hes clearly the easiest class to play and has the lowest fucking skill ceiling, might as well be a fucking ventilation shaft to learn how to play
What changes would you make to the Pyro?
Soldier is the easiest class, and before you say anything related to RJ, you only need an intermediate level in pretty much every match you play, everything that comes after is just for fun.
What changes would I make? Buff the Volcano.
Un nerf the degreaser axtinguisher combo, make it so the jetpack only has 1 charge but a faster recharge.
Up flare damage so they crit for 100
Thats literally it
there's still fact that you actually need to be aiming your projectiles towards the enemy. pyro can just spin his mouse in a 70 degree arc and still get you.
he doesn't even need to time his shots either since he can hold down m1 for like a minute
>enter match
>face off against pyro
>hes not shooting flames
>figure he wants to reflect
>jump at him
>repeat twice
Pyroes, please stop.
I checked this dude's account and he was actually pretty fucking good, like, he has several clips of him actually destroying people, and not just f2ps that installed the game two days ago.
And this applies everywhere, even in MGE, I can go against 1900 elo pyroes (I'm a 1500 elo sniper main) with confidence.
They added an internal cooldown between airblast and the ability to shoot fire. You basically get one or the other now in a fight unless youre going from fire to airblast.
I think the dragon's fury was a decent start, giving him a primary that functions as the Pyro was originally intended (ambushing stormtrooper that fucks you over in CQC) albeit with more skill involved in operation.
Maybe let pyro charge up a more powerful airblast and let him jump with it? He really needs more mobility. He's a close range ambusher class who gets shut out by half of the cast and killed anyway by the other half if they're any good.
Pyro is the perfect example of why caving to casual players on balance decisions is an awful idea.
pyro isn't broken to need fixing. I'd re-simplify the degreasers messy stats, just because they're ugly and the weapon is kind of bad, and maybe give him back the reserve shooter.
no class in TF2 takes skill
>Vaguely point at choke point
>especially on FOR REAL MLG DORITO MLG FAZE CLAN ESPORTS maps which have the dedicated everyone else funnel
>45 Killstreak godlike
>Walk within melee range of the close range class and stand there long enough to die
What if Pyro got a primary where instead of mouse2 being airblast, the flamethrower has an attached concussion grenade launcher?
Little damage, but strong knockback and a slight disorienting effect that allows Pyro to both sow chaos and do actual skill based jumps. If there's a single class that actually kind of needs soldier-tier mobility, it's pyro.
>you actually need to be aiming your projectiles towards the enemy
>long range reliable cluster damage
>extremely high close quarters damage if you aim at the feet and especially on direct hits, which will also probably juggle the opponent for a followup shot
>has the highest speed in the game with skilled rollouts in mind
>second highest health pool in the game
>can throw yourself at high speed at the enemy medic and fucking annihilate him, harass a sentry with long range fire, skirmish, he does everything
>can do good DPS and instill sheer panic in close quarters
>but has average speed
>and a jetpack that requires him to drop any medium-ranged attack options to use
>and he gets shut out outright by heavy and engineer, scout can outmaneuver him, demoman can trap the fuck out of the area between you and him and make it a massive pain to get into your range and actually kill him even if you can reflect everything he has, sniper can just shoot him before he gets in range
It's a system for comparing skill between two players. You start off with 1000 points, every time you finish a match with an opponent (or in the case of the tf2 plugin, kill or die to) you gain or lose points, how many being dependent on how big a difference there is between your initial scores. If you ever see someone complaining about "low elo hell" (being stuck at a low rating, supposedly by the fault of their teammates) know that this means either the game's devs are either hopelessly incompetent and didn't actually implement a real elo system, or the complainer doesn't understand basic statistics.
You realize pyro got a mobility aid two years ago that works perfectly to allow you to work as the ambush class if was originally designed as right?
pyro definitely isn't op but is annoying to play against and doesn't have much variety after combo nerfs
The jetpack gets one jump at a time, has a startup animation, endlag, and requires you to lose any long range options you have whatsoever.
It's nice that he has it, but it doesn't magically solve pyro's problems.
and who's fault is that?
>there's still fact that you actually need to be aiming your projectiles towards the enemy. pyro can just spin his mouse in a 70 degree arc and still get you
Soldier rocket damage diameter is slightly shorter than the range of the flamethrower, and his damage radius eclipses the width of the flame by a coutry mile. You have to try to miss with the splash of a rocket on flat ground.
>my favorite class is deep and difficult, your favorite class is easy and dumb!
Stop ruining every tf2 thread with class war garbage. Before you reply to this with
>but the soldier main started it!
