that Iceborne will never come out
play teppen.
>Zinogre will probably not do the Chad stride in World
It fucking hurts guys. That move just oozes flavor - even if it doesn't do anything unless it's Stygian Zinogre.
Cool, thanks a lot man.
I think with gore he means forelegs and not hind legs, but the idea is the same. Gore's forelegs were soft enough to qualify as weak points, and even shaggy's were a nice vulnerable 40. Seregios had the same problem, his legs were super easy targets and trivialized fighting him. Zinogre's rear leg hitzones took a big nerf in gen 4 to weakpoint levels even though learning to his hit tiny, frequently moving head was half the fun of his fight. Even in World people prefer smacking Xeno's arms to trip him even though he's got some of, if not THE softest, squishiest hitzones in the whole series in his critical state. With the way the clutch claw works, we might be looking at Monster Hunter World: Legborne.
Is this nigger really defending old SnS? That weapon was awful.
stun oil does change the gameplay tho, turning SnS into a valid ailment lbg style support weapon, or hell a main dps weapon that can contest the head
Para SnS + stun oil + trap + mounting is fun. just like that niche build of IG in 4U with para glaive + quick charge stun kinsect + mounting
this isnt reddit, you should quote posts in your replies.
no problem, user.
Whats the best flagship in the franchise?
This isn't reddit. You should address the person you're replying to as a nigger.
No contest
best rival monster, fite me
Objectively = Brachy
Personally = Steve
great taste btw
Based honestly
GL really felt like it got shafted in the beta, Wyrmstake blast felt pretty mediocre to use considering the time it takes to set up and how difficult it is to actually activate it regularly. Giving it a GP and combos feels like a great addition
"Have a seat."
Zinogre and Gore
Valstrax's hitboxes are as crisp as a Jackson straight outta the bank. He is the pinnacle of Monster Hunter gameplay.
>Is this nigger really defending old SnS?
I've seen people defend the Gen 1 GS, saying tht it should go back to how it was in the first game
I think World's popularity has scared old players or something.
Velkhana? More like THICChana
so Velkana is a friggin Griffon roleplaying as an ice Alatreon?
>sweep no longer staggers
As if I ever needed any other move. Now give us a GL that's a literal tree trunk.
To be fair, GS was still a top of the line weapon in first gen. Fans of a faster GS do exist.
griffon elder never ever
Narga, Odo, and Barioth do stride.
He will do it
It was an actual griffin in the concept art. No idea why they decided to turn it into another generic dragon.
Use the bug horn against Diablos for maximum fun
One of my first screens but looks like a meme one for some reasons.
>HH's best song got nerfed because Capcom wanted bow to be unga bunga shit
Fuck this gay earth. I want Negate Stamina back.
>hover hand even when saving Handler
Based hunter
>Khezu gets deconfirmed
>Khezufags go quiet
I disagree, the vast majority of Zeniths or high-end G-Rank monsters by contrast rarely ever invoke DOT that aren't related to status/blights, most sources that actually are DOTs will simply be pools you can escape unflinching. Frontier AOEs mostly definitely have killing power and even Guts traps, but most of these attacks are much more telegraphed and behave consistently while some weapons have more means to mitigate or avoid them. Even some fake-out attacks like GR800 Zenith Gasura's clap have tells, and nukes like those of Zinogre and Ruko can just be panic dived once. Point is, in spite of the sheer candy ass spectacle, the reality of most attacks like those are honestly pretty simple in nature. The normal attacks from something like Duremudira are much more worrisome than its area-clearing nuke.
Most content is certainly doable with Adrenaline HP outside of perhaps Crimson Fatalis whose entire fight has some tough health drain. Some bullshit though off the top of my head though do include:
>Uragaan's Sony Wojak impression if it starts the attack close to a wall or in the lava, as this can block off the blindspots if they're your only option
>Zenith Baruragaru's roar > blood AOE with virtually no telegraphing
The game has problems and it's true that most people at this point will carry some form of E+2 or G+2, but come on now. Lunastra puts in bits of DOT, Kushala-tier wind pressure with no real visual tell, and also some fairly good chunks of damage with knockback into the same attack. She ends this without any downtime for her, possibly running straight up to a player and finishing them with chip damage. The nova itself lasts long enough that people keep mashing panic dive in efforts to survive it. Luna put everything into the goddamn blender and if you don't have most of your HP then tough shit. Leshen's AOE is maybe a bit subtle in VFX for something that can one-shot melee users at 200 HP, but MHF stuff can get people fast too so I dunno.
