Who is this is, what game is she from, and why in fuck are people waifuing a Slytherin?

Who is this is, what game is she from, and why in fuck are people waifuing a Slytherin?

Attached: merula.png (2048x2048, 2.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's Merula from some mobile 'arry Potter game.

Because she's cute and I want her to sexually bully me

Shes some oc from a forgettable HP game that Yea Forums only likes cause of waifbait. Wouldnt surprise me if they liked more of Rowlings work and follow her tweets on gay wizard sex.

Check your own filename, bitch lasagna

Post Merulas.

Attached: merula_wingman_snape.png (1486x772, 310K)

Thank christ, a Merula thread

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So after that ballroom dance thing I heard about forever ago, did anything else happen with this character? Or is the game in some form of hiatus because I haven't seen anything on Yea Forums about it in ages.

I like Rowling because she hates trannies.

I am home

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Its in a hiatus, because they released new story every few months, but immediately after the ball, you go back to being enemies, and shes no longer your friend.

That's my wife.

Did you ever get to bone her in the end or is this shit still going on?

WTF i like j.k. rowling now

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Still going on. Currently in Year 5 I think?

Attached: merula_i_love.png (2560x460, 360K)

No she isnt she's mine

Attached: merula4.png (1043x459, 131K)

New shit comes out every Thursdays, you numbnuts. The ball is "side canon" and not referenced in the main scenario. Limited side quests like that rarely are.

I just went to potions class just to hang out with her

i've only briefly seen these threads but didn't everyone throw a fit when they found out that going with her lead to cuck shit? what happened did something get changed or what?
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fuckin piece of shit

>cuck shit
Nah, that's just people overexaggerating. There was this hint that some other dude (I forget which one) showed some interest in her but it didn't go anywhere. Or something like that, I honestly don't remember anymore.

>He doesn't know about the leaks

from what i remember it was some dialouge about thinking of another guy "wishing she could see him" or "wishing he was there"? i don't really remember
so was there cuck shit or not? what happened

I still prefer Witch Trainer

my guiding moonlight

Attached: 1542853738679.jpg (2550x2550, 402K)

Merula gets a crush on MC's brother, MC supports and encourages her to go after him, teasing her

> This
Witch trainer silver edition is hands down the greatest Harry Potter game to date only literal fags would disagree

>disliking what is basically a rightwing utopia just because the author likes to tweet about sjw shit
Who the hell cares about twitter
>b-but it's poorly written
So is The Turner Diaries, you take what you can get

>actually knowing this
Autism alert.

the mod makes it better. More storylines and other stuff

>Knowing when a game updates is now autism

Can we start dating Merula yet, if so then I'll pick it back up again

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Do I run the mod or merge with silver edition

Shes from Fire Emblem Three Houses

>you will never hug Merula

Visit our general, please, Yea Forums. We could really use the company.

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check /aco/ and /stg/ general. You get all you need from there

>not waifuing a Slytherin
I bet you’re a Hufflecuck.

ah thats why i remember not bothering with this shit,thanks for the warning.
who's fucking idea is it with this cuck garbage what the fuck is wrong with dev's

knowing when a shitty mobile little girls first VN that you have to pay out of the ass to even read the deviant tier style dialogue updates is autism.

>left to right

Attached: dgasdge.jpg (599x414, 54K)

>He thinks I've spent any money on this game

Playing a shitty mobile game for free doesn't make you any better.

Ty user

I really hope that once this story is finished someone makes a vn or hack of the game and removes everything that isnt the story. I lost my hacked apk mid year 3 and fuck me i wont start over on 2 hours of clicking for 1 hour of VN

Also penny is cute

As if playing a mobile game and falling for waifuism makes it any better there tardo

>Not wanting to punish her sexually for her shitty attitude while her expression changes to pouty and she calls you sir or daddy.

I am so sick of these limp wristed FAGGOTS.

Can go to a dance and on one (1) date

Np. Its simple to get running too so shouldnt be a problem.

My dream that will never happen is having a AAA game with HM's story with actual gameplay, and semiopenworld Hogwarts


Attached: 1536623037017.jpg (600x800, 206K)

Merula from Harry Potter: Fuck You, Give Us Money (Hogwarts Mystery).
They waifu her because she's a tsun and is cute.

A meme monster that I created and cannot stop.

Is Rakepick Misato?


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Excuse me what's wrong with Slytherin? Best house.

Doesn't hold a candle to the actual best girl.

Attached: Harry.Potter.full.756620.jpg (571x800, 398K)

That's the tranny from GDQ

My wife Merula is so adorable.