Just don't reply to that shit. Easy.
the fuck do you mean 'who's fault is that" im not valve i dont make the decisions around here
I won't lie, it's me
Okay. Take the shotgun. Make it a primary. If you get hit by X pellets (or take Y damage or however you need to balance it) you catch fire.
give him an ak-47
he was almost perfect after the rework
they just needed to not fucking change the hit detection method for NO GODDAMN REASON making aim and positioning a nonfactor in lieu of WEEEE I SPIN 2 WIN
also buff det jumps because its fun and i support fun things
and make sure the rs, axt and degreaser stay garbage to keep the """"combo"""" shitters away
Nerf afterburn so when pyro dies afterburn stops .5 secs after he dies
Obligatory "flamethrower -> lightning gun" suggestion. This requires Pyro players to be more skillful with their aim in order to damage opponents and also gives him longer range.
Change afterburn further to be stronger and visually represent several "tiers" of afterburn.
Buff Gas Passer and Dragon's Fury.
Give airblast recoil so it works like a slight double jump.
Make reflected projectiles not mini-crit the Pyro who reflected them, for less painful reflect jumps.
Balance melees better so Powerjack isn't the best option 80% of the time.
Slightly nerf Scorch Shot.
Introduce more support options and solidify Pyro as a mixed attacker/support.
Add a Detonator Jumper.
You had us all fooled, user. But you were always too cocky.
Pyro is just an ouclassed Heavy.
>b-b-but muh airblast
heavy's dps, health and no to mention range more than compensates for it
>b-b-but muh flareguns
unreliable damage which in many cases actually helps the enemy team build uber
I can't think of a class more outclassed than pyro, even spy has its niche.
that one axe that does insane damage to enemies on fire needs to be nerfed. It's essentially a facestab every time. Either:
>slow down the weapon swap so it isn't instantaneous
>reduce the damage so it isn't a 1-hit-kill on every class
the air blast needs to be nerfed too. It needs to either:
>consume way more ammo
>have a much longer cool down time between puffs
Right now all the pyro has to do is M1 + M2 + 3 + M1 (fire, puff, axe swap, swing), which can be done in under 1 second, to kill anyone.
There are two directions they could go with the pyro. Skillshot focused (flare gun, dragons fury, airblast) or Easy to land but devastating short range damage (backburner, axtinguisher, phlog)
I seem to recall people whining about pyros skillshot options but then when their ability to chew through healthbars at close range is comparatively buffed people whine just as hard. If you recall a few years ago everyone was bitching about the degreaser/flaregun/axtinguisher combo, alternatively the reserve shooter. Even though the Pyro was still lower damage and lower utility than a soldier and relied on somewhat tricky gimmicky burst options redditors bitched that they were getting smacked down by the odd semi-competent pyro. Or when the dragons fury came out and was only powerful because it synergized well with other people being on fire (and it was the pyro event so everyone was on fire) and it was buggy. What does valve do? Nerf it into the ground. it's garbage not even useful as a gimmick. The most interesting and fun pyro primary to come out EVER. One that requires you to actually aim and redditors like the OP bitched about it until valve nerfed. So after you've neutered pyro's ability to get kills with puff n sting/ dragons fury you're going to complain about pyros holding the flamethrower down on you. Have you tried running away? Have you tried shooting the pyro? How about shooting at their feet? Taking corners wide to avoid bumping into them? Watching out for ambushes while in enclosed spaces? No, of course you don't. because you're a shitter.
this user has it right. Maybe hitting enemies with the gas passer causes them to immediately hit a certain "tier" of afterburn when ignited, and to suffer from afterburn longer. Axtinguisher could do more damage depending on how high of damage the afterburn is doing to the target. Scorch shot should only do area of effect damage if you successfully hit your target with a direct. Detonator jumps should be larger but do more self damage. Jetpack should have it's weapon switch time reduced. Phlog should only charge from damage dealt by itself, not by secondary flare weapons
i don't really mind pyros unless they only move forward and m1 or use the scorch shot
seriously, the fucking scorch shot is annoying as hell. you get hit by it directly, you get stunned and the projectile literally fucking goes for a combo on it's own.
>pyro easiest
but the engineer exist
Heavy just gets strait up bullied though. He eats everything that's tossed at him, and his literally the easiest class to headshot as sniper.
>heavy's dps, health and no to mention range more than compensates for it
DPS is great in some situations but his "Range" is shit unless its anything outside of medium distance (unless you really think pinging 5 damaged every half second is "range"). His Health is good but he can easily be focused down. Ive been on both ends enough times to know the 300 health is a flexible number give the circumstance.
>unreliable damage which in many cases actually helps the enemy team build uber
Same could be said about damaging enemies with Heavies "range". Anyone damaging but not killing is doing the same thing. On the flip side you could argue keeping players burning or damaged in any sense increases the need for health which increases the enemies team health pack economy. That and the fact that this isn't fucking overwatch and one uber doesn't automatically make or break the game, and even if the medic does get to heal the unfinished players this also means you get have less people at the actual objective.
>that one axe that does insane damage to enemies on fire needs to be nerfed.
When was the last time you played TF2?