Their reasoning was that they did not want to just weaken crit as a whole, since that would feel a bit bad going into an expansion. Their goal was to instead make the choice on how to get that crit a bit more interesting. Weakness Exploit was simply too strong relative to other crit skills and almost unconditional, so they wanted to add another condition to it that was thematically appropriate and worked with Iceborne's new mechanics, while buffing Critical Eye to be an entirely unconditional, but higher investment competitor, and reworking Maximum Might to be more than just that skill you use to hit 100% together with WE.
It's because Khezu is blind
It wasn't actually deconfirmed though.
Let me guess: you love GU
give me a quick rundown on the lavasloth quest?
It's a shame there isn't much else you can do with that song.
Honestly they should just make it a standard song for every horn like Self Improvement.
PS4 rooms?
this one feels strange
Fight lavasioth as normal picking up any jewels he drops from lava splashes. That's it
Do we have any official word on Kulve weapons post iceborne?
Spicy Fish's lava attacks drop large feystones of high rarity. It's a great decoration farm. Also Beetle layered set can be picked up from it.
Echo Wave note should create a Sonic Pod effect for any song played using it
so he's not going to nuke you like fattest jagras?
I miss old Lavasioth
It's just a tempered Lavasioth. Nothing outrageous like fatty.
We all do.
after 900 hunts of SA and Hammer I decided to look at bowguns for fun
>it requires super rare Piercing / Spread decorations
who came up with this?
Nobody fucking does.
no i dont
>FU Lavasioth is an even tankier Plesioth with all the jank
>GU one is obnoxious with all the digging, tremor and random eruption
World's version is the most tolerable. shitty, but tolerable
its only redeeming quality is the armor design
better lava monster, coming through
Tips and builds for Glutton cheesing?
It wasn't an amazing fight but bodyslam fish wasn't better than Discount Agnaktor
you don't need them unless you're doing some speedrun shit, just go with spare shot and ammo up along with your usual affinity shit
at least you can still use some part of the old armor, unlike "lol go make a whole new set" in ye olden days
was* better
Brain pls
It's just a digging Plesioth with good hitboxes. i bet you didn't bring sonic bombs or failed the DPS check when it sticks its head out of the ground. Also its weapons weren't garbage.
Fuck no it wasn't.
World Lavasioth sets the bar really fucking low. Hopefully Master Rank brings back its old moves.
I hope they come back with the decision not to have Ghemoth
It was fine before. Nothing impressive but easily the least dogshit Piscine Wyvern.
sadly ffxiv just have behemoths with other names
>that cool landswim into hip check is gone
>instead he has Dire Miralis's nuke that looks half as big but the hitbox is the same size
Does Lavasioth even hip check in World?
I just bring water DS. Flinch almost every time
they should just phase out every piscine wyvern in favour of leviathan until they find a way to make the fight actually fun
that landswim is the bane of my existence as a gunner
>multi-wall drifting intensified
They make the fight fun by directly porting old Lavasioth and Tri Volcano with it.
Demanding the next trailer will not make time go faster
Yeah and its still the old animation iirc
Yeah he does but it's rare. The old flop into hipcheck is gone
wait, wasnt it FU's Volcano? with 2 thin volcanic zones on the left that the thing just love?
Tri Volcano has 4 non-volcanic zone, not 2. has such a great mining path leading to the apex tho
>volcanic eruption everywhere
>a thin-ass path
>a veggie-elder just chillin' around
Lavasioth appeared in FU Volcano. Tri just happens to have by far the best Volcanic map in the series.
Probably the Gamescom event on the 20th with Geoff Keighley
Then what does it mean by "If you have the Guard skill, you can use wyrmstake blast after a guard"? Is the implication here that under normal circumstances, being hit during this process will block the attack but still cancel your loading animation, so you need guard skills to fully protect yourself?
Inst 19th?
It is.
>Both previous trailers releases before the actual events (E3 and SDCC)
>lol lets release the next one DURING the events
Fuck you Capcom
(Monster Hunter!)
Yeah sounds like you'd get interrupted like how if you try to do a normal Counter with Lance without enough Guard vs a heavy attack the counter won't come out, or your guard advance will get pushed backwards, etc
They need to pad things out, they have almost nothing left to show.
I’m not sure why they did the tease at the end format. If we only have 1 trailer left, how are they gonna capitalize on the zinogre reveal?
If it's revealed on 19th, then it's technically a day before the event proper starts.
They might just have the tease and then leave it to players to discover for themselves in the full game. Or show it in the launch trailer.
