
We like UnderRail! We like UnderRail! We like UnderRail!

Attached: Underrail Expedition (1).jpg (1280x720, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>play on hard because user recommended
>enemies feel like paper with regular health pools
>wiping out whole packs with level 1 grenades
>every rathound pack doesn't have an alpha leading it
>only half as many beetles in Newton warehouse

This is gay. Anyone playing below DOMINATING is deluding themselves.

Been wandering around since I got my jetski, happily genociding the ooga booga's, and I found a fucking submarine. What do I do with this? It barely seems to function. Is this story related shit, or just something I need to do more searching to uncover something to use it with, or is it just there to taunt me while I'm jetting around on some rusty piece of shit?

reminder that tchort and the tchortists quite literally did absolutely nothing wrong

I haven't done crossbows or melee. Which should I do if I want to make a new character with the expansion stuff?

Convince me to play UnderRail.

Attached: rnvgve6m2ck21.jpg (960x653, 91K)

Anons, please tell me who the fuck sells herpercerebrix or where it can be found. My biology is too low to craft it.




Where the fuck is the graveyard crank