So I just(with much disappointment) bought Reignited Trilogy after a lot of speculation based on my love for the...

So I just(with much disappointment) bought Reignited Trilogy after a lot of speculation based on my love for the original trilogy.

I just completed the first game, which isn't only my favorite of the series, but one of my favorite games of all time. I just don't understand how the trusted Toys for Bob to butcher the game so hard. It's incredibly disappointing to see the redesigns of all of the characters plus enemies. The Gnorcs are especially altered to the point it doesn't even feel like the same game. Even worse, the dragons are all bouncy and chubby. It's really hard to forget internet fetishism and look at those Dragons in a non-sexual-/cringey way.
In the original everything seemed more serious and respectable. I don't think it was the limitations of the Ps1. The designs could have been more varied but at the same time more true than the original. It actually feels like a totally different game that ripped off the Spyro formula and story verbatim.
1/10 wish I could have my money back.

Attached: ludedragondesign.jpg (1200x675, 87K)

okay, retard

you think 1 was bad just go and try 3. the fucking npcs in enchanted towers got turned into hipsters with coffees

I mean, just look at this shit and imagine the disgusting jiggle physics. This isn't what was portrayed at all in the original. They were never obese. The artist is a perverted ass clown.

Attached: IDidntAskForThis.jpg (876x961, 147K)

You don't have to imagine it.

Attached: 1541830556396.webm (512x512, 971K)

At this point im not even interested in playing any more. The characters are much more personified in 2 and 3 so they only stand to be ruined even more. This isn't a remake, its fucking fan fiction.

Did you type that while your mom was changing your diaper? Zoom on shit baby

Jesus Christ that isn't child friendly

How could they fuck it up this bad? This looks like some dreamworks bullshit and didn't honor the source material at all. What the fuck up is with the swirl belly button? Doesn't look like Spyro at all. Low polygon Spyro still portrayed design well enough for better interpretation.

Forgot image

Attached: Shrek5.jpg (319x336, 35K)

Post more examples of this disgusting fetishized crap please!

Go buy the game and jack off by yourself, fucking bitch supreme

>Being this upset about a remake
Go play the original then

What do you think Ive been doing for the last 20 years? lmfao dumbass

Have no fear, user.
The PC port will be out next month and you can bet your stars there's going to be mods that'll fix the Soullessness.

Tbh this is a poor dismissal to whoever dislikes the remake. Of course they would rather play the original when the remake is that bad. It's almost like whoever worked on the game had never played it before.

I would love to see that. But its hard to imagine the modding community fixing so much damage. Controls, animations, motion blur, its all bad.

Fucking degenerate pervert, kys

It should be agreed upon that the artist was definitely not acting upon the source material but his own headcannon

People were saying what you're saying when the game was announced. Great game if you've never played Spyro back in the day, but if you have it just feels wrong.

For me I would've excused everything else if they had just kept Spyro's original gem pickup sound effect. That is such an important part, like Mario coins, Sonic rings, etc. And they fucked it up

What I wanna know is why is this shit 6GB on the switch and 40 on everything else and was somehow OVER A FUCKING HUNDRED on launch.

Attached: irritatedspyroreactionimage.png (1600x1200, 202K)

you're literally the only one fetishizing it. looks like a fucking cartoon dragon, get over yourself

Attached: 1494900625156.jpg (500x628, 57K)

They forgot to remove all the data for the GIANT DRAGON DICKS before launch, thats why

Yea, except if you played the original you would know that the game was never like that. The artistic liberties taken are insulting as fuck.

Did you miss the fact that the lead artist used to design fetish art on deviantart?

Why the fuck does he lick his lips? It's so unnecessary