>they have almost nothing left to show
2 flagships, Brute Tigrex, Yian Garuga, a new siege monster, and probably 1-2 elder dragons because the tier between Velkhana and the final boss right now is looking pretty fucking empty. And then there's postgame stuff like variants.
Zinogre more like Zinover haha just like your dreams of having him in IB
Sorry bro, but ZinogreCHADS know that he's in, i bet you're a butthurt Lagivirgin or a Valstrautist
>If we only have 1 trailer left, how are they gonna capitalize on the zinogre reveal?
Easy, he'll be the first DLC monster.
He can't be DLC, his LS was in the weapon tree in the demo build.
Tell me the sauce of these monster drawings I've been seeing everywhere please.
they did something like this with deviljho, a tease in the last tailer and thats it.
Yeah, but Deviljho also wasn't in the base game, while Zinogre almost assuredly is.
>mfw PC release is in 2020
>tfw deviljho is just a big Jaggi
I've got enough other shit to play
Fuck's sake I gotta go back and finish Sekiro
>Dear Hecatelia looks cool but it has 190 raw
>Devastating Thorns has 210 but is capped at blue sharpness the sword looks like an ugly duster
>Diablos Tyrannis has 230 raw but is built for Unga SAED
>Kjarr Bomber is perfect for my 4U playstyle but I have yet to roll for one so far
Hoping Iceborne has better CBs for my 4U playstyle.
>he hasn't NG+7'ed it a week after release
t. never played FU
Tribabs tend to love underwater combat, though. Am one. Tri was my first MH and I thought underwater combat was exciting and awesome. No I did not use the classic controller because the wiimote+nunchuk felt fine to me. Had to completely relearn the controls when 3U game out.
Maybe that was why; most people I've heard complain about underwater combat were all using the classic controller.
Can anyone tell me how to do the Code:red quest? What am I missing?
I need that Dante armor
>Tri just happens to have by far the best Volcanic map in the series.
I'm so mad it isn't in GU. Where's the love for Tri and 3U at in that game?
The glav stream from yesterday or whenever ended with Ryozo saying “look forward to gamescom!” So enjoy waiting another two weeks
Most of my free time spent on games is multiplayer stuff with friends, singleplayer games get pushed to the wayside.
I always wanted "The Greatest Jaggi" as a joke, but I guess they did that with the Jagras.
>tfw my autism commanded me to order the steelbook edition on Amazon
It's gonna be in my mailbox on the morning of release day, right?
I've played FU and I wish all piscines never existed
it's in events, you need to be at least HR 16
So when's the Lavasioth event going up?
I pray that the reason third gen had the most content missing from Gen/GU was because they're saving them for a new game later on that has them in it along with underwater combat.
In about 9 hours
Oh I can attempt it but never complete it, just get carted.
Mine will be a week before launch because I'm part of the Amazon Vine program and the Deluxe Master Edition was put on my list.
I hope you're part of the 100,000 first orders because they're the only ones that get it before, or day of launch.
Collection purposes yes
Playing on day one no
>comfy preload+frogstream will be back in sept 1~
hit the monsters and don't get hit
get at least 20 fire resist, none of the monsters are hard but bow kills all of them the easiest
still waiting for that deconfirmation proof
>I pray that the reason third gen had the most content missing from Gen/GU was because they're saving them for a new game later on that has them in it along with underwater combat.
God, I hope you're right. I love third gen so much.
Cheers dude
If you're having trouble abuse the monsters before two with traps, and abuse Teo with flash pods. None of the monsters have a lot of HP, they should go down pretty quick
I wanted to farm Mosswinin and Dinin for armor spheres, but its too dangerous as melee. Never used a HBG in world and gave it a spin, with shattercryst and piercing up.
holy fucking shit this weapon is broken. HBGfags you are my greatest ally.
Any good HBG builds for cheesing Behemoth solo?
i've never used HBG before btw
do you have glutton, if the answer is yes then spread spam
if you use smoke and cluster bombs you can kill him before the fight even starts. some jap did it on youtube but its in jap so i cant find it.
Pierce honestly doesn't have that much use in MHW, but some monsters like Great Jagras Bazel have enormous hitzones and are well suited for pierce. The giant Mosswine work very well with it too. Spread on Taroth Glutton (or Luna/Nerg for poverty) is fucking amazing overall, though. A shame that Normal is just kind of shitty.
I miss old Pierce that only had 3, 5, or 7 hits based on ammo level
I'm not from the US, so I still have hope.
Please sandfrog, if you're there get your copy and leak the roster so I can confirm if my boys steve, gore and valstrax are in.
Sisterly Fourth...
wtf handler is so hot bros...
