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Has 343 fucked the mcc pc release up yet?
Michael Lewis
Other urls found in this thread:
Colton Moore
Don't worry they will soon enough.
Blake Thomas
Who cares, post halo [porn]
Thomas Sanchez
is there anything 343 hasn't fucked up
William Hall
343 has literally done nothing wrong. Halo needed to evolve.
Hudson Evans
>dude let's just change literally everything that made halo great the fans will love it
Christopher Roberts
Someone posted this a couple threads ago, I basically don't have to write anything in halo threads again.
Sebastian Ramirez
Isn't another developer handling MCC PC? I think once Reach is out of the way then the other games won't take as long, still fuck 343.
Samuel Cooper
everyone at 343 doesn't deserve their careers
this post does sum it up well. Completely unnecessary changes that ended up breaking the established lore, the looks, the feels, and the god damned gameplay itself. They really fucked one of the greatest franchises up mega bad, and i hope they all look back on 4 and 5 and feel embarrassed and ashamed of what they did to my halo.
Juan Rodriguez
are they still using the cocked up shaders from the halo 1 pc release?
Connor Phillips
When will we get Sangheili wives?
Thomas Morgan
I've literally cried tears of sadness over how 343 has handled this franchise. It saddens me greatly.
Ayden Bennett
your just going to attract that Sangheili lover avatar fag with a thumbnail like that. i swear sometimes it feels like i am trapped in a very small box full of a bunch of autistic loudmouthed special needs students.
Ethan King
Are there no games where you team up with a giant alien woman and work together to survive? Is this truly unexplored territory?
Mason Bennett
oooh I actually forgot about him
pic unrelated
Kayden Long
Elite women >> Brute apes
William Campbell
>everytime there is a halo related thread, the gamers show up
ah, just another day on Yea Forums
Michael Bennett
Maybe Halo 5's Forge, so long as you don't hold the game's overall shit lighting against it.
Austin Perez
>People playing a game show up in a game-related thread
Are you alright user?
Easton Watson
>he said this when Bungie did the same shit but worse.
Adam Russell
>a.k.a. interfere with natural evolution and competitive conflict by sheltering species in a galaxy-spanning nature preserve
This user is retarded. The Mantle didn't prevent natural conflict. Other species could genocide each other as much as they wanted, the only caveat being that they didn't become a threat to the biodiversity of the galaxy. The precursors dicked with each other all the time in the forms of lower, individual species and they still upheld the mantle.
>later devolved by the Forerunners and turned into their lab rats and puppets, genetically coded with impulsive commands
None of this conflicts with the established lore. The Didact had a conflict of politics with the Master Builder and was sent into exile. The Librarian put his cryostasis pod on a planet with humans and 'programmed' them to try to solve a puzzle via a Nickelodeon Guts challenge. The idea was to release him on a timed delay so he could find a way to fight the Flood and avoid the Master Builder's bullshit.
Camden Adams
What is your objective here?
Asher King
Yes, though they've claimed they're going to use an original Xbox devkit to figure out all the differences and attempt to rectify them post-launch.
I don't have high hopes, honestly.
Christopher Clark
see low key porn thread
Robert Lee
You tell them, telling it like it is. If you defend the bullshit that was Halo: Reach's campaign don't deserve to call themselves Halo fans.
Connor Richardson
Ian King
well it is a gaming board desu
Josiah Hughes
I'm not too worried.
Cameron Smith
user that's not porn.
Jonathan Russell
More like I'm tired of anons having a strong opinion about shit they didn't actually read.
Bentley Ramirez
It's clear that they didn't.
Ayden Rodriguez
>but worse
Levi Martinez
Yes, they stop caring when they went to Activision and Reach has got to be one of their most lazy put together mess of a game. It was just one big shitty experiment.
Hunter Stewart
based and sangpilled
Zachary Perez
nigger, reach in no way hurt the franchise like halo 4 and 5 did, it was a prequel that served it's purpose
halo infinite has to be a reboot thanks to the lousy mess of a ""'story"''' 343 made up for 4 and 5
Kevin Wood
>Halo thread
>Not talking about Infinite
>pic related
Henry Smith
Anybody that cries about Halo 5 is just bad at Halo as a whole.
Jonathan Lee
Until they show gameplay there's nothing to talk about.
Ryder Green
It did, Halo 4 could have been traditional but because of Mexicans and newfags, Halo 4 was COD in space 2. Reach was the only Halo game to gain hate for both its campaign and multiplayer, not one or the other.
Ethan Barnes
Joshua Bailey
Ethan Myers
compfags and lorefags ruined halo
Carter Ward
I seem to remember Reach being hailed as one of the best Halo games when it came out, not the other way around. Halo 4 and 5 sucked so hard that anyone that really gave a shit about Halo stopped caring. When 343 can't even release a collection of old games without fucking it up, you know they aren't as bad as Bungie.
Juan Wright
They mainly just ruin discussions.
Gavin Rivera
>I seem to remember Reach being hailed as one of the best Halo games when it came out
By who, the critics? CODfags, Mexicans? In the Halo community, fans hated it. Bungie clearly didn't want to make a Halo game, hey shoved all of their failed ideas into one game, and then used it as a testbed for their new ip before giving fans the middle finger, not fixing the game, and fucking off to Activision.
