Play Girls' Frontline

Play Girls' Frontline

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How does WA's pantyhose smell like?

Cringe gatcha game for braincums.

I like guns, but this is just retarded.

>Girls' Frontline
>Girls' Frontline is a mobile strategy game developed by MICA Team, a Chinese company
No wonder it's shit.

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I don't play Gacha or Mobile games in general, but I can appreciate somebody who produces cute girls

dead kusoge

it's boring tho.


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Fuck off gacha shill, make real games on mobile and we'll play them.

One of the worst gacha.

nah, it's bad.

No, just post images of her instead

Every time I see this thread in the catalog I read it as girls' fortnite


I will once they put out a real game.


Codename Bakery Girl and Reverse Collapse Codename Bakery are games made by GFL devs.

GFL 2 is also in the works with 3D models teased.

is the gacha fair

It's the most fair f2p gacha in the market. Which is why it doesn't make much money if you wanna look at sales charts.

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Play Azur Lane!

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>girls fortnite
No way zoomer

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ok but would i get fucked if i started now? I don't want to get curb stomped like starting in KC now

Shitty cringey designs.
>Girls with guns
>Girls with citadels, Stern's and bows
Not okay

There and event right now and you get a shotgun out of it so i think now is a good time.

Well you're fundamentally going to be behind other players because of timegating. What matters most is if you like the game enough to get over the grind and initial pacing.

I love WA so SO much!

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There's a Running With Rifles mod, but don't let the Foxhole faggots hear you talk about it or they'll spam their "69th Fuckbois Battalion" clan and try to drum up players for their dead game.

That's nice.

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Sweat and gunpowder

I don't play this but the girls in GFL are robots, right? So it should smell like nothing in particular except maybe oil and burnt gunpowder.

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I needed more WA butt, thanks.

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i'm ready for the remake

Gonna have to fap.

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>Waifu bait
>"Play it"

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so this is exactly like that boat shit, garbage everything but keeps being played because incels like the character designs

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>like starting in KC now
By your third event you'll be in a good position.

>try to play event
>run into brick wall at E-3 because no AI equipment
Do I just pray they let me farm that sub with the WG-42 next event?

I can't, it'll make me more depressed about the miserable nofuns UK life.

azure lane > girls frontline

You don't have to play through the highest difficulty from the beginning, you'll be able to get your stuff in time, focus on getting the girls.

uh oh sweetie FUCK OFF

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>that horrible rendition of the rifle
Get it together waifufags

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Played for 10 mintues, this is the most low budget looking gacha game I've ever seen

Story needs to hurry the fuck up and have a good ending already

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I am playing, but it's getting more boring with each month.

This, Hard mode is insane for new players. And least with KC you aren't locked out of getting any collab characters, all the girls will be available again at some point

The Valhalla event has a better and easier to follow story than the entire base game.

>rotating mag
>belt fed

I dont even.

the only gatcha I'm excited for is arknights.

But to be serious how is it? I heard of it and it looks ok, is it going to be p2w grindfest or what? I might play that one instead since i cant play masters on ny phone

>tfw recognize this image because of the doujin i just recently fapped to


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