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now post the one with the black exchange student

i volunteer as tribute

delete this

>tfw this dumb game forgot about my waifu

Attached: merula6.png (2560x450, 202K)

remenber that time merufag went nuclear
good times

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>be you
>the indomitable Chadpuff
>now a senior at Hogwarts
>butterbeer in hand, popped collar, you strut down the hall like your shit doesn't stink
>you're untouchable; no one - not even teachers - would dare fuck with Chadpuff
>suddenly, Merula
>her head is down, posture is bad, her hair is fucked up, she stinks, and you can't remember but it's been at least a year since you last raped her
>based on how she tries to avoid you, that seems like a safe bet
>Chadpuff scoring out with the loser? Not a fucking chance
>you tackle Merula
>she shrieks and immediately curls into the fetal position; her trauma, while ancient news too you, is still fresh in her mind
>rip off all of her clothes, leaving her a pale, unclothed and unshaven waif who is shaking and screaming
>proceed to violently rape her, so hard in fact that you shatter her pelvis, break one of her arms as she feebly attempts to slap you, and then for good measure fire off a blasting charm into her right breast, causing it to explode
>after a few minutes, you get up, piss on Merula, and leave with your pants slung over your shoulder
>plenty of people saw... but no one cares
>you're Chadpuff
>she's nobody
>later, your galbro Rowan tells you while you're pounding her ass that Merula laid there for nearly a day before getting up and throwing herself into the lake on campus grounds
>she doesn't tell you if she survived or not, on account of her moans drowning out the conversation
>fuck yeah Chadpuff

Oh lawd. Dis gone be gud?

Stopped reading right there.

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Penny is the best simply because she doesn't cuck you with your brother after a dance and a date.

>the skuddbutt animations

Attached: big iron.jpg (522x522, 110K)

Attached: merula.jpg (744x1052, 95K)

Fuck off back to /vg/ incels

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The porn people have been making with her actual model is way better.

I just wish he didn't take shadman's drawings as a reference for his Merula model
at least now there's an actual lewd model of Merula ripped from the game but the thread on /aco/ has no good animators

>Chad MC turns Merula into a bumbling tsundere
And to this day all the FEMALES who play still SEETHE about her. This studio truly knows what it's doing.


when is her actual model going to get fucked by a horse

>skyrim screenshot

Attached: 83d523b17cbbc078615fc5c92556431f953e037c584259d275da86ce90abfd7c.jpg (533x333, 38K)

Nobody that uses her model would do that.

She’s just another dull Gacha waifu, which is fitting given she’s also from one of dullest franchises in the history of dull movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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What sort of monster would do that?

Attached: test.jpg (2762x1789, 348K)

well link me to this model and I'll do it.

>Turner Diaries
Here is an edgey (You)


nice nude model

They usually just end up cutting the head off and stitching it to some other daz shit figure.

you mean they aren't creating a whole nude body from scratch with fully modeled vagina and anus every time?

>This cute can't be my enemy
It works

Attached: 1554266928838.png (792x557, 269K)

The FULLY MODELED meme from Half Life uses victoria 4


zoom zoom


Hufflepuffs, everybody.

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>>skyrim screenshot

Attached: 1549938127754.jpg (1024x1078, 224K)

BIG soul and chief perfection right there

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So this is the power of mobile gaming

It's a game based in an idealized version of Harry Potter where the cast aren't made up of inbred literally subhuman english people.

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>Posting entry level /int/ tier bait as the bongs are waking up
Be a little more obvious, user

you mean to tell me there are other games apart from Skyrim?

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Nice year old screenshot.

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Attached: 05-17-18_2-51-45 AM.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

update this since shes canonically heterosexual

How many of you unironically took the quiz(zes) just to see where you end up? I answered truthfully and picked 0 edgy answers and expected to end up in Hufflepuff with the rest of the losers only to be swerved into Slytherin for some reason.

Attached: I wasted time on this.png (1360x1352, 1.19M)

she's bi

not anymore

I got the unholy trinity, but I don't have the image anymore because it was over a year ago.
Elder wood dragon core, 12" rigid

Attached: 1534047288616.webm (518x574, 629K)

Simsposter is a Charlieshipper, user.

going to have to replace charlie with jacob

surely these threads are stealth advertising
no one in their right mind gives a shit about a bad harry potter mobile game

Don't underestimate the power of a cute girl user

>anyone at all interested in merula is instantly instructed specifically on how to not give JC any money
interesting marketing strategy, bold even

Attached: 1555598590535.png (2928x1748, 1.68M)

>First thread on Yea Forums made for this was literally blatant shilling
What do you think

to be honest the story is kind of interesting if you like the setting and it would make for an acceptable VN if the "gameplay" wasn't so atrociously bad

>there will never be a good Harry Potter style game
It hurts so bad bros. I just want to date qt witches

maybe that goblin impaling simulator they're making will get finished and not be bad
you probably won't date any cute witches, but you can be the cute witch instead if that's your thing

Me on the right.

