Rosterfaggotary Thread

Post your mains, most wanteds, most likely, and least wanteds. I'll start

Attached: Smash Ultimate Wishlist 2.png (2250x1150, 2.97M)

Template here

Attached: Smash Template.png (2250x1150, 379K)

Stop hating Waluigi, zoomer

>Most likely


Attached: smash wishlist 2.jpg (1908x1760, 760K)

Great work OP your epic graphic has made this subject less stale!

Based. Him and Eggman would be great as the next Sonic reps.

Just gonna keep using the old template

Attached: ssbulist.png (1920x1920, 1.26M)

Pretty based friendo. Knuckles was one of my most wanted pics before he got assist trophied. And I've always been a huge Banjo/Genofag, and I think Doom guy would be a pretty cool addition and cover representation for one of the last major vidya genres in smash: FPS games.

How the fuck do you main banjo when he's not even out yet you disgusting stupid fuck

Doomguy isn't likely.

Can someone please explain the significants of Geno?
I always just saw him as 'that one party member' from Super Mario RPG

First of all, significance*
Personally I love the design, personality, and move set potential
In General
It's more or less just a snowballing band wagoning inevitability at this point. One of the main reasons people want Geno in smash is because people have wanted Geno in smash for a long long time. So he sort of just deserves a spot in a lot of peoples eyes

>another template
>more effort required because backgrounds
fuck backgrounds

Attached: 1565237836384.png (2250x1150, 1.89M)

Thanks for the rad template, had a lot of fun whipping this up

Attached: dlc 3.png (2250x1150, 2.63M)

Only homos hate Reimu.
She's in.

Attached: 1555710983920.jpg (1500x799, 1.07M)

Fuck off.


>Any Undertale character
>Most likely
As an Undertale fan I'll never get this

Fuck Crash

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Attached: smash_lists_filled.png (2250x1150, 2.38M)

Fuck didnt mean to add transparency.

>most likely

Attached: 1617181920212223242526.png (641x844, 632K)

So many angry anti-Reimufags, it's amusing.

Attached: 1553441940134.jpg (2250x1150, 1.53M)

Attached: rosterfagging.jpg (1656x1200, 615K)

||Damn. The toxic reimufags really screwed them over.||

Based and DLC pilled

give me a single reason why any of those are most likely

Pete Hines, very good moveset potential and has Japanese relevancy.
>Hunter + Palico
Very good moveset potential if paired, MH boss already in-game and Japanese relevancy
Very good moveset potential, unique character and Japanese relevancy

>expecting more Capcom from the pass
there's a reason they already got so much shit in the base game

You have good taste.

Attached: 1565065267664.jpg (480x498, 50K)

>an echo and a boss
>so much shit
And no, having Rathalos as a boss does not deconfirm shit.
Rulefags deserve to be burned.

he's in

Attached: DmhBZieU4AEWel1.jpg (1200x675, 142K)

Nigga, he's not even out yet. You're not maining shit.

Attached: 1564986937241.jpg (576x1024, 64K)

>Mains - Palutena, Incineroar, Dark Samus
>Most Wanted - pic related plus Neku
>Most Likely - Crash, Byleth, Monster Hunter
>Least Wanted - Rex, Doomguy, Reimu

Attached: Smash Pass Never Ever.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

>an echo with wholly unique animations
>a boss
>three completely new ATs
>a whole area dedicated to SF and one partially based on MH in WoL
>loads of spirits and music
the only comparable company is Konami who I'm willing to bet also won't get a new fighter in the pass either

>Implying it's not a few people samefagging

I don't think any DR songs would fit in a fighting game


Man I really want Crash in smash but I don't want activision taking a cut of it.

Your top row is absolutely trash

some of us would appreciate her more if Reimufags weren't insufferable most of the time

You're aware the thread spam is one anti-reimu autist falseflagging, right?

You can't seriously believe that a large percentage of the Touhou fanbase isn't comprised of shitters do you?

I do. You can't accurately judge a fanbase from an outside perspective.

I'm on mobile so I'll just tell the one I want the most and the one I want the least. For most is Reimu, for least is... There's actually a lot, but I guess I'll go with Sans from Undertale.

Attached: thing.png (1280x654, 650K)

Attached: 1556431263037.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

>Most Wanted
1. Doomguy
2. Phoenix Wright
3. Cooking Mama
>Least Wanted
1. Reimu
2. Monster Hunter
3. Edelgard
1. Ganondorf
2. Ridley
3. Mr. Game and Watch

Attached: very hard.png (471x492, 260K)

>Porky in most likely
This guy gets it!

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Attached: My List.png (2250x1150, 2.71M)