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He's seriously talented. Why won't he land a job?

who? link?

An animated cartoon would’ve been better but this Hollywood were talking about.

Because he made this and said the n word

man, I just watched the whole cartoon again.
good stuff.

No, not the nword

The industry will defend a pedo but will kick you out for saying the N nono word

They’re scared that’ll it’ll sell like shit if that do that. Which is understandable because most people whenever they see animation they just assume it’s just for brain dead kids.
Example being that boss baby beat a silent voice in the oscars

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are you all excited for the new 3D Sonic game to be revealed at gamescom?

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*Sorry made an error, is he blacklisted?

>The Rouge image dump

To be fair, the odds of audiences going to see a movie like Sonic "ironically" is pretty high. Too bad they went and made it look unironically shit.

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So? Who Framed Roger Rabbit was kino, and while I'm not a huge fan of Space Jam, it had soul.
Why can't Hollywood stick with what works?


I heard that he's working on The Cuphead Show now, is that not true?

Did Sonic Team make it? Was it written by Pontac and/or Graff?

Then fuck no.

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It's going to be Football Manager 2020, don't get your hopes up.

Boss Baby was good tho


I look forward to another C grade title.

talent isn't worth much when you still act like an edgy teenager well into your 30s and actively maintain that air about you out of spite
capability is only half of the job. the other part is being tolerable to work with

He actually had to censor them one by one lel

>He's seriously talented. Why won't he land a job?
does max even want to work in the corporate animation industry or is that something people here came up with, people always fucking say he's salty about not being able to get a job but i've never heard that from him

If I could wager a guess, I'd say it has something to do with him having zero self-confidence.

All kinds of talented people are doomed to a life of obscurity due to this lone trait.

It looks fine but not Sonic.

>capability is only half of the job. the other part is being tolerable to work with
why should someone relocate to a hellhole just to work on cartoons. do that shit remotely


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Using your talents for internet content can provide you with a good income.
I don't know why people say he needs a job in the industry.

>talent isn't worth much when you still act like an edgy teenager well into your 30s

Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland seem to be doing fine tho. Harmon also seems to be a cunt to work with, alienating everyone around him.

Also this guy is based to unironically be a Rougefag yet still understand Sonic as a concept better than Shonenfags ever could. Also this video must of triggered the 2000s era fags real hard.

Because their pipelines are all set up for 3D and they have only experience of 3D so that's where they go.

Hollywood is in its laziest state ever.

Roger Rabbit styled Sonic movie would be kino, but zoomers can't into 2D.

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He's a prick

Zoomers don't make movies, retard

The talent does not exist anymore to make such a movie.

CG is outsourced to sweat shops

>but zoomers can't into 2D.
Even the average Disney-guzzling neckbeard in their 30s hate 2D on the principle that it's 2D
>le boomzoom

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I wouldn’t say zoomers desu. Most of them fucking love anime and current cartoons.
Boomers however think every single 2d animation is for brain dead retarded babies.


It's just not talent, there are no pipelines developed for that work.

Even if you have the people that can draw not many of them know all the ins and outs of how you put together such an animation, how you produce it, how you color it etc.

There would have to be a lots of reverse engineering and studying of processes.

I hate this dude
Hated him since the old days on newgrounds

Any proof of this?
Zoomers only like style, not actual good animation. FFS anime IS "limited animation", it's the practice that allows it to be even possible on a shoe sting budget. That's why they either like anime or tweenshit and can't even see the appeal in standard Disney practices.

You have no idea dude
Nobody on the planet can even do traditional animation anymore save for a few outliers
It's all flash based Adventure Time style or 3D now

Adventure Time was traditional you retard

>breathes heavily

Have you ever had a job before?

Why? I know nothing about him other than he makes edgy YouTube cartoons that sometimes have funny jokes but are mostly obnoxious.

The talent exists. All those 3D movies get 2D tests.

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>le boomzoom

>Example being that boss baby beat a silent voice in the oscars
I'm a weeb but Silent Voice as a feature film was honestly pretty fucking terrible and didn't deserve a nomination in the first place, while in contrast Boss Baby was at least a half decent waste of time.
I'll never be able to understand how anyone thinks that melodramatic piece of shit is anything beyond "maybe watch with gf" tier. The animation might be cute but it's wasted in terrible shots with terrible framing and terrible pacing, both the dialogue and the characters are outright awful and the last 20 or so minutes of the movie are some literal cheesy 90s mexican soap opera level of bullshit, cheap resolution with no weight, far worse than anything building up to it that in itself is fucking awful

If he can't get a job it's almost certainly not because he isn't talented but because he's a lazy shithead with a bad attitude.

What do we know about the next Sonic game?

>reveal yourself to be impossible to work with before landing a job

No, but they do watch them you faggot. My point is, if it were to be 2D they would shit all over it for not being 3D when 2D is better. Instead we got a 3D abomination.

Fucking hell.