Same here. I answered truthfully and expected Ravenclaw but ended up with pic related.

Attached: pottermore_results.jpg (1332x1156, 346K)

Still surprised an actual dev posted this shit.

Attached: When a dev tried to shill.png (1110x253, 84K)

>it is a very good game
Every update bugged in some way, every year containing endless filler and dropped or forgotten plot points. Side quests releasing like misplaced notes in a chorus.

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>choices tug you to different directions

>it's been over a month and male MCs still haven't got their teeth back
sometimes I wonder how someone can fuck up THIS bad

This is so fucking funny it has to be deliberate.

You can manually fix them but yeah what the fuck.

The fact they mention Tonks despite barely anyone even giving a fuck about her before is what gives it away as genuine for me.

>advertising an 11 year old character as a cocksleeve
is that legal

Least Ravenclaw is close to the same wheelhouse as Slytherin with one being "smart" and the other being "cunning". Not sure how picking answers like "People who visit my grave only smile", I most want to be "Trusted", the attribute I'd least like to lose is "luck" , and "save the babby over the potion" landed me in the house of edgemasters.

The makers of Stardew Valley announced last year that they would be making a magic school rpg, but apparently the development still hasn't started

I'm suprised no one has made an actual VN out of the characters (or at least of Merula).

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I want to sit with that cute girl

dont waste your time with her

Tonks only shows up in the welcoming ceremony at that point, too. You never interact with her until later.

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Delete this

>posts the king incel

Quidditch soon lads, what are your hopes and expectations?

dropping merula for the new quidditch girl


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Catching Merula and styling on the new quidditch girl

outdated meme

I've seen what she looks like and Merula looks better imo
the rival beater from the other team is hot though, shame we probably won't be spending time with her outside of matches

she wees your wand

Attached: 1559862724747.png (3300x2550, 3.85M)

She's actually pretty wealthy.

jacobs wand*

Post her.

Attached: 07-15-18_5-29-07 PM.png (1000x529, 529K)

Don't you have anything new?
I've seen these already...

>Charlie remembers they aren't dragons and suddenly starts trying to shatter Penny!'s neck
fucking dragonsexuals

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come on, when are you posting the lewd stuff, we know you have it

Seen it, what about something from this year??

>Sims lewds
Looks like garbage in motion and even worse as a screenshot. You could just download the model and fuck her around town if you need it that bad.

i tried but the model doesn't look as good as these screenshots

Me out of picture giving Penny the 'ol lickeroo


To boldly go where every man has gone before

Attached: 08-25-18_1-30-52 AM.png (1920x1017, 1.47M)

Post something new already geez.

>the house of those not cunning enough to disuise themselves to get into other houses

Attached: 07-07-18_4-29-34 PM.png (900x476, 577K)

This isn't new.

>Slytherin is inheritantly evil
ok sweaty

Fuck you mods.

Watch the movies.

Read the books.

Play the games.

Play the videogames.

fuck all that read some fanfiction. It'll put hair on your chest wading through all the shit to find a good one

>tfw no blender animations in vg anymore

>Watch the movies.

They kind of are.
Sure, nominally Slytherin is supposed to stand for ambition and cunning, but everyone who gets sorted there is evil.
It's inevitable, really. The sorting is a sham, and the hat just lets you choose which house you want. Slytherin has a reputation as the evil house, so only evil kids would want to go there.

Play the Lego Games

Build the Lego sets.

Hogwarts Mystery breaks this stereotype.

>why in fuck are people waifuing a Slytherin?
Because their house virtues are the same on which the greatest country in the world is built upon.

Outer Heaven?

The books break this stereotype when Rowling realised what a bland blunder she'd made going with good guy house, bad guy house, nerd house, everyone else house.

>why in fuck are people waifuing a Slytherin?
Gryffindor/Slytherin is forbidden love and that's hot


>interhouse dating


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Attached: 07-07-18_3-56-55 PM.png (900x476, 506K)

Either post mods and trays or fuck off.