Henry Harris
>the flood, ruined
>the forerunners, ruined
I've only played CE, 2 and the multiplayer of 3 and Reach, what did they do
Nolan Fisher
lorefags weren't bad until 343 came along
Leo Lee
>Artist is finally breaking away from the thicc meme.
Thank christ.
Matthew Torres
are there female elites?
Joshua Garcia
they have moved to the mom theme.
Chase Harris
Sangheili expert here. There are in fact females, but they are quite lanky.
You should see his NSFW male pics. That anatomy is pretty much on point.
Connor Watson
>Reach was the only Halo game to gain hate for both its campaign and multiplayer
Newfags like you don't remember the huge fan outcry over the unfinished rush job that was Halo 2. We even made websites dedicated to highlighting how much the game sucked ass at the time. Nice historical revisionism though.
Isaac Davis
The Halo community isn't the neckbeards that complain about fucking everything on Bungie Forums, there were plenty who really enjoyed Reach, but there's groups of people who passionately dislike any game that isn't 2 or 3 for some weird fucking reason. Bungie isn't some kind of Messiah but compared to 343, they didn't do nearly as much damage to the franchise.
Ethan Price
youre just fags
Gavin Foster
Whoever enjoyed Reach weren't Halo fans, it was made for CODfags to like it just like Halo 4's mp. The difference here is Reach was made for CODfags to like it as a whole.
Jonathan Bennett
Oh, I remember Halo 2 and you don't see me defending it since both Halo 1 and 3 were better than it, just because I shit on Reach.
Matthew Morales
>pc flighting was supposed to release in June
>it's now august and haven't heard a peep since
yes OP
Anthony Moore
>he hasnt read the article talking about this
Cringe & animepilled
Blake Sanders
link me then
Joshua Wilson
I believe that user means this
Colton Evans
Literally the only reason I bought Halo 5 was for female spartan ass.
Connor Garcia
god fuck
all i wnat is to have a nice ass like that
Logan Johnson
Agreed. The only real talking point is that Chief's helmet looks good tier and his armor is okay tier.
Jacob Ward
>originally planned for July
I thought it was originally planned for May.
Cooper Young
>the metric fuckton of bugs still in the game
>when it was announced in march
it's never coming out, is it?
Jaxson Roberts
Infinite is going to come with a free Beta code for MCC on PC.
Kayden Ramirez
>"The success of the story is we didn't pump alot of time into figuring out who the Master Chief was and why he's a ghost in a shell. We thought he is a husk he is a big green suit of armour that you move around."
"There's something good about having the Master Chief essentially be a blank slate, that helps each individual person connect to the character"
"Master Chief is human. He's not a machine, he's not a suit of armour with a big weapon. He's a human with resilience..."
EPIC worlds
EPIC battles
EPIC stories
Thomas Ward
Her boobs don't jiggle.
Joseph Brown
Those covenant fools. They must have known. There must have been signs!
Jason Gutierrez
This all falls apart when Bungie made the Arbiter, how the hell are we supposed to connect and feel like a character who already has a face and personality, this is where Bungie fucked up.
Asher Scott
DW had great combos. Plasma/Bullet let you get shields down and kill. Dual needle was a homing instakill.
Luis Russell
Actually read the books you retards you can't just lie.
Multiple times genocide a species was mentioned as a crime against the Mantle but also necessary in its defense, the Didact even tries to pretend the Composer is some BS workaround while Halo is straight up a violation but considered a better alternative to the Flood. The reason the God-Race Precursors were slaughtered by the Forerunner in the first place was because they had no experience with conflict, the Librarian even talks about how naive and unrealistic they were.
If "all other species could genocide each other as much as they want" they would have had no reason to halt humanities advance as they only slaughtered other sapient races off viable planets to colonize. Not exactly a threat to the biodiversity of the entire fucking galaxy. At best the Mantle would be a completely pointless concept if it wasn't for the Flood, and the Flood like to argue they don't violate it.
>none of this conflicts with established lore
343i shills are so fucking retarded it hurts.
Tyler Ramirez
The world just isn't ready for something like that yet.
Noah Turner
Check out the refined project from reddit with that and some other mods you can now enjoy halo 1 on pc already with full xbox graphics and more if you choose.
Jayden Campbell
I can't figure out if Halo 4's campaign is the shortest in the series or if my brain just mashed all the encounters together as spamming the only gun with ammo always near, the light rifle.
Luke Bailey
>You will never have a big stronk brute gf to snu snu with
>You will never have a overly protective elite gf to sperg about energy weapons with
>You will never have a hunter gf to bond with
>But on the other hand halo MCC for the PC is a thing that's actually going to come out someday
Kayden Collins
Is Franky alright?
Brody Bailey
Where's his peepee?
Jeremiah Ramirez
>he doesn't want BJs from his crotch-high Grunt GF who wants to fuck constantly
Landon Wilson
>MCC on PC
It be best ye just let the thought of the game fade from ye memories before he be disappointed like the console port
William Edwards
post femGrunts
Mason Diaz
Those images don't exist dude you'll have to ask elitefag to commission something that isn't gay for once.
Jeremiah Cook
John Perry
They do exist. If this thread is still up when I get home I'll post them.