Should bugmen opinions have value? Those people thought Detective Pikachu looked good. 2D is superior in every way, zoomy. If you're making a movie with an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog, then might as well go all out and stop trying to go for realism. Then you end up with uncanny valley because the design tries to be real. Stick with 2D because it's a fantasy movie.
>le boomzoom
t. zoomy

2d movies bomb so hard that Hollywood refuses to make anymore.
Also whenever you see an animated movie in the oscars it’s only family films. There was an outrage when a silent voice lost to boss baby

He's been edgy like this for the past like 15 or so years dude. He was always a total pick to people in the comments or reviews on his submissions.

By company standards, "negro" is close enough

That's kinda funny considering Max G used 3D model tests to trace over with 2D drawings so that the animation stays consistent and smooth.
2D and 3D need each-other in this industry, that's why I kinda laugh when I see purists say that 2D is the only way to go.

He doesn't give a fuck because he's colosally based and modern animation industry would make his art style into a souless CalAtrs style shit

It might or might not have Sonic in it

1. You're wrong, sweetie sorry about that tea.
2. It's noodley armed bullshit like every other cartoon is now.

Yes i have

One day i told some rude guy wandering around to get the fuck out before i throw him off site because it was very dangerous. Turns out it was the bosses son.

Now i dont have a job

So, just like everyone in Yea Forums?

he actually got it right on how they should have made the movie

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of course, have you faggot?
>he's lazy because i say he is
i don't get it, does anyone here have actual proof on max being lazy or ever saying he was blacklisted or whatever

is there where we just make shit up about people because we're angry

No you haven't. Why would you lie to anonymous people online?


you braindead mongolid

Just release the trailer with your animation redux. I don't want to watch the rest of the video.

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I'm sorry I don't digest Amerifat memes

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Keep trying sweetheart

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The literal only thing by Iizuka was that Mania is going to be the biggest source of inspiration for it.

Do cartoons use "noodly limbs" and "calarts" proportions a lot so that the sweatshops will have an easier time animating because that's what they're used to now?
I feel like there's a team in CN that takes successful pitches and reworks them to have noodly limbs and bean mouths so that it's easier for sweatshop animators to complete, and it's all part of the contract.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

God, what a fucking legendary movie. The 2D/3D hybrid animation and acting will never be attempted again and that makes me really REALLY sad.

>rent free

>is there where we just make shit up about people because we're angry
This is Yea Forums what do you think

2D is really the only way to go though.

In short. Yes.

If you want further reading i suggest you look at hanna barbera.

They would watch 2D animated movies if they were being put out by companies like Disney retard. Blame that on the Western audience who eats Pixar shit up. (Which is mostly gen X/Y/Millenials btw)

>t. zoomy
Why would saying "le boomzoom" indicate that he's a Zoomer? Wouldn't it be just as possible for him to be a boomer by saying that?

>but not sonic
Explain, now.

>if it were to be 2D they would shit all over it for not being 3D when 2D is better
2D movies have been boomed since late 90s you braindead moron. You are a zoomer if you actually think "zoomers" are the problem

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Just saying, I really don't get how you people can actually have your thought process entirely shifted because a wojak edit was dangled in front of your faces like a dog treat, that's literally the mindset of a child
Even worse is that I've got three more years until I hit 30 yet I get called a zoomer in one thread and a boomer in another, what do you faggots actually mean by this?

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>just make it a literal cartoon lol xD



It has the most amount of soul.

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It's all so tiring.

The people who are good at what they do are always the most controversial.

That's why the Emoji movie was a success. A lot of people saw it ironically.

Post cute mom

It was attempted again

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Here is your soul

I have connections within the western animation industry and from that I’ve heard, much of the new talent coming in has great interest in reviving traditional-style 2D animation on both TV and a theatrical level. General audiences can’t see much at the moment but there’s a good chance we’ll see something special that we haven’t in a long time.

You can't measure how much soul a tool has.
That's essential what hand drawn and CGI animation is, they're tools.

>It's ok to disregard objective skills in favor of subjective feels, teehee :)

People like you are the reason everything sucks and civil war 2 is on the horizon.

I don't know about that.

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Shrek was supposedly the beginning of the end, newfriend.

>They would watch 2D animated movies if they were being put out by companies like Disney retard.
And you know this how exactly? The problem is that 2D Disney hardly explored themes outside princesses and musicals. That's what made the Disney Renaissance so special in the 90's because they were experiementing with non traditional storylines. The story is just a simportant.

Don't take the shitposting too serious, lad. It's satire and I see the brain damage has kicked in for you.

There's a new Space Jam coming out, they may try that style again.

More excited for Rehydrated, honestly.

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No, the reason everything sucks is because of smartphones and social media.
Pic related says "before 2010". I have since changed my mind and would cut it off at 2006.

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2D movies still exist, they're just all either straight to DVD or made for online streaming.
I hope you guys like those Scooby-Do movies.


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>Tfw investors and advertisers control everything

Fuck coca colatm btw

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>It's satire

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Holy fuck you sound like a 15 years old


I've said this a billion times and I'll say it again, they should have just hired the studio that did the CGI cutscenes for Unleashed and just have it be a fun action adventure romp not bogged down in everything that makes modern Sonic stories shit.


They did, then they replaced them with the team who did the CGI for Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06
I'm not joking.

How did they end up looking worse than Space Jam? Wasn't this 2003?


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But I know when something looks good and 2D will always excel.

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