>2017: men who hate women are incels
>2019: men who like women are incels

Make up your mind lol, your stupid propaganda is contradicting itself.

my bad

Attached: 07-11-18_10-19-15 PM.png (900x476, 513K)

People who don't like what I like are incels

That's the best part

Attached: handholdgriff.jpg (800x720, 156K)

This is the same zip from last year, it looks nothing like the screenshots.

Good, but you should go to potions to hang out with best boy Snape.

1930s Germany?

>good guy house
It's more like troublemaker house. Sure, all the good guys are in it, but so is everyone who just likes mischief for its own sake.

Mad that a Chaddlepuff took your waifu?

>a-at least the books are good though...

How could he, I'm a puff too?

Merula should date a black mudblood guy from Gryffindor
truly the ultimate thinking man's fetish

Attached: 07-10-18_1-16-36 AM.png (900x476, 392K)

Why else would you oppose cucking every other house

jacob looks black no matter what so interracial is covered

he doesn't, that was just shitty lighting

because he is talking about Cedric

You faggots are the worst.

Not being in the same house as your gf is weird, Penny deserves a wholesome hufflepuff man.

literally a part of the game

Wait is Merula really going to cuck MC? Glad I stopped playing.

No. The protagonist HAS to be a Gryffindor

>getting to know the new kid vs stuttering blushing brother fucking tsundere

Didn't we establish already that Ymous is canonically Hufflepuff?

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Kinda funny in hindsight how they let you dance with her and take her on a date before doing that.

it's possible but nobody knows for sure yet

Look at that dork

100% canon

MC actually encourages her to accept her feelings for their brother, even if you tried to date her.

we got cucked?

pretty much

>Babby can’t handle a bit of NTR

>Le mis
PLEASE stop posting this I fucking hate it when anons try to get into literature and they start with the most boring fucking novels you could possibly read and quit immediately from being put off by gatsbys fucking yard snail pace and child level dialogue for adults it's not a good fucking point please stop recommending it fucking PLEASE IT'S SO GOD DAMN BAD

according to unfinished lines from future unreleased chapters released by dataminers that might happen in the future

>reddit's favorites remain pure while Yea Forums's favorite cucks them with an older guy

NTR is one of the shittiest fetishes only liked by subhuman scum.

This just proves that reddit has no taste

Seven years later and people still get hooked

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Reminder that Merula only gives a shit about Jacob because she's currently being consumed by her obsession for revenge and they both share a common goal.
The recurring theme for this year seems to be MC trying to "fix" all his friends after they've been negatively affected by what happened in the vault last hear, so chances are MC will bring Merula back to her senses soon. It still sucks but it's too early to draw any conclusions

can you romance her yet?

Never ever

You can take her on 2 (two) dates and she says that she might like you.


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Does emulation still work for this dumpster fire?

kinda, if you're on nox you need to create an instance that uses android 5.1.1, if you're on bluestacks it should work by default


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how do i get into this game


>he doesnt have a getting into games machine

>people will hate me for telling the truth

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What is the point of Gryffindor and Slytherin? They aren't even based on principles of education, it's just retards vs inbred retards trying to turn the school into a war-zone and eventually succeeding.

Only Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are necessary, and Hufflepuff just because some labor can't be done by house elves.

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holy hell you're a fucking retard user.

>/vg/'s witch waifu dates them only to polish their chad brother's wand instead


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I'll have my eyesocket fucked by a basilik before being part of the house of the literal whos

Based but where's Clifford?

This thread is some faggot shit, stay in your containment general.

so, was there ntr at the end?

is it me or Bill Weasley is the chaddest cunt in the entire british wizarding world

No user, you are the faggot

Alice's Adventures was good -- sorry user. Where's Dracula and Frankenstein? Those were good, too. 1984 was a sad read.

Why are people sorted into Slytherin just, you know, not admitted into the school? Should you really teach a bunch of psychopaths magic?

People have been shitposting about Merula cucking you since this game started, first it was with Barnaby, then Charlie and then Diego
so far nothing has happened yet

Why wouldn't they let the most gifted students in?

Look more carefully

Havent played since start of year six. Any new Temp sidequest? Whats the years 6 story, besides Bea being an edgy corrupted anal slut?

I mean, it's probably more about approach than morality. You could end up with a psycho Gryffindor too, as long as he was a psycho who wanted to do his thing alone.
Slytherin's just the "ends justify the means" faction, doesn't mean they've got all the psychos of the school.

>why in fuck are people waifuing someone from best house
It is a mystery.

