TurboGraphix 16 lineup

TurboGraphix 16 lineup

Is it based bros?

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Skimping on the CD games. Also no Silent Debuggers, which is probably the best TG16 game.

It’s a shame that Irem no longer gives a shit about it’s library, because the TG has the best R-Type port

I'll pick this up for Neutopia 1 and 2 alone, just cause.

But R-Type Final 2 was just announced awhile back.

>Tengai Makyou 2 Manjimaru is finally in
>It's only in the PC-Engine version

Bittersweet but I guess I could import it.

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>Snatcher didn't have a US TG-16 release
>picture of the box is Japanese
>several pictures of JP boxes with no english translation actually

They aren't actually going to just dump the JP roms without any translations are they? Some of those are just action and shooters but you kind of fucking need to be able to read the text for Snatcher.

you know it really stings i just got a supersd system 3 before this was announced

also no wonder momo

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Is there a sexier console

perfect and compact

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