Make both rivals girls

>make both rivals girls

For what purpose?

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It’s just something different. I don’t mind it. Besides it’s fucking Pokémon not wrestling, that would be different

>making male characters ever
For what purpose?

Clearly so male and male only can romance them a feature gamefreak will announce later pokemon is going the fire emblem route

Both look ugly though.

what the fuck is right even wearing

post it

Friendly rival is already a boy


go drink some bleach, shit for brains

Have to counteract the shitty waifus somehow. The more females a game has the less substance and quality.

rule 34

If you want only ever girl characters you are most definitely a troop even if you’re closeted at the moment. Please 40% already.

For muh dick. T: Gamer

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It's such a stupid thing to like, but I like that blonde boy uses a Solosis on his team, I fucking love the Solosis line.

Waifus for days gets old. Doesn't hurt to have variety.

Pokémon is the Senran Kagura of monster fighting games

You know what funny about this?
BEDE in my language mean "Faggot"

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Falseflagging tranny spotted, dilate back at you.

alright I can get erect now.

Waifus for days is working pretty well for a lot of franchises.

>Gamefreak finally makes an asshole rival again
>nobody cares

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>male x female rivalry
name the game

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isn't bede a boy? wtf.

Females are the superior sex, that's why.

Bede looks like a power bottom

he is a boy. OP is trying to stir up shit. just sit back and watch.

>make a mediocre game
>salvage it with waifu bait

man i thought lana was a dude the entire time when sm was new.
I dont wanna go through that shit again.

I care about pumping him with cum.


They could make a rival that rivaled the faggot gary stereotype and I still wouldn't touch SW/SH

lmao bidet

That thing on the right is a girl?

i thought the right was a boy until this thread

it is a boy

he looks really bland

Does that mean Jojo has the most substance and quality and that's the reason why part 6 is the worst?

no its not

i wanna use bede's bussy

No its bait

>man i thought lana was a dude
not like it'd stop me from fapping to her if this was the case

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What is Gladion?/ Also I bet neither are evil because the director is a plot recycling hack.

I don't like his eyebrows.
It creeped me out tbqh.

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They've been doing that since Black/White. Sword/Shield is the fourth game to have multiple rivals.

wait a second....

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I feel like I have seen this fag before

Because the people who want "asshole rivals" don't actually want anything, they just want to whine.

Hau is one of the best rivals in the series because he starts optimistic and ends up frustrated at himself because he can't beat you, giving him an actual character arc and an interesting negative take on what blind optimism can get you.

sorry im not a trans lesbian


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watch him end up being the "evil" legendary the wolves fight. He already looks like Satan

>that girl
Holy FUCK best one so far.

>sorry im not a trans lesbian
Why do -I- have to be a trans lesbian to want to see the characters be -actual- lesbians?

Cause that's gay as shit
and otherwise you are just a cuck and that's worse

BASED and bussy pilled.

>fictional character that can't interact with you at all

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What's your point

A. You aren't in a relationship with them so they cannot cheat on you thus you cannot be a cuck

Do you not understand the basic logic of Neotore?

>You aren't in a relationship with them
Shh, you'll make him cry.

>tfw you will never be in a relationship with Marnie

Do you?
Netorare is Japanese for cuckold. You can't be cuckolded if you aren't with anyone to begin with.

nigga they know who plays Pokemon in 2019, shut the fuck up.

Gladion was just a guy with pent up frustration because his mom did shit to him in a lab and recorded it. He wasn't really a dick to you or anything, just a bit edgy.

Because men are inherently more interesting people than women

Probably because he looks like a weird granny version of Nagito with BW2 Nate-tier fashion sense

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Cuck is chanspeak for Person I Don't Like.

So more doujins about the MC dicking girls.

He was just some weird angsty dude who poses like a chuuni. The most asshole thing he does is tell you to get out of his room.

duo porn
kinda like sissy charen

tbf Nagito already kinda looks a bit like a weird granny
and is voiced by one in Japanese too

Technically, but he doesn't have those grandmotherly curls or weird eyelashes that Bede does. Nagito was just intended to look sickly. Makes me wonder what Bede was intended to look like.

Meh, when I was a teenager I always wished there were more female characters in games because I'm shamefully vulnerable to fapbait.
In current year I mostly wish it about Japanese games since western female characters are designed to be so unappealing.

thats a boy (left)