Fucking loser, cute bullies are for turning the tables on and bullying with your dick

people are getting turned into statues and for some reason MC is obsessed with a shitty prophecy Trelawney randomly spouted at him during Divination class
also Fred and George are now MC's friends so more pranks soon probably


They should make a Harry Potter cartoon or something.

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Merlin was a psycho?

>tfw no bully type rpg game set in Hogwarts
I don't even care for Harry Potter much but I'd play the shit out of that.

Skyrim VR and Skyrim Special Edition

H'd have to be. Who in their right mind would let a kid be king?

This just proves that even bottom of the barrel shit tier games will attract players if they have good waifus. Take heed, game developing Yea Forumsirgins

I assume Slytherins pretty much rule Magical England, though. The kids that excel at ambition, cunning and nepotism are going to have a definite edge in politics.

A based and redpilled madlad

>Hogwarts was made in the medieval/late dark age era
>Merlin went there
Rowling should leave fucking up Arthurian legend to the French

>Hufflepuff just because some labor can't be done by house elves
Just look at this HuffleSwag and say that IRL and not online and see what happens, bitch.
Beside, in this hard times Hogwarts needs some motherfucking loyalty.

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lmao it's hilarious you disgusting neckbeards think you'd ever have a chance at pleasing a woman

Her table has already got turned on quite hard.
Naw she requires some extensive head patting.

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Well done Slytherin, well done...
"To all Gryffindors... Cheers. Cheers, my friends. It has been an honour. Cheers!"

Dumbledore fixes his eyes on the Slytherin table, completely ignoring Ravenclaw and the other one

"Now Slytherin... I know we have had our differences, but your ambition and hard work is truly something to behold. Admirable!"

the Slytherins are cautious. Dumbledore usually follows up a praise with some humiliation and injustice

"Indeed, I have a special treat for you all because of these traits. It's so good, that you'll love it despite its Muggle origin. It is a large apparatus which all of you can fit in which will confer all of you a deeply unique experience that shall benefit us all. A chamber of sorts. I have had that room over there fitted with the apparatus. Move along, children, shuffle into it now. You too, Snape*

the Slytherins flood into the room, some cautious and some excited

Dumbledore slams the door shut and enchants it to be locked and airtight. He turns to the other houses

"And that special treat? That "unique experience" the Slytherins shall all experience and you all won't?*


as Dumbledore's mouth foams during his blood-crazed tirade, the hall erupts into applause and a massive, inter-house orgy ensues. The Slytherins begin dying in the gas chamber. As Malfoy chokes on his own blood, Harry proves himself to be a sexual dominant member of the orgy

Dumbledore looks on with pride

*Years later Harry Potter tells recounts these events to his son, Albus, with Ginny smiling warmly at the memory.

"And that's how Dumbledore exterminated the Slytherin scum. HEIL GODRIC! Dumbledore truly was the greatest headmaster of them all, and a good friend"

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Have sex

Make Frens!

lel. Green and Yellow for victory.

Attached: 1532359892141.jpg (2000x1440, 939K)

Why isn't the magical world funding the pots?

Why do wizards in HP seem like a collection of absolute drooling morons?

Attached: 1562958629637.jpg (1080x1080, 63K)

Because a character can only be as intelligent as the person writing them.
See also GoT


>What is wrong with modern day western devs
Reminder that both lead writes for this game complain about "Nazis" daily on Twitter.

So, they turned Harry into a girl
and kumbrains are loving it

This, I enjoy the comunal jerk of sessions


Merula looks like such a dork

>the majority of people have shit taste
wow what a surprise


Why is Tulip so low?

Absolutely nobody wants to date an ugly turk with a one-note personality.

what's the point of making sims characters if you don't give them huge milkers? waste of time if you ask me

Not everybody likes huge milkers, I for one prefer a modest chest. but whatever floats your boat

she's japanese

Slytherin just means pure blood, magic terrorism is an offshoot of that. Kind of like white people and school shootings.

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Why does the one of the left not have her giant chin anymore?

Finally a dehposter


>He said calmly
That's a nice touch

Hufflepuff will rise

update soon frens

>Actually playing this "game"
Fuck off.

>Surprised when people actually play videogames on the videogames board

>hogwarts mystery
>video game
But of a leap there, m8

I am hufflepuff in the game and got a dubs roll in an asmr thread where they made my request of syltherin girl bullys you for being in hufflepuff

Slytherin girls are the best

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What day do they update?