LMAO he was already deconfirmed you tard. Glav is the only Gen rep.
>doubting him
He's in and your meme plane dragon isn't. Get real
>doesn't have a new icon
LMAO he aint even DLC
neither have brachydios
He said that Glavenus is the first monster he thinks of when he things of X and XX, which is why he's returning for Iceborne. No hard deconfirmations of anything but Lagi right now.
>t. Cucktalos, Cuck of the skies
Seregios better be in or I'II burn dodogama alive.
Is it bad that I'm 60 hours into GU and haven't finished LR?
Don't you ever touch my bro
No, that means you're enjoying the infinite content as intended by the devs.
Don't talk to me, listfag
What HR do you need for the Lavasioth quest?
>hunt target monster
>bazelgeuse invades
>hunt bazelgeuse
>other monsters invade
He´s just a normal tempered one though, right?
Same deal as the jagras he's bigger and hits harder
Dang, my save got corrupted so i needed to start over and i thought i would be able to rush it before Iceborne came out.
World 2 (yes, that's the title we're going with) has been in development since December 2017. The big things are that underwater will return and for the first time since Freedom Unite Frontier monsters will appear, due to that game closing permanently very soon. Ryozo and the other big wigs in the MH team want to exceed 50 monsters for the base game and add in all the skeletons missing from World too, making World 2 arguably even more ambitious than World itself given how much stuff they're planning on adding. There's four new maps in development (intended to be roughly the size of Hoarfrost Reach each) and two returning maps. Ancient Forest and Hoarfrost Reach are set to return, with Hoarfrost Reach being largely unchanged and Ancient Forest being expanded to include underwater segments.
The first new map is a prehistoric jungle inspired by Jurassic Frontier and prior jungle maps. It has a big river running through it and on a raised plateau it has a number of hot tar pits which monsters can get stuck in and burn. The second new map is a volcanic island, based on volcano and peak maps as well as the Deserted Island. A great deal of Fire and Lightning element monsters are found here. The third new map is a large desert zone. Its the most vertical of the maps, starting with wide open dunes at the top of the map before descending into the ruins of a lost city reclaimed by nature underground and a subterranean swamp surrounding it. The fourth new map is an underground ocean full of bio luminescent life. The 'shore' is a massive fungal outcropping you can travel through that spans all the way under the New World.
The flagship monster is a new Brute Wyvern inspired by Godzilla who can swim and fires a breath beam that inflicts a new status effect.
Currently aiming for a late 2020 release but willing to delay it into 2021 if need be, Capcom want to get it right and not fuck up with the huge new audience World brought in.
okay, not gonna lie, this is pretty based
>swimming in freedom unite
Wanna know how I know you're full of shit?
I dont think you read that correctly user. It's still a LARP but reread that line.
as shit as your reading comprehension
Deviljho HBG with clusters.
Just be sure to pack plenty of bomb berries in your inventory
i wonder if there's anyone that's actually retarded enough to believe in these "leaks"
I agree, it really doesn’t make any sense. You should be rewarded for building sets tailored to specific monsters, that’s half of the appeal, and most weapons just don’t benefit from that at all.
The new status effect is cancer
youre fag
isn't the MHW Behemoth a King Behemoth or a spin-off? Unless if things changed with XIV, normal Behemoths can only drop pussy-ass comets while Meteor is exclusively King's and Ecliptic is used by the Behemoth spin-offs like the war-paint looking one
>play 3U for the first time
>150 hours in
>learn about charm tables
>all that progress for nothing
Why did it have to be like this
Because lolCapcom. Charm grinding is retarded anyway, just ignore it.
My charm table was cursed though, I probably would have just continued if it wasn't
She's cute, get over it incels
Gaoren confirmed new siege monster
I wish this was real. But I know it's another fanfic.
>The unknown water siege monster is a new giant Carapaceon wearing Zorah Magdaros's corpse just like how Shen Gaoren wore a Lao Shan Lung's skull
It's a shitty fanfic. Why the fuck would you want it to be real?
We already know World was a shot in the dark thanks to interviews with Ryozo and Fujimura. Iceborne only entered development after World became a huge success. They wouldn't have started development on World 2 in 2017.
Indeed, her true form is cute
Real talk I hope they try underwater again, it’s a cool concept with a ton of potential if they don’t just make it slow and clunky for ‘realism’ like every fucking dev does.
>no trailer
>no info
>no nothing
Ryozo is a hack fraud
If they don't slow down your attacks and keep the much better camera controls we've got now I think it would be ok
Clutch Claw would actually help a ton for underwater