
Let's be honest here, achievements are a cool way to see all the things you did the games you beat. and nintendo having a paid online and still no achievement system is completely retarded.

I want achievements, especially since nowadays devs dont reward players with cool costumes/content for doing really hard things in the game.

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Fuck off. Achievements are only behind objective markers, QTEs, the third person perspective, minimaps, fast travel, cutscenes, microtransactions, map markers, and matchmaking, as the most game killing features.
If miniobjectives would benefit the game, actually put them into the game instead of having the game pause for twenty minutes to scream POOPY COWABUNGA WHO'S A GOOD BOY!!?!?!? every time you press a button.
If you don't disable achievements, please realize that you hate videogames and move on to a different hobby.

>you got an archievement
>clear world 1-1
Fuck off.

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Trophies on PSN have completelt changed the way I looked at games. I never used to feel any motivation to 100% a game and because here are so many great games its hard to focus on one game without spoiling it and thinking of the next.

Trying to platinum megaman 11 has given me a tangible objective and im enjoying the game alot more than I would have if i didnt have that goal

I am a massive nintendo fan but the reality is there are too many games I want this year. Zelda, LM3, pokemon and doom eternal. My back catalogue is massive... wargroove, DQ9, PS4 spiderman, spyro trilogy, Castlevania requiem, and you know what? I'm more motivated to play the trophy games because i feel like ill get my moneys worth because ill feel motivated to 100%

congrats, i now diagnose you with autism

After I completed BOTW wild I couldnt be bothered with looking for all the shrines and koroks. I just wanted to play my next game, Nier.

I know if BOTW had achievements i would have got them and enjoyed it

Achievements appeal to the fundamental thing which drives people who play games. Having a goal to achieve.

At the end of they day they are optional and dont reuqire effort to put in. Id love it if nintendo gave us "gold stars" for our profile if we fulfilled achievements. Itll never happen. For better or worse nintendo are stubborn and refuse to follow trends

Do you know what autism is?

Trouble with social interaction, impaired communication, restricted interests, repetitive behavior

Im not autistic

Koroks are literally achievements but better (coded into the game not the UI) albeit still bad. The game is giving you a trifling reward ro stimulate your dopamine receptors in return for climbing a mountain and flipping a rock or shooting a balloon. If you are that easy to please, please make a basic Hello World! program but with YOU ARE SIMPLY EPIC instead and stare at that whenever you are bored. You will receive the same satisfaction. Just please stop pretending you play and enjoy videogames.






it's gonna be rough but i believe in you bud. autistic people can function in society too

>get a few achievements in a shitty game you don't want to play
>stuck with them with no way to erase that history
Am I the only one whos autism is triggered by this

Fuck you. My favorite thing about Nintendo is that they haven't adopted that shit that only retards like you enjoy.



fucking yikes big oof my dude. just beat ninja gaiden fuck telling everyone you have my dude take a goddamn picture by yourself you imbecile.

No. I hate having all that crap follow me forever on my account.


No way fag, built in achievements that unlock actual content are better.
Achievements by themselves are essentially just for the purpose of showing off, making them more of a checklist than anything.
If content is actually tied to them, then you're motivated to do them by default.

This is LITERALLY what peak autism sounds like, faggot.
If you are not doing it for some tangible subject like cosmetics, mounts or fancy gear (think the stealth kit from MGS:tTS: you get it for being a failure), you are being a turbo-autist.

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>Achievements appeal to the fundamental thing which drives people who play games. Having a goal to achieve.
Please try playing an actual videogame at some point in your life. Games are to have fun and explore not for completing checklists.
Videogames are honestly doomed. Nintendo makes a good game like Breath of the Wild but smartly picks their battles and includes shit like koroks for retards who don't understand that exploration is its reward not dumb payoffs, and people will still cry because a Korok is just a game character telling them that they are THE SUPER AWESOME BESTEST EVER FOR CLIMBING THIS MOUNTAIN. That is not enough for normalfags. These people can only be satisfied by, not just the game UI, but by the the fucking SYSTEM UI (effectively analogous to God) interrupting the game to praise them. DOPAMINE FEEL GOOD EMOTIONS YOU ARE THE BESTEST.
Make your own goals you stupid fucks. Motivate yourself through enjoyment not UI induced dopamine spikes. Anyone have the comparison of the old fps parody UI and Battleborne? Normalfags will always win and they won't stop until every fun and freedom in videogames has been stamped out.

That is the gayest thing i’ve read all day and it’s only 3 minutes past midnight

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>you got an achievement
>start up the game
>press start at the main menu
>starting your adventure
>killed first enemy

>You got an achievement
>That one must have hurt! (first death)

I've been an owner and player of all 3 big systems for years and not fucking once have I ever looked at or gave a shig about my trophies or achievements
I gain zero from it. I don't care about them. I have a tough enough time staying invested in half the shit tier games made today, I don't need to bore myself further jumping 10 thousand times for 20 more useless points next to my username that nobody sees because I have no friends

still is cool to see all the cool things you've done in all the games you've played once in a while

why you are against this is beyond me

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user i don't think that sentence went the way you intended it to.
being the gayest thing you see within three minutes is not an accomplishment.

>achievements are a cool way to see all the things you did the games you beat.
Remember when beating games was its own reward, before artificial benchmarks.

>having a problem with a system where you can see what autistic 100% completions your bros got.
>complaining that achievements are cancerous when literally all they do is bring about a little bit of extra dopamine by accomplishing something insanely hard when you see that (1% of other players have completed this)
>complaining about something that objectively adds re-aplayability to older games you might have shelved, allowing you to experience new things

You are a fucking faggot if you don't like achievement systems, there's a reason why MS, Sony, and even Steam now has them. and i'm not talking about the bs "beat level 1" achievements.

Nintendo should implement it for all their 1st party games, it would even increase sales cause some achievement fags think its fun to chase a higher and higher achievement score number

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its not about bragging you fucking retard. its about being bored in 3 years and randomly deciding to scroll through your achievements to see the games you beat compared to your friends.

its seriously like nintendo apologists hate nice things, its not like its 2003 anymore being this much of a die hard nintendo fan where you can't critique the shit they fuckup by not implementing just makes you a faggot

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there's no reason why you can't have both. something built in that unlocks content (which is rare) AND some sort of system on your whole account where you can see everything you beat all in one place

its not a benchmark, you are using that word wrong. its just a way for you to see the games you beat all in one place.


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>beating a game means completing all the goddamn achievements
The only achievement you should ever need is one that says "You beat the game."
Achievements that task you to do all the mundane bullshit like "Caught 1,000,000 fish" or "World Traveler" are monotonous and only people with no life bother with them.

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Are you elderly? Why can't you remember yourself? And if you really need that, then request a dynamic quest journal or something that solves that problem not a tangentially related feature like achievements.