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And how long does it take for platinmods to update?

the apk was actually updated yesterday (no new chapters were released) so platinmods and all the other hacked versions of the game should update soon if they aren't already
as long as you're on the latest apk version you'll receive every new chapter normally just as if you were playing legit

shes from some real pile of shit mobile game that has probably the most egregious monetization model you could imagine, where unless you like to wait a day to do a 5 minute task with no voice acting and little interactivity, you have to pay actual money to proceed in any area of the game. The fact people can find anything redeemable in this utter pile of rancid garbage is the most telling sign of posessing true tastelessness.

ty user, have a Merula

Attached: meru.jpg (250x250, 10K)

Somehow I got Gryffindor, wasn't expecting that. That was years ago though, I only took the last two just now.

...the hell's an Ilvermorny?

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A school of magic in the USA


I have no idea what this means but it's me.

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waifuists are actually insane. the waifu does not exist and never will. but you still delude yourself. why not find a real girl user, before they're all taken?

>The fact people can find anything redeemable in this utter pile of rancid garbage is the most telling sign of posessing true tastelessness.
No, it just means that soulful female character design can save anything


>merulafags spend 5 years to find out they were a cuck all along

Does this game at least have some rromance with her. If so I might download it.

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No, you're railroaded into the cuck route no matter what.

If you consider cuckolding romantic

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>>merulafags spend 5 years to find out they were a cuck all along
i thought it was 2

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>le epic cuck meme
you guys have been shitposting about it since year 4 and Merula's yet to cuck MC once, how do I know it's real this time?

Datamined and shared in the hogwarts mystery reddit.


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Snape is a good lad at heart.

a cute character design. look up some porn and be done with it, i laugh at the cucks that actually play this shit.

Just imagine, there are people out there who have paid money for that.

Draco wasn't evil.

I can't believe people are getting baited into believing the cuck meme.

Its just the favorite work of some people


no need to be this deep in denial she's not cucking you in real life lmao

I'm on his side, simply because cuckposters turn out to be invaders from reddit or some other shithole literally 100% of the time.

Brit Bong Cock?

She's Mongol

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He literally agreed to kill a man because some noseless freak asked him to.

So has this shit not come to an end?

And yet, thanks to one special girl, Hogwarts Mystery manages to be worth it despite being one of the dullest mobile games in the history of mobile gaming. Each year following the generic self insert and their pals from Hogwarts Academy as they tap assorted events is boring and sleep inducing. But aside from the cartoon imagery, the games only consistency, the excitement sparked whenever Merula appears, is magic enough to make inaction seem active.

Perhaps the die was cast when Jam City had the brilliant idea of making the main antagonist a cute girl; she ensured that the game could thus be called a work of art for people of superior taste. Just ridiculously overshadowing the characters of the books. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery might be anti-consumer (or not), but it's certainly worth playing for Merula's wonderful, beautiful, visage. No one can deny that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least Merula is cute though r-right
Her appearance is perfect; her characterization flawless. As I played, I noticed that every time Merula appeared on screen, my eyes became glued to her adorable gestures.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time I took a screenshot of Merula. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Jam City's mind was so intent on making Merula unlikable, yet they somehow succeeded in creating the perfect woman. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery by the same Anonymous. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to find inner peace." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read of Merula's exploits, you are, in fact, being purified by love

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it's a game designed to prey on its player base by trying to get them to spend as much money as possible, of course it hasn't come to an end

This chart proves that most players are females.
Barnabro for obvious reasons, Talbott has everything a broken moody boy has in your generic fanfiction.
And it is known that Merula enrages the twitter thots (even though they are the exact same reason they love Draco Malfoy for, though apart from being poor)
Her drawing equal with Andre is a bit insulting, but yet again, the chart is heavily skewed towards straight females.

>reading the part where Slytherins make fun of Hermione's teeth.
>watch movie
>see this
Did they make fun of her because her teeth weren't Britishly bad enough?

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This is the option you get when you date Penny or someone else.
Just because it's in the leaks doesn't mean you are forced to pick it.

Stockholm syndrome

they're used to getting called awful things while using 4channel, so they want a girl who will berate them too

Prove it, there's no alternative dialogue.

Not everything got leaked

I am completely caught up and have never paid a single cent

>jc writing a separate story for 7% of the players

this cope lmao

they might change it or add alternative options later in development, remember when the crucio chapter was leaked and it said we were supposed to actually learn the spell from rakepick and we could decide if we wanted her to torture that dude or not?


I'll admit I was wrong once the actual chapter comes out

I can't wait to hold Merula's hand while she gets bred by real dick in the next update. No one who genuinely loves a girl should deny her of her sexual fantasy.

you mean like how they also made a special story for people that hate penny and like beatrice?
or how they made an option where you can be an asshole to cedric while everyone knows not even 1% of people is going to pick that option?

have fun with that im going to have sex with penny instead

Only an ascended man can understand & appreciate the appeal of NTR.

Simple minds hate it because of the anguish. This is similar to how a child hates dark chocolate because of the bitterness. A developed mind appreciates contrast - bitter against sweet, anguish against arousal. They feed off of and mutually intensify one another. This is why netorare is the endgame fetish.

A lower being cannot know.

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>spend hundreds of dollars on a glorified gacha game to get the waifu you love
>it's written into the canon, in stone, that she drifts apart from you and gets deflowered by your brother

Bitterness is trash, NTR is trash, and you are literal trash for liking the taste of abject trash
Die horribly

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You're in denial. But the seed of self-discovery has already been planted within you. Within a year you will realize that the arousal you feel towards NTR isn't an accident.

>and you have no choice but to support it

1. This game isn't a gacha, it's a visual novel
2. You don't have to pay a dime to catch up
3. Most people have hacked resources to catch up quickly

It's a visual novel where you pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege of taking your waifu on a date?

Seems like gacha to me

That's a whole lotta projection there. Not everyone is a faggot like a wojak-posting ntr-loving bitterness-fucking faggot that you are
Down yourself to death

You're angry, not at me but at yourself. That shame will fade.

Play Super Deepthroat.

Attached: capture.png (377x738, 130K)

the date is also on a time limit

>where you pay hundreds of dollars
Where do you keep getting this shit idea from? No one sensible has spent any money on it and no one should.

>for the privilege of taking your waifu on a date?
That's not gacha you stupid retard, any more than choosing a girl in a Tales game or a Persona game is gacha

pictured: merula on her first date with your brother

Make the guy black.

make it yourself

Attached: MerulaHair.png (2000x2400, 104K)

this game is a fucking NTR goldmine, remember when Merula was taking private duelling lessons from this guy?

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Didnt that game die?What happened, is it being updated again?

>That look on their faces
You just fucking know most of their time together wasn't spent duelling.

>not admitted into the school? Should you really teach a bunch of psychopaths magic?

Let's assume you're right, let's assume Slytherin are basicly all a bad day from going full 'kill the mudbloods and muggles.' Why would you ever let someone like that out of your sight?

They're literally the most talented mages with centuries of magical learning behind each fucking lineage. If you don't let them in, what's you're hope, that they will somehow forget how to do fucking magic? Half of them probably have little sorcerous libraries of their own, entire magical arsenals left over as each generation accumulated their private journals and grimores in little libraries and catacombs, shit some of them probably have small armies of bound magical servants on retainer, they'll set themselves up as little kings all over the nation with no reason to cooperate and every reason to start accumulating their own power. Even untrained wizards can do some dangerous shit without a wand, what are you going to do when they all start digging up the family necrominon and there's nobody around to tell them 'hol up, we don't do necromancy like that.'

you faggots say that while in reality diego wants to fuck the mc

Diego WISHES it wasn't only spent dueling
But it was only spent dueling


>and why in fuck are people waifuing a Slytherin?
They're cucks

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I think Diego wants to fuck everything that moves
whether or not he is succesful at it is still up for debate, most of the girls he flirts with in the background seem to not mind but also don't look particularly into it

>ignoring in game dialog of Diego just so you can act like a retard on Yea Forums
kill yourself

I'm just hoping to get a chance after Jacob is done with her.

If you don't think the great gatsby is a good novel you're literally a pleb and you need to get the fuck back to /sffg/ or r/books

you first cuck

>This entire thread
are you all mentally ill?

Fuck off, cuck.

Before enlarging the image I could have swear I saw some pink in those eyes

God i can't wait for the cuck shit update to be released.
The sight of all the merulafags going absolutely nuclear will be priceless.

stop samefagging faggot

a lot of them switched to penny so theres not that many left

It's just the same two or three fags who lost their shit when Charlie showed up, and again when Diego showed up. Now they're losing their shit with this Jacob thing.
They'll keep hollering for a few weeks until they get tired, then it'll peter out to a couple >merucucks a day and the threads will be dehd once more.

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>The sight of all the merulafags going absolutely nuclear will be priceless.
you're witnessing it right now, all chapters get spoiled months in advance thanks to dataminers so don't expect much of a reaction

Yeah i was in threads when leaks were posted, but majority is still in denial stage

Where'd you get the outfit?

i was in the thread when the leak posted and the majority didnt care.
the fucking game is dying and no one cares anymore.

it's just default stuff m8

top lel


People got sick of shitposters trying to rile them up, so they left instead.

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its not shitposting if its in the game

>Still no werewolf on Penny art

Fuck off, shitposter.


if you want porn with animals merula has that

lmao 2snek

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No, I want Penny huggging cute animals
Merula is a bully

based and wholesome

because some mudblood subversive threatened to kill his parents, you mean.

reminder that deatheaters are a mudblood honeyplot.

But Merula likes cute animals too!
To be exact, Nifflers and Kneazles. Possibly also Puffskeins.

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Maybe, but Penny IS a cute animal herself

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So this game is mobile trash, right?

But is she THAT cute?

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Yes, in fact it's a trash even by mobile standards and no one in those threads claims otherwise.
But it has interesting characters and story.

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>Insults and kills werewolf

>Hugs and breeds werewolf

>Hugging a werewolf
She's friends with Chiara but don't tell me she still isn't even a little cautious

It's has two or three endearing characters and a garbage story

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Would Penny also take Troll's 'club'.

Attached: 4ae.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

What was the end result of interacting with Merula in this game? Could you actually waifu her?

Penny is friendly to everyone!

You can take her to a dance and out on a date which goes bad but then you stargaze for a bit and the story goes back to normal

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So is there a decent game of this franchise where you can self insert or it's just mobile and console shit?


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I selfinsert in meru fanfics from Yea Forums and /vg/

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outdated list


permanently current list

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update is out

yeah it is

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Anything new?
I wonder if the devs already saw the porn.

Snape was always a good guy deep down.

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Probably. They co-opt plenty of /vg/ memes but it's unsure if those are in turn taken from the r*ddit discord.

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where's that scp webm?

what the fuck bros I didn't come here to feel this way


What do her feet smell like?

cloves and nail polish

>devs are adding cuck shit on arry pot

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its not cuck shit if you waifu penny like a normal person

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Is this a Sims mod?

feels like I missed out on playing that

Broken arms

Who is this is and why in fuck

She dominated several boards for like a month, if you don't know who she is you're greener than grass.

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I'm pointing out OP is retarded you dip.

Oops. Guess I'm retarded too

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Nah, he was an incel cunt. If he happened to have a crush on literally anyone else, he'd remain at Deh's side.

Oh my God that voice

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Friendly reminder that Gryffyndor has roughly as many bullies as Slytherin

>Merula being jealous of MC hanging out with the transfer French girl

>bitch gets jealous of MC
>Cucks him whit this brother

this meme is getting old

inb4 >meme

>Les Mess
>1984 cuckholding
>Clifford bait
Such abysmal opinions you got there user

Are you being serious?

>People still respond seriously to this

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any TulipCHADS in here?

The Tulipian Deep State crumbled months ago, user. Find another hill to die on.

Second shittiest girl after Ismelda.

nah m8 liz is worse than both

fuck off racist

This is true.
>Diego siphoned Barnaby of his duelfag spot
>Liz then stole Barnaby's creature lover spot
>Now Barnaby's a legitimate paste eating, glue sniffing retard who thinks eating books will make him book smart.

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She's Merula and she's the only thing of value from the Harry Potter franchise.

This user knows

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Penny Haywood is the only thing of value from the Harry Potter franchise*

isnt that the dude from yugioh jayden or something?

Fuck Penny violently. Fuck Merula gently and lovingly.

Merula is taken.

Correct, she's mine

>thread is still up

*Laughs in canon*

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its still being played.
Had the same amount of bullshit fun a week ago.

It's not over till it's over

Penny is a boring thot, Merula is the only thing of value in this shitty franchise.

>Those posts where Snape comforts a MC who was cucked when we thought Merula was getting DRAGONED.

What a god damn hero.


Hufflepuff bicycle

Gamelet meme.

Now Merula...

>you will never be big tiddie witch teacher to molest Barnaby

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excuse me, #notAllSlytherin
thank you very much, sweaty

>24h merula thread hit the bump limit
Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.

real answer: because slytherin/purebloods have dumbledore by the financial and regulatory balls through their ((((council))))) of parents and richfags (infiltrated by death-eaters). and if they didn't go to hogwarts they could get poached by durmstrang and become foreign agents.

Let's hope all cuckfags die out by the time we have the next thread.

This is how it should be. Just one sleepy thread a week.

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Why does my brother look like Pucci?